Few more experiences are shared.
Sri Sai Baba’s Anubhuti
Sai Sister Aromika Ji from India says: Dear Hetal Ji, my name is Aromika and I and my family members are devotees of Lord Sai Baba. Thanks a lot Hetal Ji for starting such a wonderful website. I would like to share one of my experiences with you. I request you to share my name but not my email id.
In the year 2003, I came to know about Sri Sai Baba. At that time, I was studying in class XII and used to perform very badly in my pre-board exams. One of my class teachers even suggested me to drop my class XII board exams and try for one more year. I was really shattered after hearing that. I used to study hard, but all my hard work used to go in vain. One of our neighbours suggested my mother to perform pujas of Lord Sai Baba and meanwhile I also developed a special likingness towards Baba. During those days, our neighbour had been to Shirdi and brought for us an idol and a photograph of Lord Baba. She gifted us Baba’s idol and photo on Thursday only.
I became very very happy seeing Baba’s idol and photo. I thought Baba is definitely going to help me in passing my class XII board exams. I immediately took Baba’s photograph and pasted it above my study table. I used to study hard under the lotus feet of Sri Sai Baba. I always used to pray that Baba please please help me pass my board exams with first division. Finally with Lord Baba’s blessings, I passed my class XII board exams with 60.7 percentage marks. Baba has helped me and is still helping me at each and every step of my life. Sai Baba, please keep your blessings always with us. Jai Sai Ram.
How Baba Is Taking Care Of Me
Sai Brother Sri Ji from USA says: Where do I Start and where do I end writing His Leelas? Of course, there is no end to His leelas. There are so many Leelas happening on day-to-day basis. Some it gets fixed in your mind always and some vaguely you remember. Some might be a very small one and you might smile within yourself and thank Him etc. etc. Dear Hetal Ji, the service you are doing is enormous at this young age. You have His blessing and may Baba shower His blessing always to you forever. Please do not display my email id.
From my childhood, I knew Baba as one another God. I was never aware that he lived in 19th century. I had a lot of opportunities to pray to Him, but I was not so keen on that. On my daily prayers, at the end I will just chant “OM Sai Ram” in the early days, before I came to know about Him fully. Things were going on like this, until I came into His fold from Apr 2009. I am a software consultant working in USA and some of you might aware how the job will be as a consultant. Project might be for 3 to 6 months, you might have to travel from place to place, projects to projects etc. During Apr 2009, it was a peak recession time and my project got ended at that time. Getting another project was a daunting task. I was without a project for 1.5 months. My first kid was almost 1 Year at that time and my wife was 6 months pregnant for the 2nd kid.
At this time (at the end of 1.5th month), suddenly one day a thought struck in my mind that my Mom was telling about Sai Satcharitra some time back. I really did not know why this thought came to my mind at that crisis time. This was purely His miracle. Immediately I searched in the internet, got a soft copy and got to know the rules on how to do the Parayan. I started the Saptah Parayan and exactly at the last day of the parayan, I got an interview call, did well by His grace and I got selected in that project. This is the time I got an opportunity to know about Baba more and more after going through pages and pages from Sai Satcharitra. From that time onwards until this day & time, I have been reading at least 1 chapter daily with His grace and blessings.
Then, came my Visa issues. We applied for a visa extension and it was taking a very long time for processing as it was a peak recession time. I was praying to Baba that I will leave my favourite food Rice until I get my extension. I heard lot of news as visa extension denials were going on. Nevertheless to say my extension was also denied. My 2nd kid was 1 month old at that time and we had to leave the country as soon as we can. I had no clue as how am I going to manage the situation. I had car loan, break the house rental agreement etc. The denial came on a Friday. Monday, my company came back by His grace; they said they will file again and asked me to wait for some time. Again this process took a very long time also we had to submit some more additional documents during that time in between the process. And, that added more time. At the end, with His blessings it got approved and I got an extension for 3 years.
Ok, now about the miracles where you smile within yourself and thank Him. Every devotee would like to definitely see some sign of Baba, when they are going out for any important work. In USA, how do we see His presence? “Why can’t?” says Baba. Yes, I have seen “SAI” in Car license plates, Baba idol within a car and Trucks with big “SAIA” name whenever required. This comes unexpectedly. You might be thinking very seriously, suddenly your vision points to that place, see these names/idols and get blessed. What a feeling it would be, when you are desperately looking for it and you will smile and thank Him internally. When I was travelling one day, I was just thinking, I have seen a lot of “SAIA” trucks earlier, why don’t you show me something else? I completely forgot about that after thinking about this. Then suddenly, a truck passed me on the opposite side and you know what was written in that. “OBABA”. Oh my God! You can only do this.
The power of 9 Weeks Vrat – I got out of Financial Crisis from this Vrat. 1 Lakh times Sai Naam Jap – I got out of few medical conditions for my Family. Of course, these cannot be explained in one line for sure. Annadhan – As stated in Sai Satcharitra, this is the best Dhaan. By His grace, I have been doing this every month. It goes on and on. There is no end to it. And finally, Shraddha and Saburi. This is where He puts us under test. As Human Beings, we do tend to think something else if things are not happening as we wish. Definitely, He would have some other better plans for us. At the end, you would realize that what was not happening before (which we did not want to happen) was for our good. I am finally happy, that I was able to pen down my experience with His grace. Please bless me and my family. Thanks to you all for reading my experience with patience.
Sai Blessing Me With A Child
Sai Sister Dhivya Ji from India says: I am very very happy to post my experience with my dear most father Sai Baba. I am also so happy since I am posting this on Thursday. Saibaba is with me in both my happiness and sadness. I feel Sai Baba is my precious gift and I always feel my Father SAI’s presence. SAIBABA have blessed me with good parents, caring brother and with lovable husband, who cares for me as SAI. Really these relations are gift from Sai Baba.
I asked Sai Baba to bless me with a child. I was married 8 months before and really I longed a lot for a child. Since I am far away from my hometown and very new to this state, I don’t have anybody to talk with me. After my husband went to office, I feel bore. I feel like I want a child, who makes my loneliness nothing. I have done Sai Parayanam many times and BABA has fulfilled all my wishes I ask during parayanam. This time I did parayanam, but not for baby, but for good health for my husband. I also pray for baby. I completed my parayanam. Sai always do miracle. After 5 days of my parayanam completion, I found that I am pregnant. Really I was very happy and I was blessed with SAIBABA’s love. My child started to grow by hearing Sai parayanam. My child is also blessed. Thanks Appa. Thank You so much. Be with me always and bless my family.I am blessed. Bless all Sai Baba.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Thankyou all for sharing such a nice experience.. you all are truly blessed by saima..
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Nice experiences…..Baba bless us all…
Baba i have completed reading my 11 times parayana, waiting for ur blessings baba…pls help me… I know in these situations they are impossible, but i trust u…Pls bless me baba..only u can make impossible things possible..u r my dear saima…luv u alot baba…pls make us come to shiridi by fulfilling my wishes…since my childhood am praying u baba..pls help me…pls bring happiness in our lifes. OM SAIRAM
Very nice experiences….thanks a lot for sharing with us….OM SAIRAM…LOVE YOU SAIMA….:):)
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
such wonderful experiences, his love has no limits.. as sai brother stated in the 2nd experience the feeling of seeing baba in any form while going out and internally smiling and thanking him is something that cannot be expressed in words.. its like he is assuring us dont worry i am always with you.. truly he is the greatest mother…
jai sai samarth! jai sai gajanan! help all bless all ! thanku for being with me even after my numerous mistakes!
Om Sai Ram
Very nice experiences.Thanks for sharing.
Jai Sai Ram
om sai naathaye namah.baba plz mera mann apni bhakti or piyaar mein laga do
Wonderful experiences that bring a smile to the face 🙂
O Deva, bless us all, Your children, with Faith and Patience. We are stubborn in our wants & desires as we believe that nothing ever comes our way without You wanting it to, so please fulfil our desires Baba 🙂
Thank You for all the Love & Peace O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Thanku for the inspirational experiences.
I'm in a critical situation now without a job.
I'm waiting for BABA's blessings with his blessings.
He is blessing every one every second.
With his feet, we ll reach goods… Hold it tightly in every moment of life.
Baba, your leelas are unlimited. I love you my Sai 🙂
om sai ramm
wat is the meaning of parayana….please tell me
Wonderful experiences,thanks for sharing with us BABA please bless all your children's.OM SAI RAM.OM SAI RAM.OM SAI RAM.
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Very nice experiences! Dhivya Ji, it was Baba who blessed you with a child and gave you and your husband at the time when it is right for both of you and Baba will be there with you to ensure you have a healthy baby. Sri Ji, it was Baba's grace that you got that unique vision of Baba with you and also Baba was the one who helped get you the visa extension. Aromika Ji, Baba made sure you would pass your exams and Baba will be there with you to help you do even better for your future studies, just keep Baba with you and everything will go well. Om Sai Ram!
Wonderful amazing, He is the DOER.
Sai Brother in second experience
Please let me know how you manage to do Ann daan in US, i find hard to do it here. I have to send money to India for this…that why lots of family memeber comes to know about it, which i do not want..
I am very happy to see my experience (2nd experience) posted. Looks like it got posted couple of days back but I was able to read it only today July 9th. Felt really blessed.
With regards to Annadhaan, I am also sending money directly to Shirdi. This is the website.
Please register yourself in this site and you can pay using US debit/credit card as well.
If there is Sai temple nearby in your place, check with the temple for any Annadhaan options. I have seen sandwich seva performed in our SAI temple. They prepare sandwiches on Thursday and provide it to foster child care etc.
You may also take Food to the temple, offer it to Baba and place it in the dining hall for other devotees to have.
Also, I have seen Second Harvest Food Bank boxes in the (our local) temple. You can drop in food in the boxes. Or you can pay online from their website as well.
There are no hard and fast rules that you have to do Annadhaan in a particular way. Only thing is required from Baba is to perform Annadhaan with pure mind and devotion to Baba in whichever way you can.
After reading 2nd devotees experiences I wanted to share one of my similar experience. In May 2013 we went on a Europe trip. While starting from my house I wanted to see BABA and the minute that thought came in my mind I was able to see his picture which I felt he was telling me that im going to have a safe trip. After leaving India, again I felt like I wanted to see HIM. But i thought how can I see him in a foreign country. This was a 2 weeks trip. The last city we visited was Milan in Italy. The day before we were leaving to India, we were going to the hotel in a bus and to my surprise I saw SAI on a building(Actually were supposed to go to the hotel in a train but on that day there was a strike at the train station so we had to take the bus). I was so surprised and was very happy and thanked HIM a lot.
Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all,
Sai Sai bhajte jao
Baba ke gun gaate jao
kasht mit jaayenge pal mein
Baba ke charnon mein shish jhukate jao
Love You Baba ji
Sabse ZYAADA ji
om sai ram…god bles ol..
Jai Sai Ram, Please baba bless your kids. We all love you a lot.
Very nice experiences, thanks for sharing.
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram m sai ram…please make my pain vanish…it's aching severely. Please bless me babaji….
Jai Sai Ram!happy to read all the experiences thanks for sharing it
nice experiences,thanks for sharing them…Om Sai Ram
OM SAI RAM ,Sai baba please bless me & show me the right path & Bless my MOM