In today’s post, interesting experiences are shared which devotees of Lord Sai Baba have experienced.
Devotee Experience
Sai Brother Shyamal Ji from India says: Dear Hetal Ji, Om Sai Nathaya Namaha!
First of all I would like to apologies and say sorry to our beloved Baba that I am writing these experiences after long time. Even I have come back from Shirdi Trip on 30th April’12 due to busy schedule at office and home. I didn’t get time to write also. Life is very hectic. Sorry Baba! Please forgive me if I have done something wrong! I also would like to inform all Sai devotees that whoever had sent prayers to me, I have placed all of them at Baba’s lotus feet in Samadhi Mandir faithfully. May Our Sai Baba shower blessings on all of us and fulfill everyone’s desires!

Shirdi trip was very nice although there was little bit hassles on the way. I left GUWAHATI on 25th Wednesday afternoon and reached Mumbai domestic airport. From there I took a taxi and went to Mumbai central railway station, but I missed the train. I took another train and reached Shirdi in the next morning 26th Thursday. By that time Kakad Aarti had already started. I was very upset, but I consoled myself that it was Baba’s wish only. After taking bath in a hotel, I proceeded directly to Samadhi Mandir for Darshan along with all the prayers sent to me from various places by devotees. I had very nice Darshan and placed all prayers at Hundi in front of Baba’s idol. I wanted to touch Baba’s Samadhi as it was over crowded and the authority people close it with glass partitions from all the 3 sides. But, Baba fulfilled all my wishes. I prayed Baba whole heartedly then afternoon Aarti time, I could able to touch nicely and prayed.
This time I wanted to do parayan of “Sai Amrit Vani” and “Shri Sai Satcharitra” in Dwarakamai. Baba fulfilled these 2 wishes also. I was very happy. This time I have purchased a Baba’s big Photo. Friday I started from Kakad Arati till Shej Arati at night and was very happy. On 28th Saturday, I came back to Mumbai by bus and was supposed to catch the train from Mumbai to Bangalore. My ticket was not confirmed and still I got into the train. But with Baba’s grace, I could able to manage to book a berth at that night and somehow reached safely Bangalore at night.
One of our very close Astrologer from Assam has asked me to feed a proper full meal to a poor man on Saturday. So, accordingly we have prepared all items with vegetable and non-vegetable items and asked one of our security guard to arrange a poor begger. The security guard has arranged the poor man. Thanks to him. May Baba bless him. I was so happy to see the old man that I felt Baba has come and accepted the food through the poor man.
Recently I have participated in Mr. Anuj Gupta’s house at Belandur for Sai Amrit Vani recitation. Veena Ma and Ashok Ji from Delhi had come over and I was very lucky that I could attend this divine satsang. I saw Baba’s Leela as usual, UDI produced in Veena Ma’s lap, water oozing from Baba’s idol charans, and eaten prasads presented to BABA.
My most thrilled experience was that when we came back from Kuwait and joined the same company in Bangalore. BABA took care each and everything…..all materials came safely…that time we had to spend lots of money and was in tension how we will manage everything right beginning from school, transportation, house, furniture..etc but somehow we have got all the money through company and settled nicely….This was possible only because of Baba’s blessings! Koti Koti Pranam Baba! Thank you so much for everything you have given to us! Keep always eyes on us Baba!
On my birthday 20th March, I have received a Baba’s idol inside Shiva Linga through one of my wife’s friend, who went to Shirdi recently. Thank You so much Baba. Our beloved Baba is always with us. Only thing is we should have firm Faith and Saburi!
Ananta koti Brahmanda Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidananda Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Sai Baba Re-Entered In My Life
Anonymous Devotee from
India says: Hello Hetal Ji, please do not disclose my name and email ID. I believe Sai Baba has been with me for many years now. Even before that, I started praying Sai. As a kid, I used to read the 'Satcharitra for kids' often. I used to read this story where Baba lights the lamps with water instead of oil. Today, he is my driving force. He helped me clear my exams and he helped me join the same concern where my love worked.
I have completed my B.E and I am working now. I was not good at academics. Well, it can be better said that I did not like the course I chose and I was this person who had zero percent confidence on herself. When I was in my final year, I fell in love with my classmate. He was interested in me too. All our friends knew this except us. I was afraid to tell him because I was not confident. Even little things would break me. I had arrears too. By the time I gained enough confidence to tell him that I liked him (courtesy: his friends). I came to know that I am getting into a very tough phase. He liked me, but he had his own inhibitions because we belong to different religions. We completed college. I still had arrears, but no confidence. I went to my friend's place to study for my arrear exams. She had exams too.
It being a Thursday, she went to Sai Baba Temple. I did not accompany her. She came back and told me her Sai experiences. She is married and they are running a small cab service. They had to pay a loan amount of 40,000 and they were in a crunch. There was hardly a week left and all she trusted was Baba. She read Sai Satcharitra and was praying to Baba to help her. She finished the Parayan on Wednesday. On Thursday, Baba's day a man, who did not owe her family any money, came to her house and gave her mom 40,000 (the exact amount she needed). He stated that her family has helped him long back and now he was well settled and wanted to thank them. Such is the greatness of Baba. This was my new lease of confidence.
After my childhood, this was the first time Baba re-entered in my life. We completed our exams. I prayed Baba that I clear all my exams. I read Sai Satcharitra. I was very confident I am going to clear my exams. It was a kind of confidence that I had not had in years. I read Sai Satcharitra and I prayed for my love. I asked Baba to unite him with me. I got a call from a concern, where I applied for and I was asked to join work on Thursday. It was the same office that he worked in. I thought Baba had blessed me with a job. It took me around a couple of days to realize that he had actually blessed me with my love too, though I was well aware of the fact that he was working there. My results were out and I cleared all the papers. I got another confidence boost.
A few months ago, he had left the job and went to a different concern. I am planning to quit the job and do a short course. My relationship with my boyfriend has always been hard because he is a Muslim and I am a Hindu. He keeps on stating that our marriage will never happen and he will never hurt his parents to marry me. We have broken up before and we had got back together. I love him so much. I have always loved him. There was this particular day I was so upset and I texted him questioning his sincerity to people around him. He stopped talking to me. I realized that I am way too much in love with him than I actually thought. My parents are pressing me for marriage. I love him so much and I cannot live with anyone else. Baba, please make him realize that. Baba, please make my marriage with him happen with the consent of our families. Om Sai Ram. I love You. Dear Sai brothers and sisters, please pray for me.
Sai Helps Me In Many Ways
Anonymous Devotee from
India says: Dear Hetal Ji, Sai Ram. I would like to thank you for wonderful work. Kindly do not disclose my name and e-mail Id. I have seen many miracles of Baba in my life. In the year of (2004 or 2005), my husband’s friend gave me Sai Baba Ji idol. On that time, I don’t know much about Baba Ji. I used to pray Hanuman Ji. I am very grace with Hanuman. I kept Sai Ji in my pooja room. In year of 2009, my husband have health problem (Anal Fissure), he has that problem more then 6 to 7 years. When he takes medicine, it is ok. If he stops medicine, it starts again.
On that time, we went to Sai Baba temple in Neelankarai with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law family. I attended Sai Ji prayer. My eyes filled with tears. I beg to Sai to solve my husband health problem and informed Him that I will take fasting every Thursday. By Sai’s grace, he got mild operation. Now health condition is good. He doesn’t have any problem. From that time onward, I am very mad with Sai Ji. I use to say Sai is my baby.
More than 2.5 (from 2010 December onwards) years, I and my husband didn’t get proper job. Many of them told that due to 7.5 Nattu Sani. After completing Sani Dasa, you will be alright. But I was confident with Sai that He will solve the problem. I use to take 9 weeks Sai Vrat to solve my problem. Believe me with in 9 week, my Sai gave the solution. I prayed to Sai Baba to get good job with good package for my husband. I wrote chiti and kept near Sai and started 9 week Sai Vrat. After completing 7th week, my husband got call from employer to collect the employment letter. He got salary what we expect. Thanks a lot Sai Ji.
My daily duty while preparing coffee in morning, I use to keep one glass milk to my Sai Baba. I don’t consider whether I take bath or not. If I have a problem, I use to write chiti, keep near my Sai, my heart will relax. Now I am asking my Sai, to arrange trip to Shirdi by month Jun-July (2013) and praying for me to get job. Due to one year break, it is very hard for me join in job. I request our Devotees to hold our Sai Ji very tight. He will take care just like our father and mother. I am very confident that I will get job. Sai will arrange Shirdi trip for me.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
sai ram u just prove it everytime. at 2.30 am why should i suddenly turn on the internet and come to this site.. and the experience that i had might be a coincidence..but coincidences happen only to people who believe in miracles, in baba.. i see it every u sairam..
sai ram this is the last week of my nav guruvar vrat and here you have posted my experience.. pls fulfill my wish baba..i beg are my father, mother, guru..m asking like a child to her parents..
I really enjoy how many of the sai devotees have such a personal connection to Baba, which I feel is also what Baba wants. Reading many love stories here, I notice that many girls want to be with a person who don't really care for them bc why would they treat these girls so carelessly. All I want to say to these women is look at your life from a bigger perspective and think about your parents, who love you much more.
Jai Sai Ram
Dear anonymousji, I am 110% with you! The trend of having boyfriend and than blindly believing in that person forgetting whole world, where the person whom you want to marry, he himself is not ready or he takes a refuge of parents declining ready to marry lover-girl's wish to marry him, is really pathetic. You are so very right to guide these girls/women who waste their lives for something that is not going to help them in building their married lives successful and also inviting wrath of parents not listening to their wisdom filled suggestions.
Please please do try to understand the difference between "infatuation" and "real love". And if you can not figure out, just blindly follow our traditional ways of our social norms. It might be much more safer than ruining your life for unhealthy relationships.
Someone talking to you nicely, looking into your eyes, murmuring softly in your ears telling what you wish to hear from him, taking you out for dinner and cinema, does not make him "a sincere lover"! And when time comes for commitment, he just finds excuses!!!!
Be wise and live healthy relationship and follow your inner voice. BABA will surely give you HIS fullest support and make your life happy!
Wishing happiness for all, (who are worried about such broken relationships to be mend by BABA, pressuring BABA to help them!)
No offense to any one…my heart is crying for all suffering women/teenage girls while watching on TV and/or getting news where women are treated so badly and many a times they themselves are to be blamed to invite such a tragic end!
Jai Sai RAM.
Dear anonymous Ji and Meera Ji, I do understand and agree with what you are trying to say..I would say, "Girls/women, please leave it to our SAIMA. HE mothers us, nurtures us, protects us in every possible way..HE will never let us down. But one thing Meera Ji, you said, "pressurising BABA to help them". I think, our SAIMA never gets pressurised when HIS kids cry to HIM for help and mercy. Instead, HE just would pull them closer to HIM and makes them realise that HE is always there for them no matter what happens. We , SAIMA's kids only can rely on HIM, because we have no one else who could guide us in the proper way. If SAIMA feels that there is something better for us ahead, HE definitely would bring it to us..Only thing I would say is, "Girls/Women, please have complete faith and patience in our SAIMA, for you will never be let down at any cost. HE will always give you the best. Even if it is not what you exactly asked for, you will realise how special and the best , what BABAJI has given you in the end. SAI always has the better plans for you. Make you parents happy and I am sure you will derive complete happiness in the end"
Forever in our LORD SAI MAHARAJ. Om Sri Sachidhanand Sathguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai
Dear Meera aunty,
I am a 23 year old girl. But I totally agree with your words. This generation doesn't really know what love really is!! True love always includes 1.Responsibility and
Without these two it's not love. Love is what our parents have for us. Not some random stupid boy holding ur hands and interested in physical relationship but not ready for marriage. Wake up girls. Plz
Beautiful experiences… very blessed ones. Om Sai
Om Sai jai sai .
@Shyamal: Hello Sir, I want to know about Satsang which happens in Bangalore. I also stay @ Bangalore has been trying to get the information on this. Could you please help me whom to contact on this.
Om Sai Ram.
Baba, wish you a happy Navratri ! May you keep showering your blessings on all of us always ! We need you care, love, affection and guidance always. You are our Sai Maa.
Baba, pains me to see many ladies in relationship issues or having trouble getting married. Baba it is the worst of pains one can get. All i know is when you are with them, how can there sins stay ? Burn all their bad-karmas Deva and bless each one with a happy and fulfilled married life. Let everyone be happy. Do please guide us always on the right path and help us to deserve your Grace.
Request everyone to read 'Sai Satcharitra' daily, that would destroy all bad-karmas and earn Baba's grace. Let us put the teachings of Baba into practice in our daily life.
May Baba bless us all always. Love you a lot Baba and thank you for everything.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Om Sai Ram,
I m very touched the way you prayed for everyone.M glad to see the way you understood and realised the pain when one is not getting his loved one or getting trouble in marraige.This is the biggest pain indeed which i too truely agree.Thanks a lot.May sai bless each and everyone with what they desire.Afterall its sai only who can fulfill every heart's desire.
very nice that you are praying for everyone..really i am confused why baba is not taking care of some realtionship matters..even i am facing the same difficult situation..i am in love with a guy since 4 years everything was going well but suddenly what happend i dont know my boyfriend suddenly stoped talking to me and after 2 months he is now talking to me..but still some problems are there..suddenly why this is happening to me i dont know..only baba knows the answers..i am waiting for his mercy..i am really scared about my love life and about my future..i am praying baba to help me..still waiting to happen marriage with my boyfriend..please pray for sairam..
Dear anonymous ji,
I don't know should I say anything in your matter….but with growing age, gaining more wisdom in LIFE, many a times I think our old tradition was so thoughtful….our elders/parents and even close family members would always used to find out about the family background of the prospective candidates (both sides) to make sure family is good, culturally well oriented and God forbid, something undesirable happens, the family members would stand by the suffering couple! Now falling in love with your boyfriend and not knowing the entire family's cultural background, and if the caste is different , it is all the more difficult to find out about the family background….and you get married, most of the times both sides parents are not happy with such decision…and you come to know that it was just "physical attraction" and not REAL LOVE while going ahead for marriage, you are doomed! And than you are probably burdened with kids as well as financial crises and nowhere to turn to for help. In our society it is not that easy to come out of such marriages and you are stuck with the family you married to!
My advice is to think all sides for your decision to be fulfilled and asking BABA to grant your wish!
May you be happy always and remain blessed.
Jai Sai RAM.
Beautifully said Meera aunty
Hi Hetalji,
Please offer my prayers to Akhilandakoti Brahmanda nayaka Rajaadi raja Yogiraja parabrahma Sri Sachidaanand mahaaraj to change my sister's mind to normal. As she is afraid of her non-timely marriage she is taking wrong decisions and really hurting my parents very badly, which no daughter should do to any of the parents and they are bearing it since they have hope on baba would save her. Please ask baba to fix my sister's marriage choosed by my parents. She should change her mind and think properly to solve the problem, as some pandit ji told us that the marriage should take place before Feb'2013 and it should be fixed in Nov'12. We are all in tension that will we get a good alliance before November'12. With baba's grace we are expecting it to happen quickly.
I know Hetal ji with your good and peaceful mind if you pray him he will accept your prayers that's why I am writing to you.
Sai Ramji,
I will certainly pray for your sister's marriage.
Jai Sai Ramji
Sai Ki Deewani
Hetal Patil Rawat
such a wonderful experiences. baba bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Baba please guide all these adolescent children to take the right decision in life.
Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram.
Love you so much Baba.
2nd devotee you will be blessed soon. Belive in baba have faith and patience. there is nothing to do in caste and religion,every one are baba's child.
i am totally with Meeraji. Girls please wake up and don't ruin your life for someone who doesn't even care for you or all of sudden stop contacting. Don't you think this is act of insulting you as a person? You are an individual and please surrender completely to Baba. then see how He support you and bless you with a wonderful life which you could ever imagine. Please as of now try and concentrate on your career. In your case I can't even blame the guy bcoz the guy is so very clear about his decision. so don't make a haste. You are young. Please pray Baba to show the correct path and leave the rest to Him. He will take you to heights. Sorry if I hurt you in anyway. Sairam please bless all of us.
Well Said Gayathri Ji and Meera Ji . SAI will look after everything. Only thing is we need to Surrender to HIM completely
SAI please be with us all, bless, guide us and protect us in all ways..JAI SAI RAM
All Sai devotees who experience our beloved Sai are really blessed. May Sai be with all of us and bless all of us always. All baba temple trust
Deva bless us so that our faith remains steady and our patience never runs out.
Jai Sairam
Very nice experiences! Shyamal Ji, your Shirdi trip experience was very nice and it is good Baba arranged for everything to work out well. 1st devotee from India, don't worry, Baba will do what He knows is best for you, Baba will make sure that you are very happy and if it is with this boy, Baba will make sure you and him get married together. 2nd devotee from India, it was Baba who solved your husband's health problems and don't worry, Baba will arrange for your job and also call you to Shirdi at the right time for you in your life. Om Sai Ram!
Jai Sai Ram, to all who responded to my comments.
I think who did not like my comment, has not read the whole paragraph and shown reaction towards "some words" which makes my comments out of context.
When I said "pressuring BABA to help us after doing something we should not do in the first place.I never said we can not seek BABA's help. WE do stupid things, like the guy bluntly says he wants to marry as per his parents and does not want to continue relationship, that why to be blind and yet want him to change his mind, to change his parent's minds and the girl wants to be accepted in that family? I don't understand such thinking process.
Marriage is not a "gudda-guddi's khel" , it's a big responsibility. You are not just marrying a person, you have to deal with several fronts at the same time without loosing patience.And with pressures from all sides, LOVE may just vapourise in the air and harsh reality hits you with full force. Than again you would want BABA to fetch you out of trouble! With marriage taken place, next step is having kids, and even more responsibilities.
While meeting a guy on the job and thinking he is your boyfriend and it would be the same situation after getting married, perhaps , one is totally wrong in that perception! Sometimes one may get married and soon finds that how wrong that decision was!
Well, I beg pardon of anybody who felt offended. All I want to guide these young girls to fall in love with precaution and wisdom. LOVE is BLIND but you need to make sure if the other person is worthy of being blind after!
Jai Sai Ram Wonderful experiences thanks for sharing it
SAI BABA is always with us…..OM SAI RAM…..
om sai ram
om sai ram
Om Shri Ram!!