Anonymous Devotee from India says:
Jai Sairam. Namaste Didi. I am really glad to see that the spirituality grows in exponential level these days through MY MOTHER, BABA. I am also surprised to learn of you, being so young, is blessed with such immense power of captivating this world under SAINATH!! You are indeed blessed. Please go through my series of experiences that Baba has given to make me feel, realize and experience that He is hearing us at every moment.
It was a Thursday 13th Dec 2012, when I completed my Sai Vrat and went to the nearby temple. I had the wish of buying idly and giving to someone. But the area near the temple is residential and covers only vehicles and homes. Nobody would be there. In general asking for alms and I have never seen any in the past 5 years. That day as soon as I went for Baba Darshan, Baba blessed me with His photo and prasad and my joy knew no bounds.
I prayed to Him that I should find You in disguised form somewhere before I reach back home and accept the small offering that I want to give. Then I left the temple. And as I came out of the temple, I saw an old man, who was asking for alms. I was taken aback and he smiled at me, asking for alms. I asked him if he will wait until I buy idly and come back. He said he himself will buy and asked me to give money. But being little skeptic, I said, no I will get it and you kindly wait. Until I came back, he waited and got the idly. TEARS are gushing as I write this.
Next experience is about my wedding. I am not interested in wedding for some time now and my parents, as a common desire, want me to get married at the earliest. I want some time to get into the family life, as it has lots of commitments to make. During this time, my parents got a call from my relative, who is good at horoscope matching. He said that there is a relative of ours, who is 2 years elder to me and his horoscope matches very well. My parents did the further move and I was shattered, and was continuously calling out to Baba to stop this somehow.
It was on Sunday, 15th Dec 2012, when I was in college for an invigilation duty, my mum, dad and bro were busy engrossed in seeing the details of that far off family relative and they communicated via phone and liked each other’s family. I, being unaware of all these, was in college, doing my prayers, talking with Baba, saying “please stop this alliance somehow. Either the photo of that guy should not be good or his horoscope should not match or something should happen”. Though I m aware that my relative has already matched our horoscope, which seemed to have matched. I made these prayers to Baba.
I came home at evening and I found my mother saying, “We took the horoscope to our known uncle. He said that the mother in law would not leave the couple happy and so asked us not to proceed further. So we cancelled that out”. Sainatha, how merciful is He!! He made me realize that He is hearing me at every moment. It was around the same time, when I was talking to Baba, this has happened. What more can I say. I am sure He will bless me with the best, but just that after a little while. I want to roll at His feet and I visualize being a small new born kid, being held by our Baba and kissed out of love.
The following day, 17th Dec, I took a pen drive of my student to give her some notes. I put it in my handbag and returned home after the college. I have always had some problem in losing and getting back the pen drive, because I m so careless with this pen drive alone. That day at night, after the prayers I started to sleep and was suddenly reminded about the pen drive. I started to search in my handbag and it was not there. My BP increased and I cannot afford for a new pen drive to give my student in case it is lost. I am working for part time and my salary comes only after 9 months all together. I searched everywhere and I was sure it was lost. I started reciting Baba’s name and slept.
The next day morning, I woke up early and started meditating on Baba’s name and said “Please get this pen drive back and I will offer payasam on this Thursday”. I was sure that the pen drive was lost and I had a strange feeling that I missed it in bus, while taking money for the ticket. I prayed continuously, saying please help me and do some miracle. I did not board the same bus as the previous day and so finding the pen drive in bus was ruled out. Next I thought, ok it must be in the next classroom, when I took the book, it could have fallen. I went to class and found the other two friends of the girl, whose pen drive was lost. I said them in grief about the pen drive and they said not a problem ma’am. Being tensed, I was just calling out for Baba’s help. After seeing me tensed, they said “ma’am, we found the pen drive. It was at the entrance gate. Don’t worry “. My god, Sainatha, what miracle He performed. I never opened my bag in college after the classes. What if her friends had not found it? What if somebody else would have taken it? What if it was on the BUS? To confirm it was purely by Baba’s grace.
I will tell you another incident. My other student next day had lost her ear ring (Gold) in college. She traced the entire path she walked, but never got it back. Now see Baba didn’t make me search the entire path. He didn’t make me feel upset and He saved me from such a big issue. Is there any other proof required to say Baba hears us every time? I offered Semiya Payasam on 20th Dec with full joy. So never ever am I going to doubt if He listens to me. This realization He has given me, that too, by consecutive incidents, will always make me His firm devotee.
Baba, please forgive all my mistakes and the crimes out of this 5 senses in me. I bow down at Your feet with great respect, love and wish to merge in You forever and ever. Jai Sairam!!

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram… Baba please like this lovely devotee help me and bless me also to meet my true love.. and bless my family to have a lovely blissfull life.. Love You Sai!
he will certainly bless you sis/bro. all he need is faith and patience.
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
nice experience. may shridi bless you.
dear sai devotee…..last wednesday what happened i vl tell u.and aftr reading ur blog i just cant expressthe happiness tat i can experience right now.i was about to start sai satcharitra parayanam on thursday, baba had asked me to donate food,so on wednesday after coming from my walk i as usual had some juice….at the huice center an old man was askim money for food,he said he was hungry.i wanted to offer him some money but i did nt hav any as for the juice i had paid in advance aand i did not carry any money.he went from der while i was having juice .i searched him the entire way back home nd found him near my house.i asked him to wait outside nd i gave him money.he took happily nd went.the next day while reading satcharitra i could read a story where it was written that sai baba s aatire and way of living it was similar to that of the man who was also having bidi…..nd i was thrilled with love nd compassion.
may baba bless us all… is very true for once we can forget about our mother but our mother constantly just thinks only about us.our sai maa is more worried about us than we actualy are.
i have posted my experiences and want u all to bless me that it is soon published here.
Jai Sai Ram
very nice experience. thank you for sharing
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
sai ram
Sai natha pls help my son to get science group
Please help my son in doing exams well.
Qm Sai Ram
Nice experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam
Om sairam, Please sai devotees pray for me.I am 32 weeks pregnant in USA with twins. I admitted in hospital as my health condition is not good.Drs are trying to delay my pre term labour. Please pray foe me to keep myself pregnant for few more weeks.Atleast I should fininsh my 8 months..Also sai promised me one thing to goive
there is nothing baba can do. take baba's udi sister 🙂
Om sairam, you are the only savior to my life. I am just completely dependent on you. Please save me fogive me for all my sins if I did any knowingly or un knowingly..
Om sai ram
Nice experiences.
O Deva please be with us as we begin a new week. Guide us and help us to do only good and have You in our thoughts all through.
Thank You for everything.
Jai Sairam
Jai Sai Ram…Wonder full experiences thanks for sharing it
om sai namoh namah
shri sai namoh namah
jai jai sai namoh namah
sadguru sai namoh namah.
Om sai ram.
Baba today i saw ur name in newspaper which is very rare in gulf newspaper i was very happy about it,in few minutes my Sr. informed me that he talked to our boss regarding increments hopefully this month end we will get it…what a surprise baba….please grant me the amount which my Sr suggested to my boss.
Thank you baba…
OM SAI RAM… Baba ji pls pls pls help me baba I will be going for a meeting in next 15-20 min. pls baba ji help me as you know my boss is very bad. Pls make his mind such that nothing should happen pls pls pls help me baba ji…. I am just banking on you baba
Om Sai Ram.
I am sorry Baba.. i always get angry with my husband .. i am very sorry . i know you are working on him and i see him changing .. so i should just wait with m ore FAITH and PATIENCE. Please bless us. Make me have more FAITH and PATIENCE and please help me,so that i do not get irritated or angry with him henceforth. I should just be able to do everything for him with LOVE and TRUST. Please bless us Baba to live happily and to lead a blissful married life.
Baba please do bless everyone in this whole world. May all be blessed with good health, long life, peace, prosperity, wealth and happiness. May all the homes in this world be your temple where love, devotion and prayers blossom and where people live in peace, joy and happiness. Let all the married ladies be blessed with healthy babies and let everyone be blessed with happy relationships.
Love you a lot Gurudeva Dattatreya and many many thanks to you for all your grace, care and blessings.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sao ram om sai ram baba please bless me for my marriage
Om Sai Ram.
Baba please bless this Devotee of yours with a good life partner.
Love you Sai Deva. May your blessings reach all of us always.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Om Sai Jai Sai. Deva thank you for make us read this nice experiences. Saiji please bless us always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
om sai naathaye namah
om sai ram
very nice experience
thanks for sharing
om sai
sai baba
jai sai nath
may sai bless us all
Baba love you Baba.
Please excuse me Baba for my mistakes.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma
Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Om Sai ram ! Sai baba pls be with me amd my family in evrything thing we do and every step we take !
Om Sai ram
Baba I still have faith on you .. Somewhere in my heart I still think that you will fulfill our wish .. Please don't break my heart baba ..Thanks for everything you have given us
Love you my baba
Anant koti bhraman nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parbhraman shree sachidanand sadguru Sainath maharaj ki jai !!
Very nice experiences! Baba helped to prevent your wedding to that distant relative and Baba will choose the best bridegroom for His daughter, so you don't have to worry about anything. Also, Baba helps us find many things that are lost, either by moving it physically to some place near us, reminding us of where we left it or some other means, it is good He helped you find the pen drive with your important work on it. Om Sai Ram!
truly he blesses me sis/bro. yes it is my experience. how merciful is our lord!!
my prayers for your welfare.
Very nice experiences….thanks a lot for sharing with us….OM SAIRAM…LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)
om sai ram……..
om sai ram!
such a wonderful experiences. baba pls bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram