Today we all are remembering the day when our beloved Lord Sai Baba left His Mortal Body to act in Spirit and guide us in every phase of life. It has been 94 years since then that we are being looked after and caressed by Him. This very blog is a perfect example of this!
On this day, we are glad to make a very important announcement. Along with experiences, few resources or literature related to Lord Sai Baba, if mentioned by devotee in his/her experience are shared. A devotee reader of this blog brought to our notice that those resources when shared with devotee’s experience are not easy to find in older archieves and be benefited with it. A suggestion was given that a different download page can be dedicated to all such resources. This inspired us to start with a fresh blog named “Shirdi Sai Baba Resources” maintained by my father, wherein all possible resources which devotees living abroad find difficult to acquire, will be posted. Even devotees from India are also sometimes unaware of such resources if they are not available in their locality. As a contribution the same devotee has sent us few resources which were in her collection. Other devotee readers too can share the resources so that all can be benefited at large. We request you all to visit this newly created blog and download these resources. As always we are looking forward for your suggestions and opinions!
Sharing very motivating and interesting experiences of devotees with Lord Sai Baba in today’s post.
Baba’s Way Of Finding His Devotees
Anonymous Devotee from UK says: Hi Hetal Ji. OM SAI RAM. First of all my heartiest congratulations to you for going through this wonderful feeling of becoming a mother soon. As our SAI Maa is always with you, He will make sure everything happens smoothly. I and my husband live in London. We are blessed as we have a SAI temple at a walking distance. I have been regularly reading your blog from last 5-6 months. I found myself really fortunate to come across this site, where SAI devotees share their wonderful experiences of SAI. It really gives me a lot of positive energy in a day to day life. We all are very thankful to you for giving us this wonderful platform to share our experiences. Please do not disclose my name and identity. Your blog has motivated me to share the below mentioned experience.

Before starting anything, I would like to bow and do Shastang Namaaskar at the feet of our Lord SAI. For me, my Baba is everything. He means a world to me and I believe my existence is nothing without His blessings. I am extremely thankful to Baba for choosing me, my husband and my family for His abundant blessings and love. I would also like to thank Baba for giving me world’s best sister and husband. Please edit where ever you feel necessary.
I know Baba from the year 1999. This was the time, when my sister started following Baba. With her, I used to go to a nearest SAI BABA temple. I still remember at the entrance of the temple there was a big framed photograph of Baba. Whenever I used to go to temple, I used to see myself in the framed glass just to see how I am looking. And on the other side, my sister used to be completely engrossed in the devotion of Baba. She was going through a tough time during that period and with her increased devotion and true prayers, Baba has overcome all her sorrows. She is an ardent devotee of Baba now. As like every human being, she faces the good and bad phase of life, but her faith has never dwindled. Thanks to Baba for keeping her faith.
In the time from 1999 to 2004, I used to worship Baba like any other God. It was only in the year 2004 that I started becoming a believer and a devotee of Baba. It all started when in 2004, after completing my graduation, all of a sudden I got a very unusual problem of sleep disorder. I used to stay awake whole night, leaving me frustrated in the morning. With every day my situation got worse and worse. Seeing me like this for 20-25 days and after trying all the home remedies, my parents decided me to take me to a psychiatrist. I was very scared to go there however the doctor looked like the last resort to me. The doctor asked me too many questions to find out if there is anything bothering me. To the confusion of the doctor, the truth was that I was leading a very normal and tension free life and the only thing bothering me was my fear of not being able to sleep. He recommended me some medicines and I started to sleep for 6 hours every night. I was on medication for six months. It was impossible for me to sleep without taking those medicines. The thought of being addicted to those medicines were killing me and I started to worry how I will manage to sleep without taking those medicines.
Remembering my sister's experience, I started going to Baba’s temple and prayed to Him whole heartedly to help me sleep without taking any medicines. The first day, I prayed to Baba that I decided not to take any medicine. And to my surprise, Baba has showered all His mercy on me. He made me sleep very well from that day without any medicine.
This experience of mine has changed my life and has changed me as a person too. I am a staunch devotee of Baba now. Baba has taken a full control of my life though sometimes I can’t stop worrying on some issues however at the end there is only one divine power that never let you down. That’s our one and only SAI Maa. Thanks Baba for accepting me as Your child and for listening to my unsaid prayers.
My Every Breath And Heart Beat Is Because Of Sai Nath
Sai Sister
Seema Ji from India says: My life, from the day I started, is asking His help. He was and is besides me in my every difficult moment. First time, I am sharing my own experience of His eternal presence. He is in every bit. Om Sai Nath.
I got married to a guy with lot of dowry. My husband used to ask more of money and gifts from my family. He used to lock me in house, not allowed to go outside, not allowed to do job. He himself never gave me money for food or other expenses. Every time, I used to depend on my family. My family got ill during those days. At that time, I asked help of SAI BABA. Baba showed His miracles. My family came out of those difficult moments. After that, my husband decided to give divorce because we stopped fulfilling his demands. He refused to give us back our dowry money and also filed fake case against me that I have stolen Jewellery.
Every relative of mine was in favour to send me to my husband again and I was told to live in every circumstance even if he is beating or asking. I refused to go, and decided to fight against all sufferings given to me by my husband. I was not having any job, no money. I asked BABA and He gave me job, a place to live in and lot of love and strength to fight. I fought for two years, nothing was happening. Every time my husband used to bribe police and other personnel. I experienced lot of corruption in my way, but I had faith on BABA and He gave me so much of strength that I was just fighting without expecting anything. Then one day miracle happened. Some special meeting held, and my FIR against my in laws got filed, for which I was trying since two years. After that my in laws got ready to return my money back and also BABA wants to return my respect back. So my husband called me for my help in relieving from corrupt police, for that he said sorry to my whole family and to me lot of times. If SAI BABA would not have been with me, I would not have been relaxed as I am today. This is my own experience that if you just enchant HIS name, He will come to you for your help immediately. You just have to keep HIS two words in mind FAITH and PATIENCE and all will happen well. OM SAI NATHAYA NAMAH.
My Divine Experience - Baba Gave Live Darshan
Sai Brother
Narayana Ji from India says: I am from Kerala (Cherukunnu- Kannur dist). I am Married. I was employed in Hyderabad (A.P) from 1966-2006 (40 years) in a pvt company. I retired in 2000 and continued till 2006. I left Hyderabad and settled in my home town Cherukunnu, Kannur, Kerala.
I had visited Shirdi 6 times. During my visit in 2004, I had wonderful experience. While entering Dwarkamai, I had the greatest and wonderful experience on earth. I could see “Two Baba” side by side sitting live of nearly 50-55 years (in an enclosure of grills). One Baba was raising His hand as though to bless me. I didn't think much about it then. After reaching Hyderabad, I asked my wife and children, who had also accompanied me to Shirdi whether they had seen what I did. No they didn't. Now when I read the experiences of devotees of Baba, it did strike me that what I had at Shirdi was a Divine Darshan given to me by Baba. I am hailing from Kerala, and I don’t know how at all I am worshipping Baba instead of Shree Krishna/Annapurne-swari. I was staying by the side of a very big temple of
Annapurneswariand Krisna.
In Hyderabad market, once I went in bus and got one God’s photo. I don’t know how I bought cross legged man Photo instead of Krishna Rama Mahalakshmi Ayyappa. All Sai did, I believe. I don’t know how all this happened. JAI SAI RAM.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
All three all excellent experiences thanks all for sharing it..
Just had online darshan of Baba on this special day felt like sharing with other sai devotees. Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Happy Dashera to ALL! Pranaams to BABA, on one side we celebrate Dashera while on the other hand we feel sad and gloomy as BABA left us from this World forever. Though as Hetal ji says, BABA left us to be with EACH Devotee in spirit and guide us, protect us from calamities of this worldly ocean of Maya jaal!
Happy to read experiences of Sai Devotees today. Seema ji, I am happy and proud of you for standing up against the injustice after marriage that you suffered and more happy as you passed the test with BABA's grace and now you are enjoying life with peace at heart. Hope you would find a good life partner who would not seek money out of you but would love you for what you are!
Your incident reminds me of my several such events in my life where I stood up against the injustice and with BABA's grace I was successful in my efforts, even though for all my life I have been branded as a meek person! A couple of my fight against wrongful things are- I had to deal with a car dealer when I bought a car from him and another was a fight with my employer who tried to have me voluntary resignation thumping false accusation saying I did not follow the Company procedure in asking for time off to go to India on the occasion my son's marriage. I was working for that company for last 10-11 years and they knew how careful I am for all these matters like asking for leave, even taking time off for one day! I was laid off for 5 months and they had to give back my job with full honor and retaining my job title.
Well, That's what BABA says, do what is right and fight against injustice, if that is the only option you have than I am always there to back you up with your RIGHT CAUSE of fight.
Jai Sai RAM.
Dear Hetal ji,
I entered my comments here, and it seems did not go through for some reason and I don't see any update here that my comment is awaiting approval…don't know what went wrong! If my comment won't show up I may have to re-enter all over again.
I hope the problem is not related to your "upgrade".
Jai Sai RAM.
Love you so much Baba.
Very nice experiences. Happy Dusserah to all. Hetal ji, the new blog sounds great. Thank you Baba for blessing us and being with all of us.
Om Sai Ram
Very nice experiences. Thanks for sharing. Hetal ji, congrats for your new blog. Om Sai Ram.
Nice experiences. Om Sai Ram.
Really all are nice experiences. Thanks for sharing with us.
Praise be to the omniscient Deva. May he continue to keep a watch over his children and guide them through troubled times.
Jai Sairam
Very nice experiences! Seema Ji, it was Baba who helped you get out of those difficult circumstances and helped you keep your strong faith that your husband's bad behaviors would improve (only due to Baba). Devotee from UK, it is faith in Baba and Udi that helped you sleep well, that can cure anything. Narayana Ji, you are very lucky to be seeing Baba everywhere and also the unique vision of 2 Babas. Om Sai Ram!
such a wonderful experiences. baba pls bless all of us. bless us with shraddha and saburi. never leave us. you are everything for us.
jai sai ram!
BABA is always with us…OM SAI RAM…
Dattatreya ki jai, tirupati balaji ki jai, jai hanuman, jai ganesh, namaha shivaya, baba ki palkhi ki jai, shree ram, jai durga maa