A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences – Part 84

Sharing few more brief experiences in today’s post.

Sharing My First Experience

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Please do not disclose my name and e-mail address, if you wish to publish this post. Keep me as anonymous. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. Also, I promised Baba that I will post my experiences here. But I am not in return for a desire. It is out of my own interest.

June 10, 2011 11:11 AM, Central Time, USA, the time I rediscovered myself with Baba’s help. I was lost completely before that. I was frustrated, depressed and did not know what I was doing. I made so many mistakes prior to this time, personally and also regarding Baba. But then I prayed to Baba and asked Him to accept my apologies. The best way to correct your mistake is not do it again. I told the same to Baba that I should not repeat the blunders I did and let me make only few mistakes. Because, it is impossible for a human being not to make any mistakes in a lifetime. I asked Him to guide me in the path of faith and patience, shared all my problems with Him and asked Him to show me some solution. The amount of mental peace you get, when you actually talk to Him in front of His photo is immense and unexplainable. I promised Baba that whatever miracles or Leelas, I experience, I would post on this blog. Today I started reading Sai Satcharitra, the book written by Shri Hemadpant Dabholkar, in Marathi and translated later by Shri N. V Gunaji into English. I attained so much peace after reading Chapter I.

Sai Evening Aarti

Sai Sister Supriya ji from India says: Jai Sai Ram, I am a very small and humble devotee of Baba and always trying to please Him. I wish Baba blesses me enough that I can do His seva the way you are doing Hetal ji. You are truly a blessed soul. Thank you for this lovely gift you have given us. It really gives a lot of strength to go on during weak times. Thanks a ton!

I always wanted to attend Baba’s Aarti standing right in front of Baba’s Samadhi. Only He could do this for me and He did. I hope I am able to do justice to write down Baba’s Leela, the way I felt it. I have been planning to post this for long. Sorry for the delay Baba. I believe this to be Your wish that You want me to do it today. Sorry, but I would not have done justice to it. I had tried to cut short the length. Hetal ji, please do not share my email address. Thanks

My name is Supriya. 18th Jan 2011, the whole night I was sitting outside the main hall of Samadhi Mandir, waiting in the queue for Kakad Aarti. I was knitting a shawl for Baba. I and two other ladies were there with me. When we entered the main hall in the morning, we could only manage to reach the last position among the lot that was standing. People need to stand in the first hall and in the second and third hall. They make you sit during the time of Aarti. We were the last in the first hall. I have been to Shirdi many times and have attended the Kakad Aarti many times, but I have never managed to reach beyond the middle position in the first hall (among the people who are standing). Though I have gone and stood in the queue quite early. The front few rows are for VIP’s and others, who have a pass etc. Thus I could only reach the middle rows in spite of my best efforts. While I was singing the Aarti and praying, I just genuinely felt inside, “How people, standing right in front of Baba, must be feeling?” I said to myself that tomorrow, I will sit in the queue even more early so that I may reach in front few rows.

Next day evening, I and one of my friends went to submit the shawl I was knitting, in PRO office. I wanted to request them to put the shawl on any piece of cloth, they will be adorning on Baba. It was just a crotchet shawl and not a complete dress, so it could not be worn alone, all by itself. Everyone said that the PRO office was closed now and we should go after 7 PM. I still really wanted to try. I went and surprisingly the guard let me and my friend in. It was 5:30 pm, in the evening on Wednesday. The PRO officer heard me and said that since the design was such (blank spaces in between), he was not sure if mandir people will allow and make Baba wear such a shawl at night. At night they offer only absolutely plain clothes. The shawl was plain creamish white, but since it was made with crotchet, it had spaces here and there. I guess in my hurry to complete the shawl, I chose such a design and made it with spaces. I am sorry about that, Baba. I hope I made you a little happy.

The person in the PRO office said that I should go and talk to the mandir in charge. He sent a guy with me, who took me and my friend inside the mandir complex. Luckily the third lady, who was with us in the Aarti the night before, saw us just as we were about to enter the mandir complex and joined us also.

All three of us were taken inside the Samadhi Madir, right in front of Baba’s statue, by a VVIP gate. The mandir in-charge sits in the room next to Baba’s Samadhi. We went inside to meet him, but he was not there. One of his men said, “He will come in a while, do you want to attend the Aarti?” It was time for evening Aarti of Baba. All three of us nodded, speechless as we were. He made us stand right in front of Baba’s Samadhi, in the first row. We were dumb founded. All three of us were crying like fools. I had no words, all I thought was, I was thinking of standing in the queue the whole night to get the first place and here He was making other plans for me.

I can never thank You enough for this Baba. I only have one request; please do not test me, my patience. I do not want to fail in this exam that You are taking. I try to hold on every moment. Please forgive me for my bad Karmas and give me back what I have lost. I try to make You happy all the time. I hope sometime You accept my service and are happy with me. If it is not too much for You, please make things happen as I want them to be. I love you Baba and nothing is complete without You. Please come in our home in the form, I have always requested You. I leave my life in Your hands.

Please forgive me for any mistakes in this post and kindly publish it if you find it fit enough for the site. If not, please let me know. I shall eagerly wait to see this. Thanks & Jai Sai Ram!

Sai Blessing In My Life

Sai Sister Santamaray .T. ji from Malaysia says: I am working as clerk with 2 children on 5 and 3. My life went upside down after I got married and until I came to know about our Saideva. Now I want to share my experience with Sai.

My daughter is five. I have sent her to pre-school. Now after this term school holidays, I have to pay her school fee of RM751-00 that is on 13-JUN-2011. I prayed to Baba to help me. I had no idea how to get the money. I am heavily in debt with the banks. In between this, my brother invited all the family members to spend the weekend in Melaka. I wanted to go so much, mostly to get away from my husband for few days. But the problem is again money. I again, on Wednesday 8/6/2011, begged Baba to show me a way. I told Him that I am surrendering all these money problems to Baba especially my daughter’s school fee. I told Baba that only 4 days are left for school to reopen and I can’t help being scared and worried. Then I heard a voice saying “Just be quiet, things will look better tomorrow”. After that I went to sleep. The next day, Thursday (my 4th week of Thursday Vrat), I went to work and to my surprise and astonishment, I received 2 cheques of RM500-00 from one of our client. My boss asked him to use my name for the company as director’s fee. You can imagine my joy and astonishment. This is very much miracle of Sai, because the same client told us two months ago, he is going to remove my name, because I am blacklisted. Now I can pay my daughter’s school fee and also go to Melaka. I am troubled with so many problems and heartaches due to my own fault and mistakes. Now I know, I am in saving hands. Nothing will go wrong with Sai around you. I am not a sinner, when Baba had accepted me.

Thank you for this opportunity to share the miracles of Sai in modern age. OM SAI RAM

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Supriya ji, really amazing experience..i can understand if i am having tears in my eyes while reading your experience then ofcourse the feeling you had in front of baba can't be expressed through words only….unexplainable feeling…For baba,every1 is special n he has his own ways to make us feel special….

  2. Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram,
    Om Sai Ram

    Really love to read these wonderful and motivational stories…….

  3. Jai Sai Ram to all of Sai Devotees. Ya Supriya ji i can understand your feelings what you had mentioned in ur experience. I also got tears in my eyes while reading ur experience. i know baba is always with us whenever we need him he always show his presence by different ways. i hope baba fullfill all the wishes of his devotees. LOVE YOU BABA.

  4. om sairam,
    Supriyaji its an amazing experience, i can understand ur feelings and much moved while reading this.Baba is always with us whenever we need him.LOVE U SO MUCH BABAJI.

  5. Baba.. am really speechless after reading dis post..jus tears in my eyes.. v al r so blessed n r gifted to hav our baba in our lives to play his leela.. which cant b explainable.. he has dat tender and motherly love for us.. jus al v hav to do is surrender ourself in his feet..he will take care of us.. v never know y so many problems v r getting in our lives when he is der in our lives.. but one thing is for sure he only knows wat is good n best for us.. so he wil plan accordingly n help us sail easily in dis life.. baba please show mercy n bless us.. for who v dont know any other god except u.
    Love u Baba
    ur ever loving devotee shalini

  6. Om Sai Ram
    Experience of Sister Supriya jee is really heart warming..its really nice to attend aarti stading in front of the baba jees idol
    i always want to attend aarti while standing in front of the samadhi in temple…i am sure one day my wish will be fulfilled and like Supriya jee i will also share my experience here….thanks
    om sai ram

  7. Supriya ji i could jus feel wat u might ve felt u r really fortunate to stand in front of samadhi, may sai nath fulfill all ur wishes he will do it for u ve such faith in him
    Om Sai Ram
    Baba Maalik

    I Love You Baba.
    Wonderful Experiences.
    Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
    Please excuse me Baba for my mistakes BBaba.

  9. baba plz forgive me for my sins and accept me as ur daughter.plz blessed me with ur bhakti and love.u know baba i love him a lot.plz send him back to me.i dont know how but plz do it.i know m asking something impossible from u but for u nothing is impossible.if he is not in my destiny make it possible with ur blessings plz..

  10. baba you will have to help my family at this situation… please bless me to get settle in a good job as soon as possible… our financial problems has to be solved… if i get a job with in a week… definitely iam going to offer 3k as dhakshina to my sai… bless my parents too deva..

  11. Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower on them your choicest blessings of Lord Vittobha Rukhmayi to grace them with good health, long healthy life, filled with happiness, laughter, bliss, knowledge, wisdom, ability, courage, confidence, peace and prosperity. Baba please help the relations between father and sons. Baba please reduce all the stress and keep calm at out home. I think everyone is right I react and create a scene many a times. Help me get the desired patience to ignore any criticism and remark and absorb it. I felt really hurt when hubby said I have not done anything in the past, and it must be true. Please help us run our work smoothly and not let competitors get on to our work. Help us get the right people and win some projects Baba. Help us get our payments on time. Baba help me do my daily duties and help me cook well for my family. They do not like the food I make, help me do it well with your grace. Help me do some outstanding dishes and give me energy to do it. Baba I am going low on energy and metabolism, please help me lift up and take care of the family. I surrender to your holy feet Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemdaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏

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