Few more experiences are shared in today’s post.
Sai – The Biggest Magician
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sai Ram Hetal Ji, I am submitting below one experience experienced by my friend. You could edit and modify it. It would be great if you could acknowledge.
Thanks a lot for all your efforts for such a Service which gives us so much confidence and believing in “BABA is everywhere with us, will give HIS best to us and HE is like our parents, friend and teacher”. Needless to say that you are one of the cutest daughters of BABA. I request you to please publish this experience of my friend. Please do not publish my name or email-id. And please publish it on any Thursday, if it couldn’t be possible then OK, no problem.
I must confess that I am not a great devotee of BABA like others in this blog because BABA has never given me DARSHAN even in my dreams. I am from Odisha. My friend Jyoti belongs to a little conservative family. She is full of life. She is such a beautiful girl, who could not see anybody in problems. She is really a big devotee. It was his habit to speak with BABA. At that time, I didn’t know much about BABA. She taught me about BABA. After that, I started believing in BABA.
Every time I saw her, with a big smile. She was so tensed due to delay in her marriage because her father was a heart patient. She was trying hard to go to SHIRDI with her family. But her father had told her that when her marriage will be fixed, the very next day they will go to SHIRDI. So she was little disappointed.
One day, she told us that her marriage was fixed. That guy is a Software Engineer. Her father is planning to go to SHIRDI soon. I told her to take some Dakshina from my family for BABA. Almost a month or so passed away and no news came from her side. At last, I had to mail her asking about her trip to SHIRDI and preparation for marriage. She replied that her engagement is broken and it’s almost a week or more. Every day, she just was asking herself that what she had done wrong for which her family was facing so many problems and embarrassment for her. You won’t imagine most of the shopping was almost done. It was really difficult for her to face her MAA. She was really suffering. She was always consoling her and saying that one day everything will be fine. And she just wanted to stay strong, but they didn’t know up to when.
What could be your reply to her mail? She was broken into pieces. Why girls are suffering when engagement/marriage is broken. Like after that everything is finished. I replied that You are coming from SHIRDI. So BABA has some other plans for you. He is not a right guy for you. That’s why HE broke your engagement. Just wait and watch what BABA is going to do with you. I gave her an example of my Didi and Jiju. My Didi had experienced the same incident. But look how much happy she is right now with my Jiju.
Then BABA showed us magic. Her father got a really good proposal for her. He was a Software Engineer too. And her marriage remained unchanged. She was so happy when informed us. He really loves her a lot. She was thanking BABA many times for this. Now, she is so happy with her husband and her kid.
But one thing I must confess that I had lied to her in my reply. But I had to. Sorry my SAI, please forgive me. My Didi’s marriage was a big disaster for her life and my family too. I had to take her back home from her in laws after just 3-4 months after her marriage. Now she is OK. She has not any kind of faith in BABA. But she helps me in doing Navguruvar Vrat. But, before marriage she had so much faith in BABA. I hope one day everything will be fine with her and my family too.
So devotees, especially SAI KI BETI who is waiting to get her husband’s love, BABA always keeps His plans secret. The way HE executes His plans, nobody knows. You just have to wait and watch showing so much faith in BABA. HE always gives His best to us.
I have not a single great experience of mine to share. I have some very small experiences. Yes I have one experience, but sorry the greatness is yet to add by BABA. I promise that I shall share the experience once BABA’s greatness achieved.
Thank You BABA. Thank You so much.
Baba Guided Me To Success
Sai Brother
Bishnu Ji from
India says: I am follower of Saibaba. I am close to Baba since I was 6 years old.
I was too weak in study since my childhood. Anyhow I stepped upto grade 10 and completed it. I was close to Baba since my childhood. But actually I started realizing what Saibaba Means, and what He is, when I turned 16. Somewhere then, I found a quote written in article of Baba, “If you think you are too weak, don't get scare, I am always with you, finish the task what you are trying and leave the hope up to me". Then after, something really spiritual snagged inside me. Every time I stepped to do something, it turned into gold. Till then, ever body, my family, friends, and even I didn't think that I am going to pass over and continue my educational career. I attended the exam, and just memorized Baba and murmured, “Sai, it's up to You now". And dramatically, I passed my 12th grade. Since then I never failed. Now I am in degree 2nd year, I am going good. Now I have faith on myself and Baba even more.
I am a different guy with hope and integrity. I feel Baba is with me in every step of my life. Whenever I get in trouble, I close my eye and 1st step I spell is "Baba" and everything turns green. Now I am not scared to have new steps towards success. Why should I scare, if “The creator of creature is with me”.
So sacrifice your soul and wisdom to Baba completely and watch out, how things changes.
Change In My Life Because Of Sai
Anonymous Devotee from
India says: Om Sri Sai Ram, I have observed a drastic change in my life because of Sri Shirdi Sainath. Baba has given me everything a lot than I asked, especially my M. Pharma. admission. My father hasn't believed that I will get the admission because my rank was 5000. But I had a faith in Baba that I will get the admission with His grace and blessings. And finally I got everybody up-to then, who didn’t talk to me, coming to me and started appreciating me. I felt happy. Thanks to Sainath.
I saw Baba in my dream 2-3 times. Once Baba was sleeping in Seshapanpu (like Vishnu Murty in Milky Ocean), a very big Baba. I was stunned seeing that. Secondly I don't remember but I heard a voice saying to read Sai Satcharitra book on the full moon day that I missed reading book on Guru Poornima. I have a lots and lots of faith in Baba from my B. Pharma. final year onward. I don't know much about Him, but after completing of my B. Pharm., I went to my aunt house in Hyderabad, stayed there for few days. There I got realized about Baba and my aunt told her experiences about Baba in her life. There my life begins with many struggles. I faced a big problem in my life after my B. Pharma. because of a guy. My father told me that I should get ready for marriage. But I wasn't interested and still not prepared for that life and I want to study more. I asked Baba every Thursday that I am going to temple and there I saw a book of NAV GURUVAR VRAT. I started the vrat for 9 weeks. After that, my father changed his mind. I got the admission in M. Pharma., studied and I am now a M. Pharma. graduate. My father is feeling proud of that, when he introduces to any one and say that my daughter M. Pharm. I was happy for that. All is because of Baba. I have spread about Baba and my experiences to some of my friends and family and all the members are now in a family of Sainath. I have prayed a lot for Shirdi Sainath to help in all my life wherever I was going and whatever I am doing. He was always with me and staying in my heart. I got my parent, who loves me a lot than my brother and a man who loves equal to his parents. This was all because of Baba’s grace and blessings. I pray to Sai that please don't leave me entire my life. Please don't give my name while posting in experiences.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Sai Bless all your kids. Om sai ram. we have reached you by your grace.
So very blessed experience..
As a new week begins, please be with us O Sai. Help us choose and do the right thing, help us to have faith and patience and help us realize the truth.
Jai Sairam
Jai Sai Ram ,All are really good experiences really very thanks to sharing it
Nice experiences thanks all for sharing it. @anonymous devotee 1 : Baba will surely bless your sister with a happy life.
Om Sai Ram.
Baba is awesome .. he is always around us .. we just have to recognize him .. he never leaves his children alone.. just like the Sun is always there, showering light and filling our lives with warmth, Baba is always around us. Just like we do not see the Sun at night, does not mean the Sun is not there, similarly Baba is always there with us and we worry unnecessarily 🙂 His watchful eyes are always on us and guiding us. Let us surrender to his will and let Baba's will be done in our life, as he can only plan our life for the best to happen 🙂 Love you Gurudev Dataatreya. Please be with us always, and help, bless, guide and advice us in all matters of our lives. We owe you everything. Thanks a lot lot lot for all your Love, care and affection !
May your blessings reach all of us always.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
nice experiences…thanks for sharing with us…OM SAIRAM..
thanks a lot saiji,for everything as I know you always have a great plan for all your children.
Om Sai Jai Sai
Jai Sai Ram,
I wish and pray to above devotees for success!! every problem has to end one day. Baba always tells that do your duty and caste your burden on me!!
I liked brother bishnu quote " Why should I scare, if “The creator of creature is with me”. It is very much true and correct!! this is what i always think. The creator of this universe is with me and why should i worry…..
Have complete faith and patience and just wait for sai to rescue. We should also have utmost love towards baba!!
Allah Mallik,
Servant of Baba!!
Om Sai Ram.
Love you a lot Deva Sainatha .. please be with us always.. and solve everyone's problems. May all of us be blessed with god health, long life, peace, prosperity and happiness. Thanks a lot for everything Baba, bless us to have strong FAITH on you and immense PATIENCE.
May Baba bless us all always.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
sai baba ji plese guide us and show us the right path
Nice Experiences. Om Sai Ram.
nice experience. Om Sai Ram
Beautiful experiences! 1st devotee from India, Baba was the one who arranged for your friend not to go through with the 1st marriage because He had a better husband-to-be in mind for His daughter. Don't worry, Baba will also help your sister, it is possible she had to suffer that due to her past karma. Bishnu Ji, the quote you gave of “If you think you are too weak, don't get scare, I am always with you, finish the task what you are trying and leave the hope up to me," brought tears to my eyes and also shows us that Baba is there with us always to give us a helping hand whenever we need to be lifted up. 3rd devotee, it was Baba who wanted you to pursue M.Pharma, so that is why Baba delayed your marriage, and when the time is right, Baba will arrange for His daughter to have a beautiful wedding with the perfect guy. Om Sai Ram!
JAI SAI RAM..Bishnu ji beautiful lines "Creator of creatures is with me"feeling strong after reading this..JAI SAI RAM..JAI JAI SAI RAM..
om sai ram
BABA Ji Now its upto you. I surrender myself completely under your feet. I have already made my full efforts. Now you know and your work know how to make me and my work as successful.