I am sharing few more experiences in today’s post.

Baba Blessed Us A Boy Baby

Anonymous Devotee says: Hi Hetal Ji ,

Please don’t disclose my name and place, and edit where ever you want. This is my third mail, before I sent a mail to pray for my baby and pregnancy because I lost my first baby while delivery. Now by Baba’s grace, we blessed us with a boy baby.

Really I felt blessed after I read my mail in your website. Thank you so much for that. After a lot of critical, I am blessed with my baby. In my seventh month, there was less amniotic fluid. Doctor asked me to put trips weekly trice and in last 9th month baby didn’t put weight for two weeks. So we took our baby in 9th month (in middle on august 29th) myself and delivered a boy baby. We named him Kiruthik Pranav. Thank you so much all Devotees, who prayed for me and my baby. Baba, really thank you so much for being with me throughout my pregnancy. Baba, please be with my son throughout his life and bless him good health and long life to live. Thank you so much Baba. Please bless my entire family and be with us. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Experience

Anonymous Devotee says: Hello Hetal Ji, I wanted to post an experience /leela which I and my family experienced yesterday. I have attached the pics too. Kindly do not disclose my identity. Please publish it under anonymous. Om Sai Ram. We live on a small Caribbean island, where there is loads of breeze and our apartment is situated close to the beach. We have lots of small birds/pigeons/other types of birds sitting in front and back of the apartment. We feed them with their bird food, which we get from the supermarket or with rice /bread. We just enjoy it. I will say that we are just the medium; actually it’s Baba, who is making us do it. Sai Baba’s kripa has always been on my family. I have so many wonderful beautiful Sai Experiences and I am so glad and lucky that I am like you people belong to Sai Family. Jai Sainath. Everybody, who is a Sai Bhakta must be knowing how our Baba gave Sadgati to a ferocious Tiger at Shirdi during His lifetime. But even now in His invisible cute ways, He has given Sadgati to this cute little bird, which came to Baba last evening. This happened yesterday around 8.00 pm. I, my wife and my son, we were watching the ICC cricket awards in our living room and this cute little bird flew in from the open window in our living room and sat directly on the cabinet right beneath, where Baba’s small table top calendar with Baba’s sayings is kept. We just saw it and ignored it and said maybe it will fly away soon. It was very quiet and was just sitting there peacefully. So we also did not feel like shooing it away. I said that I will later in the night try to take the bird and keep it in the balcony at least and we moved on and got busy with our dinner. Since being Saturday, we went out for a drive. Normally we shut the windows whenever we step out of the apartment. But we said let the bird enjoy the cool breeze and it might fly away from the direction it has come. So we just left it open; anyhow Baba is taking care of our house. It’s His house why we worry. We came back and time was around 11 pm. Still the bird was there sitting as if in deep meditation. My son touched it, but it didn’t move. Being Saturday, we sleep late and these days we are watching the serial “Devon Ke Dev Mahadev” based on Lord Shiva. The episode we were watching was when sati was in deep Yog Nidra. So we were also joking that the bird too was in deep Yog Nidra and that too in front of Baba. My son went and clicked few pictures of the bird and it opened its eyes due the flash, but kept quiet and went in to its meditation I think. I did not want to close the window as I felt it might feel suffocated and let it enjoy the breeze and it might fly away early in the morning. My wife told she will see to it as she will wake up early and check on it. We went to sleep. Around 8 am, my wife went to check on it and the bird was lying on the floor dead. It had given its Pranas in front of Baba and we thought how lucky the bird is. My wife applied Baba’s UDI and kept it covered with the white paper towel. Mind it all this time we didn’t notice Baba’s words on the calendar. Due to heavy breeze which we get whenever the apartment’s main door and the living room windows are open. Baba’s table top sayings calendar shuffles around and settles to a different date. And when I saw, it was settled on the date July 2. I was simply smiling. The words were "I DRAW MY DEVOTEES TO ME AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH EVEN THOUGH HE IS THOUSAND MILES AWAY". Wow I said the bird was indeed lucky and how Baba has pulled all the strings and showed/proved again that He takes care of His bhaktas in whatever form they may be humans, birds or animals. The bird must know its fate and flew in at a right time and sat in front of Baba and was indeed in meditation and left its soul/pranas in front of Baba. Baba took care of it and ensured its Sadgati. The Bird was applied Baba’s UDI and before burying it, I got it touched to Baba’s feet in our small pooja room and it was buried right under a small palm tree where it must have played chirped around with its family /friends.

Prayer To Sai Ganesha

Anonymous Devotee says: Om Sri Sairam Hetal Ji, Thank you from all the devotees throughout the world for giving us this wonderful platform to share our experiences.Please DO NOT DISCLOSE my name, email id or country and let me remain anonymous. I am writing this on Ganesh Chaturthi day. I thank our Sai Ganesha for helping me write here. I can feel you are making me write. I can see your "Shirdi Live Darshan" screen in midst of the Share your experience screen. I don’t know from where this screen has suddenly appeared, but thank you so much for appearing here and making me write. I do not know where to start from. I vaguely remember that I was very attracted to Baba, when I was about 8 or 9 years old. We had gone to the famous Durga temple in Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh) and pleaded my dad to buy me a Sai Statue wearing a red colourd kafni. My dad bought it for me. I was extremely happy on the day. Even today when I remember that particular incident, I am filled with joy as I feel that was when I was enlisted in Baba's darbar. Since then there was no looking back and I feel Baba was with me all the time through the ups and downs in my life. I very strongly believe it is not only Shraddha and Saburi, but also being kind to fellow human beings, trying as much as possible not to hurt anyone deliberately that brings us closer to Baba. It is easier said than done but definitely not impossible. The more you practice the more Baba helps you to become a good human being. I am having tears in my eyes when writing this, but Baba I have nothing to ask for because I know You will give me whatever is the best. Baba, we take as You give. My only request is to always keep me at Your feet. Please give me strength to face life with all its ups and downs. Please bless me to be a good wife, good mother, good daughter-in-law, good daughter and a good sister and above all a good human being. Please bless me to never get ill-feelings towards others. Please give me a good heart so I could pray for others as well, not just my family. Please also bless my husband and both my sons to be good human beings. Please always be with my sons and help them make the right decisions by choosing good over bad. Please inculcate good habits and noble thoughts in them. I once again pray to our Lord Sai and thank Him for being with me as my father. My father passed away, when I was 17 and I always feel Sai has been my dad. Sarve Janaa Sukhino Bhavantu. Akhilaanda Koti Brhamanda Naayaka Raajaadhi Raaja Yogi Raaja Parabrhama Sri Satchitananda Sadguru Sri Sainath Maharaaj ki Jai!!
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Anil Gupta
Anil Gupta
Articles: 376


  1. Wonderful experiences especially the 2nd one. I think Baba pulled the bird towards him to give moksha to the bird. The bird is really lucky to be close to Baba at the time of it's death.

    Baba, please bless me with a child as I'm waiting for your blessings since long time.

    Om Sai Ram.

    • dear devotee…sai baba ji will very soon bless u with a healthy child,,just completely surrender on his lotus feet.may sai give u loads of happiness in coming year..pls babaji bless her

  2. OM SAI RAM…..
    seriously this is our goodness and the fruitfulness of our past life karmas that everyday we come to know about the wonderful experiences of SAI devotees and this is only possible because of our SAIMA BLESSINGS….
    SAIMA is present everywhere.. may be HE is looking at me while writing this post or may be he is observing you while reading this…..
    OM SAI RAM!!!

  3. Hetal ji please post that lucky bird's pic also, so that each and every devotee will get more confidence.. we can learn from that little bird to have patience to receive our beloved Sai maa's blessings!! beautiful experiences..

    Jai Sai Ram

  4. om sai ram

    great experience thanks for sharing

    jai sai baba

    may baba bless all his devotees and their families

    sadguru sainath maharaj ki jai

  5. Supergood experieces specially the BIRD DEVOTEE…..I am in an absolute awe of this experiene thinking that the bird is EXTREMELY LUCKY and it is indeed Baba who has given the little bird sadgati. Baba please also give me sadgati and call me at your lotus feet at the time of my death. I am sorry Baba that my mind thinks useless and bad things. Please give me goodness in thoughts,

    Love you Sai Baba
    Jai Sai Ram!

  6. Thanks Anonymous devotee (who posted at Saturday, December 08, 2012 10:05:00 AM ) for praying Baba to bless me with a healthy child.

    Om Sai Ram.

  7. Beautiful experiences! 1st devotee, even though you had to go through the very difficult experience of losing your first child, Baba blessed you with a wonderful and very happy baby boy and I am sure he will have blessings of Sai Baba as well throughout his life. 2nd devotee, the story of the bird is truly amazing and Baba must have called the bird to come and get blessings before it passes away, just as Baba told Kote Patil about his impending demise, I am sure the bird will be reborn in a higher form and will come again to Baba. 3rd devotee, it is wonderful that you have done so much to trying to be a good person and all efforts you have taken will be seen by Baba and help to give you good karma so that you and your family will do well. Om Sai Ram!

  8. Feeling so much blessed for having included in sai darbar thru ur blog hetal ji..kodi kodi pranams to u..the bird experience is really touching..he is sarvantharyami..he is the universe..

  9. Felt Awesome just by reading all your experiences… thanks you so much Baba for giving me such a wonderful chance to read your leelas

  10. Please sainath jab me apna result check karoon to mujhe pass karwa dena baba, ab bhagwaan hi meri aankri ummeed hai. Plz everybody pray for me. May god answer your prayers as well.ohm sai ram.

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