We Got Job With Baba’s Grace – Sai Devotee Shalini and Seema

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Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Shalini from India says: Hi, Hetal ji. I am Shalni from Chandigarh. This will be my second post to you. As i want to share my recent experience with all the Sai Devotees.

I am really thankful to you for having such a nice blog. May Sai Baba bless you always.

“Achutem Keshvam Ram Narayanam Kisna Damodaram Vasodavem Hari, Shridharam Madhawam Gopika Balabham Janaki Nayakam Ramchandram Hari”

I was searching for a good job for the last 5-6 months. But due to recession, i was not getting any good job. I kept on waiting patiently for this auspicious time. As i always remember Two Words Of Sai Baba: Shradha And Saburi.

Its very hard to have patience sometimes but when its fruit comes, its really very sweet. Sometimes when i really got sad and depressed then i used to ask question to Sai Baba, He always replied me in a positive way. It really motivated me about not to loose any hope. Today, with the grace of Sai Baba, i got selected in a good company. Sai Baba always been a ray of hope and happiness in my life. His holy book of questions and answers is a beautiful gift from him to all of us. I always talk with Him with the help of this wonderful book.

Om Sai Ram

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Seema from India says: Jai Sai Ram Hetal Ji, few months back, i have shared my experience with all of you that how Sai Baba has helped me in getting a good job even in the recession time. After joining my new company, Sai Baba sent me UK for few days for some official purpose. He again helped me in getting visa. As there were so many problems in getting UK Visa. Last week, i got confirmed in my new company. Only because of Baba, I got confirmed in this company. Also, He has helped me in one personal problem also which i couldn’t share with all of you. Not only this, He is calling me at Shirdi also. I am going to Shirdi on November 28, 2009. Sai Baba is always with me even in my bad days. I don’t know how can i express my feelings for Sai Baba in words. I can say only one thing that i love Sai Baba a lot and can’t think about my life without her. I hope i would be sharing my new experience with all of you very soon.



© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Hello seemaji sairam,

    While reading ur experiences … i am stuckup with the line "HIS HOLY BOOK OF QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS IS A BEAUTIFUL GIFT FROM HIM TO ALL OF US." What is this book.Where can i get this book.
    If u have any softcopy please send it.Otherwise please give details about that book i will try to buy it.

    Hetalji if u know and if u have any details regarding this please help me in getting this book.I want to get that book and get answers directly from sai prabhu.

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