Kaise Karu Tera Shukriya Mere Sai (I cant thank You Enough, Sai)
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a final semester MBA Student and have been Baba’s Devotee since many years now. I stay at Mumbai and I’m studying. In December 2013, my friend asked me if we can go Shirdi. I was happy but when I asked at home my parents said that if I could wait for my placements and then go, since I have done a lot of expenses earlier and had went to Shirdi last year in Dec 2012. I agreed to what my parents had said and told my friends that it won’t be possible for me to go and therefore we dropped the plan. January 19 is one of my friend’s birthday, he was going to Shirdi on Jan 18 and asked and forced me to go with him. Before that we had our Campus Placement for a company and I said to Baba if You get me placed there I’ll surely come to Shirdi and say Thank You, but that didn’t happen. I am sure Baba has stored something better for me, and since there were hardly any companies coming to campus, I thought of going back to Delhi and somehow I connect well to Baba in the Lodhi Road Temple, I feel that I can talk to Baba there than anywhere else, for me my Shirdi is Lodhi Road Temple, in Delhi.

So I thought I’ll meet and talk to Baba in Delhi only, but Baba wanted me to come to Shirdi. A friend of mine said that she isn’t feeling good and wants to visit Shirdi, now it was third time Baba was calling me, my other friend said to me that its third time that Baba is calling you and if you have any financial crisis you borrow from me and we all will go. I said to my friend even I feel so and lets plan and go, by that time my parents had also put some money in account and I was in a condition, that I could go to Shirdi, and it was 4 of us who had to go, but the girl who was the one behind the plan who wanted to go, didn’t go because of her personal reasons and 2 other friends joined us in the evening the same night that we have to go to Shirdi and among them there’s was one friend who had been to Shirdi many times, for me it was second and for rest 3 people it was first time.
Finally on 25 January 2014 in the night we boarded bus for Shirdi. There was a goof up that we did, which was again sorted because of Baba, we were booking bus tickets online and instead of Saturday, we booked our tickets for Friday, then we called up the Bus people office and somehow convinced them to make our arrangements for Saturday and since Baba was on our side, he agreed. As soon as we reached inside Samadhi Mandir, we got into a line where we can see Baba from the front, as soon as I saw Baba, tears started rolling down my eyes, and peace was settling inside me. There they never let you stand for more than few seconds, but I had the pleasure to stand there for almost 10 minutes and talk to Baba, I cannot tell you it was Eternal Bliss, the kind of satisfaction I was getting looking at Baba is beyond Description, I was asking Baba what should I Do, that I take this and You along in my eyes. I was standing there and tears were rolling down, my dictionary falls short of words to explain the feeling that I had.
We were done by 11:30 am, but we could had Mukh Darshan and seek Baba’s permission as the Door was closed for noon Aarti, therefore near Chawadi we stood and took Aarti and said Baba, that we are leaving back for Mumbai, bless us, but we could not find a single bus and our departure could not happen before 3:30 pm. We came back to the temple for Mukh Darshan, take Baba’s Blessing’s and then came back home safely. Baba actually made me come there and get His Blessings. Thank You so much Baba. I don’t know, how I say You Thanks. I’m so happy that You made it possible for me to come and see You. Kaise Karu Tera Shukriya Mere Sai. 🙂
Baba Is With Me Always
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Baba is with me in all the difficulties and blessed me with everything i requested for. I started worshiping Baba from my graduation days. I used to decorate Baba’s Idol with flowers, pray every day and use to go to Temple whenever possible, but that time i don’t know much about the Miracles. I use to feel Baba as my favourite God. But now i feel Baba is with me every second, protecting me and my family and fulfilling my wishes.
Once during my graduation i lost my gold chain. I searched whole hostel with help of my friends, hostel in charge and others workers but, i could not find my chain. I was totally depressed and cried continuously. My friend then gave me Sai Satcharitra and asked me to read. I then read continuously for few hours and prayed to Baba whole heatedly to help me in finding my lost chain. I then closed the holy Book and went out to search again. The moment i am getting down the steps, my hostel in charge shouted that ‘i found your lost chain’. There were no limits for my happiness. I could not stop thanking Baba for His grace. I then started worshiping Baba.
The second experience is – I am in a relationship, but with few misunderstanding that did not go well. I don’t want to break up my relation. For last 4 months i use to pray Baba to give life to my broken relation. For 4 months Baba tested me but finally blessed me. I got my partner back. I never even thought this would happen. The entire credit only goes to Baba. Baba will never leave His child empty. He will take care of His children with utmost care and love. The testing is our karma which we need to face. But with Baba’s grace we can even overcome our karma. The two golden words Trust and Patience are only ways to sustain in this world. I feel my life is empty without Baba’s presence. Baba be with me. Love You so much Baba. Kindly do changes if any. But kindly post my experience.
Om Sai Ram
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Thanks this portal for sharing Sai devotee’s experiences. Since last few years I was praying Baba to help us to go to USA. My husband applied for visa. The visa interview was scheduled for 13th January. But I asked my husband to reschedule it to 23rd January which was Thursday. And finally the day came. My husband went for interview the day before Thursday i.e. Wednesday. That whole night I didn’t sleep and light one Diya in front of Baba’s Idol and started praying whole night. I finished morning Pooja and then started to office. But on the way I was praying to Baba and finally my husband called me and told me that the visa got approved. Tears came out of my eyes. I thought if I would be near Baba, i would have held His feet and cry for long time. My husband told me that it happened because of Baba only. Thanks You Baba for being with us and listening to me. Thanks again.
Om Shree Sai Nath Samarpanamastu Subham Bhabatu.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai ram!!
Very beautiful experiences…Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Blissful expereicnes- All of them.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
om sai ram
A Unique Spectacle
By Vijay Shetty
WHERE shall I meet Thee, O Spouse of my soul?
My heart is athirst
For a glimpse of Thy Lotus-face
Behold! Each day I pine of thee:
I live in Death!
I know my bed
Doth over the gallows He:
How can I sleep?
Beloved! Thy throne is in yon sky!
Betwixt Thee and me
Lie stretched the spaces of many sins:
How, then, can I meet thee?
The ache of wounds
Is to the wounded known!
The pain of him who suffers
Is known alone to the suffering ones!
Within me throbs the ache
Of longing and love for Thee!
And I wander far and wide!
I cry – Who will cure
My wounded heart?
My anguish, alas! Doth greater grow
Each day: my longing grows:
I cry for Him who my heart may heal!
I am a humble devotee of Lord Sainath. I was employed at I Bombay. The magnetic spell of Sai made me leave my Bombay employment and go over to Shirdi. I took up a job in a hotel at Shirdi. It was my practice to chant 'SAI SAI' always during my waking hours. I had an ardent desire that Sai Baba should give me 'darshan' and bless me. Sai Baba is close behind my thoughts but I wanted His 'darshan' in a unique manner in which I-could recognize His power. It was 14th January 1991 – the holy 'Sankranti' day coinciding with new moon day. Sai Baba blessed me in His own inimitable manner.
As midnight approached, I was sitting idle after finishing my work. When my friend called me to our lodgings to sleep for the night, unconsciously I blurted out – 'Sai Baba is calling me – Sai Baba is calling me'. He must have thought that I have gone crazy. Immediately I went to Dwarakamayi. There were seven or eight persons inside. As I went in they also come out. Except for a lone Sai-brother who was doing 'parayan' of Sai Satcharrtra, there was no one else in Dwarakamayi. I was looking at Baba's portrait. Suddenly I noticed Baba's bust in physical form just opposite the portrait of Sai Baba. A screen covers the portrait during nighttime. I could see the bust of Sai Baba just behind this screen. Sai Baba appeared to be too cold, had worn a white shawl, a garland of rudraksha beads and on his head was a coiled serpent. For a moment I was thrilled at this 'darshan'. I felt as if Sai Baba engulfed me. I called out to the Sai brother who was doing 'parayan' of Sai Satcharitra. He came, saw and exclaimed. He took both my hands and put them on this forehead and said: "New year Greetings to you." He started chanting Sai-tarakamantram. At that moment I saw Baba laughing! The Sai brother went out to inform his friend and bring him also to watch this. At that time, a watchman belonging to Shirdi Samsthan entered Dwarakamayi. He is nicknamed as 'Punjabi Watchman'. I beckoned him to see Sai Baba in physical form. He was amazed and said that he had not come across such a spectacle in the forty years of his service in Shirdi Sansthan. He prostrated to Sai Baba and took both my hands and said: "Brother – you are indeed blessed." He also ran out to pass on this message of Sai – miracle to Canteen boys.
By then the Sai brother who was doing Parayan and went out to bring his friend, re-entered Dwarakamayi with his friend. His friend started dancing with the words: "I am seeing the whole universe." I was just saying, "fakhir’ fakhir’.
Every midnight, a Sai brother by name Chottobhai Bahtya Sait visits Dwarakamayi. He also came and witnessed this spectacle. He raised both him hands in amazement and ecstasy. A milkman of Shirdi by name Shetye also came. A group of devotees also joined. At that moment, Baba gave us darshan in the form of the 'Moorthy' at Samadhi Mandir. As the crowd gathered, the watchman dispersed all of us and locked Dwarakamayi. Half an hour later, when it was unlocked, Baba had disappeared.
Oh such a divine experience .. I am having goosbumps reading your post .. Sai Baba always be with us ….One night I had dreamt of Sai Baba , when I was facing so many problem at home..He came in my dream and smiled ..I saw him in blue robes.. I can never forget that dream in my entire life .. It was such a thrilling experience….Sai baba himself came to bless me and my family and after some days my problem got solved in the best possible way …. Sai Baba you are the only savior…….
Amazing. You are indeed a blessed soul. I have been yearning to see Baba in my dreams but no luck yet and you have seen him live. So lucky.
May Baba bless all………Om Sai Ram
On Sai ram to everyone.all r nice experience n m also waiting since 2.5yrs when baba will call me n my husband to shiridi.baba plz call us to shirdi n bless me n my husband our share of happiness soon.
Today going for an Interview. rest is or wish baba.on Sai ram.
All the best!!!!!!!!!!! Om Sai Ram!!!!!!!
Baba will take care
don't worry baba'll help u.how was your interview?om sai ram
H.H. Shivaneshan Swamiji, on hearing this next morning, exclaimed it as another 'Sai Chamatkar when Sai brother who was doing 'parayan' the earlier night was none other than Shri Krishna Kumar who runs Self Analysis Institute, Hyderabad 500 028.I request Sai devotees to write to him to know more about the Sai-miracle. I have narrated above.
Sai Baba is unique. He blesses His devotees in His own inimitable manner.
Om Sai Ram….Blissful and Mesmerizing Experiences…I have Tears in my eyes when the first devotee explaining her shirdi trip….We Love You Baba….Always Be With Us…Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram ,
Does anybody see Sai face in the live darshan video on the left side of Baba idol? Please let me know because I have been seeing Baba's face on the wall behind the wall for past one year.
yes me too…especially during night aarthi.. 🙂
Yesi can see 🙂 Towards his left and our right!!!!! Om Sai Ram !!!!!!!!!
Divine for you. Baba bhala karega.
wow the right side of the wall.om sai ram
Wonderful and blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing.On SaiRam.
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
pls bless & be with us baba
om sai raam,
very nice experiences..
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam.
saimaa u have told me that within 1 month all my worries/problems will be gone, I trust u completely n left everything on u , pls help me and save my life saimaa…
Worry not, baba will take care of you.
om sai ram
I would like to share my experience and the blessings I got from our beloved Baba..I was suffering from Thyroid from last 8 years and got many health problems recently…I started reading sai sacharitham from last thursday by praying him to get rid of me from this thyroid. To my surprise before I complete reading of that book my thyroid problem got resolved completely when I checked my reports today. Im very glad to share this with you all ..Sai maharaj ki jai.
Om Sai…
Really feeling low and hope less.Baba give me solace
Jai Sai
om sai ram
Dear Sai Devotee you are such a lucky person and blessed one by babaji!! Om Sai Ram!!!
Baba maa
Luv u a lot my maa
Pls help me my maa to overcome morning dazed feeling help me to feel healthy and happy
Please help me to sleep without disturbances and help me to get up feeling cheerful n fresh
Luv u my maa
I have seen your miracles in so many people's lives. I have seen you come to me to. But where is my happiness? I haven't been happy in so many years. I think you blessed my actions – Thursdays, dreams, your pictures. But everything is a failure. And now I am heartbroken and I think my life will not be happy again. I made a mistake once – and I have regretted and punished myself so much. Why is that mistake affecting the best thing that could happen to me? I am scared to come to you and ask you for help, because I have asked you for help so many times and I have only faced failure over and over again. Please tell me what I did to deserve all this? I begged and pleaded with you to help me and my family, but nothig happened except getting positive signs. And now I am over that. And I losing something that can be so good. And I can't even ask you for help because unless you want something to happen it won't happen, and then what's the point of asking?
What is the point of having faith and believing when knowing that in the past you have never helped me? Is this getting rid if karma?
I am come to your feet and cried and cried and still my life is a mess. I thought I was over all of it. I didn't ask for another one. I kept it all bottled up and inside. I told you only if this is meant to be, let us start talking about it. If it isn't, just let it be. So if it wasn't why did I have to go through all this torment. Why couldn't I have lived in blissful ignorance? Do you love me baba? If you do, please show me. Atleast once. Make be believe that you love me and care for me without any doubt.
Thanks baba. Today was a horrible day. All the progress I made in the last few months just went away in an instant. I guess this your way of answering me. It's ok. I know now. I won't bother anyone again anymore.
Om sai ram,
baba please forgive me for my wrong doings. Tomorrow I hope you will help us to get over the serious problem. You are our only saviour.
Wonderful experiences all.
O Deva, Thank You for listening to me and fulfilling each and every one of my wishes. Continue to bless me with bliss and happiness like You have of late O Sadguru.
Thank You for all the Love & Peace O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Divine !!
What a beautiful picture of Baba in the middle!
There is a beauty in this love & there is a purity in this beauty.
Jag mein saacho tero naam, Sairam , sairam
Please help Babloo with his job situation.I request to all the devotees to pray for my brother for his job.
My mom is having sleepless nights becuause of his problem. Please pray for him.
Jai Sai Ram.
Sai maa
R u angry with me
Please don't be angry
I luv u a lot my maa
Pls help me to feel healthy and cheer ful my maa
Falling at your lotus feet
om shri sainathaya namah
sai ram !
Love you so much Baba.
Om sai ram
Babaji m so hpy u lstnd 2 my prayers bt i need ur andwer y y it al hpnd?. Plz answr me. Om sai ram
Koti koti pranam
Om sai ram
love u baba…..plz be with me forever…….omsairam omsairam omsairam….
Thank u baba.u always guide us thru the difficult times.
Nice experiences! No matter what situation we are in, Baba always finds a way to help us as He helped the first devotee get to Shirdi, the 2nd devotee find the lost chain and the 3rd devotee get the visa to USA. Om Sai Ram!