I am sharing few more experiences in today’s post.
Baba Helped Me To Clear My Exam
Anonymous Devotee from India says:
Hi Hetal Ji, I am Gayathri from India. Please do not disclose my name and mail id. I am a MBA graduate and worked in an insurance sector. I am from Tamilnadu.
Hetal Ji, first I would like to tell my thanks for your service. Really you are doing a great job. Baba will bless you and your family. Now I am going to share my first experience in this blog. Really I am very happy to share one of my experiences. Baba is really great. He s a father of me. Baba has solved many problems in my life. Now I am going to share how Baba has helped me to clear my exams well while in the toughest situation. One day, I have got severe pain in my stomach. I could not bear that pain. Due to my pain, my parents have got upset totally. They do not know what to do because I had my final semester exam by next week. I could not study anything, but at the same time I will have to clear all my exams. Then only I can complete my degree. But I had a full faith on Sai. I have chanted His name continuously for two days. Slowly my pain has got reduced and but it did not get cured completely. After that only, I have accepted to consult a doctor for my problem. Doctor checked me and gave me some medicines to follow for a month. And he has diagnosed as type 2 ulcer. He suggested me to take only curd rice every day. Otherwise you will be affected from cancer, heart attack etc. In that time only, I have started praying to Baba please help me to clear all my exams to get my degree. What a miracle! Suddenly my pain has got relieved completely. I have got some energy to write my exams well. Finally due to the blessings of Baba, I have scored very good percentage. But now I have got problem in my career. I hope Baba will bless me with a good job. I am really very sorry for this brief text. It is my request if there any mistakes in my text, please edit it where ever it requires.
Baba Accepted My Seva

Sai Sister Anita Ji from Australia says:
Namaste Hetal Ji. May Sai bless you and your family for your seva. I am a small devotee of Baba for last couple of years. Baba has been with me at every step of my life since then and I have full faith on Him that He will take care of me and my family. Still sometimes I act childish and try to look for Sai's presence/acceptance. Baba has given me many experiences. I am sharing the one I had on Guru Poormina day this year. I beg to Baba to forgive me for posting this so late.
As you know, winter starts in Australia during May-June and during July, when it was around Guru Poormina, it was at its extreme. Since I myself feel cold a lot, I always try to keep Baba in my home temple also warm by wrapping a shawl around Him. This time I tried to crochet a poncho for Baba. I bought warm woollen yarn in purple color, and with the help of a video on YouTube, I could make a beautiful poncho for Baba.
I offered the poncho to Baba on Guru Poornima day. He was looking very handsome in that and the way He was smiling (I have often felt different expressions on His face at different times), I could make out that He had happily accepted my seva. But still I was stupid to think that Baba if You liked this poncho, please give me Darshan today in purple dress. Here in Australia, it’s almost impossible to sight Baba's photos anywhere. On my way to work, I tried looking for Baba's photos in purple color on the Internet, but I couldn't find any. At work I got busy and totally forgot about it.
In the evening, I had planned to go to temple after office, and taking train was the only option. I was a bit confused as I didn't know the way from station to temple. Baba solved this problem for me. As I got down from the train, I saw temple's Pandit Ji on the station, who had also deboarded this train, was going to temple. I walked along him and reached temple without any confusion. But what I saw there totally froze me and tears filled my eyes. Baba was beautifully clad in a purple dress. The garland around His neck was also of purple flowers. And not only this, two other small statues of Baba beside the main statue, also had purple dresses. When I went to
Dwarkamai, even Baba's Palki was decorated in purple and the statue in it had purple dress. My throat was choked. I couldn't believe my eyes. And I felt bad for asking Baba to give me Darshan in purple dress, when infact I could clearly see on His face in the morning itself that He was happy and had accepted my seva. I am uploading Baba's pictures as in Sai temple on that day and also in my Home temple. Thank You Baba for taking me in Your fold. Please always keep me near Your Lotus feet.
Baba Aap Bhagwan Hain
Sai Brother Nileh Ji from India says:
Shri Sainath Maharaj ki Jai! Dear all I am also one of you, a strong believer that BABA is a supreme soul. I am going to share a very good incidence, which has made my belief even more stronger in BABA. I had been to Mumbai for attending an Interview with a company, but I do not know what went wrong in presenting myself as a potential candidate and I got rejected. During my way back to Indore, I decided to go to
Shirdi to take BABA'S glimpse. It was Saturday and Shirdi was crowded by the devotees. I waited in lines for almost 5 hours and finally reached to the BABA'S Samadhi. There I prayed Baba "Baba I am jobless and I have lot of responsibilities on my shoulder. Baba, please take care of my Job". I felt as if I have got everything. Just few days after, I came back. I got an Interview call with one of the biggest companies in the world. The company is a tire manufacturing giant. I got a hint that Baba has listened to my prayers. Friends I would like to state here with full faith in Baba that it was because of Baba's blessing that I got selected in that company and have been working here since last six years now. It happened because of Baba's blessing only. Now I am married and we have one son also. We all believe in Baba. Ananta Koti Brahmanda Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Par bramha Sachidananda Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki jai. Nilesh Marathey.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram
Very nice experiences!
Anita ji: I live in the same place as you and totally adore this temple of our Baba. It has been really long that I haven't been there and felt like a reminder to go visit him 🙂 Your experience is really beautiful. May Baba bless you your family at all times 🙂
Om Sai Ram
ALl three experiences are Really faith booster.
Dear Devotee from Australia, I am sure that Baba picture is From Camperwell Melbourne Sai Temple.
Its really peaceful there, especially Inside Dwarkamai of this temple.
SAI Prema To all
Jai Sai Ram.. All are wonderfull experiences .Thanks for sharing it
After seeing third experience..I hv to say all devotees that yesterday, I hv been interviewed by an MNC. But, I don't know..I didn't done it well,after that I scolded Baba also bcoz I'm losing many interviews at last min., and didn't get the offer letters even I hv selected in 4 companies..I don't knw,y baba has done like this.
Just today morning before seeing the experiences, I got call from that MNC that I hv cleared the first round.I know, It is really due to Baba's grace only..Thank you Baba..But now I'm fearing abt my second round managerial round on monday, Baba..please bless me..
I don't hv strength at all..U knew a lot abt me, please bless me sai..
Jai Sai Samartha
Om sai Ram. Baba pls pls pls bless us baba. Baba ple take care of all my professional problems baba.You already know about my problems pls help us baba. Pls bless me and my entire family pls bless us baba. OM SAI RAM
thank u baba a lot for everything you have given to me.. please keep me in ur embrace forever and help solve my sai sister's problem (you know everything about her)
thank you babaji
om sai naathaye namah
om sai ram–shree sachidanand sadguru sai nath maharaj ki jai
baba please take care of my marriage problem………….
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Baba I want to live in your way and I am not trying my best.
I don't know why am I like this.
Please Baba excuse me and please help me to live life in your way.
Wonderful experiences.
Ananta Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Para Bramha Sachidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Thank You for every thing O Deva 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram!
such a wonderful experiences. baba pls bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
Very nice experiences….thanks for sharing with us….OM SAIRAM…LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)
Very nice experiences! Nileh Ji, Baba wanted you to go to that big company instead of the other one so that is why He made sure you didn't get that first job, so you could get the other job. Baba directs us towards things and we feel upset that we didn't get something, but He has something much better for us. Devotee from Australia, sometimes it is hard to find Baba's photos in other countries (other than India), but Baba is there and always shows us His presence in some way. Gayathri Ji, Baba helped to remove your stomach pain, clear the exams and just as surely will help remove any other obstacles in your career. Om Sai Ram!
BABA is always with us…OM SAI RAM…
Nice experiences…Nilesh ji's experience reminds me again that baba's darshan is very powerful, even one of my friend got job after few months of coming back from Shirdi…Sai Ram
wow very nice experiences.. really praying baba at home and temples is one pleasent feeling and visiting shirdi is reallly a very big sweet divine experience i just cant mention how happy i feel wen i am at samadhi mandir and dwrakamaayi.. but now i am waiting frm 2 mnths but not able to visit shirdi please dear all sai devotees pray for me..:) Jai sai ram
om sai ram