A devotee wishing to be anonymous has shared her wonderful experience with Shirdi Sai Baba. Below is detailed mail.
Hi All,
I would like to share my wonderful experience with Sai Baba. In 2008 i was offered my first onsite opportunity. Intially i was hesitant to accept a long time stay so i accepted for a business trip. I accepted on Friday, but when i came to office on Monday my PM told me that the requirement is not for now and hence i wont be traveling. I did not worry about it. The next day my Pm called me up and told that i would be traveling sometime soon within 10 days. Then after 2 days she told i wont be traveling. This was happening the whole week like one day i would be said that i should travel next day the vice versa would happen. I was very frustrated as all my colleagues started asking whether i would travel or not. I went and told my Pm that i am not ready to travel even if i get an opportunity as i am frustrated by they behaviour it happened on Friday. In between i got an offer to travel to UK, there was a confusion between US or Uk. But both opportunities were coming near me but was not confirmed.
One of colleagues has some knowledge in astrology he told me that i wont travel now. Sunday(3-Aug-2008) i went to Baba’s temple at Mylapore while standing in the queue i closed my eyes and was talking to Baba that i don’t like whats happening in my life. I wanted him to let me know whether i would travel or not. I just opened my eyes and saw a guy before me wearing black t-shirt with “You will definitely fly” printed on it. I was very happy to see that. I thanked him for answering me.
On Monday my Pm called me and asked me to bring my passport. On tuesday i got my tickets to US and saturday midnight (10-Aug-08) i started to US. And Baba helped me to meet a guy and we both starting loving each other. But now we encountering some serious problem which i have shared below.
This was my frist experience with Baba. I have one more great experience also. My mom was not well she was very serious i went to Baba temple and prayed to him to help my mom recover on wednesday (22-jul-09). When i was coming out after his darshan just behind his statue there would be his story on which i could read “it will fly” (parainthu poyvidum). I could not understand what Baba has conveyed then i thought that my moms diseases would fly away but what happened was the my mom passed away the next day (23-jul-09) early morning 5 pm.
Then i realized what Baba had said to me that my mom life would fly away from her. These two miracles have made me move closer to him.
Now i have one major problem though i have confidence in Baba i am feeling very frustrated. My love is been engaged to some other girl and he is going to be married in august. He has accepted to this proposal due to his parents, the guy is very good. No one knows about our love except we both. We both have went to Shridi together and prayed to Baba and i told Baba that next time we should meet him as husband and wife. Even now Baba shows positive symptoms to me but things are happening very fast on the other side. I cannot afford to miss him.I have 100% confidence that Sai will help me to marry him. All i want is things to happen fast. Sai only arranged for me to fly to US there only we met each other and fell in love,so i believe he will get us married soon.
Please everyone pray for me.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
hii,,whomsoever u r..i wish u all the luck,,,i have a similar story like u do,,,donn hav my mon,,met this guy n thn the samethings happened with him…sadly enough inspite of praying like mad and all the efforts,,,he did get married to someone else…and life has not been the same for anyonbe since then,,,i am not disappointing you,,,but if u love him dearly,,,n u if u think u cannot live without him,,,donn let him marry someone else or let go off him now… nvr to look back,,,,but if u want him,,,just donn let him marry,,,talk to his parents,,,get urs involved,,do all that u can,,,whatever,,,,just donn let him marry,,,donn hope for a miracle,,work for it..thrs not much time!! i wish u all the luck,,,i hope ur dreams come true 🙂 🙂
Keep praying to God . If he cannot do it then probably we cannot. Work hard on it but you need the Lord's blessings.
baba plz be with me always….. plz fulfill my desires….
Dear Baba friends,
Please visit this site
http://www.yoursaibaba.com ur problems will come to an end.
Baba will answer ur questions thru this site..
Follow the instructions mentioned in that site and please share ur experience in this blog page.
i would like see ur comments soon on this site or my id ashwa06@gmail.com http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/new/index.html
I am agree wid the first comment.Believe in Sai even if you will not marry to him. Sorry I don't want to hurt you but If he really loves you he will marry you at any cost. either by convincing his parents or by going against to them.Why did n't he ask his parents before falling in love wid you? I hate such kind of persons who have only excuses.
Same happened to me, i cried alot, prayed alot but nothing happened. later I realised, Sai has decided something else bcoz he selected the best guy for me, intelligent, caring, loving n loyal. I would say The Best Guy of the World.
I wish Sai will fulfil your wish, If he will not, then he has something better for you.
Hi, One should not neglect parents. And one should not neglect his LOVE.If he really needs urs Luv, he can neglect PARENT'S WORDS,NOT PARENTS (temperorily). Didn't he think of this situation before loving u? Hurrey yaar, Don't depend on the person who doesn't have individuality, Who cannot take the very very important things in life seriously. U will never be happy with him. This is Life. Take it serious .Think of it serious.I am sharing my rich experience with u. Don't be foolish. This is not a movie. Baba knows all these things, thatswhy he is saving ur life from him. If he is really good for u, I know that Baba will definitely get him back to u.
Aww I'm so sorry that your mother passed away. But "You will Fly" is really amazin."
Dear Sai Bhakt. I really hope Baba has answered your prayers.. And if he hasn't it is because he has a better plan for you. Have faith. Jai Sai Ram!
dear devotees,
i also used to think sai baba has better plansfor me always whenver he did not anwer my prayers and most of the time he did not answer if you have luck you will get what you want. it is not like if you pray to him he will take care. my experience is baba did not give me something better, instead has completely crushed me annd i am now an unmaried woman above 40 years. so ther is no use sitting and praying, if we want something we have to be alert and work for it. this my experience. having faith in baba for more than 15 yeras has proved disastrous for me. then people say it is karma. then if something good happens also is karma. not baba'smiracle.
please baba help her to get marry with her love..please om sai ram
shirdi saibaba please bless both of us shower your blessing on us
please forgive us if any
saibaba please recruit my shu
sai please make me nationalise
I m serioulsy looking fr sai to answer fr my prayer.. Everything cm closer to me and flies far away frm me.. I thought until he gets a decent job and make me get money which i earned so far.. I will nt talk to him .. Please my dear friends pray fr me.. I will nt pray to him.. I m tired enough sking him all the time.. Regards
Baba I m highly tense about my result. Mere nind chain sb ek mere dream par hai. Ple help me.whole life I will be thankfull u ple baba
om sai ram
Hi, Did you marry your love?
What's up with your life now?
om sai ram
baba i nedd my husband back on my life. i miss him a lot. pls help and be with me. i want to led my life happily with my husband and baby
Sai i need u… n i knw ur around me.
Jus help me get out of my problem,
I dnt wnt to bleed my heart anymore.
I fell in love n i ended getting wid lie,betrayl,pain.
I dnt hv any expectation in love… all i need is ur love n support, plz guide me.
Each time i fell in love, i suceeded in it and loved frm the core of my heart without any expectation, bt what i received was betrayl,lie,pain.
I believe in u n all i want is to guide me so that i wud not bleed my heart..
I love u n i need u evn at the cost of my life.
Pranay kumar
sai baba i knew that you are with me,but baba i am very upset nowadays to take my future and my job, baba please listen my prayer and do needful,baba i am having full faith on you,nd baba you knew everything about me…..baba please listen my prayer nd always be with me and your devotees,thanku baba for your love and support…baba ji you are great…om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Om Sai Ram ❤️🙏🙇🏻