Forwarding herewith the experience of Sai brother Rajeev ji. It clearly shows how Shraddha and Saburi are important in the path of devotion to Sai Baba.
Dear Hetal Ji
I request you to please post my experience in the blog.
|| OM SAI RAM ||
I want to share the Blessings and SAI KARAM on us.
Last month we faced two critical situation one to my near brother-in-law, very close to us, and second my daughter Riya’s admission in LKG.
Brother-in-Law is sincere devotee of SAI BABA. He was en-tour to BABADHAM (SHIV MANDIR in DEOGHAR, now in JHARKHAND) when he had severe pain in chest. After local checkup, he came to Delhi. As we are not financially strong, it was a challenge where to get doctor diagnosis. Taking SAI BABA’s name he went to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and was diagnosed and told that heart’s three veins are blocked. One 90%, second 65% and third 80%. In two ways it can be cured – ballooning or by-pass surgery. Ballooning will require around Rs. 4 lacs and the patient can start day-to-day work in 7 days. By-pass surgery require around Rs. 1 lac and 45 days rest. We opted second option i.e. by-pass surgery.
We were very worried what will happen to Riya’s admission. My son was studying in St Francis School, Indirapuram and we wanted her to be admitted in same school, so we had not applied for any other school.
My wife and we usually visit SAI DHAM MANDIR in NOIDA, we went to Mandir and asked BABA to do justice and get both work done. We put first priority to operation and second to admission.
By the grace of SAI BABA brother-in-law’s by-pass surgery operation was successfully conducted and was discharged in four days (miracle). After 40 days of rest he joined his office work with double energy.
Riya’s admission was in three phase, 1st – Written Test, 2nd – Lottery and 3rd – Interaction with Parents. Out of thousands of students by grace of SAI BABA Riya was selected in 1st Phase. All the serial numbers of selected students were written on small chits and kept in a glass jar. Twelve parents were called for picking of chits. This process was to select 110 confirmed admission and 10 waiting-list students. Process started 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 names gone, but Riya’s number was not announced, I cannot tell you the trauma I felt while names were announced from the stage, but back of the mind I was confident that whatever BABA will do that will be the best. Waiting list 1, 2, 3, gone I dialed to my wife, 4 gone, she picked phone said hello, 5 gone, I told Riya’s name was not selected in confirmed list, 6 gone, she was shocked, said why BABA has done this, 7 gone, I replied may be BABA has something else in His mind, 8 gone, wife replied but we needed this admission, Riya’s number was announced, I told her BABA has accepted our pray and she is selected.
So BABA has accepted our both requests, Riya also got admission. We later on understood we had asked operation as our first priority so BABA put more force on that. We know BABA is the ultimate destination and Marg-darshak.
We should not force BABA to do what we want, we should wait for BABA’s decision and direction for whatever we do in our life.
With this I conclude my story.
Rajeev Singh Parmar
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
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