Devotee Experience – Ramana

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Om Sai Ram,

Hi Hetal,

This is one of my experience which I would like to share. In the year 2001, I started working in a convenience store. Before this job I used to visit the Shirdi Sai Baba temple every Thursday. As I had to work in night shift, which starts at 8:00 PM till morning I used to take permission for every Thursday, so I can go to the work after the evening Aarathi. On one Thursday I have to start at 8:00 PM, I really felt something is missing in me and felt very sad for not attending the evening Aarathi. While passing the temple street I asked Baba to excuse me for not able to attend Aarathi. At the convenience store we close the main door at 12:00 AM and start window services to the customers.

Around 2:00 AM one elderly Christian NUN came to the store for fueling her RV trailer and she has a driver who drives her entire the country. I let her enter into the store as normally I was not supposed to allow anyone into the store because of security and cleaning reasons. She came into the store and purchased some Pay day candies and driver filled up around $100.00 of gas, she paid all the money and she was chanting some rhymes all the time she was in the store. While she was leaving I went out of my cabin and opened the door she left to the RV Trailer, and she came back as she forgot something and did went around the store and bought some more pay day candies and she paid full amount for the candies. And she gave me 5 candies to give away to people and told me not to sell again. While she was leaving I went out and asked her “Can I touch Your feet” as we Hindu’s take blessing from elderly. She said yes, when I reached her feet “She said SAI WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU and she gave me 4 more candies and asked to share with my wife, daughter and my son. And she left chanting some rhymes. I was so surprised by listening SAI‘s name from her and the candies she blessed by naming my family individually. With this experience I felt so happy and I thought as I could not go to the Aarathi, Baba came to me personally to bless me.

Since my childhood I believe in God. I believe God is everywhere, as we were taught and respected “To see God in front of us” in everything and every being with life or no life. I believe that very strongly. After my marriage first time I went to Sai Baba Temple in Dilshuknagar, I visited couple of times to Shirdi. I am requesting baba to call us as me and my wife with our kids is waiting very eagerly for his permission.

This incident remindes of a verse which we find in most of Shirdi Sai Baba temples, “IF YOU LOOK TO ME, I LOOK TO YOU”. Another point I noticed here is that elderly Nun first gave 5 candies and then gave 4, making a total of 9 (Shirdi Sai Baba gave importance to 9 types of Devotion and even He gave 9 coins to Laxmibai at the time of Mahasamadhi) . Great are Leelas of Shirdi Sai Baba !!!

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Indeed wonderful experience….a Nun blessing you with baba's name itself indicates it was baba…..and how can she know who all there in your family…..and the best was first five candies and then four…..
    Jai Sai Ram

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