A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences – Part 145

Again today is turn to post brief three experiences of devotees with Lord Sai Baba.

Sai Baba Cured My Mother

Anonymous Devotee says: Om Sai Nath. Hail to Shree Sai Baba. Jai Sai Ram Hetal Ji, Thank you for your wonderful contribution in the service of Our Sai by recording our experiences on your blog. I would like to narrate a miraculous experience of Sai Baba with our family. My mother slipped in bathroom due to which she broke her wrist bone. Doctor saw my mother’s wrist through x-ray and said it would have to be operated. After taking second opinion, with Baba’s blessings and grace, my mother’s wrist was operated and everything went fine. The whole operation expenses were quite high, but only by Baba’s grace, the whole amount was given by TPA Insurance except Rs. 6000, which we had to give from our side. Baba is great. Baba helped us and supported us, my whole family like a loving and protective Father and taking care of His family. It was a very difficult time for my family, but Sai Baba stood with us all the time taking care of each and every thing from small to big.

For some time my mother’s hand was in plaster. Then it was removed and later on physiotherapy started by Baba’s grace. By the Grace of My Beloved Sai, gradually and slowly my mother’s hand movements started and now it is much better. By Sai’s mercy only, my mother has recovered fast and she is using the hand for works and we all are delighted to see this. Baba Ji has brought a smile on our faces again. Thank You, Sai Baba. I Love You. Sai Baba stood with us in each moment in these times. He supported us everywhere in all situations in all times in terms of everything from doctor, hospital, expenses, full support from relatives and friends. I thank all who have been there with us in this time. Thank You so much Sai. I can’t tell You how grateful I am to You. It’s absolutely Your Miracle and nothing else. It’s my firm belief. My mother is fully cured by Baba. She is perfectly alright and fine now By Baba’s Mercy. My Koti Koti Pranams to Our Sai Baba. It’s Only Baba’s grace and kind blessings that this tough time has passed smoothly. Baba has cured my mother completely. I am deeply thankful to Our Sai. Thank You Sai Maa for Your love and affection showered on my whole family. Please continue to shower Your blessings and grace on my family and please be with us always in every second of our lives.

Thank You Baba so much.

Om Sai Ram

Wonderful Miracle After Sai Aarti At Home

Sai Brother Satish Ji from India says: Sairam to all of you, I would like to share a wonderful miracle with you all, which happened yesterday after Sai Aarti at home.

Yesterday I wore Ayappa mala in the morning, so we decided to conduct Saibaba Aarti at home. We invited everyone for Aarti. Early morning, I charged my mobile and was playing Baba and Ayappa songs for long time almost most of the day. We also played Saibaba Aarti continuously for many hours in the mobile. Aarti got over by 8 PM. By 9.30 PM, I was getting ready to retire to bed. I thought to call my cousin and the mobile said “Battery low, please charge”. The mobile didn’t allow me to make any call. As I was tired, I decided to sleep instead of charging phone.

After ten minutes, I took the mobile again and to my surprise I saw the battery sign showing “high” and I was shocked to see that. I thought it must be some technical error in the phone and slept off.

Early morning next day, I got up and saw the battery still high. I again played some songs from it, when I was doing Pooja in the morning and left mobile at home and went to office. In the evening, when I returned from office, I was shocked to see the battery still “high”. I was surprised. How can a mobile run without charge for so much time. I had played Baba songs for many hours on Thursday. I took my charger to charge my phone. As soon as I put it for charge, it said “BATTERY FULL”. I asked my family members if anyone has charged mobile in my absence, but no one charged it.

I just wanted to share this amazing Leela with you all.



Om Sai Ram

Anonymous Devotee from New Zealand says: Please publish my experience, but do not publish my name and email address. I promised Sai Baba that I will write my experience on your website and here it is.

I am from New Zealand and I trust Sai Baba a lot after my experience. I don’t know from where I should start, but here it is.

Doctors did my smear test and in the report they found that I have abnormal cells in my cervix. So they did biopsy test to find out if the abnormal cells are minor or severe. The report came and they said it was severe and they have to do surgery to take it out, before it can turn into serious. They gave me the date of the surgery. It was after two weeks. I prayed to Sai Baba everyday to help me and save me from this disease. I was reading Sai Kashta Nivaran Mantra everyday and I was reading Shri Sai Satcharitra as well. I also promised Baba that I will do Sai Vrat for 9 Thursday, if my disease is cured properly and the report should be normal. I went for surgery and it was all good. After one week, my report came and the doctor told me that all the abnormal cells are taken out and no need to worry. They will check me again after one year. I was so happy, when I got this news. Sai Maa saved me and I know Baba is helping me in every step of my life. I used to drink UDI everyday as well. I learnt about Sai Kashta Nivaran Mantra from this website, because I read the devotee experience every day.

Now I need Sai Baba to help me in my personal life. I love this boy and I seek Baba’s help and please do pray for me. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

Sai Baba, my pranaam to You in Your holy feet and please Baba be with us always.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Om Sai ram Dear devotee It is humbling to read the above experiences …. sooooo much love for baba He will be so happy to see how much his devotees love him ..Reading them is like food for soul ..At times when I think what is life about , just have to read this blog and connect with my Sai family THANKS

  2. Sai Maa, You know the troubles in my life. I am very very disturbed about it. Please please be with my family and me. Please take our troubles away and bless us . Baba I have given my family in your care…..

    I have submitted myself at your feet, do what you shall with it…. You are my saviour , my guide, my father,my mother., You are everything to me….

    Love you Sai Baba.
    Koti koti pranam….

    • Yes we have the free will… thats the greatest gift from universe.. in our journey sai is our guide to god.. if we remain calm we will hear answers to all our questions.. we come to earth to finish off our karmas in the early stages.. then we r making our karmas… we need to fone tune our thoughts to make it into action and that action w not contradicted wl become ur charcter.. n if u do what I belive in.. u have the power to change destiny.. sai resides in all of is.. he is forever guiding is to do the right tjing always amd leave the rest to him.

  3. Such heart-tiuching experiences… they are small but full of Sai Blessings on his children !

    Om Sai Ram 🙂

  4. Whatever is destined will happen but the effect can be lessened and if sadguru is pleased by your devotion everything can change… And I mean everything!!!!!

  5. Om Sai Ram.

    Baba does listen to our prayers always. We need to hold on to our faith even at difficult times.

    Jai Sai.

  6. Destiny in other words …is a plan of god for each 1 of us Death came to a guy and said "My friend today is your day" Guy :- But i'm not ready ! Then death said "Well ur name is next on my list" Guy "well why don't u take a seat and i will get u something to eat before we go… Then death said "all right" Then the guy gave death some food with sleeping pills in it, death finished eating it and fell in deep sleep. The guy took the list and removed his name from the top of the list and put it on the bottom of the list ..When death woke up he said to the guy " because u have been so nice to me …I will start from the bottom of the list…. ;0=)))


  8. happy baba's day to all….i want to seek baba's blessings for udyapan of my sai vrat…please pray for me one and all….jai sai deva…

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