Sharing an experience of Sai sister Shernaz ji.
Shernaz ji says: Dearest Sai Family,
I would like to share with you a small miracle, or shall I say, Divine help that came to me a week back.
As you must be aware, Glaucoma in the eye is a very serious disease and it is hereditary. Since my mom lost her eyesight because of this dreadful disease, the doctors had advised me to check my eyes regularly. For months I have been thinking of doing that, but never pushed myself to go to an eye doctor although my visit was long overdue (last checkup was 3-4 years back). I have a very bad habit of keeping myself miles away from any doctor. I know I have suffered, but I hate going to doctors or taking medicines unless and until it is very, very essential.
Now here comes the divine help. A week back somebody kept an invitation on our door step regarding the opening of a new clinic close to our house. My husband said that, since it’s close by, we should get our eyes checked to see if our numbers have increased or not. As usual, my first reaction was “NO” but later on I agreed to go and check my eyes for Glaucoma (I don’t know what made me change my mind). When we went there, the doctor checked my eyes and gave me the sad news – that Glaucoma has already started and that the damage on my left eye is already 24% and right eye is 15%. That was a shock! He asked me to come the next day in order to do a more detailed check up. He said that, if I waited for another month, Glaucoma attack would have really ruined my eyesight.
I knew right away that there was a Divine hand in this. How many times I told Dr. Bajaj (the eye doctor who stays in my building) that I would come one day to his clinic to get my eyes checked, but that day never came. Now as I contemplate, I know that my Sai was making me meet Dr. Bajaj quite often to warn me of my coming illness, but I failed to get that signal. We are at times so ignorant that we fail to catch the warning signs given by the Masters. I feel Baba was so concerned about my eyesight that finally he had to ‘serve it on a platter’ for me and got this clinic opened next to my house, plus sent an invitation! I thank my Baba from the bottom of my heart for this great blessing and miracle. He is ALWAYS with HIS devotees, helping and guiding them all the time.
When I returned home I went straight to my Mandir and meditated. I did not want to allow the fearful thoughts about losing my eyesight to pollute my inner space. I opened my heart in deep gratitude, thanking Baba and all other Masters for their divine help.
The following day, another miracle related to my Glaucoma issue took place.
Before going for the scheduled appointment at the clinic, I was a bit nervous, of course, but then prayed to Baba sincerely. I could feel a beautiful energy and somehow my fears just vanished! As Baba always said, “Do not worry. I will be with you the moment you think about me.”
After a thorough checkup, the doctor looked at me rather shocked and said: “Your left eye, which had the 24% damage, has somehow recovered to only 5%, while the right eye is completely normal!” He couldn’t believe that the percentage of Glaucoma could fluctuate so much in just 24 hours!!!
He had no logical explanation for this and agreed that it was nothing but the divine grace. I was so choked with emotion and love for the divine that I could not control my tears. I know for sure that Baba was present at the clinic when the test was going on.
I couldn’t wait to share this miraculous experience with my dear husband who was equally overjoyed – we both agreed, this can be nothing but a divine miracle!
I wanted to share these two small miracles with you to inspire you all to walk the path in surrender and gratitude, and know that, once we operate from the inner space of gratitude, the grace of Baba is always with us.
In Baba’s yaad.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
woww….i must say u are a very lucky devotee of sai…i am too going 2 get another ct scan done for my acute sinusitis…this one is giving me terrible headaches, memory loss n weakness, n my examz are nearin now…i hope the results come out fine …JAI SAI RAM…!!!!
OM SAI RAM & may SAI bless one and all with HIS choicest blessings
I experienced SHIRDI SAI's presence at the Hindu Temple, DFW Tx. Before I left home to go to the temple that eveing, I mentally asked dear SAI – if YOU say YOU are everywhere, why aren't YOUR bhajans performed at the Hindu Temple?" I discussed this with my friend Dipti while going to the temple, and left it at that.
It was a Friday and after the Laxmi Arti we (my friend and I) were standing in line to pay our respects (darshan) and receive prasad. Suddenly in a corner, one man in white clothes started ringing the bell and singing a SAI bhajan. My friend and I looked at each other and were shocked!After receiving the prasad, my friend and I went looking for the man. When we saw him, I thanked him. He looked me straight in my eyes and help up HIS right hand that had a gold SHIRDI SAI BABA ring and said "Never forget, SAI is everyhwere". Even though Dipti was standing right by me, she said she did not see that/remember that sentence. I have never seen that man again nor have they sung SAI aarti on a Friday at the temple again.
This is my experience of SAI manifesting HIMSELF to me and my faith in HIM is undying.
om sai ram
Om sai ram, please bless all with good eyesight Deva