Few more experiences are shared.

Shirdi Trip Miracles

Sai Sister Sri Vidya from USA says: Dear Hetalji ji, in this post I would like to share the miracles Sai Baba made on my first trip to Shirdi.

Dear Hetalji ji, Thank you so much for this blog. May Sai Baba bless you and your team and all of your family. This post is about my Shirdi visit. By Baba’s Grace we got tickets to Shirdi on January 1, 2014. This too was a miracle. Earlier the package was scheduled from January 4, 2014 to January 8, 2014 which was from Saturday to Wednesday. I felt quite sad as I may not be there in Shirdi on Thursday. I asked Baba to do something so that the trip gets postponed while returning and we return on January 9, 2014 or something and somehow I should be in Shirdi on Thursday. Baba always listens to our prayers and fulfills our wishes, but His ways and plans are different and beyond what the human mind can think. I received a call from our tour operator on December 30th, 2013 and when I didn’t expect it at all the operator told that the tour has been advanced and will be from January 1, 2014 to January 5, 2015. By Sai Baba’s grace the trip went on as planned and Baba made my feet land on Shirdi soil for the first time in my life on Thursday on January 2, 2014. My joy knew no bounds when the operator called and told this.

I was perfectly in good health till December 31, 2013 night. Suddenly after midnight I got severe stomach upset. I knew from my deep heart that this was some severe food poisoning and it will cure only with antibiotic tablets and not merely the medicines at home. However, we had to start from home for the train at 8 or 9 am in the morning and the train was at 10 am. My mother and I were to travel. My mother got so upset with my condition and both of us were upset over this when we were to travel to our Dear Sai Baba’s place, Shirdi. By Sai Baba’s Grace I was eating Udi from midnight when my stomach was upset and I had faith that I will be fine. Then my mother gave me Sai Baba’s Udi and Mrthiga Prasadam of Sri Raghavendra Swamy of Mantralayam. I also prayed to Pondicherry Mother. As told in Sri Sai Satcharitra, all Gurus are one. All the Gurus I pray to are my Gods too. I also prayed to our Gods we usually pray to. By God’s Grace I was miraculously healed. I put my entire burden on God and told Sai Baba that I want to come to Shirdi, please do something and take care of me. Sai Baba and all the Gods healed me fully and I was perfectly fine from the time I started from home. And to add to all this i did not take a single tablet. Jai Sai Ram. By Sai Baba’s Grace our trip was blessed and good. It is true that Sai Baba takes care of His devotees’ needs when they plan for Shirdi trip. This is also told in Sri Sai Satcharitra. Thank you Sai Baba and all the Gods. Keep faith and let go and not give up but let go. Letting go is believing fully in the divine and leaving it to the divine to take care of. Ask, believe, let go and be happy. You will definitely receive what you asked for. Jai Sai Ram.

Baba Is Always With Me

Anonymous devotee from South Africa says: Baba is always with me and he always shows his mercy on me. Satchidananda Samarda Sadguru Sri Sainadh Maha Raj Ki jai. I read all the experiences posted in your blog. Sometimes I am crying while reading the experiences. Please post my experience. Thank you so much for your blog. Baba Please bless us.

I am a strong devotee of Sai Baba from my childhood. Here are some of my experiences. Last year, I got married with a person staying in South Africa. By Baba’s grace I got visa. But I am so tensed about my journey because I didn’t travel for other countries before, I prayed to Baba please come with me and reach me safely. By Baba’s grace one person who is coming in the same flight helped me a lot. I thought Baba came like that person. Recently I got job in a good company by Baba’s grace but I prayed to Baba before getting the job, if I get a job, I will give some amount in Shirdi but on that day I got salary I forgot about that. On the same day night Baba came in my dream saw Baba clearly in my dream. I am so happy on that day. Later I realized about my promise to Baba. Thank you Baba, Thanks for everything in my life. .I want you to be always with me, not only with me but also with all your children. Love you Baba. You are everything to me.

Sai Baba Helped My Wife and Blessed Us with a Child

Sai Brother Rajesh from UK says: Hello Hetalji. I would like to thank you no matter how many times, for building and maintaining such a wonderful platform and becoming an instrument in sharing all the devotees’ experiences at one place. You are really doing a great job and may god bless you. I’m Rajesh Kassa from UK and I shared many of my earlier experiences through this platform. I’m now going to share a wonderful miracle of Sai Baba very recently and how he helped my wife and our new born baby boy.

My wife was due to deliver a second child and the expected due date was 5th December 2013. We were all bit tensed as the first delivery was complicated and Sai Baba helped us then. We had the same belief and faith even this time and left everything to Sai Baba. Unfortunately she passed the due date but still there were no signs of labor. We were simply waiting thinking that whatever is happening is all for our good and Sai Baba is giving the best. Finally, we need to admit in the hospital on 15th December 2013 and around 2pm there were some signs of labor. We thought very soon the child is going to be born. But unfortunately the baby was moving around very frequently and it was not a good sign during labour pains. Hence we requested for emergency c-section. Doctors, though first agreed with us but later on some other doctor convinced us saying they can try for normal as the first delivery was normal and the birth canal was already formed then. They also assured us that they can lock the baby’s position with head down and then everything will be normal. Hence we agreed for it and the process started. Though the process was smooth in the beginning, but it turned out to be difficult later on. The waters were broken and the baby’s heart beat was bit suspicious. We didn’t want to take any more risks and hence requested for emergency c-section once again. Finally, they too agreed with us and everything was set for emergency c-section and with Sai Baba’s grace baby boy was born on 16th December 2013 at 4:30 am. We all thanked Baba for saving both my wife and baby.

Just when everything was looking good, there came another difficulty. On day 2 of the birth, though my wife was ok and about to be discharged, Doctors identified jaundice and some other infection with the baby. What concerned us more was the high infection level as the jaundice was normal in most new born babies that can go off in 1-2 days. We couldn’t forget that night when the infection was first diagnosed and were simply praying to Baba and all other Gods to cure our baby. Baby need to be treated with antibiotics for full 5 days to check the infection level and was kept in ICU. We were with the baby in ICU and by Baba’s grace the infection was completely treated after full 5 days and there were no traces of infection any more. We were relieved then and heart fully thanked Baba and all other gods from the bottom of our heart for rescuing us. We still can’t forget those painful days. Finally, both my wife and baby were doing well and Doctors discharged us on 22nd December 2013 which is exactly after 1 week of admitting. We are now back home and named our son Bhavesh Sai. All this couldn’t have happened without Sai Baba’s love and grace and we are all really thankful to Baba once again for helping us in most difficult times. Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainadh Maharaj Ki Jai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Sahasra Deepa Seva To Shri Sainath Maharaj

    Yes ! It is the repetition of the Jamner Episode ! It occurred on 14-11-1982 at 1-25 P. M. at Pune. Shivaji Nagar, Bus stand.

    To fulfil a sankalpa of lighting 1008 lamps on Diwali night, I set out to Shirdi by Dadar Express on 13-11-1982 and the train reached Pune the next day late by 2 hours.

    The Pune bus stand was overflowing with Diwali passenger crowd and I missed the 9-40 Bus, as the conductor refused to take me seeing my heavy luggage. The next one to leave by 1. 30 P, M. was also heavily booked and a good Samaritan advised me to go to Shivajinagar bus stand. It was worse there and the counter clerk said :*'Take your chance when the bus comes".

    I came out for coffee and saw a lone taxi there. When I asked the taxi walla what would be his fare to Shirdi, he said Rs. 450/- which I could rot afford at that juncture. I quietly repaired back to the stand and was watching the crowd, who were boarding the buses, some jumping in through the opening above the dickey; the ladies too doing acrobatics to enter the bus anyhow. At 66, it was impossible for me to do any of those acrobatics, (with three cartons of Panatis, each weighing 7 kgs. as my luggage) to board the bus.

    I sat in a corner of the bus stand and started chanting the Taraka Mantra Sai Ram. The Geetacharya's advice passed through my mind :

    "Fix your mind on Me and worship Me devotedly and thou shall reach Me without doubt. I truly promise to you, for you are dear to Me ".

    Believe it or not! at 1, 25 P. M. the taxi walla whom I had met earlier, came to me and said "Chaio Saheb, gadi tayyar hai". I was dazed for a second and dumb founded. Oh ! Baba, you as a tongawala took Ramgirbuva from Jalgaon to Jamner to deliver the Udhi to Nanasahab Chandorkar and saved his daughter Mainatai from a crisis; and Thou hast come again to the aid of this fakir. My .eyes swelled with Ananda Bashpa (tears of joy)

    The Taxi walla said that he has a passenger upto Nagar .and he is willing to take me to Shirdi for any consideration I like.

    The passenger was one Mr. Bhosle of Pune, who had booked the taxi to go to Nagar, with his wife and baby daughter, and was an utter stranger. While travelling, when I asked Mr. Bhosle whether he knew Mr. C. G. Chitamber of Nagar; he replied : "Oh ! you know Mr Chitamber ? He is my intimate dost." To my surprise again, he drove straight to Mr. Chitamber's house at Nagar. Mr. Chitamber was equally surprised at my sudden appearance in his house with his friend. I had the good fortune to spend at his feet quite a few hours, during the Feb. 82, writers' convention. After exchanging Diwali greetings and tea, I took leave of the two great Sayees, and Taxi No. MTF 7817 whizzed off and reached Shirdi on time at 6 P. M. I made a Sashtanga Namaskar to our Sad guru Sainath Maharaj, The taxiwalla also was delighted to have an unexpected Shirdi Darshan.

    The Sahasra Deepas were arranged in rows before the portrait of Sainath in Dwarakamayi, and all around the three sides of the Mandap in front of the Samadhi Mandir. The children of the neighbouring houses and Swamis in Chavadi gave a lending hand to arrange the lamps, And Dwarakamayi was illumined with the twinkling lights from the panatis and Baba glittered and glowed with radiance saining (shining) brightly. The Sansthan Pujari Shri Digamber remarked; "Bahut achha hai".

  2. Sai Bandhus: I have to mention here that originally I booked my seat to Kopergaon and after a week I cancelled it and booked it to Pune. All this had happened by His grace to make me bask in the Sai shade in the company of the Chitambers and their friend Mr. Bhosle who, just like Das Ganu Maharaj, had resigned his police job and with Baba's blessings was now doing service to humanity.

    Let me bow to the Sai Bandhus of Tamilnad, Hyderabad, Bombay and Chandigar, who, by their spontaneous response to my appeal, made it possible for me to offer this Sahasra Deepa Seva on this Diwali Day. May their wishes be granted by Sai Maharaj and may their tribe increase

    R. S. Ramakrishnan

  3. Sai maa
    Please please please please help us maa
    Pls let ashwin get clri or opt out of ps maa
    Pls b there with us holding our hands

    Luv u my maa
    Falling at your lotus feet

  4. Sai ram, I am sharing my experience first time few day ago my brother-in-law is suffering from mental health problem he is far from us so when we hear about his problem we have to go for his treatment when we see him first time I don't know what to do where to go we admit him in hospital but after four five days no improvement found in him then we were hopeless I am praying baba to cure him and I went to baba mandir I met sai devotee she tell me after few days ram navami is coming it is favorite festival of sai after listening that I want to come home and do puja but still my brother health have no improvement I pray baba to please do kripa so I can do puja in ramnavami in my own house and see baba listen me and my brother is normal in three days before ram navami I am so happy that baba fill my ichha…thank you baba ,om sai

  5. i got a dream in which baba was lying down.a crod was surrounded by him.i washe c one among them.suddenly a gal came from the croud for pada seva.then baba stopped her showing his legs and said dont touch my legs as they are burning.when i saw his legs really legs were swollen and were red in colour.then everybody turned back and going back along with me.i did not understand what the dream was about.next morning my dad went to his office asusual.but he returned with a heavy bandage on his leg.he met with a small accidnt and he also said that god saved him from it if not his feet finger would have cut…then i remembered my dream..tons of thanks to our dear sai 🙂

  6. A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
    *****A Chinese Couple*****
    When Sri Swami Samarth manifested in Himalayan Region, during the same
    time a Chinese couple had come there in search of herbal medicines. They saw the
    ajanubahu personality of Sri Swami Samarth. However, ignoring Sri Swami the couple
    remained busy in their own activities. Due to the beautiful natural surroundings they
    couple became possessed by lust and started flirting with each other without any regard to the presence of Shree Swami Samarth. Watching this strong sexually desirous
    activity of the couple, Sri Swami Samarth became very angry and taught them a
    lesson. Due to Sri Swami Samarth’s displeasure over this indecent behaviour, the
    Chinese man got transformed to a woman and the Chinese woman into a man. Seeing
    this sudden transformation the couple got humiliated and they panicked. They realised
    that this transformation had taken place due to the displeasure of the ascetic who was
    present there. They then prostrated at the lotus feet of Sri Swami and prayed for
    forgiveness. Then Sri Swami explained the couple regarding the ill effects of lustful
    desires and advised them to conquer them instead.
    Later on, Sri Swami blessed the couple with kind grace, which transformed both
    to their original forms. Finally, the Chinese couple returned happily to their country.

  7. Om sai ram….baba ji tomorrow is my 9th vrat….pls bless me good job.pls my sai dadu dont leave me at any moment of my life.if am alive just becoz of u so u have to bd with me.

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      Thanks and Regards

  9. Appa im feeling very down and bad. Im tired of crying. Im standing helpless pa wont u come to rescue me from this darkness. Days are running, but each minute is painful and fearful.If turn back and see my past its bad and makes me cry. If i think about my future it makes me fearful. My present is also worse. I dont have a single shoulder to pour our my tears.I want atleast one caring shoulder to hold me and wipe my tears.Wont u give me yours? Being a female is very tough.You say u need faith and patience but my situation and failures are not giving it fully, what will i do? U dont like fasting because u think that fasting mind cannot think about God. My mind is not calm, full of hurts,insults and pains then how will that think about u. I dont know what to do. This date in my life is unforgettable personally and officially u know it. Do u still think i have to suffer?Mudiyala pa.Please come to me and show way or take me atleast pa. These pains are unbearable pa.None of the day is good or none of the night is good. Still im wishing u, Goodnight pa!

  10. Wonderful experiences all.

    O Deva, remove all dark thoughts that plague our mind. Help us think clearly and good thoughts O Sadguru.

    Thank You for being with us O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  11. "Ask, believe, let go and be happy. You will definitely receive what you asked for" How very true!!!!!!!Beautiful and no more words are required to explain!!!!!!!!! Om Sai Ram!!!!!!

  12. om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram

  13. Nice experiences! 3rd devotee, it was Baba's miracle that your baby got through all those things (delivery and curing the infection) and Baba was there the whole time with the baby to make sure that the baby survived well and Baba will continue to look after your child. 2nd devotee, even when we forget to do something for Baba that we promised, Baba always reminds us nicely about our promise and gives us an opportunity to fulfill our promise after Baba has helped us. Vidya Ji, it was Baba who changed your trip dates so you could come to Shirdi on a Thursday like you wanted. Om Sai Ram!

  14. sai ram.This the first time i am writting in this blog.infact i am praying to my beloved sai baba here in a hope that he will listen to my prayer as i have read so many times that devotes pray here and their got answered by baba.i have an elder sister who is extreamly caring in nature.i have never seen this type of personality through out my life not only for family but also for others.sometimes me and my other sister get angry on her because she will help others knowing also that they dont deserve those faviour.she suffering now because of her health a lot.last time i met her after 2 years as i am staying abroad and my husband is not so good(he doesnt allow me to meet with my family much) i felt very bad to see her condition.please baba why her.You know she deserves a much better life.please bless her baba.you know i cant help her in anything because of my personal life which is a mess.please show her your Kripa and make her believe that you do miracle in life like i believe.you know how much i suffer by looking at her.i am requesting all the devotees of this blog who a fortunate by getting in their life a SISTER like i have one.OM SAI RAM

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