Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3163

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Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Baba Saved Devotee’s Family from Pandemic

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Baba has blessed us with a lifetime miracle. He is saving His devotees with faith and patience.

During the beginning of this month my brother developed a slight fever. Before being sure that it was Covid it was spread to all the members of our family around 3 elders and 4 kids were infected totally. We all were home quarantined and took treatment at home. By God’s grace our parents were not infected initially. All of us underwent severe physical as well as mental turmoil as all were infected and were helpless. Our parents were 62 and 70 and with BP, sugar took care of all of us.

After hard 10 days we started recovering by God’s grace and care of our parents. Suddenly our health improved but my mom’s health started deteriorating. She was totally unconscious and was struggling for 10 days without food and was unable to regain her senses. We all were totally scared and lost our confidence. We were left with no other option and were totally guilty. Lot of our dear ones nearby lost their lives. These incidents made us mad. We wanted our mother back with senses.

Only God is the best doctor. Even plenty of appropriate medicines were given. It’s only His power to pass through and make it work. After 1 week of struggle, thanks to God that we started Sripada Srivallaba Charithamrutha Parayan. Day and night we started the parayan and my mom’s health showed some mild improvements. By the Grace of Sadhguru we were playing Ramaraksha Sthothram, Mrithyunjaya mantram and reciting Skandha Sahtikavasam. My mom had her solids two days earlier. Even though she was totally tired. Now she is out of danger. I am really blessed that she was able to attend my call and talk to me. We are totally blessed. These incidents were totally a blessing in curse as we were aware of symptoms and follow-ups to be taken with which we were able to cope up with our mother’s condition bravely. We wish our world to be free of this heavy Pandemic by Sripadaha’s grace. As Guru has promised, He has saved all of us and especially our Mother.

As prayed we submitted the donation for food at Sripadaha Sansthan after parayan and we found the date on 23 May. Miraculously that Day was Chaitra Nakshatra. We are extremely happy and truly overwhelmed by the grace of Sadhguru. There is no end to His divine sports. If God is by our side it is sure that no one can be against us. It’s He Who controls the entire universe. Glory to Baba. Avathooda Sindhana Sri Gurudeva Datta. Koti pranaams. Thank You Baba. Sripadha Rajam Saranam Prabathye.

Baba Helped To Find Lost Passport

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Hello, I am a Sai Baba devotee from Nepal residing in the USA for some time.

Baba has helped me a lot in life, saving me many times from difficult situations. As I mentioned in my earlier experience, Baba saved me from one of the biggest car accidents here in the USA which happened on Thursday and without Baba I would not have been alive till today.

I was completely fine and did not even need to go to the hospital. There are many such experiences. Basically, I am nothing without Baba.

Recently I went outside and put my passport into the back of my pocket. After a couple of hours when I came back home, I still did not know that I had lost my passport. Later, one of my sisters told me to go outside and buy something for me. Then I went to the shop to buy it. In order to buy that, I had to show my ID. Only that time, I checked my pocket to show my ID card but I quickly realized that I did not have a passport in my pocket. So, after coming home, I checked everywhere but still I did not find it.

I was in a tense situation. After that, I realized that there was no way that I would find my passport; I did not guess where I had dropped it. I went to many places during the day.

After a while, I prayed to Baba from the bottom of my heart by saying please Baba help me to find out my ID. Then, I checked the bathroom where I had changed my clothes after coming from outside. Before I had looked everywhere in the bathroom but did not see it at all. Then all of sudden, one thought came into my mind, let’s see one more time in the bathroom. It was so surprising that I saw my passport inside the cleaning bucket. There was no chance as there was none before. How did I get that all of sudden? It was just because of Baba’s blessing. Thanks a lot. I immediately felt that it was none other than Baba. Baba’s miracles are beyond Imagination. Baba, please keep blessing all other devotees who are in need of help. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Jaya Sai Om Sai Sai Om.

Sai Kripa

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Aum Sai Hetalji, Please find my recent experience related to our beloved Baba. I regularly read your work and it really brings great hope to Sai devotees. Please keep me anonymous. This may look like a very small incident, but at the moment the problem looked so giant and impossible to me.

This is related to my office work, an important release for which I and my team had been putting a lot of effort. One of the fixes for an issue was missed as part of the release. It was one of the issues which I discovered after the release.

I panicked and didn’t know how to bring this up with the customer. Somehow after one full day I mustered courage and sent a letter on this. Next day on call, a customer brought up this issue and just normally asked me how it was missed. When I explained the scenario he just asked me to take care next time.

I was greatly relieved and thanked Baba from the bottom of my heart. Baba You know I want to always have You in my thoughts, but at times due to my own laziness, work and other distractions I am not able to. I really feel guilty about this. Baba, please help me to have You in my thoughts always.

It’s my long standing wish to get involved in parallel to some charity work. Please help me in it Baba.
Please save the world from Covid.

Aum Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva.

Aum Sai Arogyakshemdhya Namah.

Aum Sai Para Brahmanah Namah

Sai Baba’s Miracle In Devotee’s Life

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Please keep me anonymous. I have been a Sai devotee for 10 years. Recently my family, my sister’s family and my parents were affected by Covid. We all recovered early except my mother. Her oxygen level went down after 10 days and we were searching for a hospital to admit her. By Sai Appa’s grace we got admission in one hospital.

After admission we didn’t get any information about my mom from the hospital. We were really worried. She has diabetes also. Everyday when I went to the hospital, I would pray to Sai and ask Him to show that He is with me. Appa would show Him in any of His forms to me.

Two days back doctors really scared us saying that her blood was infected fully and CT scan had to be taken for further treatment. We didn’t know what to do except to pray to our Appa. I read Sai Namavali and heard Sai Stavan Manjari. Miracles will happen when you believe in Sai. Two days later, with the help of an attendee there from the hospital, my mom rang us and told us that she was discharged and sitting outside. We couldn’t do anything except cry to Sai Appa. When checked with her she told that they told that the CT scan was not necessary to take and found
her normal and monitored her by removing the oxygen.

I request all who read this to just believe Him and chant His name in your mind. He will prove that He is with you. I had promised Baba that I would post this experience when my mom would return home. Thanks Sai Appa for this miracle in my life. Please believe Him, He is there with us in all our situations. Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!

Why Fear When He Is There?

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of my Baba from India.
I pray and He is there!

Thanks Hetalji for this wonderful platform. My few experiences are already posted by His grace. I wish to have one more experience.

My grand nephew, about 4 years of age, has one eye turning red quite often. Doctor said that it was an allergy and that it would go away with time. For a fast and temporary remedy he gave some medicines. His eye suddenly turned red with a white patch. Due to strict lockdown and pandemic situation it was not advisable to take him to the doctor and without microscopic evaluation treatment was difficult. Nevertheless the doctor gave medicines by evaluation through WhatsApp. I prayed to Baba to help and after four days the situation has improved. Thanks Baba. Please cure him fully. I shall again post. Regards. Om Sai Ram Ji.

Baba’s Leela

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! Thank you Hetalji and team for regularly maintaining this blog and helping us come across great miracles of our dear Sai Baba on a daily basis. My brother had been trying for a change in job for a couple of months. Though he used to update his profile regularly, he still would not get any interview calls at all. All of a sudden Baba helped him to get a great opportunity when he least expected it. Thank You so much Baba. Baba You know that this is a contractual opportunity. Please help him to become a permanent employee in that company soon.

The second miracle is that my father was hospitalized due to Corona. Still You helped the rest of the family members to test negative. We were in close contact with him since the time he was not well. Despite that, testing negative is seriously a big miracle which we didn’t expect at all. Thank You for taking care of my father during the hospitalization. Though he is discharged, still he is not completely well. Please help him to get well soon. Devotees please pray to Baba to help me get married to the right person soon. Om Shri Sainathaya Namaha.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima hold my father sai protect him baba cure my sister baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram! Sai Ma Thank you love you.

    Please today is a day. Please bless me and my family. Every Thursday I look forward for you blessing. Om sai ram

  3. Om Sai Ram… Baba thereis so much pressure and tension, please protect my husband and children. I surrender to you Baba… you know everything.Please help us get some peace of mind. Please protect my family with good health baba and the right people to manage the work. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam deva 🙏 Om sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  4. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  5. Omsairam 🙏. Baba please take care of my parents. They are alone. Please bless my son husband mom dad myself grandma in-laws and that wonderful soul with good health, long and happy peaceful life. His career is just starting to take off and his upcoming projects should be super successful. He must become very popular and general audience should accept him. Omsairam 🙏.

  6. Om Shree Sai Nathya Namaha🙏Om Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva🙏🙏🙏Om Sai Arogya Kshema Daya Namaha🙏🙏🙏

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