Sai Baba Knows The Best For Us – Experience of Sachin

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Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Sachin says: Yesterday we had read how Baba pulled Sai brother Sachin towards Him and now in this post he proceeds to narrate how he got job with Baba’s grace.

Great is our Baba under Who’s grace His devotees can sleep without any fear and under Who’s protection we have left the well being of our families and friends. I have already posted my first experience of Baba regarding how I came under His grace and how Baba showed me the path of Shradha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience) through a dream and then Sai Satcharitra. Since that time and even now, I have been experiencing constant replies from Baba may be through his holy book or in dreams.

It was the month of October 2007, when I was searching for my job and side by side I used to visit Baba ji’s temple near my house. I used to spend most of my time in temple as it always gave a feeling of ecstasy sitting there and listening to Baba ji’s dhun whose echoes can fill anybody’s heart with joy. It was totally divine. Days passed with the same routine but I could not find any job. Then I went for an interview for merchant Navy.

By Baba’s grace I cleared that interview and also cleared the medical test. So everything was prepared and I was about to join merchant navy. But my mother was very scared of Navy as the people in Navy have to spend months in ship. She was also scared of sea accidents (like sinking of ship). She did not tell me about all this but inside she was scared. She is also an ardent devotee of Baba ji. I told her that as far as Baba is with me, nobody can hurt me, no accidents can occur to me. But even I was not sure about that from inside (May be I was so foolish that I could not understand the greatness of my Baba ji). Because we have heard a lot about ships sinking in the sea. I then came to Baba ji’s temple and quietly prayed to seek His help. On returning home, I opened a blog on internet which was regarding the sea accident. I was quiet astonished to see that, as my prayer was answered quickly.

I started reading that blog which was a story (Most of the Sai Devotees are aware of this story) of a captain who was in navy during the first world war. He was also a devotee of Baba ji. During the war he was on ship, when suddenly his warship started sinking. Many people drowned in sea. He with no option left, started praying to His merciful Lord SAI BABA. Suddenly he saw a huge hand holding the sinking wooden block on which captain was lying. The hand was gigantic. The captain was saved. On the other side, Baba was sitting in Dwarkamai with His devotees when this incident was taking place. Suddenly Dwarkamai was filled with water and devotees sitting there were awfully watching all this. Suddenly Baba ji rose his hand as if He was saving somebody and He Himself became wet. Devotees were surprised stricken to see all this. One of devotee drank this water considering it as holy water (tirth water) and it tasted salty as if it is sea water. But they were not able to understand what was happening. It was only after a week or so when the captain came to take darshan of Baba ji that they all came to know what Baba ji’s leela was behind all that.

This experience was enough to bring tears in my eyes and all fears regarding sea and my job vanished there and then. I could feel Baba ji’s omnipresence. This experience still shakes me when I think that how Baba ji responded so quickly to my prayer and that too, so appropriately. This is enough to prove that Baba ji is still here with us and He will always be here for us. I can feel Baba ji’s presence near me every time. As He is there. However, I did not join merchant navy because of other reasons. But that was also due to Baba ji’s grace. Now I am working as a software engineer in an IT company. How I got job here is also a Leela of Baba ji. This experience I will share in my next mail. OM SAI RAM.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


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