Baba Is My Life
Anonymous Devote from India says: Hi Hetal ji, Please post my experience. You are doing such a wonderful Seva of Baba by posting devotees experience. Baba bless with you all. It’s story of my life given by Baba. I came to know about Baba in the year 2010 December. In my life I have seen so many ups and down and always I keep myself telling don’t worry, everything happens for good. I was not a devotee of Baba. In 2009 December Baba came in my dream. The dream was like this I was standing near to one old man. One girl came to him and lifted him easily, by seeing that I went to that old man and asked him can I also lift you, then that old man said yes you can, I lifted him suddenly that old man became small kid and I was holding him like small kid. I am shocked how come it can happen. To be frank I did not know anything about Baba that time.

Before that I was going through very bad condition both in my personal and professional life. One of my close friend, she went to Baba temple and prayed for me and said if she gets job she will do Abhisheka for You, I was not knowing this. I told about my dream to her she said I prayed for you to Baba and the meaning of your dream is how much big your problems will be, Baba will vanish all those things. She was true. Baba showed His blessing on me. I got god job with good working environment. After that I forgot Baba. Again in 2012 I started facing problems personally and professionally. I got new job and I finished my Notice period. Next day I came to know from the employee working there and from one of my friend that the company where I got job, they won’t pay salary properly. I was in shock because I have so much commitments and I don’t want to burden my parents again. That was on Thursday. I cried a lot in front of Baba and in the evening i got call from MNC for job. On Friday I got call from them saying I have been shortlisted and asked to come for F2F on Saturday. I attended the interview on Saturday and was selected the same day and I joined that MNC on Monday. These all things wouldn’t have happened without my Baba’s blessings. He was, He is and He will be with me always.
After 1+ year I started looking for job change and in my home my parents were so much upset as I was not getting alliances. I started doing Nava Guruvar Vrat and prayed Baba to bless me good job of good package and for my marriage. Meanwhile I was having one person in my mind, I liked him even he too but we never proposed to each other. I did not have courage to tell my parents and he also. He is my far relative also. I prayed Baba that I like this person If You feel that we are made for each other then bless me with this person as my life partner. Believe it or not within 4 weeks I got good job with very nice package. On last Thursday I finished my Pooja and started to Shirdi, we both met in Shirdi. Miracle happened. Next day he first time asked me will you marry me, I was surprised and asked, why suddenly you are asking. He said before I planned for Shirdi he spoke to his parents that he wants to get married to me. I went back to my native on Sunday morning. My dad got call from his parents on Sunday and my dad asked my decision for this proposal. I was so much happy, my eyes were filled with tears. Within 1 week my marriage got fixed and Aug 8th we got engaged and Feb. 23rd 2014 we both got married.
I have to relocate to the city where he stays and this is very near to Shirdi. I left my job keeping in mind that it’s my Baba’s wish and surely I will get a better job than this. By Baba’s grace Now I am happily married and I got new job also in this new city. After my marriage I visited Shirdi twice. After 3 months of my marriage I was having so much pain in my chest. I thought it may be some acidity and i neglected it. Meanwhile I was travelling in train for some official visit to Bang in train, I met one lady, she was suffering from Breast cancer and simply I asked her about the symptoms, I was having same symptoms, i got scared, I cried a lot in train only and kept believe on Baba that He will not allow anything to happen to me and He will always be there for me. Daily I use to think so much about this even knowing Baba is there with me. After some day we went to one of our relative home and to my surprise that aunty also suffered from breast cancer. I literally got scared and was thinking what Baba is telling me? Is Baba telling to me visit doctor? I did not know I was in such dilemma I cried a lot in front of Baba. I didn’t told about this to anybody. After 1 week my chest pain increased I told my hubby I am getting so much chest pain so he took me to doctor. Doctor told me that because of hyper acidity I got chest pain he gave some tablets and it got reduced. Later after 1 week again I am not well. Baba please bless me with good health. Baba showed me so many signs that nothing happened to me. Thank You so much Baba. Please keep me all time in Your lotus feet. Baba if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly please forgive. I believe on my Baba He will cure my all pain. Baba please bless all Your kids
Baba’s Udi Magic
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am from Mumbai. This is my first post in this blog. Sai Baba is Sai dada for me. I feel He is my grandfather and I am His granddaughter. Sorry Sai dada for posting this experience very late. One day me and my mom were doing some work at home and nobody was there at home at that time except me and my mom. She was doing some work in kitchen and i was in my bedroom. Suddenly she came in rush and said something is happening in my head near brain side. I took it very normally. Suddenly she started crying and just kept going on telling that call papa to take me to the hospital, its paining very badly and I can’t control any more. I got very scared. Me and my mom both were doubting that it can happen that nerves might be damage. Suddenly I realise to apply Udi at that area. So I took Udi and took Sai dada’s name and then I applied. Instantly in 2 minutes it got rid of.
Seriously that was shock for me that instantly how it can happen because sometime before we both were thinking that she have to admit seriously because pain was very bad. But for Sai dada nothing is impossible. He is very powerful He omnipresent. I always experience Sai dada’s miracle in my day to day life. But today I am suffering from lots and lots of trouble. It’s unbearable. But I know soon Sai dada will vanish all my worries and will fulfil my wish as well. He only teach me how to became calm down and have patience. I need You Sai dada a lot please Sai dada help me. I love You Sai a lot please help me I am very much in need of You please. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shree Satchidhanandha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay. Om Sai Ram. Jay Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay
Baba’s Chamatkar-Sirf Naam Hi Kaafi Hai-Om Sai Ram

Sai Brother Ritwik from India says: Om Sai Ram, I am a small devotee of our loveliest Baba. I work as an Executive Assistant in a legal services organization – recently married on 4th July, 2014 and moved back to Mumbai with Baba’s Grace and Love. This is about Baba’s Kripa on how we were able to eat through our small Electric Heater. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. It happened on 15-09-2014 – previously a few weeks back when my Father-in-law had visited us – the fuse was out of order and he repaired it – as I have no idea about repairing home appliances. But yesterday it broke down yet again and I had no clue what to do. It was night and all the shops had closed when we were roaming but i had this faith in my heart that Baba is going to help us out -No Matter what!! And it happened indeed!! When we came back and my wife put the plug in the heater, it wasn’t working but then I came close to it and thought I will post this experience here if it started working (which requires me to go supernatural and then I came close to the heater and uttered those 2 magical words “Sai Ram” and then went back to the restroom where in upon asking my wife told me that it’s working!! Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram.Baba plz bless us all.
My sai family…… Om sai ram to my sai family… Exp. one go to ( swasth jivan ) vebsite on fb they r guiding good homemade medicine …. With no side effects…..
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om sai ram ba ba all experiences are very nice. I want to follow the directions given by the devotees .omsainamo namah shirdi nivasi namo namah karuna murti namo namah sadgurusai namo namah
Dear 2nd devotee, when baba is there no need to worry. I also had same type of experience.. I was a patient of severe migraine…and suffering from migraine since last 35 years. consulted different neurophysician, tried all the therapies like alopathy,Ayurveda,homeopathy,yoga,pranayam everything but nothing happened….it becomes worst in summer…but now see the great miracle of our baba….I was taking baba's udi since some days just as blessings from baba, without a thought that this will cure my migraine….suddenly I realized that my migraine has gone….It is really unbelievable for me, my husband who is a doctor, my family, my friends. not a single person was ready to believe that my migraine has cured….because everybody knows the severity of my migraine pain…..Its like a great miracle…nowadays in 42-43 degree temp. also I can go out which was really impossible for me previously…..How can I say Thank you baba….I can not express it by words…..just I look at my baba and become speechless..Thank you baba thanks a lot…
om sai ram
Please take care of Mom and Dad. Please bless them with good health and happiness. Please help them lead peaceful life.
Love you Baba!
Can anyone tell me what is sai abhishkam ??? Like the 1 st devotee mentioned
Om sai ram.. Baba pls bless us and be with us always.. We need u at this difficult situation of our life.. Luv u baba
Aum Shree Sai Ram…
Om sai namah namah
Sri sai namah namah
Jai jai sai namah namah
Sadguru sai namah namah..
Om sri sachidananda sadguru sainath maharaj ki jai!!!!lluv u baba
saibaba bless all baba…please bless my mother with good health baba…her sugar levels should be normal baba…please bless me baba… i want ot attend that interview…please make it happen baba…please help me to clear my net exam baba…bless my sister and her kids baba…bless my brother to score well in his exams baba…he should get medical seat in jipmer baba…soon my marriage should happen with the person i love with all blessings baba….please bless me baba…please forgive me for my mistakes baba….Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Wonderful experiences!
O Sai, Thank You for taking care of us and our problems and helping us walk the right path 🙂
Jai Sairam
jai sai ram….baba bless all with health children n peace
Sai ram
(f) love you baba for being there always at each second with all your children
Om Sai Ram,
Thanks to all for posting your experiences. Really like to thank Hetalji & her entire team for providing all Sai devotees with such a blog. May our Baba bless them & continue to inspire them further.
Baba, please do not ever leave our hand and let u be at your lotus feet forever.
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parahbrahma,
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Om Sai Ram. Thank you baba for everything you have given me. Please always be with me. Om Sai Ram
1st devotee. Hope you are fine now.
Have you done stress, echo and mammography test?
If not, do that. Do not ignore.
Sai Sai
Sai Sai one of the 909th experience is mine tha Baba's love Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Baba mai Jane anjane bahut galti karti hu mere baba mujhe chama kijiye baba.. Baba aap sada humlog par Apni kripa banaye rakiye deva plz deva.. Om sai ram Om sai ram Om sai ram
Sai Sai I am into second week of Shri Sai Satcharita Parayan and I got my much yearning experience-was yearning my experience to be posted in the lotus feet of Baba since so long here on a Tuesday that too 909th Sai Sai
Sai today I would like to express my thought for you. You know sai I feel so proud that i worship you my sai nath…You are best baba. You are the real guru. You are guru of gurus. Baba we see so many guru's now a days and they wear expensive cloths and live luxuries life with all the facilities. But our Baba always lived a simple life with no such demands and have always lived for other people and was very simple. You have always distributed all money and food among your devotees. Baba please be with us always. Jai Sai Ram.
Baba please bless us all.
Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram Om Sai ram
Hello Ji, similarly, to 2nd experience. Yesterday i bought a new optical for me and once i weared that , i started eye and headache and i got vomiting sensation as well. Immediately i prayed baba to cure me from the pain so that i can use the new one. i drank udi water and slept in pain. You beleive it or not. This morning when i waked up, My vision with new spectacles were actually good and i got relieved fom pain. Thanks babaji for all your blessings and support, Pls dnt leave my hands forever and bless me with good job and good health forever . My wish should get fullfilled. sairam
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath MAharaj Ki Jai
Shree SAchinanand SAdguru Sainath MAharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath MAharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Sai baba bless us. Be with us till my end of life. Baba we got visa application date that is on may 7th in the morning at o'clock visa submitting. Bless us with london visa to us. I want to meet you in london. Please make my dream come true. Om sai ram om sai baba bless us
Sai baba. You know my problems. I still want to talk about them to you. I am suffering from cesarean side effects. Also my baby is always crying. He has feeding problems. I am very much worried. I know you are there and you will take care of all these things. But deva, do help me as soon as possible. I am so much depending on my mother since i have physical weaknesses and dont know to take care of my child on my own. He is my first child and i have no experiences personally to take care of a child all alone. But it looks like i am a burden to my mother. Also my mother and elder sister talks harshly to my husband because he has no money, he has lots of debt to repay, he behaves abnormally in some matters. I tried to change him. But he was brought up like that and he forgets whatever i tell him and behaves as usual. Its hurting me a lot to see him being insulted in frot of my eyes. I also get irritated because of his activities. Please solve my problems.
dear sister,
Even I am rude to my younger sister,s husband.the reason is he doesn't take good care of his wife (my sister) and kid & my sis expects us to do everything for her.He is a government employee,buys costly things for himself but nothing for his wife and kid.
Don,t misunderstand your mother and sister.After marriage depending upon hubby,s nature only every lady gets respect in society.Dear may be you are expecting a lot from your parents rather than getting it from your hubby so your side people may be venting their anger on your hubby.
Jai Sai Ram! BABA, please get rid of our bad karmas and show us the path. Sai, you are our savior and we are your children. Please guide us in our day to day life.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Dear Sister, I understand what you're going through in relation to feeding baby. I had issues with feeding and baby was crying in the early months. Since my baby wasn't getting much mothers milk we have to give formula as well to prevent weight loss. Just focus on giving regular feeds to the baby. Don't worry about other things even though I understand post delivery is a tough period. I had a lot of issues as my MIL was very rude to me (still is) but some how baby is ok which is priority. Leave all to Baba and look after your-self.
Mere Baba – my mind is very fickle, and I think of various negative thoughts. Please bless me so that my faith in you never dwindles. Bless me with another healthy baby. Burn my sins and never leave my hands. Give me darshan Deva, show me your miracle. Om Sai Ram!
love you baba….Om sainathay namah
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram. Babaji plz apna aashirwad sbhibpe hmesha bnaye rhe.mere ghar ka maahol thik ho bye babaji or mere Bhaiya k jivan me khusiya phir se laut aye babaji.koti koti pranam babaji
Please take care of Mom and Dad. Please bless them with good health and happiness.
Please do not ever leave our hand and let us be at your lotus feet forever. Please guide us in the right direction. Please bless me so that my faith in you never dwindles. Burn my sins and never leave my hands. Please give me your dharshan, show me your miracle.
we have made big mistakes in life and are really sorry for the steps we took in ignorance and naivety. Our wishes written on a piece of paper sit by your holy feet in my little temple. Please fulfill them Prabhu. Please bless your children
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak RajadhiRaj YogiRaj Para Brahma Sri Satchinananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai !!
Jai Sairam,
Love you so much Baba.
Please be with me always Baba.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Sarvam Shri Sainatharpanamasthu.
Sai Ram. Please bless me and my family members for safe and happy journey. Sai Deva this is the first time my parents come to such long distance. I am not able to sleep properly by thinking them. Please make them happy at this trip. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Saimaa, please forgive me for all wrongs done knowingly or unknowingly. Please bring me out of this problem.
SaiBaba, you are quite aware of my personal both family and career related problems. Please bless me a job with high salary, if i deemed to be fit because that is most pertinent for my son future. U are also quite aware of treacherous attitude of in-laws.Please right from this moment to till last my breath don't make me and my son fall their prey. More than enough we faced.Bless us at all times.
Jai Sri Ram
Dear devotee, in laws are major problem for me too and my MIL is overly controlling my little baby even though I'm the mother. Baba pls help us.
Om sai baba,
Please be with us and my parents always…Please save us…
Thanks baba for everything..We are waiting for a good miracle…
Love you baba,
om namo namah
Baba bless us all:)
Om Sai Ram Baba please bless every one I know you are showing your presence in my life. Baba please forgive me for the mistakes I did. Baba tomorrow l am going to start my nav guruvar vrat with your blessings. Please show me your presence Baba . Baba please bless my brother with a baby. Baba you know what I want. Baba please please bless us. Love you Baba.
om sai ram
ohm sai ram….
Om sai samarth
Thanks a lot Sainath deva
Please bless us with good health
Bolo satchidanand samarth sathguru Sainath maharaj ki jai