Anonymous Devotee from India says:
Baba came in my dream and said I will conceive this month. I was planning to write about the Sai Leelas in my life, but I was not sure how do I write it and where should I start. Today when I was reading His Leelas in some site, I suddenly felt that He is asking me start writing His Leela and He is with me and helping me to write this. Sorry if I am writing anything wrong.
My parents are Saibaba’s devotees. In my childhood days, I went to Shirdi many times with my parents. It was just another pilgrim for me. When I was in the degree, my friends use to tell me about Baba stories. I am an average student and after completing my degree my dad prayed to Baba that He will take me to Shirdi once my USA Visa gets is stamped in 2005. As I got fulfilled my desire, I went to Shirdi and thanked Him for Visa. When I was in USA, my roommate was a big devotee to Baba. She used to tell me stories of Baba. She used to do Baba Paraynam frequently.
Then in the break 2007, when I visited India, one pujari said to mom that I have to do some puja in Nasik. I had great desire to visit Shirdi. I with my parents went to Nasik had the puja done and on the way back, we came to Shirdi. It was 5 PM and we had our bus to Hyderabad at 7PM. When my dad inquired about the Darshan queue, everyone said it’s not possible for us to come back by 7 as there is heavy rush in temple. Then we spoke to AP tourism guy and informed that if we cannot make it till 7, we will stay that night and asked him to give us a ticket next day. We left our luggage at the AP tourism office and went for Darshan.
First Miracle of Baba - When we were in the line, the line was breaking at the place and we were asked to move forward in that way. We had the Baba Darshan in just 30 minutes. We felt as if Baba was there with us and with the help of Him we came out early, had some food and got into the bus.
When I was in the job search, I had another roommate. She was also a big devotee of Baba. In USA, I never visited Baba temple, but with the help of her, we use to drive all the way to NY from NJ to visit Baba temple. My roommates where always doing parayanam, but my Telugu reading was bad. So I never tried to read. I used to pray to Baba, but never did paraynam.
In 2008, I came back to India and got married. I used to go to Baba temples and Shirdi. Now it's almost 5 years of married life and we did not have any kids yet. In Oct 2011, I was diagnosed with a chronic disease called "Multiple Sceloris(MS)" and doctors has suggested that I should not have kids for another 2 years. I was very depressed, not because of my health, but why I didn’t have kids till now and now MS. It was not that I was angry with Baba, but somehow I haven't visited any Baba temples in Hyderabad after MS was diagnosed.
On Sunday 14th October 2012, I saw the Baba in my dream. I was with my parents and Baba was in the mirror and He said I would get pregnant this month and He gave me something to drink. It was a small glass in which there was some liquid and I would see one blood drop on the glass. I was questioning what that blood is and my mom scolded me saying just drink don't ask questions. I drank that liquid and then I was awake it was almost 3 AM then. I woke up my hubby and I told him that I want to go to Shirdi. He said it’s too late. Sleep now and lets discuss this in the morning and I wouldn't sleep the whole night.
I was thinking about the dream. And funny part was Baba was looking like the Telugu hero Nagarjuna's. I taught it probably because I have seen Shirdi Sai Baba Telugu movie couple of weeks back and I was also thinking what does that one drop of blood on glass mean. Next morning my hubby said OK to go to Shirdi. I also asked my parent if they would join us and they agreed. My dad has booked 4 tickets to Shirdi for Nov 1st. One week before suddenly my hubby had some important work at office on Nov 1st and his ticket was cancelled then I felt as if Baba wants me to come with my parents as in my dream also only we 3 were there. We went to Shirdi and we had a very good Darshan. Fortunately we were in at 12 PM Aarti. So we had chance to sit before Baba for an hour. I was looking for Baba book for Paraynam in English. Luckily I got that book in Shirdi.
After coming back, I did Paraynam and after completing that on Wednesday, I wanted to test on Thursday. But when I was reading the book, my periods started. I just had faith on Baba and He said that I would be pregnant, so I will be. So I continued reading and Thursday when I have done pregnancy test, it was negative.
I was not sure why was this happening to me. So on Thursday I wanted to ask Baba about this. So I was browsing for Baba answers to questions. In one of site, I have found the answer to my questions as “Wait for 21 days. Lord Shiva will come into your dream”. I counted for 21 days and it was on Dec 6th. But somehow in my mind I had 1st Dec. Then after sometime, I realized 1st was wrong. Then again the site I was asking Baba, why did 1st came into my mind. Then in the site, it said as it would be auspicious puja will take place and all my desires would be fulfilled. And then on Friday 30th, I got the call from my sister that she is doing Satyanarayan Puja at home on 1st. I was very happy and attended the puja. Last week, I went to see movie called Damarukam. It’s a Nagarjuna's movie. I don't know the story of this movie before, but when I was seeing the movie, I somehow felt this as the reason for Baba came as Nagarujuna in my dream and site said that I will see Lord Shiva in the dream. All the things were coming true. I am not sure what the result would be, but I am sure Baba is there with me always and He will guide me. OM SAI RAM.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
On Shri sai
keep faith and patience, Baba knows what his devotees want and he grants all wishes at the right time – Sri SatChit Anand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
May Baba bless you with a wonderful child and loads of happiness very soon. If Baba wishes do 9 Guruvar Vrat with utmost faith and leave the rest to his devine lotus feet.
Om Sai Ram
Thank You Anonymous.
I forgot to mention in this experience that on my last day of Paraynam I went to Baba Temple to take his blessing and there was a lady who gave me this 9 Guruvar Vrat book.
At that point I don't know anything about that puja. I just took that book and left. But after that I was hearing a lot about this puja in devotees experiences and somehow I felt Baba is asking me do this Vrat. Now I am doing this Vrat and tomorrow is my 5th week Vrat. I have not conceived yet but I have full faith on Baba and I am sure he there to guide me in each and every step.
Your wish will surely be fulfilled.baba keeps his promise even after we forget about it.
Sai ram
Jai sairam!!
Can anybody say the details of Shibpur donation details? I used the details in ACCOUNT DETAILS: (For donations from US/India):
Account Holder's Full Name
First Name:AMIT,Last Name:BISWAS
A/c name
Bank Address
D.L.Roy Road, P.O. Krishnanagar, Dist. Nadia, State West Bengal
Krishnanagar; Dist: Nadia
West Bengal; Country: India
Phone Number
09333120111 or 9800500014
Account Number
Swift Code
IOBA 0001583
Bank Name
Branch Name
krishnanagar branch. But It says this account name is wrong. Has anybody donated to it?? Please help sairam!!
yes i have donated at the same address but first pray to sai to accept ur dakshina because it took me atleast 5-6 tryouts to finally donate ,,,pray than donate..
om sai ram
Hi I have donated couple of times to a different account, details are as follows:
A/c Name – Amit Kumar Biswas
IFSC Code : SBIN0000122
For your satisfaction, I would suggest you call Amit ji on his mobile and he will confirm the above details to you.
Om Sai Ram
Dear uk_sai and anonymous,
Thanks a lot and lot. I donated through IOB itself, by praying to him, the very same day i posted this query. Thanks a lot.
Jai sairam!!
O Kalpataru, fulfiller of our dreams, we bow to You.
O Deva, help us get through the day with a smile on our face. Help us to be kind and nice to others and let only thoughts about You run through our mind.
Jai Sairam
Jai Sai Ram! Wonder full experiences thanks for sharing it
Om Sai Ram….Baba's words never go wrong…Please continue to believe in Him and He will surely fulfill all your wishes…You will soon get the good news of your pregnancy and a healthy child eventually….
Om Sai Ram.
May Baba bless you with a healthy child soon and fulfill all your Heart's desires. Baba is the best and he is our sweet Father. He loves all his children and gives them everything they wish for. Loads of prayers and best wishes for you.
Here is my prayer to Baba for my skin issues: I consulted a dermatologist a year back for mild pimples issue on my face. He gave me benzoyl-peroxide ointment and asked me to apply it to my face at night and told that it would cause a little dryness. I applied it all over my face and after 6-7 days i noticed that the area around my lips (i.e the whole chin and upper lip are) had become considerably darker. I stopped the cream and consulted the doctor again. He said that i shouldn't have applied it around my mouth area as it causes tremendous dryness and so it has turned black. Somehow he had missed telling me this important guideline of applying the ointment. He said to apply moisturizer and that the darkness would fade eventually in 6 months. But it's been almost 1.5 years and teh darkness around my mouth area is still there. I feel so conscious about it and i have been pleading Baba to help me reagin my good old skin complexion. Being a girl i want to look good. Am newly married and feel very very sad about this 🙁 Please devotees pray for me. and if anyone knows a really good dermatologist please do let me know. I would be grateful. I have been taking Baba's UDI in water daily and i know he will help me soon. Please Baba hear my prayers.
May Baba bless us all always with good health, peace, prosperity, wealth and happiness.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Om Sai RAm
pls offer puja and leave ur prayer at the lotus feet of shibpur sai baba.I have read similar cases as yours and the devotee has got her skin related issues solved after offering puja to shibpur sai baba.PLs visit to offer puja to baba.You can also talk to Amit ji for offering puja.AMit ji's number 09800500014/09333120111.Baba will soon bless you with a goog skin.
Pray to shibpur baba. Jai sairam!!
Thanks a lot Dear Sai Devotees !! I will pray to Shibpur Sai Baba .. and now am sure all will be fine and Baba will surely bless me with Good skin !
Thanks a lot Baba, i know you answered my prayers and replied via your Devotees 🙂
May Baba bless us all always.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Dear Devotee,
have Faith and Patience.. You will conceive soon! Even I am waiting for BABA's blessings to conceive for 2 years now. I also got married in 2008. Keep Faith and Have patience.
jai Sai Ram
Dear Anonymous Devotee,
I donated to Shibpur Temple. I checked your details and mine. I have deposited to State Bank of India account. You might want to try SBI bank.
If you have any questions, let me know!
Thank you so much sairam. I went directly to the bankand checked. I have to use the name Nadia Shibpur Sai Sadguru Samity. Baba accepted my dakshina. I am very happy. Thanks again bro/sis.
Jai sairam.
Om Sai Ram. Baba pls bess your me and my family. Baba pls take care of all our personal n professional problems. Pls bless me and my sister with very good alliance.
sai ji pls bless her with a healthy child very soon…om sai ram
Om Sai Jai Sai. Baba will definitely bless u with a healthy baby as we all know he never does fake promise. Saiji thank you for everything. Deva always bless us all and increase our shraddha n saburi by each passing day.
om sai ram!
such a wonderful experiences. baba pls bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
Baba will do miracles which we people could not understand.
Baba please take care of my son and always be with him to guide the right path.
Baba koti koti pranam on your lotus feet.
Saimaa pls bless her with a healthy child.Pls help all your devotees.Om sai shri sai jai jai sai
Thank you all… I haven't conceived yet but I have faith on Baba. I started 9 Thursdays vrat and tomorrow is my 5th Thursday … I know baba is with me I can feel his presence all the time…
Thank you Hetal Ji for publishing my exp
Please pray for me
Don't worry Sairam , BABA will bless you and fulfill all your Desires and also your diseases will be vanished soon , being in this site I will never write untruth 🙂
Jai Sairam
Thank you. I am not sure who wrote this comment but for me this comment is from Baba. I somehow have a gut feeling that this is Baba's reply through a blessed devotee as the last line which says "being in this site I will never write untruth" is the Sai Baba statement. I am doing Paraynam in English and in couple of chapters Sai baba says as "being in this Dwarkamai I will never tell untruth".
Thank you Baba..Love you a lot and Please bless everyone Saima.
baba please bless for my marriage…. ananta koti koti pranam sai baba
Baba please bless all your devotees with good health and happy life.
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
very nice post…dont worry sai sister baba will soon bless you with healthy child…have faith and patience…thanks for sharing with us…OM SAIRAM…LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)
Om sai ram.please baba help all the girls who are trying very hard to conceive and make them to fulfill their wishes including me and i have done 9 thursday vrat .In this vrat I had a unique experience I have done govu pooja.guruvrat before day my friend told me to do that pooja the next day I was doing guruvar vrat suddenly after the pooja somebody called me and told to do govu pooja which I was thinking yesterday suddenly I was shocked.we were living in that house for 3years but nobody called me.So I have confidence that baba will help me to get conceive and have a healthy child. OM SAI RAM
Very nice experiences! Don't worry, Baba will soon bless you with a healthy child. I will also pray to Baba that you have a healthy baby soon. Sometimes we want things very soon, but we need to follow the plan Baba has laid out for us. Baba will always get the best for us, so we should just trust that His method and plan will be the best for us. Om Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram….May baba bless both of you with a healthy and beautiful child. Even I got married in 2008 and waiting for BABA's blessings to become a mother.
Om shri sai nathaya namaha… Feel lucky and blessed that you experience the presence of Baba around you. It's just a great feeling…
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram…Baba please bless her to conceive soon..
I got married in 2003 and not yet conceived..I am also performing Sai vrath to conceive soon and completed my 3 weeks vrath..Baba please bless me too to conceive soon..
do not worry baba willl bless you with a healthy baby…. baba please help her to get conceive….. give happiness in her life……
om sai ram