Power Of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Following is touching experience by an anonymous devotee.

Anonymous Devotee from Thailand says: Our First Introduction to Sai was in 1994 although my Grandparents have been worshipping Baba since 80’s or even 70’s. I used to see a photograph of Baba in my Grandparents place, in Orange dress in Blessing style, I normally prayed to Baba like any other God. Today, Baba is everything for me. I see Baba in every God and every place because Baba said He is everywhere and there is only God. I strongly believe God is one and all of us are His creation.

Sister Hetal Ji, My Humble Salutations at the holy feet of Our Shri Saisamarth. Namaskar and pranam to you. I am doing this because I think you are spiritually much advanced than me towards Baba although you are younger to me. Please do not disclose my Identity as it’s not of Important. This is my latest experience, which I wanted to write down and post in this Baba medium webpage. Somehow I started off this on Thursday, which is Data Guru Jayanthi. It just happened accidentally and I did not plan to write today. Guess it’s our Deva’s plan.

Before I start my experience, I would like to remind one thing to all devotees. Every Human being is selfish. We always expect for something and when we don’t receive or achieve, we get upset, sad, hatred. Well what not. But Sai was one such living God, Who never expected anything from anyone except happiness. He always said, devotees live happily I do not want anything from you. I just reminded of it so I thought I should write down. So, our Love towards Baba should be unconditional. My humble salutations at Your holy feet my Deva.

I have shared quite a few experiences “Baba appearing as a Black Dog” “Baba cured my Daughters Leg”..etc. I performed Navguruvar Vrat as I was having up’s and down’s in Business. People were not honest, people talk sweet, when they need and promise you anything even in writing and later everything gets changed, once they get what they wanted. This was happening to us. I had worked on many tender projects, but we couldn’t receive money due to approvals of licenses pending from Government. But again Sai Grace, I will stress this, only by Sai Grace we received some deposits, which kept me live for almost a year. We waited for almost 2 years and there was no sign of approval for all projects we worked. So I was in desperate situation to get some or at least one our licenses approved. I have no help at all, believe me, this is no exaggeration. People will talk to you and respect and even make friends, when we have money or something they could benefit with. So it was obvious that I had none at these bad times and my only hope, strength and courage was Baba. Baba was like my friend, who listened to my problems, Baba was like my mother to console me and Baba was like my father to encourage me and keep me positive. In all these times, Baba’s “Shri Sai Satcharitra” and “Shri Kaparde Diary” were my only companion.

As I was sailing through these times, In July 2012, I got a lead to participate in a Project with approved license from Government. This is a rare case as there were no projects in market, after working very hard for almost 6 months, we lost the project. We got the news that this project was awarded to another company with no much experience. But the contract was awarded by mere lobbying. All hopes were drained down and didn’t know what to do next. But I had complete faith in Sai. So I promised to start “Navguruvar Vrat”. I started and a week would have completed. I got news that the Project, which was officially confirmed, had not been signed yet and now the company, which has to award the contract, has some problems with the contract receiving party. My business partner called me and said we might have a chance now. I was stunned and speech less, this is no joke. The contract value is USD $ 65 million. I knew this is all Sai’s Leela. I looked at Baba and heart fully prayed to make it happen. After this, we worked for almost 3 months again with many issues, arguments, and misunderstandings amongst the partners, but everything was resolved by Sai’s grace. Finally our commission contract was signed, one in December and the other one 2 weeks ago. We are waiting for our first payments, by Sai’s grace everything will go smoothly.

My purpose of sharing this experience is for two things:

  • How one faces challenges in real life.
  • How Baba changes everything if we have complete faith and patience.

We also need true devotion and love. Besides worship, it is a very important thing. Always be a helping hand. Do not expect anything in return. But business is a different issue. We all do Business to make some gains. But when doing any social service, please do it whole heartedly without any expectations and this will please Baba a lot. A social service can be feeding Animals, feeding poor, and donating food to poor on street, donating money to old age homes, sick people and orphans. Jai Sai Ram, I wish that people do not have much worries and lead a normal and happy life.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Wonderful experience.

    O Deva, let our faith and perseverance grow. Guide us and bless us as we cross this ocean of life. Forgive us our mistakes and help us gain love and peace.

    Thank You for everything O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  2. i have been literally waiting from morning to read the post…..no probs all is well ……post is worth waiting…loved it:)

  3. om sai ram, thanks for sharing. what you said is true. Every one faces challenges in life, if we have faith and patience everything will be resolved.

  4. can some body please give me suggestion. I used to pray sai whole heartedly. Lot of my wishes are fulfilled. But now I feel I am not praying baba whole heartedly. Some how I feel I am praying sai only to fulfill my wishes. I feel so guilty. Don't know why for past couple of weeks I am feeling this way. When I am in deep distress I prayed sai from bottom of my heart, now my life is ok, but still I am asking for material things, but I want much more than that, but don't know how to be close to sai without this material requests. Please any sai devotee help me. Thanks.

    • dear sai friend read sai satcharitra. its unusual for me that i am suggesting someone to read religious book but i have to. i experienced the miracle and peace after reading it.

    • Your Prayers had been answered and Your Wishes had been fulfilled by Sai for your livelihood. Now your Desires have increased as your basic needs have been met.Please remember, Deserve Before You Desire. Help the needy,poor, orphan children, old People to the extent you can without any expectation for your good deed. Sai will reward you. You request should be unconditional. Pray for others and your Family. Not for you.
      Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

    • Aum Sai Ram…

      As Sai helps and directs us in all the time even with out knowing that he is helping us, we also have to be with Sai at all our Good and Bad times praying him to make this Universe a good one and if possible by doing some service may be in any form as per our convenience in day to day life but yes while doing we even should not think about any materialistic return which can be definitely possible in practice after we start doing some thing as again our Sai will direct that if we have faith in him. Also if possible it is suggested to do Satcharitra reading atleast once in our life time so that many doubts and advices we get from it as and when the time passes with the divine blessings of Sri Sai..

      Sorry for this long post and i thought to share it as part of my little experience and service to Sai.

      JAI SAI RAM…

  5. BABA LOVE U……………..u have answered my doubts rotating in my mind through this devotee's exp that evrythng is possible by ur grace……….

  6. Om Sai Ram.

    Love you a lot my sweetest and cutest Gurudeva. Love you a lot lot lot Baba !

    May your blessings reach all of us always. Baba, tomorrow is my Suna's Birthday. Please do come and bless him abundantly and make him your staunch Devotee soon. Love you a lot Baba and many many THANKS to you for everything.

    Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

  7. Well written. The only hope during hard times is almighty,Life would be more peaceful if all of us can understand the true meaning of FAITH, All the best for your new project.

  8. Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram

  9. Nice experience! Your experience shows how we should have faith and patience (as Baba says) in Baba's plan for us, as initially your business projects didn't work, in the end with Sai Baba's grace, everything worked out well. Baba helped many others in business ventures, as Baba knows it also helps us perform our duties to help our family members and for food, shelter, medicine, clothing, etc. Om Sai Ram!

  10. for the devotee, who wants some guidance about praying to Sai, well!! I am no saint – but the thing that comes to my mind – I'd write here.

    We all keep asking Baba for material things and feel guilty …….so don't feel bad about it…..There is nothing hidden from Baba as He is inside you and He knows that you are feeling bad about your asking Him for material things……what is lacking here is complete faith in Him perhaps – which is what makes us keep asking Him for things until we get it…..but Baba is Omniscient and He grants wishes only when it is the right time – see there is a story in Satcharitra about a person going to Shirdi for 7 years – but nothing happens – when he decides to take his life – Baba sends Sagun Meru Naik at the same time to remind him – how cowardly and wrong it would be to commit suicide and Naik reminds him of a similar story happened during Samarth Akkalkot ji Maharaj's time – so my friend, I would say just have complete faith – and keep yourself reminding of every single occasions when Baba has helped you in past even if was the tiniest matter in your life – that will keep you going…..All Baba needs is a complete devotion and He will bless you at the right time – you have to keep doing your bit – it is His Leela only that He is inspiring me to write here to you ………so take it as a beginning of your good time……also you have to enjoy and take pleasure out of every small thing in your life – and believe me it gets better and bigger …..Om Sai Ram!

  11. OM SAI RAM

    Your are great Baba, Your leela is great.

    Yes, baba does care of all the businesses, just one condition, surrender all of your efforts at his feet.

    Please make me to suurender my thoughts & actions at your feet.

    Love you Baba,

    SAI PREMA To all.

  12. jai sai ram to my all friends
    i was very sad from 2-3 days because i was expecting returend from our loved ones .but after reading ur exp. i feel so light and calm.

  13. Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram

    I love you Baba

  14. Wonderful post..thank you for sharing this. I remember your previous posts as well…it was a pleasure to be able to read them as well. You always remind on how we shouldn't lose faith on Baba and wait with patience.

    May Sai give you great success and bless your family with lots of joy, good health & prosperity

    Om Sai Ram


  16. Jai Sai Ram,

    I am the author of the above experience and very glad that my experience is posted after much waiting. Thank You Sister Hetal for taking your time and posting my experience and also thank you Brothers and sisters for reading my post. Most of you have said, I have narrated it very well. Thank you but in fact I am not a good narrator at all and I don't know how it happens that every time i start to compose Baba stories or experiences, words and sentences just flow out and this itself is Sai's blessings and I very much wish every one of you has the same experience.

    We have already received our first payment and by Sai's grace everything is going on well and it will go well.

    all i want to say is that, life is full of challenges so we should take it as it come and never be afraid of it. when ever i become a little down, i remember Baba words the way Sai use to cheer up devotees around him and Baba always said be bold do not be afraid of anything.

    Be contend, Please be honest, please be a helping hand, please respect elders and most of all take care of your parents.

    I sincerely pray for every one success and wish there are less problems and more joy in this world.

    My humble salutations to your old and pious feet deva.

  17. Beautiful experience . om sai ram. baba.. take care of all the devotees and family..

    love you baba.
    oma sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram,
    om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram.

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