How Baba Helped Me To Get Me My Lost Purse/Wallet
Sai Brother Rajendra from India says: Om Sai Ram. Hello my fellow Sai’s children. I would like to share an experience (a miracle) which my dear Baba gave me in my life which can prove that at most faith and belief in Baba can turn your world upside down and here it goes. I was studying in a reputed university in Chennai. During a cultural festival while going in Two-wheeler with my friend in busy road my purse along with a sum of Rs.7500/- which I had foolishly kept in a plastic bag fell down. I quickly recognised it and asked my friend to stop the bike. By the time we came back to the place searching for the purse through the path we just came. I enquired the person who was sitting by the side of the road. She replied that a guy who came by that way stopped and took the purse and rushed swiftly.

Not knowing what to do next I and my friend went to the nearest police station to file a complaint as we all knew how police will react when a student goes to file a complaint. Having lost all hopes I prayed to Baba to somehow get my purse back. The incident happened on Saturday. After being so depressed for 2 days on the 3rd day I got a call from my friend asking my whereabouts. I told i was in my friend’s room. He said that a guy has called my class professor asking if he knows some1 who recently lost a purse. Unknown of some1 like that my professor asked a guy (who was a mason by profession) who was passing that side about the issue who by God’s grace happened to be my friend who was with me that time. He told the details and went to meet the guy. He wasn’t convinced so he gave just the purse but not the money. When enquired he told that he want to meet the owner of the wallet for proof. So he took me to his place and he saw my photo and confirmed. He gave me the cash which counted exactly 7500/- inside there was my Sai Baba’s picture and His Vibuthi. I was shocked by the scene and thanked him so much and gave him some gift which he refused on my compelling he took the money. I am still amazed by Baba’s miracle in my life. I can feel He is still with me throughout my life. Om Sai Ram.
Life Saving Miracles
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a staunch devotee of Baba! I fell into Baba’s feet in the year 2013 when I got a deadly disease. Me and my family were shocked to hear I was diagnosed with cancer and it was second stage. At first I never knew about Baba unless I started getting to know His miracles through friends, relatives and mainly this blog. Lot of miracles have happened to me from the day I was accepted as His devotee. To pen down a few I was admitted in the hospital with high fever after a dose of antibody which was not administered much to people in India. My blood pressure dropped and I was shifted to the ICU. All my family members were scared. Doctors took lot of culture tests and some tests were sent to Bangalore also for review.
I prayed to Sai Baba that there should not be any infections in the blood. It takes 2 days for the results to come all of us were eagerly waiting but I had belief in my Baba that He will create a miracle. Yes that’s true He did. The results came and there was no infection in the blood and my blood pressure was normal. I got discharged the next day. The next week I had a scan to check if the disease was out of my system. I prayed to Baba and visited the Mylapore Baba temple and went to collect the results. A big surprise was waiting for us. The result which we long awaited for had happened the disease was out of my system and I was totally cured. All this is purely because of my Baba. Sai Baba please be with our family and all the devotees and give us peace and happiness. There are lot more miracles which I will keep posting one by one. I am so happy to be a devotee of my Baba and always wish to be under His lotus feet. Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.
Baba’s Blessing For Receiving Important Documents And Health Issues

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a housewife staying in India. I am staying with my husband. I have two daughters. The eldest has two children. The youngest to have soon with the blessing of Baba. We are retired people spending our time visiting temples, and daughter’s place. Om Sai Ram. I am a devotee of Baba who during the visit of younger daughter’s place experienced two miracles. The place where we had been is very strict about medicine, that is the pharmacy or the medical shop does not give any medicine without prescription. At the same time when we were there, I developed some infection, to which I developed feverish and itching sensation for many days. Ultimately I left everything on Baba and prayed to keep me in good health, so that I should not be bother anybody, and miraculously everything became okay within a short time. I am very grateful to Baba for the same. In another incident my daughter wanted a very important document from the previous employer, which she felt very doubtful in getting, but Baba being very merciful and kind answered my prayers, she got the required document without much hazels. Being a simple human being we always pray our Dwarkamai in all walks of life.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
jai sai ram…jai dwarkamai bless all your children
Aum Shree Sai Ram
Baba please bless everyone with good health…. 🙂
Aum Sai Ram!!! Wonderful experiences .
May Baba bless us all…
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Blessed experiences.
Anandakoti Brahmananda Nayaka Rajathiraji Yogiraja ParaBrahma ShriSachiananda Samaratha Sadguru ShriShirdi Sainath Maharaj ki Jai !!!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Very nice experiences.
O Sai, help us walk the right path and be a good and well natured beings.
Jai Sairam
Saibaba bless all baba…please bless my mother with good health baba…please forgive me for my mistakes baba….Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Very nice experiences. Om Sai ram
Today is satya sai baba s 4thdeath aanversary. Om sai ram om saima om sai ram
Wonderful experiences ! You guys are really blessed .. Please pray for me to so I would be able to write my experience too.. Waiting for the miracle to be happened by Sai Baba's grace . Have merci on us and evryone Baba .. I have surrendered myself to you Baba .. Please don't leave us in the middle.. Bless my brother Sai Maa.. Om sai Ram .. Please come in my dreams to Baba ..
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
My dear baba,always shower your blessings on us. Baba I want a little place in your lotus feet….baba,I am so thankful to you for helping my son….always be with us ….you are mine……OM SAI SHRI SAI JAI JAI SAI LOVE YOU SAI……ANANTKOTI BRAHMANDNAYAK RAJADHIRAJ YOGIRAJ PARBRAHM SHRI SACHIDANAD SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ KI JAI
om sai ram
Sai Sai
Sai Ram to all dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Om Sai Ram,
Blissful experiences, thanks to all for sharing it.
Baba, please forgive all our mistakes and keep blessing us forever.
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma.
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Om Sai Ram. Baba please listen to our prayers and give us your blessing. om Sai Ram
Pls anyone help me I m facing big trouble.I was in relationship for 5year but we broke up,we were not happy with each other.I was totally depressed with this relationship and everything surrendered to baba's feet and asked baba to choose my lifepartner whom he wants to give me after 7 months I saw a guy in a function who before wants to give me marriage proposal when I was doing my b.tec final year but I ignored as I was already in a relationship that time.After coming from that function I got his phone no.written in notebook of my brother, which my brother has taken from him,I was willing to cal him but I msg him and said sorry for my ignorance it was almost after 2 years I came in contact with day he replied me and we started talking.we started understanding each other like a best frnd ,I realized that he was that person for whom I dreamed I fall in love with him and said my feeling to him but he told that his marriage is been fixed with other girl but he also started loving me.he told me that he will always be with me like a frnd ,he can't break his promise.He loves me alot and we are ready to sacrifice our love .we have never met for a single day.He care for me like a child I dont want to loose him .He is getting married after 4 days.if he was not my destiny why baba gave him.pls can anyone help me .I get totally lost in my 1st relationship this time same thing I m not able to handle any more.
Om Sai ram
Until you met the second guy you didn't know he was good likewise baba will help you to meet the right person until then have faith on baba and his plans
Thank u for the reply.yes I will keep faith on baba.
Mere baba mere bad karmas ko wash kar dijiye deva plz.. Plz baba help me…..
Blessed experiences !! Om sai ram.. Please bless us and everyone Baba ..
om sai ram
Baba, please help me to get the project. Love you Baba!! Om Sai Ram!!
Jai Sai RAM.
BABA, please grant me your darshan and help me with my problems. Thank you BABA.
Jai Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram
sai baba,
please always help our family and parents in all aspects of our life..
thanks baba for everything…
love you baba,
om namo namah
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
om sai ram