Sai Sister Trupti Ji shares her experiences in today’s post.
Sai Sister Trupti Ji from West Africa says: Dear Hetal Ji, Om Sai Ram to you and all your team members. First of all, many congratulations to you for your Baby boy. And also I want to thank you for helping everyone to share their real life experiences on your website. I am going to share my second experience with all the Sai devotees. I am sure my experience will help all the Sai devotees to have a strong believe and faith in Sai Baba.

I must tell you all that I have lot of experiences. My Sai Baba has fulfilled all my wishes. Baba, please excuse me, if I have committed any mistake. This incident happened in 2010. My Parental Aunt’s elder son (Cousin Brother) health was not good. He was feeling restless and day-to-day his health condition was deteriorating. So, all the family members advised him for a complete health check-up. He went for a complete checkup. But the result shattered my cousin brother. After the entire checkup, he came to know that he was suffering from blood cancer (leukemia). All the family members were under heavy depression. My parental aunt’s younger son is an ardent devotee of Sai Baba. When he came to know about this news, he came from Delhi and advised my Aunt to do Sai Baba Nav Guruvar Vrat. With lots of hope, my aunt started the Vrat on my marriage day (Thursday). Slowly and steadily his health condition started improving. He got his treatment at AIIMS (Delhi) and also has some ayurvedic medicine. Earlier he was not able to walk for 10 minutes and felt dizziness all the time. But with Baba’s blessing and grace, his health has recovered to some extent and he has a hope for normal life. He is still under the treatment. I am sure that without Baba’s blessing, it was not possible for my cousin brother to fight for his life. Bow to my Sai Baba.
Second Experience I want to share with all the Sai devotees that how Sai Baba helped and fulfilled my wishes during my pregnancy days. I am residing in Senegal, West Africa. Here the percentage of Indians are very less, you can say you will find only 1% of Indians here. So, It’s very difficult to get Indian food and groceries. You will find only one Indian restaurant here. I am a foodie kind of person. During my pregnancy days, starting 4 to 5months its difficult for me to adjust, because I was not able to eat anything. And the kind of foods, which I want to eat at that time, was not available here. So I was very much depressed. Then I asked Baba to help me and the most important thing is Baba always fulfilled all my wishes. Let me describe all of you one by one:-
- I want to eat one kind of chips (Sabudana). Though I already told you that here in Senegal, It’s difficult to get specific things. But see how Baba fulfilled my wish. My mom gave me long time back, loads of chips. But when I received those chips, I said to my mom that I really don’t like this kind of chips then why you have sent that chips. Mom mixed different kinds of chips and sent to me. When I got pregnant, I totally forgot about those chips and during my first trimester I was not able to do any household chores. My husband was very supportive, so he used to cook the food and served me during my first trimester. I intimated him that I want to eat those chips, which my mom gave me. I did not specified that chip (sabudana chips), even I don’t know that Its was also there. That desire was inside my heart. I didn’t specify anything to my husband nor to my parents. I kept that desire inside my heart, but when I saw that chips in my plate, I was surprised to see that chip. There were only 2 chips of Sabudana. When I saw those chips, I heartily thanked to my Baba that He fulfilled my wish. Though the quantity was very small, but I was happy that my wish to eat that kind of chips was fulfilled.
- Like the above wist inside my heart, I wanted to eat ready to eat Maggie Pasta, Indian Dal Makhani and Palak Paneer. But I kept that desire inside my heart. I didn’t reveal my wish to my husband. One day, he went to Indian grocery store and brought only one packet of Maggie Pasta, ready to eat dal makhani and palak paneer packets for me. When I saw those packets, I was overwhelmed. In this way Baba helped me. I heard from my mom that it’s important to fulfill all the desires of a pregnant woman. It’s good for the baby. In this way Baba fulfilled all my eating desires. Yeah its true and very rightly said by Baba that why fear, when Baba is here. Many Thanks to my Sai Baba.
- Third Experience was related to my parents. I want them to be here in Senegal at the time of my pregnancy. My husband has done all the arrangement for them. I asked my dad that which date is suitable for you to come here. He said randomly 15th of Nov 2012. When I checked that date It was Thursday. I was very happy that they will be reaching here in Senegal on Thursday (i.e Baba’s day). They reached safely. I am very thankful to Baba. I want to eat my mom made curries. Baba fulfilled all my desires. My due date was 15th of Dec 2012. When I went for my last checkup with my parents, Dr. told that due to less fluid we have to do Cesarean. We all were sad at that time. But with the blessing of Baba, I gave a birth to a baby boy on 25th of Nov. 2012 and that to in the presence of my parents. Now my baby boy is 2months old. It’s all because of Baba. Love you.
- During my 6th month of pregnancy, I was suffering from severe back pain and gastric problem. I was hospitalized due to that pain. My medical expenses were near about Rs.75,000. Though we are middle class family, all of sudden Rs. 75,000 was enough for us. But somehow my husband managed to deposit. But I was not happy that because of me my husband is suffering and I said to my Baba that If you will help my husband to reimburse that amount, I will read Kasta Nibarana Mantra. Please, Baba, help us. It happened in July. Though we live in abroad, every year we will get one month paid leave and if we don’t want to go that money will not be paid to us. So every year, we planned to go to India. But this year we have not planned anything because of my pregnancy. We decided to call my parents here in Senegal. My husband casually said to his reporting boss that this year we are not going to India. He didn’t ask anything about paying leave money. And he intimated me in the evening that I said to my boss that we are not going to India this year. Now see the miracle, at the end of the month, my hubby received his salary plus his paid leave salary also. My husband was dumb struck and his joy knew no bounds. He immediately called me and thanked Baba. He took an oath to Baba that he will light a diya with desi ghee for the whole night. I whole heartily thanked to Baba and surprised to see the miracle of Baba. That money we invested on our parent’s air fare. I asked for Rs 75,000 only, but he gave me Rs. 25,000 extra. Love You Baba.
Request you all to have strong faith and believe in Baba. He is our savior. Om Sai Ram.
Trupti Ojha
Senegal,West Africa

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Very nice experience. Sai is our father/mother. He takes care of us in every way. You are lucky to have a supporting husband. Take care. Om sai ram.
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru SaiNath Maharaj ki Jai, nice experiences.
BABA, please bless me with more & more devotion.
Thanks a lot for your gift last night, it is the biggest ever gift I got.
Thanks deva, Please fill me with devotion.
Love you deva,
Happy Sri ramnavami to everyone!
It feels great to read such sweet miracles from you on this auspicous day. May Baba bless your family with loads of happiness, peace, & prosperity.
May Sai Bless us all
Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
love you o' deva ….
nice experience……loved it.there is sweetness in your experience
Jai Sai Ram,Blisfull experiences …Thanks for sharing it
lovely post!!!!
lovely experience….om sai ram
Om Sai Ram ! Jai Sri Ram ! Jai Jai Hanuman !
Happy Ram Navmi Baba, you are my Sita-Ram. Happy Ram Navmi to everyone.
Baba you are the best. You only know when to respond to us and fulfill our wishes. I am eagerly waiting SaiNatha, please bless my husband and make him your staunch devotee soon and please inspire him to quit all his bad habits soon. That will be a big miracle in my life. Please be with us all always and help, bless, guide and advice us all always in all matters of our lives. We owe you all our happiness.
Bring lots of happiness to my Maa's lives and be always with my family, friends, relatives and everyone in this world. May you bless us all with good health, long life, peace, prosperity, wealth, joyous relationships and happiness. Love you a lot Baba. And many many Thanks to you for everything.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Dear Sai Devotees
Happy Ramnavami to all of you..
Very nice experiences…thanks a lot truptiji for sharing with us….OM SAIRAM…LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)
help me baba ji please
JaiSai Ram ji ki Trupti
Lovely experiences.
May Sai Ma take care of all and help everyone in times of need.
Babaplease sada saath rehna
Your children
BABA…..I LOVE U…….pls dont leave our side.always pls be with me………iam waiting for ur blessings and miracle for my issues…..pls bless that we have happiness and peace at home among our family and thanks a lot for making us to have ur darshan in temple and have your prasad on this auspicious day with whole family.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Jai Sai. very nice experiences. Very true our baba said why fear when I am here. Deva thank you very much for everything.Please always bless us all and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day Saiji.
Om Sai Ram.
I would like to share a sweet experience. I usually read one chapter from 'Sai Satcharitra' daily. However somehow i was not able to read one day in between recently and so today being Ram Navami i was on the chapter about 'Ram Navami' . I was happy about this sweet Leela of Baba. Maybe he made me skip a day's reading in between so that sequentially i would be able to read the chapter on 'Ram Navami' on todays auspicious day of 'Ram Navami'. Baba is awesome and he knows the right timing for everything. We love you a lot Baba. Please do bless us all with immense FAITH and PATIENCE. We owe you all our happiness.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai. Jai Sita Ram. Jai Jai Hanuman.
Hi Shirdi Sai Devotee TRupti ji, Very happy to read your post. BABA takes care of HIS devotees inner most desires, and you experienced the same! I too have felt that way. Wish you and your family all the best.
Jai Sai RAM.
Beautiful Experience …. Love you Baba.. take care of all the devotees,
please take care of me&my family.
om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram.
can any one say about 'kasta nivarana mantra ' where it will be available
om sai naathaye namah
nice experiwnce,our baba is great.plz baba help pk.
om sai raam..
I realised one thing, Deva does fulfil my wishes too. It is only that my wishes and desires are never ending that I forget about the ones that He has already fulfilled.
Thank You for everything O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Nice experiences! Baba took very good care of you during your pregnancy since after all you are His daughter too. Baba showed that although you are far from Shirdi, still Baba is there in West African to help give you everything you and your husband needed to have a successful pregnancy and will shower blessings on your new baby as well. Om Sai Ram!
om sai ram!
wonderful experiences. baba pls be with us every second and pls bless all of us my baba.
jai sai ram!
Trupti Ji, you are a blessed soul. All experiences are very nice. Om Sai Ram.
Very nice experience. Thanks for sharing.Om Sai Ram
Hetal Ji, I think the comments are not getting visible there is some problem.
Plz Dear Hetalji request dear sai baba for getting me a good job i am very upset even sometimes i am feeling i am completely mad.