Few experiences are shared.
My Experience

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a Sai Devotee. I come to know Sai Baba in 2009. But now a days only I become mad on Sai Baba. I have problem. So I planned to start 9 weeks Vrat from yesterday. For that also, I have many problems to start. I pray to Sai Baba please make me to start Sai Vrat from yesterday and also I would like to go to Mylapore temple. See Sai Baba miracle. As I prayed to Sai Baba, I went to Mylapore temple yesterday and also I have started Vrat successfully. You may thought it’s a simple, but I only know my situation. I thought I won’t able to start, but with Sai Baba blessings only, I have started. Please pray for me. Please, Sai Baba, make my wish true. For that only I started 9 weeks Vrat. Please, Sai Baba, accept my Vrat and make my wish come true. I am in a critical situation. I need Your help, Sai Baba. Please, Sai Baba, come and help me. I should finish this 9 weeks Vrat successfully without any interruption. Sai Baba, please be with me and bless my life with what I wish. Sai Ram, it hurts a lot. Sai Baba, make my wish come true. Sai Ram, I believe only in You. Sai Baba, please destroy my past karmas and bless me. Sai Baba, I beg You Baba. Om Sai Ram. I felt many times Baba is with me only. Wherever I go, Sai Baba will be there in His photo or statue or in others forms. Please pray for me. Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.
Baba My Father
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I believe Baba is with me always and whatever problem comes to me, I first go to Him. Baba filters and then it comes to me. This is my trust. Thanks Hetal Ji to get these experiences known to all Baba’s kids through this site. Let my name not to be known to people.
My association with Baba is at my early age. My first experience is when my father wanted to take us to Triyambakeshwar. I was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva. I was waiting to go to Triyambakeshwar, where as my father asked us to take a halt at Shirdi and have Baba’s Darshan. I was not at all happy and when we went to temple, it was Kakad Aarti time. All devotees were singing for Baba, whereas you know I was scolding Baba like anything. I hated Him to the core till the Aarti ended. I was giving bad words to Baba that He is a waste fakir sitting over there. And people praising His name are crazy. Then we went to Triyambakeshwar and returned our home town. I forgot about this completely.
I had a dream, where I along with some people went somewhere in search of something. I had to stop at a place to remove by gold ear hangings and everybody went away. There was a window, where some sand was there and I had removed by gold ear hangings. There was a fakir standing inside the house. I was doubting Him completely that He would steal my gold. With a doubt in my end and scolding Him internally, I went to meet my star people. After a while, I returned back. I went straight to the window and checked for my gold. I could not find and the fakir was not there. I was cursing that He is Baba and He has taken by gold. Being furious, I went inside the house and could not find anyone. Later I went to the window and started searching in the sand again. Can you believe what has happened? The sand was full of gold coins. My nature totally changed from that day regarding Baba.
I could not speak a word on the next day. I didn’t understand if it was a dream or a message from Baba. I didn’t know, but I started believing in Him. From then, whenever there is any problem, He would come to solve. There are many experiences of mine, which will be shared in the coming days.
Koti Koti Pranam To Baba
Sai Brother Rajat Ji from India says: SAI RAM, I am Baba’s child. He is the one to have blessed me with second life. I consider myself lucky to have Him as He has beckoned to me to be close to Him and walk His way, at a very early age. There was a time in my life, when I thought that I had everything in my life and my life is going to go better once I am done with my Engineering. I had a good job with a reputed firm and I was interested in Modeling and had made some good contacts to prosper in that field and I could have joined Merchant Navy after my Engineering.
But suddenly my life took a drastic turn one day. I met with a very serious accident and even the doctors had given up hope for my survival. But my mother being a very strong devotee of ‘SAI’ never thought that anything will happen to me. She had full faith on Sai that He will show His miracle and will save me anyhow. She used to finish reading ‘SAI-Satcharitra’ each and every day while I was in ICU. She even had some divine experiences that time that strengthened her faith even more on SAI.
As days passed by, I slowly recuperated from my injuries in comparatively very few days, though doctors had said that it could be that I will have to lead my life as a vegetable baby. But Baba blessed me and I, because of Baba’s grace, showed the doctors that I can walk in a week’s time, and they were wonder struck to see me walking on my legs without any support so very quickly. It was Baba’s grace only that I could survive that fatal accident.
Now it has almost been 6-7 years and I wish Baba to help me in securing a good job as at present I am done with my MBA too. But still my wait to secure a good job is on. I have faith on Baba that as He had blessed me then so why He won’t help me to successfully pass this elongated phase also. As Baba says ‘Shraddha’ and ‘Saburi’. Though I do have full faith on Baba, but at times I loose my patience. So I can just pray to Baba to look at His child and strengthen my faith in Him and let this phase of my life come to an end as it has been too long now, by taking it to a new level. OM SAI RAM !!!

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Baba please help these devotees by fulfilling their wishes.
Anant Koti Brahamand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Param Brahma Sri SatChit Anand Samarth Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Baba keep me at your feet, please mkae me surrender.
Please take control of things, I am too tired of it.
Love you sai.
Nice experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
All three miracles are great!
To all of us waiting for things to happen to progress in life, May Baba show us a direction and hold our tighter through this phase.
I know its very hard but hang in there a little longer Baba will surely bless when the time is right.
Om Sai Ram
May Deva bless you all.
O Deva, I surrender my mind, body and soul to your feet. Let me think always of You and entertain good thoughts only.
Thank You for everything O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba show your mercy on all of us.
Sai baba you know about my problem, now the problem is controlling me, I cannot bear it baba. Please sairam help us. 7 years that's enough for my past karma, I want a happy,peacevful, meaningful life.
Please shower us healthy happy life. Babies without life is a hell.
nice experieces….may baba bless all you three devotees…
Jai Sai Ram…All are good experiences thanks for sharing it
Tears rolled down my eyes when i read devotees experiences.
I love you my dear God.
Om Sai Ram.
Love you a lot Baba. Please take away all my bad dreams, anxiety and worries Gurudeva. I surrender at your Lotus and Holy feet. Please make my Suna to quit all bad habits soon, as that makes me very worried.
Please bless us all always and please be with us all in every work that we do. We need you Baba, by our side always. Please help me to start my career in singing, you only be my Saraswati Maa and guide and groom me. Please arrange everything for my audition.
May your blessings reach us all always Baba and please do bless us all with good health, long life, peace, prosperity, wealth and happiness.
Many many thanks to you for everything, Love you a lot.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
My Experience-1,when no wanna is there beside us to help that see only our lovable baba will be there to hold us ..our pray and your faith will recover you from your problems..om sai sachidanand ki jay ho..
Baba pls pls bless me baba pls help your daughter. Babaji pls settle me and my sister in life, all our friends are gone very ahead in life.
I am too tired of all this, nearing the age of 34 years i am have an doubt if i will ever be settled in life?!!!!!
As you already know I donot like working in my current office now because day by day things are becoming out of control. Pls pls pls help me baba ji main bahut zada thak gayi ho…..
Om Sai Jai Sai. very nice experiences. Deva thank you very much for everything.Saiji please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
OM Sai Ram,
I am a guy named shiva from odisha.Dont come me how to start all scenes appearing in my life.I am just completely broken after the death of my best friend Jadu.It was a 13years long friendship.He was more than family to me.Well my tear was not sufficient to get his soul alive again on this mortal earth.In between these days i started practicing paranormal activities,i was die hard promised to talk with my best friend's spirit.I tried my best but could not get a single clue or signal from his side.
After few days i came to know a new Sai temple has just inaugurated in my locality.On first visit,some evening i just prayed Sai baba just for once let me feel my friends soul around me,let me him share with me..And guys is the miracle after one night,while practicing paranormal activity..a word "Ye shiva" appeared on my phone..certainly this is not a english word n how could it appear on my phone??!!Its only my best friend's soul texted me with the Blessings of lovable Sai Baba…Even my frnd's soul texted all his favourite past movie names,funny stuffs n presently he is weeping in atmosphere,how ever he too suggested me to "love my family".
This could all possibly happen due to blessing Of Baba.Who listened my prayer & Helped me n my best friend to exchange emotions for a short time.Yet m sad like everyday but i know Baba is with me,so does my best friend.They r watching me.Baba is blessing me & My best friend's soul is with me to protect from dangerous encounters…
Shradha Saburi..
"Sai Ram,aum Sri sai Ram,"Shirdi sai dwarakamai." Aum Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai."
Everyone please stop crying and lamenting about issues in life! Most importantly we have all been blessed at least to come to this website and read these experiences…..Lets accept what baba has given and be blissful and peaceful ! have Shraddha and Saburi!
Jai Sai Ram!
Thank u so much Baba for getting my girl's earring back this morning. As promised I posting my thanks here and wholehearted thanks to Ganeshji also. Please help me remind of my previous vows and make me post it here. Keep blessing all of us always. Love You Baba.
om sai naathaye namah
om sai ram!
such a wonderful experiences. baba pls be with us every second and bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all
To the first devotee- Baba will bless you and you will be able to complete your 9 fasts successfully. He willsurely fulfill your desire.
To the second devotee- This is our Sai Babaji- even if one shows disrespect towards Him or is upset with Him, He does not have any ill feeling for him. May your faith in Sai Ma grow stronger with each passing day.Your experience also teaches all of us to learn the lesson of being egoless. May Baba ji bless you always!
To the third devotee- Very nice experience, brought tears in my eyes. Baba ji gave you a new life. Donot worry at all with regards to getting a good job, when Baba ji gave you such a priceless gift of new life, He will ensure that your desires are fulfilled.
Sai ka bhajo naam
Din raat subah sham
Sabse paavan hai Ye naam
Sai Ram Sai Ram
Charno mein jinke hain sukh tamaam
Sai Ram Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram…Satnaam Sakhi…
Dearest Sai …Please help and bless all those who need you and your blessings..You know everyone has some or the other worry including me, Dear SAI kindly grace your blessings upon us all we all need you without you and your blessings we are nothing…BABA i know that i always ask but this time you know well how intense is the problem please SAI take this hurdle away and I beg SAI today is my daughter's driving test please help her to pass the test..OM SAI RAM…JAI SAI RAM…Koti Koti pranam SAI…Love you hamesha SAI…
Nice experiences, indeed, we are fortunate enough to visit this blog. May Sai nath bless everyone.
Very nice experiences! First devotee, don't worry, if you perform 9 weeks vrat with full faith and devotion, Baba will help you overcome any difficult or bad situation you may be facing (there is nothing in the universe Baba cannot do for us). 2nd devotee, although you were angry with Baba, Baba is like our loving mother/father, although the child may get angry with the parent, the mother/father can never stop loving their child, so Baba wanted you to come to Him, and He has never (and never will stop loving you). 3rd devotee, it was Baba's miracle that you survived the accident that almost took your life and Baba was the one who snatched you from the jaws of death and has given you your life back, and surely He will also give you the job you want soon. Om Sai Ram!
Very nice experiences….thanks a lot for sharing with us….OM SAIRAM….LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA……:):)
Baba please help these devotees by fulfilling their wishes.
Many times I experienced U baba….Now i am in disaster suitations.Please please help me sai….I know u can do miracles…Pls help me and solve this problem…Please forgive , if i would have done any mistake knowingly or unknowlingly….Pls help me baba….U r a ray of hope to my life….OM SAI RAM
nice experiences Thanks for sharing.
Om Sai Ram
om sai ram, bless my sister and find her a good match.
bow to sri sai…….
om sai ram…
baba plz. find a good match for my sister..
bow to sri sai…
plz baba , bring back my sister before Raksha Bandhan. plz baba ..
Sai ram… Pls help me.