Sai Sister Padmapriya from India says: My name is Padmapriya, w/o Mr. Vikram, working as an employee in IBM Company at Bangalore. Baba blessed us with two little baby girls, with age difference of 2 and half years gap between each other. I knew Baba by my mom since my childhood but i never prayed seriously. But recently i had 3 experiences which made me to believe Baba more and more strongly. Really Sai Baba is the saviour of His children and Baba makes His children happy by making their wishes filled. Firstly sorry for my big experience and sorry if any mistakes i commit below.

1. One of my dearest best friend gave birth to a baby boy after facing many problems during her pregnancy period. We all felt very happy by seeing that little baby boy, we took him to children specialist and done all the first medical checkups, he was fine for 8 to 10 hrs but all of a sudden little boy was unable to breath properly, don’t know what happened, we took him to hospital. They keep him incubator and informed us to urgently take him to city. My friend does not know about this, my friend’s husband and some other went with baby boy in ambulance. At the same time i called my friend to wish her congrats, my aunt (my friend’s mom) received my call and said me the matter and started crying. I felt very sad and started to pray Sai Baba. Baba please saves that little boy. 2 days finished no improvement in baby boy health. Doctor said trust in God we cannot give any guaranty. When i heard the matter i just opened Sai Baba answers to your questions blog, asked Baba about baby health and type a number(date of baby boy got birth), I got the answer “will be fine but little effort should be kept”. The next day Doctor’s gave baby an injection wroth of 14,000rs by which he started breathing without ventilators and all. After 4 days he was completely fine and got discharged and came home
2. My 2nd daughter who is 8 months old was suffering from motions since 15 days. Before 1 month she suffered from same problem and with some medicines she got cured. But after 15 days she started to pass motion 10-12 times a day, sometimes 15 times also. We took her to a nearby hospital in the evening. There doctor said if you would bring her tomorrow she use to suffer from dehydration and saline’s should be given. Doctor gave medicine to use for 5 days. My daughter was not taking anything even my milk also she was taking with very difficulty. I did not give her any medicine. We all were very scared. We all were praying to Baba, my family members all applied Baba’s Udi to her stomach, forehead, hands and everywhere. My little kid was crying very badly. At that time i brought a small glass of water, added Baba’s Udi (which we brought from Shiridi when we visited in Jan month of this year), mixed well and with the help of a spoon, i made her to drink that whole night whenever she wakeup. Next day we took her to another speciality hospital (where she was born in the city). There doctor said now she does not have any sign of dehydration, she is fine. Doctor wrote her antibiotic for 5 days, felt very happy and i promised Baba that i will share my experience.
3. We decided to go to Kondagattu and Vemuluvada to give my 2nd daughter’s birth hair for cutting at the age of 9 months to her. We also planned it before 1 month. But suddenly it was going to be cancelled due to my husband’s office work. My mom was very very upset. She was saying things are not going well. She was very much worried. There was only 1 day time to the planned date, my husband missed his bus, he was almost ready to cancel. I started praying Sai Baba please do not disappoint my mom, make her happy by making my husband’s work complete or by postponing his work and catch another bus and come here to go to trip. On that day whenever and where ever i saw Baba’s Photo or Idol or even in my mind in my heart, i started to ask Baba please do a miracle for me before evening. Baba heard my wish and my husband’s work was postponed. He got another bus and came. The next day we went to Kondagattu and Vemulawada and gave cuttings of birth hair of my daughter and came back safely. Baba made my mom happy and us also happy. Thank You Baba thanks a lot. Please keep Your mercy on us.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Babaji your ways are unique:)
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
Baba I love you more than everything in the world.. Don't leave me. You are enough for me.
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Baba help me please….i m at ur lotus feet…waitibg an praying for ur miracle in my life… me
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
om sai ram
Where Is Baba – He Is Everywhere
By S. Muni
No matter what his caste and clan, He who remembers Sai Baba will always he taken care of…….
– Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji
This is not a story or fiction but a real life situation in 1974 that happened in TlSCO-owned Hathibari Limestone quarry in Sundargarh district of Orissa.
My second son was aged five years then and on his way to the school had consumed a few berries of a wild bushy plant which is very common in the mining area. On reaching the school he had continuous vomiting and the school authorities sent him home.
My wife arranged for him to be taken to the TISCO Camp Hospital. It was a case of acute poisoning. His condition turned grave as he started vomiting blood continuously. By the time I reached the hospital he had lost his consciousness and was gasping for breath. Doctors wanted to shift him to Rourkela – 32 km away for blood transfusion, if he regained consciousness in the next thirty minutes.
The deadline of 30 minutes was a trying time for all of us. My only hope was Lord Sainath. I prayed to Him for His help. If my son survives the crisis, I vowed that I will take him to Shirdi and offer a rose-garland to His Samadhi. Otherwise, I will forget Sai Baba once and for all, I cried bitterly.
The clock was ticking and seconds grew into minutes. My pulse too was heating faster. On a mental plane I was already at Shirdi prostrating to Baba's Samadhi and seeking His blessings. As the deadline of thirty minutes set by the Doctors was about to be over, my son cried out "Where is Baba?" Doctors examined him and confirmed that his body is warming up. They had a sigh of relief and told me: "Mr. Mani, your son is calling." In Hindi, 'Baba' refers to father and them though! Thai my son was looking for me. I told them that my son is calling the Almighty Sai Baba who is everywhere.
The recovery phase was very fast- My son responded to the treatment and became all right soon. Everyone was happy at the outcome. It is indeed His grace and my son had a re-birth.
(Source Sai Padananda April 1992)
om sai ram
om sai ram please bless me with peace in mind om sai ram
Om Sai Deva Please bless me and my family members. Anantha Kodi Brahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
Good experiences.
O Sai, Thank You for accepting us and fulfilling all our wishes, be they big or small. Thank You for looking upon us as kindly as a Mother does O Deva 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram….sai baba today my birthday baba thank u so much for my beautiful life and you give me a beautiful life with good family husband and lovely friends and you bless ….love you baba…
Many Happy Returns of the Day. Even its my b'day today. BABA please fulfil my wish BABA. Only YOU know how people made fun of me and I don't how much more insults I have to take. BABA people are asking my husband about me , is she your daughter? BABA only YOU know how I am feeling. BABA please bless me BABA. BABA YOU know what I want please I am begging YOU to give me that. Protect my family BABA. BABA this day should pass smoothly. I don't want last year incident should happen again.
Dear devotee
many happy returns of the day
may baba bless you with happiness good health n prosperity
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Illicit Relationship With Own Brother*****
A gentleman from Pune along with his wife and brother-in-law had come to take
Sri Swamiji’s ‘Darshan’. He had no children. His wife offered a Chaturdashguni tambul224
to Sri Swamiji and prayed for a son. Sri Swamiji flew into rage and said “You unchaste
woman, you have maintained illicit relationship with your own brother for the last seven
years. Instead of feeding this roll of betal leaf to your own brother, why do you give it
to me? ”. Hearing those harsh words both, the sister and brother, were astonished and
hiding their faces ran away from the scene. The bad character of that woman shocked
everyone present there.
*****A Stage-Player Lover*****
A Brahmin woman named Janakibai had come for Sri Swamiji’s ‘Darshan’. She
strictly practiced untouchability. She prepared naivedya food and when she went to
offer the same to Sri Swamiji. He said, “I do not eat uncontaminated pure food. Feed
this to your stage-player”. She was exposed and she became very nervous and stood
greatly embarrassed. When she prayed with full praises only then Sri Swamiji accepted
a little of the food offered by her as ‘Naivedya’ and said, “In future when you get white
spots on your body, there will be awakening of devotion”. After a few days, Janakibai
started suffering from white Leprosy and she became engrossed in devotion.
*****What Type of Progress Is This*****
Two progress-oriented persons along with their wives had come for Sri Swamiji’s
‘Darshan’. Seeing these people, Sri Swamiji flew in rage “What type of fellows are you?
You mutually exchange your wives and get illicit enjoyment. You rascals, do you want to go to hell by committing this sin? ”. When Sri Swamiji exposed their secret, those
two people got so much ashamed and embarrassed that they fled the scene.
Sai Ram to fellow devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
BABA today is my birthday and you didn't bless me BABA. I am not knowing what I should do to come closer to YOU BABA.
Om Sai Ram. Happy b'day dear devotees. Nice experience. I also want 2 share something. After my breakup I met my X. He was avoiding me,insulting me whenever I talk 2 him. Dn I decided 2 meet him. He was living wid his frnds. I went there in nyt coz he insult me at ph, I was disturbed n went there. His frnds having drink there. He came downstairs n shouting at me. Dn he saw my sis n he start behaving in proper manner with her. We don't know abt the drink party. He invite us inside apartment. Again we fight. He give up his drinking, smoking habits n even non veg 4 me. My sis said tumne pi h? He was looking at me n said trust me maine nhi pi koi mane ya nhi par nhi li drink .Frnds ki party h m just sitting there. After fight I prayed Sai plz do something I want 2 know wt he actually want? Dn after too much fights he drop us at home. V were talking outside n when he was going he stop his bike n start looking at me.2-3 mins he was just looking at me very nicely. Now m not feeling OK coz I can't live without him. I asked Sai plz give me any sign n dream by dt I can understand I have 2 keep fast 4 him or not. I saw a dream 6 days b4 . He was sitting with my family n taking interest in my sis wedding talks. He said year vaham tha par mujhe pyar nhi tha. He said his cousins also think like he loves me but he doesn't. Same expression means he was interested in me but not openly telling like I actually saw in real life too. V r from different caste. Now 2morrow is Thursday I don't know abt Sai 's sign. I asked today Sai 's answer follow women's advice. I send mail to Hetalji when I saw dream. I don't know unko mila ya nhi. I want Hetalji's advice. But may b mail na mila ho or she ll b busy. So m sharing this 2 u guys. Plz lady devotees wt u say? Plz advice me asap. Thnx Hetalji 4 this platform coz v can share our feelings here. Om Sai Ram
Dear Sai sister pls leave it to Baba to decide. Time will answer !!! Om Sai Ram !!!
sai please bless my son job to near hospital he gets tired from long journey please take care i feel very pain he is struggling for us make him comfortable saimaa
Dear devotee keep faith.our sai baba will cure u. i'm telling from my experience.
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
love u baba.Thank u and take care of everyone baba.
Sai may
Please be with us holding our hand firmly and showering your blessings on us
Please make me completely healthy
Luv u maa
Falling at your lotus feet