Few more experiences are shared below.

Bountiful Love And Grace Of My Sai Baba

Sai Sister Subarna Ji from India says: First of all, I would like to bow before Baba, who is our ultimate guide and friend. I would also like to thank Hetal Ji for maintaining such a wonderful blog and also want to thank hundreds of devotees for whom I came to know about Baba’s Vrat. Today, I am going to share an experience, where Baba has saved two old parents from dying.

My teacher’s daughter married an Englishman and migrated to England at the age of 21, In 2005. Everything went fine and all were happy. However, one fine morning in 2007, my teacher got a letter from her daughter saying that she wants to severe all sorts of relations with her parents and warned them not to even try contacting her in this life. The reason was unknown. The letter also contained many foul statements against the parents, which being a daughter myself, I dare not think. My teacher was dumbstruck and immediately called her in England. The phone was picked up by her husband, who told the parents they won’t find their daughter anymore in this life and it may take decades just to know how she is.

We were all shocked and my teacher and her husband wondered what could have happened and they could not find out whether, the daughter herself has written this letter or it was the job of someone else! Since then, there was not even a minute trace of the daughter. We tried with all our sources, sent people to her address, to her office and tried all sorts of phone calls and e-mails, but all in vain. She even resigned from her office and did not keep even an account in any social networking site. None in England, in her locality, seemed to know anything about her. Gradually, the parents were detected with mental illness and went under treatment. A person, who has not seen them, cannot even imagine their plight. They cried all day-night to every single person. They came along with. 2007-2013, 6 long years, the girl went missing. This led every one of us think that she is perhaps no more. We had spent helpless and hopeless days wondering how to find her out. It became increasingly pathetic as the parents went mad just to find the news about whether she is alive.

I came to know about Sai Baba’s 9 Thursday Vrat through this blog. I have immense faith in Baba and this was my last hope. I started doing the Vrat and prayed to Baba to bring some news of the girl. I said “I don’t know how and from where You will bring the news. You are our Father and I am sure You will help the poor lady and her husband”. Now there was a miracle! I started the Vrat in June 2013 and it was on the 6th week of my Vrat that suddenly the daughter opened a facebook account and was traced by her father immediately, who sits in front of the internet day and night with a slight hope of finding the daughter out. They also got her address on the site. He called me on Thursday, and gave this wonderful news. You won’t believe the joy that sparkled in his voice and everybody bloomed with happiness that the girl was alright. I could not believe the phone call. How could such a girl, who kept herself hidden all these 6 years, suddenly come out?

I don’t know how I will thank Baba. He has listened to my prayers and has brought back life to the parents here. Baba is indeed always with all of us. Hope she comes back to her parents soon. Jai Sai Ram.

Baba Saved Me In My Workplace

Sai Brother Sri Ji from USA says: This is my second experience and I promised Baba that I would share this. Baba, please forgive me for sharing this very late. I work on Software field and working on a project currently. There was some documentation which has to be submitted to the client for sign-off. I committed a date to submit the document to the client without consulting with my lead (who is also the founder of the company) assuming that he would agree. But for some reason, he did not agree on the dates and he was not co-operating in completing the document.

I got very upset and I was continuously praying to Baba save me from this situation. Here, my Baba came in the form of my Project Manager. My PM said to go ahead to work on the document and submit the same on the said date and not to worry about anything. I worked on the document in no-time with Baba’s grace and submitted on time. We had a meeting to run through the document with the client. The lead did not join that meeting. However, the meeting went on well and client was happy. Thanks once again for saving me from this situation Baba. OM SAI RAM.

Please Pray For Him To Stop Drinking Habit

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am devotee of Sai since 5years. I need devotees’ help that my friend got into bad way. Please help me to recover from that way. Bad way means he was good in business and his life going smooth and good. But suddenly he fell into drinking health and spoiling health more. Now he is going for salary work. In all side, he is facing problem. Please pray for him to recover from drinking habit and again he comes again in business. I am requesting all devotees to pray him to stop drinking habit. I am very grateful to all. How to stop him? I don’t know. My friend does not believe in god and nothing will happen with god. He won’t do well to anybody. Please help him to believe there is power more that man power by all devotees’ prayer.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Anil Gupta
Anil Gupta
Articles: 376


  1. Nice experiences! 3rd devotee, although your friend is going through bad times due to past bad karmas, you can do 9 Thursdays vrat for him (even if he is not a follower of Sai Baba), Baba will surely cure him of his drinking problem (as there is no problem Baba cannot cure). Subarna Ji, it is surely Baba who convinced this girl to open a Facebook account so that she can give some clue to her parents at least what is going on in her life. Hopefully with Baba's help more will be explained about what drove her to cut off contact with her parents and some resolution can be found for them. Sri Ji, Baba helps all of us at our work and wonderful how He convinced your project manager to sign off on the project and Baba made sure you weren't stuck in a difficult situation. No matter how difficult the situation, with Baba by our side, there is always a way out, and Baba always helps us find that way to get out of such difficult situations. Om Sai Ram!

  2. Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sai Ram


    First experience is really wonderful.

    I am still wondering why that girls' parents did not got to Bristish High commission in India & why they did not approach police in Uk?

    yes, all dear Devotess, baba is always here for HIS devotees.

    Love to all, Shanti to all.

    • Dear Sai devotees, I too thought the same! In such suspicious circumstances, one can even approach the detectives too! Of course, one is heart broken during such hard times, but we can not just sit back and rely on the Internet, FB and such medias to bring you any updates!
      BABA's mercy is unimaginable but certainly feel that keeping BABA's vrat and expect miraculous results as a solution to the problem, is not a way to deal in this World. Actually, I feel people are now heading towards blind faith in rituals rather than having FAITH in BABA living life as per BABA's teachings. And such postings are adding that misconception on peoples' minds. BABA never said so!
      Anyways, I don't want to hurt others feelings but just want to convey to live life as BABA has shown us guide lines, apply your full efforts in finding a solution to the problem and keep FAITH in BABA that HE will ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU!

    • Dear Meera Ji,
      Yes I know… but could not understand your process of drawing conclusions about whether we approached the police, detectives, high commission etc. perhaps you concluded because i did not mention anything in the experience.
      .. yes, we, that is some 30 families of whom none seems to be illiterate or fools and everybody seems to know what exactly should be done if a human being on earth goes missing are trying to help the parents. This is the internet and I can't really write what happened as they approached the doors of …… I can only say that corruption has overpowered every drop of humanity. As per the daughter's letter ( full of wrong allegations) the parents have been portrayed as some criminals who continuously tortured her and the parents themselves could be in danger. Still they approached everywhere. and as the daughter have herself severed ties and as she is mature enough, the high commission could not help !!!! we have done everything possible.
      and i did not sit before baba to expect a miracle all these years . I became interested in baba's teachings in 2012 only and got to know about the vrat just the week before i started doing it. We were trying with all sorts of whatever possible but is it really bad to learn that it was baba;s grace that we could find her? i don't know why you felt i am on towards spreading wrong notion. I felt it wonderful !!!! and shared. still now when I think about the haunting episode and then about baba's grace, i turn emotional but I am really sorry if something in this have hurt you.

    • dear Subarna ji,
      Sorry if I hurt your feelings..may be to make it short you may have opted not to list certain details and it just seemed to me that what you interpreted here in this reply. If you all have done all efforts than where is the question of you feeling bad? All I try to say is we all human beings have to take in life that GOD has destined for us, and yes, we need to learn from our mistakes and seek pardon form BABA to guide us so that we do not repeat the mistake. Lead our life in such a way that would please BABA. BABA always stands by HIS devotees who are struggling to get over the hurdles in life. In this case, if the person was untraceable for 6 some years and our normal way to find where abouts for that missing person are not working, I truly believe that one should have approached the Detective firm! Anyway, you did what you felt right. "All is well that ends well", the teacher's family is now happy with girl found and we all are happy for it. May you all be blessed with peace and happiness. I have not felt bad at all getting your feed back. WE all share our experiences that we feel BABA's hand in it to solve the problem or rescuing us form trouble.
      Jai SAI RAM.

    • can you tell us what happened later on and where was the girl hidding. Just curious as Baba helped the family.I know the pain of loosing a child.

    • she is in england only. Actually during her marriage, she was only 21 whereas the husband was 69. so there was a wide range of repercussion in the family. none agreed to her marriage. gradually the parents were compelled to agree. we think her anger towards her parents have led her hide herself or she has perhaps understood that she herself has committed a mistake. Now she has been traced, but she has not responded to our messages yet ! she actually doesn;t want to keep contact. so the parents do not really want to force her lest she closes that facebook account. They are just happy with the news that she is alive and safe. They are waiting . However, her aunt has decided to go to her address. Though we did not get her total address from facebook, we came to know the place. Actually as the girl is grown up and she herself has left her parents and herself does not want to keep any contact, the english police does't want to intervene. We are grateful to BABA to let us know that she is alive and safe ! OM SAI RAM

  4. Jai Sai Ram…
    Devotee 1,
    Miracle…Baba is always there and will fulfill all the wishes of His devotees. I was in tears after reading it. Thank you for sharing the experience.
    Devotee 2,
    Baba is always there to help His devotees in times of need. Thank you for sharing the experience.
    Devotee 3,
    Please pray to Baba and mix some Udi in water or coffee/ tea and give it to your friend daily without him knowing it. If your friend believes in Baba ask him to smear Udi daily on his forehead. He will definitely come out of that habit and not touch drinks forever…Baba will take care…Jai Sai Ram…

    • Om Sai Ram.

      Yes, drinking BABA's UDI with water will help him to come out of this habit. Also please try to do some food donation, charity and good deeds .. it will help to wipe away bad karmas and it will definitely help for a better future.

      Please read this from a post on FB by Mrs JAYA WAHI :

      Sai Baba Is Still Alive
      Liked · September 19

      Baba Sai has taught, "Give, give, give & receive manifold in return. Wealth used for personal enjoyment is wealth wasted. Whereas wealth shared is wealth created."

      Remember… If you or anyone in your family is suffering due to a physical or mental disease, if you are in trouble at your work place, if you are unable to pay back loans, if you are in a broken or painful relationship, if there is any problem however big… There is ONE sure-shot solution given by our Baba Sai… 'CHARITY & SHARING OF WHAT WE HAVE'. So, give in abundance, give with faith & love & get back a million fold of that abundance.

      My Day 2 of charity completed beautifully with my Darling Baba's grace… Made Thandai… an almond, pistachio, cardamom flavored chilled milk concoction, along with biscuits & then went out with my lovely Maa & my lil maid girls & we made every possible person working hard on the warm streets & sweating it out, sip into Baba's Prasadam. In Bliss Supreme. Hope your Day 2 of Charity is going good too Sai Family.
      May BABA bless us all always.

  5. Om Sai Ram.

    Dear Sai Family, and Dear Sai Sister Reetika Ji in the second experience,

    Please read the book 'Sai BABA is still alive' by 'Jaya Wahi'. It will boost your faith and show you numerous ways to do good deeds. You can buy the book online from Flipkart or any other online store. Here is the link. And the book gets delivered in a days time.


    Please read this from a post on FB by Mrs JAYA WAHI :

    Sai Baba Is Still Alive
    Liked · September 19

    Baba Sai has taught, "Give, give, give & receive manifold in return. Wealth used for personal enjoyment is wealth wasted. Whereas wealth shared is wealth created."

    Remember… If you or anyone in your family is suffering due to a physical or mental disease, if you are in trouble at your work place, if you are unable to pay back loans, if you are in a broken or painful relationship, if there is any problem however big… There is ONE sure-shot solution given by our Baba Sai… 'CHARITY & SHARING OF WHAT WE HAVE'. So, give in abundance, give with faith & love & get back a million fold of that abundance.

    My Day 2 of charity completed beautifully with my Darling Baba's grace… Made Thandai… an almond, pistachio, cardamom flavored chilled milk concoction, along with biscuits & then went out with my lovely Maa & my lil maid girls & we made every possible person working hard on the warm streets & sweating it out, sip into Baba's Prasadam. In Bliss Supreme. Hope your Day 2 of Charity is going good too Sai Family.
    May BABA bless us all always.

    Love you BABA and many thanks you for everything. May you keep blessing us all always with good health, long life, peace, prosperity, wealth, joyous relationships and happiness.


  6. om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram. om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram. om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram.

  7. The first experience was very good. I can imagine the plight of her parents and they struggled for 6 years, and even now things aren't resolved. I pray that things sort themselves out very quickly!

    Babaji – please bless me and help me. I'm so unhappy. I don't know what to do in life. Education is there, money is there, friends are there and loving parents, and I am still unhappy and distancing myself from them. Am I too greedy? Now I want one thing and I feel guilty and sad over the choices I made. Please baba. Help me. I cry everyday, and inspite of all that I have, I feel like darkness has surrounded me and I feel hopeless all the time. What is wrong with me. I am sad about one thing, and I am praying to you to fix it for me. This was the thing that my ray of sunshine during this dark phase, and now that I lost it, I'm broken. I need your presence in my life, to make me believe everything will be alright.

  8. 1st and 2nd experiences are very wonderful….thanks a lot for sharing with us…and the devotee in the third experience plaese do sai nav guruvar vrath for your friend and do sai satchiritra parayan…your friend will deffinately get the solutions to all of his problems..may baba bless everyone…OM SAIRAM….LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)

  9. Om Sai Ram.

    Dear Sai Family, please help me plan a trip to Shirdi in December 2nd week from bangalore by train. I need your suggestions on other nearby places that we can visit and places for accomodation, means of travel etc. Hope BABA will plan out the trip for us.

    Love you BABA. Many thanks to you for everything. May you keep blessing us all always.


  10. Wonderful experiences,thank you dear devotees of Baba for sharing your experiences and thank you Baba for making me read the experiences now and indicating that you are with us.all the three experiences were beautiful miracles of Baba's love and care for us.Baba bless every person and give sadbuddhi to everyone.om Sai ram.love you Baba.please make debarun's exam go very well today and please give him admission in IIM,nothing is impossible for you Baba,please hear the prayer of this devotee.om Shri sainathaye namah

  11. BABA please help me. The result is going to be published in few days. As i had already told with out you no can full fill my wish.Just answer to my prayer,my mother's prayer and my soma's prayer. These days BABA i just want to pray you, listen about you,want to read about you BABA. Please BABA give me such strength and love for YOU. And do not want to do any other work. BABA I LOVE YOU.MAKE MY FAITH ON YOU MUCH STRONGER. OM SAI RAM. BABA BABA BABA PLEASE LISTEN TO me

  12. All the experiences are nice. 1st devotee, I am very much happy for them. Baba can do miracles and making impossible things possible. 2nd devotee, Baba is always there for us to help. 3rd devotee, please give your friend udi mixed in water or tea daily. Also perform Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat, read Sai Satcharitra, Sai Prerna and write "Om Sai Ram" 108 times a day. Baba will soon bless your friend. Om Sai Ram

  13. om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sa i ram ir am



  15. Wonderful experience and a heartfelt plea which by now I am sure Baba would have addressed 🙂

    O Deva, let our minds be filled with thoughts of You alone and let our lips sing paeans of You alone. Bless us, Your children, O Sadguru with patience so that we never lose sight of Your lotus feet in troubled times.

    Thank You for all the Love & Peace O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  16. All the experiences are awesome. BABA please help the devotee of third experience also.You the only sweet father that all we have with us. Love YOU BABA.OM SAI RAM.

  17. please Devotees fhttp:ind some books about Shirdi Sai Baba in this site

  18. Sai Ram to all,

    Wonderful experiences, specially 1st experience and 3rd devotee who is so concerned about his (or her) friend; Glad to find people taking pain not only for themselves, but for others as well. Baba will definitely help.

    This promise of Baba has been beautifully narrated by Hemadpant ji in Satcharitra (at the end of chapter 43-44), refer to the following link:


    May Sai Bless us all.

  19. Baba please help me …i am not able to do anything …my life , my happiness , every thing is in your hands…please Baba get me out of all my problems…Jai Sai Ram..

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