Here is a very heart touching experience by an anonymous lady. This experience is going to be a great source of confidence and faith for childless couples.
Anonymous devotee from India says: I am a 34 year old married woman from Bangalore, India. I and my Husband wish to share this experience with everyone who reads the blog.
Hello Hetal,
I would like to stay anonymous, because it is not the name but the experience that matters the most. I am a continuous reader of this blog and I feel you must be really blessed to be able to do this service. Thanks for spreading Sai’s miracles to everyone out there.
I was not a Sai devotee from beginning. I would go to his temple very rarely to pay my respect to him but I never was called to him the way I am now.
How this happened and what happened later is the miracle that I am going to share. I am married to this wonderful person for 8 years now. At first like any couple who are trying to settle down, we had decided not have children for 2 years. And when we decided to expand our family like many people we found ourselves unable to bear a child. At first I was shocked. I used to think why me? I always loved children and I felt that many kids enjoy playing with me. My husband was even better than me with kids.
We consulted a very good doctor and underwent all the tests that she suggested. All the tests were normal. We decided we will try without medical intervention. We were still not able to conceive. Consulted few more doctors and still the same result. I was not ready for much of medical intervention. I was fine with monitoring. I felt that it should not be this hard to conceive a baby. Many tests and few procedures did very little to boost my confidence. At the end of it all we both were stressed and not to mention we had crossed 31 years.
During all this time, we were continuously praying, visiting temples and seeking mannat everytime. Everything good was happening to us except the child. We were thinking that something must be missing. We showed our horoscope to couple of renowned pandits. They said we have some dosha and we have to perform a certain pooja in a temple. We did that, still no results. We were in our 7th year of marriage and 5th year running to have a child. My husband suggested showing our horoscope to someone very close to both of us and whom we respect a lot. He took time to go through our horoscope and called my husband after 2 days. He told him that most aspects looked good in our jatakas. However, where child was concerned, we might not have one. He also spotted the same dosha like the previous pandits and asked whether we have performed any pooja. My husband told him that we had performed it already. He said it is ok if it was already performed. During this time his daughter-in-law came in and she heard part of it. She already knew why we were consulting him. She knew me as well. So she waited till my husband reached home, took his number from her husband and called him up. By then my husband had told me what had happened and we had never felt this depressed in our entire life. We had just then finished pledging that we will never show our horoscope again, whatever our destiny is we will face it. I had finished crying when she called. She is a great devotee of Sai. Her name is Geet. She apologised for talking about our private matter first of all but she said she had to call. We spoke about the whole thing and she said to me that she felt very strongly that she had to tell us about Sai and that is why she called. She told that she is just a messenger and maybe HE wants us to let him in our hearts and home and that is why HE has made her call us. Now, when I think back I know she was right.
I don’t know at that moment I just felt that I should let him in to my mind and heart and our lives. My husband also felt the same. That was our calling. We read Sai Satcharita gifted by her. I could feel that my heart was getting lighter and I was filled with hope. One day while eating breakfast, I felt that we should go to Shirdi. I checked the railway website. No seats were available for the next 5 months. I thought that till he calls we cannot go but still I was not able to take the fact that we cannot go to Shirdi. I told my husband about it. He also said the same that till Sai calls us we cannot go. After 2 days he met a person in his workplace whose uncle was a ticket agent. My husband said the topic came up out of the blue, that he did not even notice that they were talking about travelling in train and his uncle being an agent and my husband can let him know in case he needs any help in travelling anywhere by train. My husband spoke about our wish to go to Shirdi. That boy spoke to his uncle and everything was arranged just like that. He called me to tell the news and I think I was crying with joy because clearly it was an indication that He wished us to come to Shirdi.
We checked with Geet and her husband whether they wished to join. They said yes and we got the tickets arranged. The day we were to go to Shirdi, traffic was heavy. Throughout I kept seeing Sai’s pictures on vehicles as if he was saying not to panic, everything will be fine and we will catch the train. I was 20 mins late. But the train was still there. In different part of bangalore Geet and her husband were stuck in a similar traffic situation. But they also caught up with us in a different station. Till then all the four of us were so tensed. We thanked Sai and so began our journey to Shirdi.
Our Shirdi experience was magical. It was like as if he was personally seeing to it that at every moment we were connecting with him. The moment I stepped inside the shrine for aarti, I just remember crying. I am not much for crying in public, but that was first feeling that I felt. By the time aarthi was over I felt light and hopeful. I was thinking as to how many people would get a chance to see him, we had got it and he would not call us just like that. Our belief in him got stronger. We came home. We tried for couple of more months. Then a thought just crossed my mind that I should use Udi. I was taking udi with water but I also started taking little bit of udi in water and smearing it on my stomach and womb area praying that I should concieve and my baby should be safe. The first month I tried it I did not get my period for nearly 2 months. I thought that we have concieved. But it was not to be. But I still felt strongly about it and continued it in the next cycle. Again it was over 30 days and this time too my periods did not come in.
I prayed to Sai that I am using udi with great belief and I do not want to be disappointed. I guess HE must have laughed at it. This time the test was positive. Needless to say how happy we were. We were so used to seeing negative results, it was so unbelievable that the test was positive. We thanked him and we prayed for Geet and her family for being Sai’s messenger. I strongly you do not choose Sai, he chooses you. Right now my baby boy is 5 months old and every time I see him, I realize how lucky we are to have Sai by our side. All I can say is “Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai”. Thank you Sai for blessing us and Thank you Hetal for publishing this.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
thanks for sharing and i am very very very very happy for you!!!!!!! take care and keep smiling
Om Sai Ram…Very Nice Experience….Baba always be with your baby…Sister, follow action of your baby…these babies are the part of Sai and their behaviour are different from ordinary kids….I have my baby boy and he is also blessing of Sai…Sai I Love You Baba…Always be with us….Om Sai Ram
A beautiful and faith boosting experience. Miracles like these give a flicker of hope to the rest of us. Baba has truly smiled on you 🙂
O Deva, Thank You for everything that You provide for us, with or without us asking. Bless us O Sadguru so we stay on the right path and spread Your miracles and sayings.
Thank You for all the Love & Peace O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
sairam,how unfathomable are your miracles. jai sairam!!
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
I loved your experience and i must say that it made me feel peaceful……
Love u sai ma
Love u sai ma
om sai raam such a wonderful experience dear devoteeji…may baba bless you and your baby..very happy for you om sai raam
Thank you so much for sharing.really faith boosting.really our Baba is the greatest magician,the greatest among all saints,paramatma…love you so much Baba.thanks for making me your child.Om Sai ram.Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Very heart touching experience….very well narrated….once again its proven that nothing is impossible to our sai….thanks a lot for sharing with us…OM SAIRAM….LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)
Anything is possible with sai!
I dont know why my prayers are not reaching to baba.. i am fed up of life… no hope left.
Me too
Very gud experience thnk for sharing it……
Only sai sai sai…….
Only god who walk on earth.
Om sai ram…….
Really a wonderful experience…. Lucky are those who have his blessings.. May Sai Bless all of us.. 🙂
om sai ram please bless with child to sirisha and kavitha they are suffering with out child please baba bless them give children to them you take out theirpain baba they are your devotiees sai please sai concive them early give happiness to them bless parenthood to them om sai ram excuse me for mistakes
BABA i do not have any word to express my feelings about this miracle.BABA YOU are simply awesome.i love YOU BABA.OM SAI RAM!!!!!
Grt experience…….every moment while reading it….i felt as if u narrating my story word to word…….me too blessed wid boy / girl twin by sai maa an year ago……..all twists n turns identical as urs…….jai sainath……
Nana ji i am also waiting for ur miracle…please remove all negativities between me and my husband…please i dont want divorce..nana ji please bless me with a happy married life with my husband..i am waitting for ur blessing…om sai ram
om sai ram!!
Thank you so much baba for all these happiness fortunate for having read such a wonderful experience. …. om sai
om sai ram
Oh wat a great experience Baba I love you you really love ur bhaktas
Jai bolo Sri Sachidaananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaaj Ki Jai……Babaaaaaaaa…..unbelievable after 5 years of trying, they came to you and you blessed in 2 months….what a miracle? I too wish to have a baby boy like this….I love and live for you Sai, you are really a Maharaj… are a master….Please bless all parents who are wanting children. Please bless me with a normal and good anamoly scan tomorrow. I am very tensed.
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ramom sai ram om sai ram
OMG! Baba you are truly amazing…I couldn't stop my tears while reading your experience sister…How can anyone doubt his presence after reading it…Baba I know you will bless me with happiness too…And to all those wonderful couples waiting to be parents ….Udi with faith on Baba is all you need.
Anantakoti Brahmmandnayak Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahmma Sri Satchidanand Samarth Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Dear Sai Sister I don know who u are, I feel u are a messenger sent by Sai for me for the same reason, Im sure going to do what you did. Thanks for sharing ur exp
om sai naathaye namah
Very wonderful and beautiful experience! I am very happy that Baba helped you and your husband conceive a child. Despite all the hardships you had to undergo, Baba never forgot about you (as He never forgets about any of His devotees when they are suffering due to past bad karmas), and even called you to Shirdi for a nice Shirdi trip. It is so nice that Baba granted you a wonderful child after so long trying to have a baby, Baba gave you a miracle baby that is also Baba's son and He will also make sure all of you are well taken care. Om Sai Ram!
is it possible to remove the bad luck of my life i have from my birth
which ruined my whole life……….. i have gone to shirdi & once done sai satchahritra reading complete…………. my all happiness are stuck coz of this one curse…………….. wat to do m hope less…………… my love ………… my family expectections all r impossible dreams
sai baba
i made a biggest mistake
u know y it happened .
baba y punishing me
i ll be humble baba
please forgive me for last time
please baba
om sri sai ram
please give me a signal baba
i think u sent y is he telling he is thinking
if this is not going to happen , y u made me to like him baba
please baba
if he is rite person , let him say yes tomaro
else we ll keep full stop.i dun want to create more liking for him
please baba
please make avik happy.send him an angel baba
Baba help me,i do not want to take the medicine as it has lots of dangerous side effects,Baba i have been daily taking YOUR udi from past 3 years without fail.pls let YOUR udi cure me like it does to all.pls Baba
realy miracle…………jai sai ram
Dear Devotee,
Wonderful experience. I just could not stop my tears from tricking down. I am going thru the same hardship now. Congratulations to you.. Your boy is SAI's miracle.. Enjoy the divine grace.
BABA,I have gone thru all the treatments and I have my first FET in couple of weeks..You know everything. Please Bless me and my husband with a healthy Baby soon.
I don't know what else is missing from my side. Please Bless us..
Wonderful & Blessed experience. Thanks for sharing. Om SaiRam.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om sai ram
dear devotee ur so blessed one,while reading ur experience i felt like crying….iam very very happy for ur kid…..
And thanks for posting ur experience….bless u and ur family and ur kid….
Dear sai devotees please pray for MY Sis-in law she is also suffering from same problem and married for 9years…….please sai bless thn with akid and make their life beautiful…..please baba……….
sai ram…
dear devotee…wonderful experience..i am also going through the same situation since 7 years..after reading this I decided to apply udi on my stomach.i hope sai will help all couple like us to have healthy babies..may sai shower all his blessings to you and your family.
I m also goin thru the same pain….day and nite…it literally breaks my heart, soul ,mind….each month to have failure…..i hope baba also bless me with healthy baby soon
heart touching .. i love you baba…
if once we believe in sai he never leave our hands. like me also sai blessings we got 2bhk rent house near main road, my husband got final round interview and one surprise i did not expect that i am pregnant bcz every day i prayed him i wl get naturally pregnancy bt finally sai wl listen all my prayers thank u sai ram, ur my father, mother, and all.