Forwarding experience of Sai brother Biswanath ji.
Biswanath says: Om Sai, Shri Sai, Jai Jai Sai
I was led to the grace of Shri Sai Baba last year when my entire life was so messed up and there were problems all around surrounding me. Let me relate the incidents which happened to my family last year.
Om Sai, Shri Sai, Jai Jai Sai
- We (Me and my wife) bought a house in Bangalore worth more than what we can afford. We bought it hoping that we will settle there and will not have to think of moving to rented houses every year or so. I was proud of the achievement of buying the house. All of a sudden the Bangalore Development Authority(BDA) the official organization of allotment of land found that there was some problems in allotting the plot to the 1st allotted (which happened 3 years back) and they canceled the entire allotment. We did not know as what happened as it was no more than a vacant land and a house was built on it and it was sold to us. The first allottee did not take any responsibility and neither was he in a mood to help us sort it out. I did not know what was happening and all my salary was spent in the EMI and payment of the loan. I consulted a lawyer and he said that he cannot file a case without the original papers send by the BDA in this regard. The 1st allottee had lost the original BDA letters and went absconding when I tried to reach him. I fell apart and had sleepless night, as I did not know what to do. Just before the lawyers office there was a small temple having Shri Sai Baba and Lord Ganesha. I sat there crying profusely as I felt that I had lost everything. I fell before Shri Sai Baba’s feet and prayed “Hamari raksha karo”, Please save us.
I started visiting Sri Sai Baba when ever I got a chance. After some time I got the attested papers from one of the BDA agent. I was able to file a case to get a Stay Order to BDA’s cancellation in 2 weeks. In December 2009 by Shri Sai Baba’s grace, we won the case.
Om Sai, Shri Sai, Jai Jai Sai
- In the same time when the problem regarding the house started, my professional life also started getting worse. My supervisor started insulting and abusing me whenever he got an opportunity. I used to get nightmares that I would be thrown out of the job. Talking to my manager’s supervisor(director) also did not help in sorting this issue as it became worse. I used to return home, cry to GOD as I was so deeply humiliated and also there was the loss of property. I started visiting the temple. I was worried that I would lose my job and how would I take care of the loan and family expenses.
While praying to Shri Sai Baba, I was assured internally that my family will have enough food in plate. Shri Sai Baba, gave me a job in a far better company than I was working and with a good hike in the same week when we won the case. The interview process was very hard but by Lord’s grace I was able to clear all of them. Shri Sai Baba is great.
Om Sai, Shri Sai, Jai Jai Sai
- Along the same time when all these problems surrounded me, my wife was pregnant with our second child. Due to the tensions and problems, I was not able to devote any time to the family and was also irritated. My wife was taking care of the family matters and our first child. She also developed some kind of complication and I had to admit her twice in the hospital. The doctor told her to take complete bed rest for some time and not to exert herself. I did not know what to do and I prayed to the Lord to show me the path as what I should do. Shri Sai Baba showed me the path. He led me to keep my wife in my in-laws house, who were residing in the same town.
By Shri Sai Baba’s grace, my wife delivered a baby. Both the child and the mother are in good health. Apart from it my wife also got a hike in her salary. She was working from home. This added to our financial stability. My first child got an admission in a very good school which has very few seats. All these things happened by the divine grace of Shri Sai Baba.
Om Sai, Shri Sai, Jai Jai Sai
Shri Sai Baba, Lord – Please be my guru and lead my way. Please keep me with you now and always. Please remove my ego and pride. I love you Lord. Lord bless me and my family and show us the path.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
I don't have much more idea about Siridi SAI. But,I heard that HE has a magic power. By just surfing net i got to know about this site and from 5-6days I'm reading daily message of SAI.
Currently I'm facing a lot of problem in professional life as well as personal life. As a nature of mine I'm very shy type girl.I have completed my master degree in Computer application ,with securing top mark from university. I had a keen interest to get a job in DBA line unfortunately i'm not to this line rather I'm in marketing line. where my co-workers are not supporting to me and seriously i'm not satisfied with this job. From my childhood ,I never demand for anything always happy whatever comes. I am from middle class family and i care a lot to my parents.I always want that my parent should be live in a happy life forever.Presently ,i'm not staying with my parents as i'm staying with my relatives where few days latter they told me so much words which i can not write here. I don't know what happened,suddenly before some days there was a very big gap created between my friends and me. The real thing is that deepa, my friends are very good no doubt .but the thing is i can not explain them because i'm fearing that if i'll tell about my relative then it may be create a bad impression to them which i don't want because i'm staying with them.2nd thing is that my father is a handicapped person ,He has lots of other tension in his life .so I never want to tell him about this matter. 3rd thing there is a very good friend who was studying with me in my university , I remembered that , one saint came to one place where i & that boy and one of my friend also there . when i asked to saint to tell somthing He immediately said to me that that boy is loving me although that boy refused at that point but he was helping me in my need. But,i can not tell anything to that boy.But I think he will must understand me. with carrying lots of problem ,i'm really becoming a depressed mind which is completely against to my nature which is beyond my imagination. I don't know what will happen in next coming period ,and I can not guess also. I think today i wrote everything to you which i can never told to my very close relatives,not to my parents,not to my friends and not even to that friend.
If by not telling about my sorrows to anybody is a biggest mistake in my life.Then SAI BABA forgive me.My intention is only to keep all the relations best.
hri Sai Baba, Lord – Please be my guru and lead my way. Please keep me with you now and always. Baba please bless me with a job Please remove my ego and pride. I love you baba. baba bless me and my family and show me the path. Baba please guide me in the right direction sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam
om sai ram
Please help me swami, my relations are getting worse.Also I know I am not a good person, but I want my swami to help me get rid of my ego and pride but not by humiliating me. Please swami help me, you know all I can't take tensions any more nor can I deal with responsibility. I am very stressed out. My confidence is at its lowest right now. Please help swami.