Few more experiences are shared.
Career change
Anonymous devotee from UK says:
I got married and came to UK 12 years back and have done various jobs to make ends meet. I was Baba’s devotee back home on India and went to attend Baba’s Prayers in UK for a couple of years and somehow lost track. I started praying Baba again 2 years back and since thence life has changed for better.

I was working for a bank since last 5 years. Although I liked my job, it was hard to make ends meet. I started praying to Baba to look after me and my family. One day I got told that my office has been moved and I had to make a journey of one and half hours every day to work. Life became difficult for me and I did not like the new office atmosphere and my new team leader. I kept praying to Baba to give me the will and energy to deal with my hectic life style. I started a new business on the side and it flourished south that I resigned from my job and am happy working from home and earning a lot more than what I got in my job. I feel it’s Baba’s blessings that I am fortunate to run a business why I never thought would support my family. Thank You Baba so much. May Your grace be upon all Your devotees , always.
Sai Sister Alka Ji from UK says:
Jai Sai Ram to Hetal Ji and all the readers. My name is Alka Kalia. I live in the UK with my husband and two daughters. I want to share my experience that I had in 2006. This was the time, when I started to know discover Sai Baba. When I was in Delhi, India, I went to my friend’s shop, where she was reading SAI SATCHARITRA and had a beautiful idol of Sai Baba. I saw both things and questions started arising in my head like- Who is He? Does He do anything? How can He be a God? Why does my friend keep on reading that book? Even though she used tell me all His Leelas, which I used to love to listen.
One day she asked me to accompany her to go to Sai Baba’s temple in Lodhi road, New Delhi and I said yes. We went there and I REALLY liked it. Next Thursday, I got a dream at 3pm in the afternoon that someone said ‘Mandir chal (come to my temple)’. I suddenly woke-up, but I was thinking how could I go as I said no to my friend that day. But as soon as I went outside my house, I saw my friend waiting for her husband’s car to go to the temple, which was surprisingly late that day. She saw me and said I am going to the temple you want to come and I, out of joy, said yes and got ready quickly.
After that day, I used to try and go as many times possible. I used to go with my daughters or with my friend. It was the 8th Thursday; I went with my daughters and took Laddu (Indian Sweet) as a Prasad (offerings). It was very hot that day and the line was too long. An old man behind me said ‘Babaji Ne Aapki Sunli’ (Babaji has fulfilled your wish). I was astonished to hear it, but forgot about it. When my turn came, I gave the prased to the priest, which he offered to Sai Baba, but gave it back. I came outside with prased, but I was very sad that Sai Babaji did not even take one Laddu. I was walking down the stairs while thinking this, an old man (Sai Baba himself) came in front of me and I was shocked. He had white dhoti kurta. He just pointed at the box of Laddu and gave a gesture of asking for ONE Laddu. I was so mesmerized that I could not say anything, but my inner voice was saying it Sai Baba. Then I opened the box and took 2 Laddus out, but He denied and gestured only 1 Laddu through His first finger and He ate it. My joy knew no boundaries as Sai Baba heard my voice and came.
I have a lot of experiences, which I will be sharing one by one. At the moment, I live with my family in England, UK. I have been waiting to get our residency here so I can come to Shirdi for the first time in my life. Om Sai Ram.
My Experience With Sai
Sai Sister Priyanka Ji from India says:
Sai has always protected me and comforted me. I have had so many experiences with Sai. I am just a small devotee of Baba. I have lot of faith in Him and always try to keep my faith. But for the past few days with my some personal issue, my faith is trembling so I thought of writing my experiences so that Baba again helps me build the faith.
- In the year 2006, I was out of my graduation and was searching for job and praying to Baba. I got a call from an MNC and with Baba’s grace, I went thru written and interview and was selected.
- The first time I remembered Sai from my heart was in 2009, when I wanted to go to Shirdi with my parents and my in-laws would not allow me to do so. I prayed to Baba everyday to let me have His Darshan (visit) in Shirdi for the first time. I also made a vow. Then suddenly my in-laws allowed me (Baba changed their mind) and I happily went to Shirdi with my parents.
- My mother stood in an election and the opponent was very tough. I prayed to Baba and made a vow to make her win the election and Baba gave us victory.
- I wanted to go to my parents house for my first delivery. But my husband and my in-laws were totally against it. There was lot of argument. But I had firm faith in Baba. And finally I was able to go to my parents place and I stayed there till my child was 6 months old. There was no complication in the delivery and everything went smooth.
- When I was returning back to my husband with my baby, I was alone and was thinking how will I take care of baby as well as luggage in the flight procedures. But then to my surprise, people from nowhere came pouring to my help without asking. I did not even have to take care of my baby in the whole 2 hours flight. The lady next to me took my baby and was continuously playing with him and keeping him busy. People from nowhere offered to carry my luggage. The journey was very smooth by the grace of Sai.
- My parents were not getting a house maid to do the work. My mom had to do all the work and she found it difficult because of age. But she had to do. I prayed to Baba to help my mom. And then suddenly she had 3 housemaids. Now one has gone, so she has 2 house maids and she says that I am a Maharani (queen) now. Thanks to Baba for helping my mom.
I have some personal issues going on and I have prayed to Baba that once those issues will be resolved, I will post them here. I pray to Baba to listen to me as he has always done and also to the other devotees, who have so much faith in Him. Please be with us always and bless us and our family.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Sai Baba please sun lo please… Babu main ni jee skati aise.. please mere Sai ab mann bhi jao… Om Sai Ram!!
BABA never ignores his children. BABA will take care.Pls do not be so sad.
Babaji I still believe you will help us soon ! Please don't break my heart
Om shree sainathaya namah
Omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam sairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam …
Wonderful Faith booster experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sai Ram !!!
I am 24 year boy I am in pain from last 9 years reason is love but starting year 2010 I came to know about baba and visited shirdi my time changed completely I got student visa for Newzeland that year and good job too but pain is still their finally I decided to get married this year this is arrange marriage I like the girl but something going wrong and my faimly find difficulty to arrange my marriage there plz anybody guide me
Hello Sai Ram never worry about your problem.. just leave all your thoughts and plans to our lovely baba.. he will surely bless you with great and happiest life.. think of him and have his name in ur heart always.. divert your mind to baba's holy feet.. Im Sure u will find eternal happiness.
Om Sai Ram.
Dear Sai Brother, just surrender to Baba whole-heartedly, he will do what is best for you. Just pray to Baba sincerely to guide you and surrender at his feet and seek refuge. He is our big Father and he never dissapoints his children. Do read 'Sai Satcharitra' daily and try to do the 9 Thursday Vrat of Baba as well. You will surely be blessed with a nice life-partner. Best wishes to you and may Baba bless you abundantly.
Dear Baba..please bless this brother and all your children. May we get good health, long life, peace, prosperity, wealth, happiness and loving relationships by your grace. We love you a lot and seek your help, blessings, guidance and advice in all aspects of our life. We surrender at your Lotus feet. Many many thanks to you for everything you have been showering on us.
Love you Sai Deva.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
My dear brother,
When u r in extreme trouble and pressure, Pls stay calm and do not expect anything to happen as per your desire. Say to BABA : "BABA u r d owner of my life. Let things happen as per your desire and make me ready to accept it." JAI SAI.
god bless all of us .nice expereince.
Jai Sai Ram
Nice experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
O Sai, we bow down before You and surrender to You. Help us and guide us so we take the path that is closest to You.
Thank You for everything Deva.
Jai Sai
Om Sai Ram
All experiences strengthen our faith….May Baba bless all…
Jai Sai Ram! All are wonderful experiences thanks for sharing it
om sai nath maharaj
Please help my Deva, I surrender, everything is yours…Please Deva.
om sai ram…..sai ji please bless us
Sai maa pls 8 years have been a long time ..pls at least give me job now.i dont demand much salary ..i just want to keep myself busy ..since 8 long years i am home .. no friends,no relatives ..eveybody laughing at me coz am 35 and neither married nor having any job to survive.Pls baba why did u sent me empty handed from shirdi ..pls bless me with a job.i dont demand for marriage now since its too late.
Hi friend, I cant say dont get depress sicne 8 years is long time, have u tried in indian Territorial army, just try it.
om sai raam..
devotee please keep faith in baba..he always gives best to his devotees..might be he has some best for you..dont loose hope..always remember baba..do 9 VRAT FOR NINE THURSDAYS and READ SATCHARITHA surely baba will help you..
om sai raam
Om Sai Ram.
Thanks Baba for everything. Love you a lot. Please bless all your children.
Please bless my Mother, Father, Husband, Brother, Grandma and all friends and family.
Love you Baba.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Jai Sai. Thank you Deva for everything. Saiji please bless us all and increase our shraddha n saburi by each passing day.
sai ram..love you…pls fulfill my wish
Thanks ashish Kamthe for ur concern … actually my field is law …i am BA,LLB,PGDBCL and DCA … so i have been trying hard to be in corporate field all these years … but now i have been trying in every field …whatever job i get i will be satisfied..i am not able to find a job in BPO ..i dont know what is happening to me .. and since i am a girl i dont know i should go for territorial army ,,pls suggest me something
U have a very good qualifications and i m sure that u will get job soon. And One thing I am sorry that first I thought u r male thats why i gave option of Indian Territorial Army. Why dont u try for pvt classes like a teacher or school job untill u get a good job. It will give self support. Their are many instutions like pvt classes or start giving tutions as well and side by side when ever u get time u can do ur application.
Nice experiences! Baba comes to us in many different forms and helps us as He helped these devotees by helping out with the job and income, helping with the baby delivery and ensuring that the journey home is safe despite obstacles that may come in the path and even helping us to go to Baba temple and give what we want to Baba as a gift. Om Sai Ram!
Sai sabki sunte hain, bas do paise dedo unko – Shraddha & Saburi!!
Karenge appki vo har ichcha poori!!
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai!
very nice experiences……… om sai ram …baba please bless me om sai ram………..
sai ram ji….mujhe bhi yaad aa gaya ki mujhe apne exprience post karna hai….thank u ji…..sai ram
thankyou sai baba for calling me to your temple.
om sai ram
jai sai ram
jai dwarka mai
om sai ram. i m goin through very hard phase of my life. i am lonly doing all the things. Finance is big worry for me now. pls help me to get my happy life again on the track. pls do all good with my sister.i promice that she will come to shirdi. i know you help me several times in mu tough condition. Give me power Sai. Om Sai Ram. Shree Sai Ram.
Baba … No one should ever be in a position like me. At this time I don't care a out job or anything. I just want my mental and physical health back and I want to take care and stay with my husband. I am only living in the hope that u will save me. I cAnnot continue to live like this. Everyday is like hell. Pls save me baba.
Om Sai Ram Nice experiences. Jai Sai Nath
Very nice experiences…Thanks alot for sharing with us…OM SAIRAM….LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)
om sai ram!
such a wonderful experiences. baba pls bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
Dear Sai Devotees,
With the grace of Sai, Worshipping of Shirdi Baba is being done in a remote poor village at an abandoned govt official’s quarter. Baba came in dream to show this location for his worship to a devotee. This village Pallikanta in Ersama Taluk was infamous for 1999 super-cyclone in India’s East coast where more than 20,000 human and 1 million animal lost their life in of the worst natural disaster in human his story where tidal surge and high speed wind gale submerged the entire area for three 72 hours.
Recently, following Baba’s presence in dream with a Sai Devotee, since July, 3 2012, Holy Guru Purnima Day, Baba is being worshipped here and people from nearby 20 km radius, throng to this dream shrine of Baba , though most of the inhabitants here are poor peasants, landless share croppers and daily wage earners in this remote coastal region of Odisha Province in India.
Since that inception days of worship, devotees from far and wide have observed many miracles with them after visitng this Sai Darbar. Many people have recovered from blood and colon cancer, Kidney failure and other critical health disorders. Many people have been blessed with kith and kins’ marriage pending for more than a decade even. Many have got jobs. Many have got exemplary success in business etc after coming to this Sai Darbar. Everyday people have been thronging in hundreds for obeisance. On every Thursday, a special Anna Prasadam is distributed among hundreds of poor people, small children and this special prasadam are donated by devotees who realised Baba’s blessings for any positive results. Moreover, now this tiny village has become a busy place though the worship continues in that abandoned building.
Now, a trust has been registered to give a legal sanctity. In this regard, in order to continue Narayan Prasad Seva and for daily rituals or honorarium of Priests etc. Some money is required. Recently, a local poor devotee being inspired by Baba’s blessings donated a piece of land 2400 sq ft to the Sai trust for temple construction. But, we need some money to construct a temple. Hence, requesting all to donate generously as per one’s ability.
All monetary contributions may be made as below.
PAY NAME : “ Sai Shraddha Social Educational & Charitable Trust “
Bank Account No – 7381 0001 0000 3140
Branch Code: 0738100 ;
Address for Communication: Shirdi Sai Temple, Pallikanta, Post-Ersama, District- Jagatsinghpur, Province-Odisha, INDIA; EMAIL: sssectmailbox@rediffmail.com