Oh, this experience of today is really breath taking. Sometimes Lord Sai Baba comes to us or sends His Men, but due to our ill luck or misfortune we cannot recognise Them, their worth and Their Presence in our Lives.
Sai Sister Neha Ji from India says: Dear Readers, Please bear with me as the experience I have to share is quite long, but I am sure it would touch your heart and make you feel that Baba is with us always. Please do not disclose my mail id.
This is the incidence that took place when I was in 10th standard (i.e. 16yrs old). I was weak in Mathematics. Although I had my regular tuition classes, my dad had asked one of his friends, who ran a tuition class, if he could send any teacher, who could personally teach me Math. Thus he sent to our place a teacher, who had newly joined their classes, to teach me.
This teacher was a Civil Engineer as told by him. He had a very good command on Math. He had his little on story of coming to Surat (Gujarat) which goes like this.
He was from Hyderabad. His elder brother had ditched him and taken away all his part of property. Thus he left the place and came here. His looks – He was dark, used to wear torn cloths, spectacles, slippers on feet and means of transport- a bicycle. Routine – Everyday my mother would give him breakfast. At times, she would also give few rupees. Help – Once he had some health issues, blood in his urine. My dad being a doctor treated him and gave him medicines. He was alright in few days. The final day – He had taught me just for few weeks. One fine morning, he came and told us that he would discontinue coming here as he was leaving Surat and going and that he doesn’t know if he would ever return. He said he had just come to meet us for the last time.
There were tears rolling down his dark cheeks. I was numb as I didn’t expect this. Then a shrill voice came to my ear saying thus, “Dear you are the only one who has respected me so much, till now nobody has done that”. Keeping his hand on my head, he blessed me saying, “You will always be successful in life. After you grow up and become independent (i.e. start earning). You would go to Shirdi. When you go there, I just want you to do one thing. Just feed one poor person and I will be obliged”. Point to think about is that although I believed God, but I was not at all religious. Hearing these words of his, I was blank as I didn’t know what was going on.
Then he showed me his palm and showed me a line in it (i.e. “Rekha”). Showing it he said, “This is a line, which you would not see in anybody’s hand”. While saying all this, he kept crying and even I and mummy had tears in our eyes.
It was just as a dream. He took a pen of mine as a remembrance of me. On that day as usual my mother gave him few rupees, but he refused to take it that day. Thus he left leaving behind a beautiful memory of his for me. After one year, when I finished my 11th and I had started tutions for 12th, he again called me once asking if I need any help in studies. But as I already had many tutions, I refused him.
After completion of my 12th, I went to hostel for my graduation. In the first year of my engineering, my mom got news from someone that this Sir had done suicide due to financial reasons. But the person, who told mom this, had also received this news from someone and that mom knew no one who had seen the dead body.
Few months later, there came a saint at our door, generally my mother doesn’t entertain such people due to fear, but that day she did ask him to come in. He said few things about our past, which was absolutely correct. Then he said that Sai Baba had come to your place and He was very happy with you and your family. Mom did not pay much attention to his words as it was really difficult to digest such a statement. Then he made some predictions about that we are going to Shirdi in sometime in January and that all problems that my dad was facing in his office would be solved and it did happen the same way. We did go to Shirdi in January (it was a sudden program) and also dad’s problem was solved.
Reading this incident till here, would make you feel that the Teacher was no one else, but my SAI BABA. But we being humans use more of logic and don’t understand when god shows us indications that HE is with us. Same was the case with us. We still couldn’t believe that Baba had come at our house. So finally, he had to again give us some further proof.
Few months after all this took place, I had been home for a vacation. Since the time the Teacher had left I had started believing in Sai Baba and soon I became an ardent devotee of Baba. He became my best friend and my brother as I am the only child.
One day, I just sat and was wondering that from when did my faith in Baba developed and I remembered the above incident and all these sequence of incidents flashed in my mind. No sooner did this happen and I decided to pen down all of these.
As I started writing the first incident, I don’t know what happened to me and I started believing that the Teacher was my Sai. As it is said Sai Himself chooses His devotees and He chose me. The very next thought was that if he was my Sai, then the notes he wrote for me would be a blessing for me only if I can find them as it had been 5 long years now. But when Sai wants something to happen, it would happen and yes I got the notes written by him. As I opened the note book, I started feeling the pages, which my SAI had touched. Suddenly a thought crossed my mind. If it was my SAI, he would have left some indication, SAI written or symbol to prove that it was Him. So I started turning each page with a hope of finding one, but I could not find any in the pages written by him. Then by chance, I turned to the last page of the book, which was haft torn and folded. When I opened the folded part, I couldn’t believe, there was “OM SAI RAM” written not once, but 7 times.

My eyes were filled with tears of joy and happiness I could not believe that yes my BABA had come to me and at the same time felt sad as well that I could not recognize Him.
So this is how He showered His blessings on me.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Oh my god.!! What an experience.!!! No words just a feeling of marvellousness towards Him.!!
May God bless all.!!
Very beautiful experience neha ji, you are a blessed child of sai ram. Can you please show the picture of the last page from your where Om sai ram was written by baba. iam very curious to see.
Be always there with your august hands on me;
When you are there, troubles can never make me fear.
You are Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient !!!
i dont have any words to tell you what i felt after reading this….thanks baba for everything..
Neha ji, Really breath taking experience, had tears while reading, You and your family are really blessed to experience it. Thanks for sharing it.
please show us our sai's writing.. please … even i am curious to see..
jus had tears reading the experience… ve no words to express my feelings..blessed are u n ur family to meet baba n got chance to do his seva
beautiful heart throbing experience.cant express my feelings in words after reading this experience.you are a blessed one.om sai ram
Hello everybody,
Jai Sai Ram!
Thanks for all your comments. Am so sorry that it didnt come in my mind 1st to share the photo of the torn page before hand. But i am doing it now.
Dear Hetalji,
I have mailed you the pics. Please post them for our other Sai devotees….Thank u.
what a beautiful experience you have had. i wish babaji would also embrace me in real life. you are very fortunate.
those who trust in him will be screwed very soon. My frist showwer of blessing onconditional Screwing in my life….. Thank u Mr. Baba….. Who shower blesss only on female gender…. and screw down male gender
Jai Sai Ram…..Neha…You are someone who is a very special child and ofcourse a loving child of Baba( The Almighty)This is such a beautiful experience and such miracles happen only in dreams but this time this a true one, You know we say we all love Baba but for me i love him but i cannot say that i do as saying this i think i am just trying to prove myself see he is there. HE is the UNIVERSE master of our past present and future, so to be very simple and short my words would be very less to describe the BONDING i share and feel every milli second of my heart beat, the only thing he wants us to do is to TRUST on him( which includes faith, patience, surrender and always being thankfull to every person).
Sai Please bless us also with such blessings.
Om Sai Namoh Namah Shirdi Sai Namoh Namah Jai Jai Sai Namoh Namah Sat Guru Sai Namoh Namah:o)
Very nice experience. Thanks alot for sharing it.
awesome! may baba bless all!
Niece experience neha ji.omsairam.
Amazing experience! I really enjoyed it and it really does show us that Sai is always with us and watching us.
Om Sai Ram
Sweet experience Neha ji.
Happy to read your experience. May you remain blessed ever!
grt experience love you Sainath time and again you always show ur devotees that you are always with them. Baba is great.
jai sai nath.
Amazing experience.
Thank you so much for posting the pics too.. what does "mero tho naam diyo" mean ??? sorry i am a little poor in hindi.. do u have any pics by chance taken with ur tution master that time ??/
its a heart touching experinece and thanx for sharing,after reading all the devotees experince our trust is becoming more strong towards baba.he is evrything for all the devotees.he always take care of his/her devotees.
todayis my qst savitri vrat and i was with my husband and got the blessings of maa mangala and maa kali and sai maa and other god.my husband was good to me this time and it happens bcoz of baba's blessings and i shud thank him wholeheartedly.
baba plz make us togather like a normal husbnad wife.chnage his mind for me .i knw it will happen and i m having lots of patience and i know u will make it happem.save my faith and patience baba.
om sai ram ,om sai ram.om sai ram…..
Thanks to all for your wishes and am glad that my experience touched many hearts. My experience was a way of Baba to tel all of us that he is alwaz with us….come what may….:) Jai Sai Nath!
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Dear Nehaji,
Thanks for sharing a gem. Lord sai is present and a living God. Trust him. You are a blessed one. Hope you have feeded one poor person whilst at shirdi…. Sai Baba Ki Jai.
You are so very blessed. I am so thrilled by reading your experience. You will always be blessed by SAINATH the asame way.
Om Sairam
What a wonderful experiance….after seeing the last page what a miracle……thank you for sharing this experiance
Om Sai Ram
Dear Sai Bhakt,
It is "mero to Sai dujo na koi"….which means "mere to Sai hai or koi nahi". I have written such lines on the remaining blank pages of the book coz i wanted to have only Babas name in all pages.. Sorry that i dont have any pics with the SIR (my baba) 🙁
Yes as said by HIM i did go to Shirdi after i joined my first job with my salary and i did feed one poor there. Jai Sai Ram!
Heat touching exerience,.
Om sai ram
wonderful experience..
May Baba keep showering His blessings on you and on everyone..
i am spell bound reading this experience….such an wonderful one!!!the best i have ever come across
Very Heart throbbing Experience.You are so blessed Neha Ji.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Very beautiful and moving experience! You are very lucky that Baba came to you in the form of that man, and also Baba knew you would want some proof that he had come, left you the note in your notebook. You are very lucky Neha Ji!
Om Sai Ram!
Heart touching experiencee…really ur blessed child of baba…thax a lot for sharing…
om sai ram
wonderfull experience neha…loved it…heart touching . may our sai bless us all like this forever…!!!
om sai ram
om sai ram
wonderfull experience neha…loved it…heart touching . may our sai bless us all like this forever…!!!
om sai ram
om sai ram
Ooo my god…it was fabulous experience….thanxx a ton for making us part of this…saipaa is alwayss with us at nyy situation….thankyu saipaa for everything u hv given…sorryy for everything i that i have done wrong…om Sai Ram
Om Sai ram….my shivsai has given me so much….as i wazz searchng for a new job…i asked a question to saipaa….nd in reply i was asked to give 1 rupee coin to a Muslim Saint…bt i was not getting nyy Muslim saint…..many dayzz went off…..bt one day i wazz out at market for shopping and a saint passed by me nd suddenly i turned nd went after him nd gave him 1 rupee coin…..i was so happy dat i finally got the Muslim saint….jst after 2 dayzz i got a call for joining at a new place…the kind of place i alwayzz wanted to work with…. Bt never thought that ii will ever get a chance to….bt with blessings of my shiv Sai i got it….thanxx saipaa for every thing…bt nw ur daughter s eagerly waiting for something that s veryy mch important nd s needed….i neo this will b ur biggest miracle in my life…plzz make it done veryy soon….saipaa s alwayzz with us…om Sai Ram….shivsai