Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3121

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Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Miracles At Work

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: Hi Hetalji! Here I am narrating one of many miracles of Baba in my work life for the benefit of your readers. Please note that I would like to remain anonymous. Also, apologies for the long story. I didn’t know what to keep and what to omit. Please feel free to edit it for an easier read.

I am from Australia and wanted to share an experience of Baba’s grace in my work life. Earlier in the year, I was given an opportunity to advance my skills in an existing role. The opportunity would have been a great one however the task given to me for the assessment of the skill proved too difficult for me and even though I prayed to Baba, I did not put enough faith in Him and somehow ended up failing at it miserably and also copped a great deal of embarrassment. Although the cause of the failure was not completely my fault, it affected me a great deal to the point where every new learning opportunity thereafter became reason for immense anxiety because of the fear of failing and embarrassing myself again in front of my work colleagues. The anxiety was also beginning to seep into my daily life and I began dreading work.

Some months later, the opportunity to advance the same skill came to me again and I decided to brave another go at it but this time, I decided to put Baba first in my mind before I began. I promised Him that if I passed then I will share my experience with other devotees on this website.

The first hurdle was ensuring that I got my pre-requisites correct. I began working on the initial steps. My colleague, however, told me that the case I was given was not complex enough and that I would not be allowed to submit it for an assessment. I was disheartened at first as I had already given my word to my assessor. However, despite it being simple, Baba had arranged for an alternate assessor for me who wasn’t too harsh on the case complexity requirement as long as my coach could give a good justification. And luckily, Baba arranged a very good coach for me who was also very kind and sent the justification to my assessor immediately on my request. First hurdle was crossed.

The second hurdle was that I needed to complete the activities within as short a time as possible as it had a tight completion deadline. Somehow, Baba arranged everything so well that the meetings happened easily. He also gave me the perfect set of team members. The team was assembled in no time and our meeting schedules also surprisingly did not have any conflicts. My team members were also experienced in their areas so I never felt uneasy and got great solutions!

After the team meetings concluded and I had sufficient data, it was time for me to write the report. This was my third hurdle, however, as I was met with a mental setback. In between, I lost time due to full three-day trainings and afterwards, anxiety had crept in my heart again. I became paralysed by the fear of failure and my fickle mind forgot Baba. I kept doubting and was convinced that I will fail my assessment and would be embarrassed again. The fear paralysed me to the point where I started putting off writing my final report, wasting another 3 days. The next day my approver emailed me to hurry up and give him an update that afternoon (within 3 hours). I was still stuck in my anxiety and couldn’t start writing the report. My mind was blank. I then reminded my fickle mind of Baba and told myself, what happens is His will and continue going regardless of the fear. I told myself that it doesn’t matter even if I fail. Whatever happens, good or bad is Baba’s will. I prayed to Him mentally and started writing. While working I kept chanting ‘Sai, Sai.’

I don’t know how, but somehow, within two hours, I had completed the whole report. The moment is a blur to me. But all I know is that it was Baba Who did it, I was merely an instrument. I was able to email the approver the first draft with one hour to spare.

The fourth hurdle was getting my managers to agree with my final conclusions and recommendations before I sent the report for assessment. However, it so happened that on the very next day I had sent the draft, I found out my managers had changed. I lost another 3 days waiting for my new manager to finally read and review my report. But I waited patiently chanting ‘Sai, Sai’. I also used the Sai Question Answer website to ask Baba what to do and He told me to keep chanting, the work will happen by Thursday. This gave me hope and I kept having faith in Baba and kept chanting ‘Sai, Sai’. My new manager reviewed and we had some back and forth of the report but eventually, His words came true. By Thursday, my report was finalised and I was able to send it for assessment.

The fifth and final hurdle was the assessment. I had failed once and was hoping not to fail again because it was too troublesome to go through the initial assessment phase. But I decided to have faith in Baba and reminded myself that whatever happens is Baba’s will. I told myself that if He wanted me to learn the virtue of perseverance and go through the experience again, then so be it. That night, I left my worries with Him and slept easy.

The next day, my assessor emailed me to say, I had passed the assessment. I was so happy. Baba had made possible what my colleague had said was impossible.

There were many other things during the course of this whole experience that convinced me of Baba’s divine presence, guiding me, removing obstacles from my path and making things easy for me.

I am just an average devotee who still has a long way to go. But each miracle of His in my life, cements my faith more and more. I look forward to the day where there is no fear or fickleness in my heart for anything but complete undoubting faith. Om Sai Ram!

We Delay But Baba Is Always On Time

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Lakshmi from India says: Sairam! I am Baba’s devotee. Thank you Hetalji and team, we are indebted for your kind Baba’s seva. I am a small Baba’s devotee. As every devotee our life has ups and downs but Baba is with us.

As usual, sorry for the delay Sai, we have cows at home. We bought grass for it, around three weeks back. The labour (persons) and bullock carts went to the field to bring grass to home at morning 4.30 am. Very near to the agriculture fields there is a mango tree. The tree owner doesn’t accept the carts to be going through the land. She was not allowing it. My father called us and we got tense. ultivator phone got switched off. So my father went to his house. Then he called the owner. She is the owner’s mother- in- law. Finally she accepted it. Good amount of grass came home. Thanks to Baba. During that tension period I had prayed to Baba to post in this group if the problem disappeared but delay happened. Thank You so much Baba. I kept on delaying it so Baba wanted to warn me. In an earlier couple of posts I had mentioned that my laptop was giving issues during work and every time Baba solved the issues without even one day leave. Finally 1.5 months back Baba solved the keypad and battery problem also. I bought a new battery so it solved the power problem also. But today the brightness was decreasing automatically. Again I prayed Baba to post here. Temporarily I got it fixed but we have to see, please solve that issue permanently Sai without going to the repair shop.

Even cooler is giving issues. Your Udi saved it many times, but it has a problem Sai. It doesn’t have a warranty, even though we registered the complaint at the service centre. They keep on calling and saying that they are coming but no one has yet visited. Baba please send them at Your timing and give the best solution with a reasonable price Sai.

Finally wishing and mentioning my desire. Sai I want to marry my friend with my parents’ blessings, please bless us Sai. I am waiting and believing that he will definitely come back and talk to me. Sai please do it at Your timing. I am doing Sai divya pooja for 5 weeks. Last time one devotee mentioned post pooja with chits we have to take a decision by Baba either it is completed or retake. Last week I started, Baba accepted the first week. Please accept it, this is my third time Sai divya pooja for the same wish. Please, please fulfil my wish Sai. Sai, I am turning 30 years old in 2 months. It’s killing me.

Please eradicate the corona virus from the world and save everyone mentally, emotionally and physically Sai. Sarvejana sukinobavanthu. Sai bless us, love You Sai, Jai Ho Sai!

Sai Is Blessing All The Time

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a Sai Baba devotee for more than 15 years. Things which I have are only by Baba’s grace and all that I would have also would be Baba’s grace only. I have a lot of experiences to share.

Sai Maa is always with me in all my situations. My first experience is that I got a job in the banking industry only by grace of Sai Baba’s blessings and also got promoted within two years with Sai’s kripa.

Now I share my big experience. I loved a boy who was my classmate in my school and after schooling we got separated from our colleges in two different states. By that time he was totally changed with lots of anger. As time passed he wanted to break up with me. I was totally shattered and kept doing puja and chanting Sai names. I also did Sai Baba vrat for the first time and after completing my vrat he came back and we got married in 2016.

After my marriage I had jaundice and after jaundice my health was degrading with lots of diseases. Now I get tensed that if I have this type of health then how I would have a baby as everyone kept asking “Shaadi Ka itna time ho gaya baccha kab hoga (so much time since marriage and when will the kid arrive).” Only Baba knew my situation. I cried a lot but every time my Baba gave strength to me and now in 2020 Oct I have been blessed with a baby boy.

My own house which I had purchased in 2018 is also by Baba’s ashirwad. At that time I was running out of money but really I had no idea how money was coming my way, this was only because of Baba’s support. All that I have is only by Baba’s grace.

Everything was going fine but suddenly my husband changed. He is ignoring me, don’t want to talk with me. I am in so much pain Sai Maa but determined that Sai sab dhik Kar denge (Baba will make everything alright. My marriage is only because of Baba’s ashirwaad and now it is His duty to keep everything fine.

Sorry Sai Baba for sharing the experience so late. Anantkoti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogiraj Parbrahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Baba’s Help As Per His Promise

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Ramya from USA says: Hello Devotees, I am Ramya from Houston, Texas. I have been a devotee of Him for at least 13 years.

I am writing about this experience as I truly believe that if we pray to Baba that we post our experience here in this Saiyug network for others to read, it happens.

My sister has an apartment in Chennai which was always rented out. It is right above my parent’s apartment, so it was easy for them to manage it. However, due to a pandemic her tenants moved out last year to their hometown leaving this apartment vacant for about six months. She advertised it for quite some time and because of its popular location it always attracted potential tenants but somehow it did not get finalized.

I had prayed to Baba for it to materialize and had promised Him that I would post here once it does. It did take six months to get a tenant but I had prayed to Baba only around February and I am glad to know that it finally happened as per my prayer.

I am praying for something which is very near and dear to me and waiting on Baba’s blessing to get it so that I can post His leela and spread His positive vibration. Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Kee Jai!

Shradda And Saburi

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Dear Hetalji, thank you for the wonderful blog. I have been following this blog since 2013. I have posted lots of miracles here. Thank You Saima for Your blessings. Please forgive my sins. I have made lots of mistakes, Appa, please forgive me. I owe You my life. Thanks Appa for everything.

My son and daughter developed fever and cold. I was really scared as my son started going to school in the USA. He is in Kindergarten. My daughter is 1 year old. Last Friday, my son threw up at midnight and had a fever. On Sunday, my daughter suddenly developed a fever and runny nose. Immediately I prayed to Saima that I would give up reading my favourite article. Their fever reduced within 24 hours. Thank You Appa.

Saima without You, I am nothing. Please bless everyone. Saima, please take me out of depression. Please put an end to this virus. People all over the world are suffering. Please forgive everyone Appa. People in India are going through hell. Please appa, save everyone.

Om Sri Sairam
Allah Malik!

Kid’s Recovery With Baba’s Blessings

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I have been a Sai Baba devotee since my childhood. So many experiences have got published on this site.

Baba helped in my kid’s recovery from fever and cold. Thank You so much Baba. Om Sree Sai Aarogya Kshema Daya namah. Om Sai Rakshaka Saranam.

Baba helped me in going to my mom’s place and visited my parents and stayed there for one week with Baba’s blessings. Baba, please give me strength to achieve my career goals and to take care of my kids.

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  1. OmSaiRam, OmSaiRakshaksharanam. Baba please be with us. Leaving everything at your lotus feet. You are my saviour. Cure mom's headache and leg pain. OMAROGYAKSHEMADAYA NAMA.

  2. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and protect him baba make him vaccinated.cure my sister sai we are very scared we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  3. Om Sai ram! Saima thank you for everything, with your blessing everything is on track. Ma thank you for the sponsorship but many hurdles on the path. This is only hope I can stay in Australia. However, Ma Company agreed to sponsored as, I will be working for night only. Ma I am concern about my health as I may end up doing night shifts for three more years and I had already done almost 3 years. Ma please do something so that I get to apply for PR as well as I don’t have to work nights. All my cycle/activities are reversed now from going to toilet to my sleep and wake up cycle. This would have adverse effect in my life later on. I don’t want to do it for long. Ma please take me out of this situation. I know with your blessing my luck can change in split of seconds and I believe that you can and will do that. Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram

  4. Sai Ram to dear all Sri Sai devotees,

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful Sri Sai experiences here.

    May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us here.

    Read SatCharitra online@:

    Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!

  5. Om sai ram… trust our baba blindly. Nothing is immpossible to Him. I bought my flat 3 years ago not even having 10% of the price. He made it possible. Now we are staying in the apartment for two years by His grace. Please be with us Baba…

  6. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  7. Om Sai Ram…. baba pls protect my family – keep them happy and healthy always 🙏

    Please help me find good committed people to helpo run the business.

  8. Om Shree Sai Nathaya Namaha🙏Om Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva🙏Om Sai Arogya Kshema Daya Namaha🙏Thanks for your blessings thandri🙏Forgive our sins thandri🙏Sarvejanasukhinobhavanthu🙏

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