Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles in this Post:
Sai Brother Arun from India says: My Prayers & Wonders, Jai Sai Ram to all Sai devotees! I am working in a MNC, Chennai. I am from Mettupalayam, small town in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. Here i will share my experience with Baba who answers my prayers and turn my life into a meaningful one. Without Baba, now i am not here. Let’s go into my experience. I have completed my Engineering in 2009. Due to Recession, there was no Campus interview in my college. So i was totally upset and return to home once the college gets over. Some of my friends joined MBA course as they have planned already. But i did not join because of financial matters. Two months went just like two weeks. Then i started realising that i am still spending my Fathers money. So i always think about this, What we can do next? This is the only question which was ticking me.
Suddenly one incident strike in my mind, that a year back, i met a lady (Family friend). She promised me to give me a job since she is a respectable one in her city. So now i approached my dad to contact her regarding my job. Then my dad made a call, the result was, i moved to Bangalore to her home, so that i can meet some of her relatives regarding my job. Two months i stayed there, she treated me like her child, and there what i came to know about Baba. But initially i was not aware of Baba. Due to some inconvenience, i returned back to my Hometown. Days passed and No job yet. Relatives, Friends, Neighbours all started to ask “What Arun Is Doing Now?” My parents were ashamed of this question. Even though my parents were not showing this to me, they motivated me to try for a job so that you can achieve a good one. I crossed nearly a year, it was mid of 2010. One day, i started praying to Baba regarding my job. I started reading Baba’s Fasting Miracles Book, which my mother gave. Then i started Thursday’s Fasting, i prayed a lot to Baba. One day, i decided to join Mainframes in a famous institute in Chennai. Here is what, i started to experience Baba’s Experience.
In Chennai after joining the institute, I had started Baba’s fasting for 9 weeks and visited Mylapore Baba Temple on Thursdays. Initially I was not doing fasting properly without following rules, then i got to know the rules and restarted my 9 weeks fasting. My heart and mind was full of Baba. Baba showed me the way as He does normally to His devotees. Then my interviews started coming, I prayed Baba a lot. You won’t believe, I have not cleared any of my aptitude test in my lifetime. But now I had selected for final round and got cleared. Then for various reasons that offer has been put on hold. After a bit of frustration, I got to attend another interview in another MNC, this also went on hold for no reason. Later I had attended one more interview in which I got selected in two rounds. But in final sheet, my name got eliminated and I did not get a call for final face to face round. I was frustrated a lot and I came back to my hometown. After that day, I was keeping Baba prayer book in front of me and crying a lot. I asked Baba why this is happening to me though i am selected till final round. Now here is what For the first time i experienced the miracle. Exactly after an half hour I got a call from my current company, saying, by mistake my name was left out and they were asking me to attend for the final round. They spoke in a very positive way. After lot of delay, I got an opportunity with Baba’s grace. Then I attended that final interview but it did not went well. Still Baba showed me His Grace. I got selected and I got my first job in MNC. Now I am working happily in Baba’s grace. He is leading me daily. He is my only thing in all my future endeavours! Om Sai Ram!

Sai Sister Sindhya from India says: I am a 25 year old girl working in an MNC in Chennai. First of all I would thank the admin of this blog for helping us share our experience. I came to know about Baba in 2011 but was not very much attached to Him. I was in love with a guy right from my college final year. We belong to different religion and caste. So we were facing many hurdles in convincing our parents to get married. His father was very adamant and was not at all accepting our marriage. I literally lost all my hope and was in extreme pressure. It can never be described in words. On September 2014, one day I was seeing Baba’s Photo and was crying very badly during office hours in my company. I was praying that ’Baba I really love him and he too loves me truly. We really want to get married with parent’s blessings but nothing is happening. Why is that happening to me. Please help me’. Suddenly when I was surfing the net while working I came across these words from Baba’s site ‘Be patient. Your doubts will end. Keep control and maintain discipline.’
Then the other Miracle happened, where I came across this devotees experience site. I read two experiences and really became fond of this site. From then, all my days start and end with this site. Thank You Baba for showing me this site and strengthening me. I told this miracle to him also and from then we both started believing Baba and prayed to convince our parents. I kept Sai Nava Guru Vrat and started reading Sai Satcharitra. Finally after lot of struggles, hurdles and pressure our parents were convinced. My guy’s parents came to my home on Jan 2015. Once they met they liked each other’s family and fixed the marriage date on May 22 2015, the same day which I prayed Baba on which I wanted our marriage to happen. Thank You so much Baba for fulfilling my desire. On Dec 2014, most of my colleagues got hike but I did not get. When I enquired with my manager, he said it was out of his control and I had to approach the HR to sort it out. I was disappointed but then left thinking that I may not have not deserved it. On Feb 2015, I got my hike mail from HR, the same day when my marriage date was fixed. Baba blessed with both surprises. Dear friends, please never get frustrated for anything. Have patience and faith and Baba will definitely bless you at the right time. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sri Sai Ram, Thank You so much Sai Baba. Sai Baba, You are my Life, my Breath, my Soul. You are there for me all the time. Sai saved me from many bad things in my life. Sai Baba decides every path in my life. Firstly, i was introduced to Sai Baba by one of my friend. Since then, i started reading Sai Satcharitra. My life is very normal, born in a rich family, didn’t face much problems, but in my engineering life i have faced lot of problems because i lost my sisters. I was totally depressed. I did not know how to come out of it. I started reading Sai Satcharitra. Sai Baba helped me a lot, later i was very normal. I wanted to pursue masters, so i applied for universities and got approval for visa as well and finally landed to foreign soil. First semester went really well and in second semester i got F-fail grade which university don’t accept. Luckily they approved only for that semester and i didn’t take bank loan as well. So i had really hard time in paying the fee as well but my Baba didn’t let me down. He helped me somehow. I had money to pay fee and survival. With lot of hard work and Sai Baba’s blessing, i completed Masters.
Whenever i am down, i pray to my mother Sai Baba by using Sai Baba answer your question. Baba use to tell me the solution. I use to always follow what Baba tells me. Being far from home is really hard but Baba takes care of me in each and every needs. He gives me shadow like my Father, immense amount of love like my Mother, scolds and fight with me like Sister, cares for me like Brother. Sai Maa is Everything for me. Whenever i am down, Baba helps me in one or the other way. Without Sai Baba, i am nothing. He saved me from accident as well and it was a major accident and 5 of us were traveling. I lost control totally and car was at around 120 speed. I just said Baba once for a while. I saw Baba’s face in front of me. He pushed me back so that i won’t get hurt and car stopped automatically. Nobody was hurt, in fact every body of us got saved with minor injuries. Sai Baba helped me in everything. Without Baba’s Grace in my life, i am nothing. If i am alive today that’s only because of Sai Baba. Sai Baba thank You so much for giving me an Opportunity to write, it’s not me who wrote this It’s You Baba. You are within me. Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sri Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: My family all are devotees of Sai Baba. Below is a small experience that says Baba listens to our prayers and help us when needed. I would like to post couple of experiences below.
Experience 1: I have recently got a second hand bike after checking it thoroughly with my friend. We were happy with the condition of bike and purchased it for Rs 22000. Later I had taken the bike to service centre for basic service where they checked the bike and said that this is not worth as the complete engine is not working as expected. They said that it will cost me Rs 15000 to have it repaired correctly. I was panicked and was not able to think about next steps. I was worried that all my Rs 22000 has gone waste which is a huge amount for me. I prayed Sai Baba to save me from this situation and had a great belief that Baba will help me. I took the bike to local mechanic and he checked everything is working fine and suggested few repairs which cost Rs 1000. I was very happy that Sai Baba is there listening to my problems.
Experience 2: I was in Shiridi in January and attended evening Aarti which was with Baba blessings as I did not get tickets online. But when I prayed to Baba for the same, the next moment, I was able to see few tickets available online. Next day morning, I planned to visit Baba at 4 am. Since we were tired, I got up late by 6 am and in a hurry i went to bathroom, where I slipped and fell down. I had a huge blow on my head but there was no pain or such. Though that was Baba blessing and i went to Darshan. I had a beautiful Darshan and came back in 1 hour. I feel that hurt was Baba blessing call to visit Him in the morning. Me and my wife are trying for child for 8 months with no luck. We are desperate to get a child but left everything to Baba and believe that He is there to take care of us and bless us with a child. I forgot to mention that my wife is also a staunch devotee of Sri Sai Baba. Baba please bless us with a child and help all with Your blessings. Sri Samartha Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I heard from childhood that God is everywhere. If someone done wrong with someone, he will be punished by God. I think always that if I give a rose to other people some smell of rose will remain with us. But in reality it not happens in my life. I always tried to help others and teaches same to my children but I always cheated by those persons who helped by me. I cannot understand why? Sai Baba helped me to get rid of that type of persons. This is just a miracle for me. I always thank a person who gave me Sai Baba Satcharitra. From 2012, I continue to read this. As I trust Sai Baba, I want that my children also trust Sai Baba. My children are also very helping and lovely in nature. They are not blessed by Sai Baba yet. They trust Sai Baba but failed to bless by Baba, why? My daughter used Udi when she was pregnant but cannot continue after 5 months which is very much disturbing them. As I always said to her trust in Sai Baba, He will help you. She is Doctor and most of time she take no fee for treatment. She helps needy people but get no fruitful result from God. I think if we help someone, God will help us. From some time, I want to talk with God but how? By this letter, I think i can explain my problem to God. The people who is cheated someone is very happy but honest and helping people is suffering from so many problems.

Sai Brother Honnegowda from India says: I am a student studying engineering. I had my exam in the early morning at 9 am. I was tensed and I was studying without knowing that my mobile fell down from my pocket. Once i reached at exam hall, i checked my pocket to keep my mobile outside the exam hall. I was shocked. I did not have my mobile in pocket and it was already late to exam. I prayed lord Sai that please i want that mobile because it was my favourite mobile. After my exam, i went back to the place where i sat for studying. Miracle happened and the mobile was there where i sat for studying. I had no words. There were so many students roaming, even though the mobile was safe. I got my mobile by Sai Baba. I thank Him a lot for that Sai. Thank You so much Sai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram .call me shridi.
dear sai family,
today i saw a dream in which sai baba gave me bright yellow and orange flowers very happily….can anyone please help me understand its meaning…jai sai ram..
sai sister
just understand that its a very very auspicious dream 🙂
Thank you…jai sai ram
Sai ram
may baba bless her..
Pray for her speedy recovery .. Baba bless her .. Om Sai Ram
Thank you for all the payers she is shifted from the ICUnoe
Thank u baba.
Bless all of us
Blessed experiences.dear 5th devotee, me too questioning and feelling the same. And also witnessed tge same.the person whom i married,has cheated me.he and his family is very cruel,unhonest, so much lieing persons.they done criminal works as well(muedering). Eventhough they are living a happy life.purchasing houses in city.but we are honest but suffering a it God's leela?
On sairam. Have faith and patience. as baba says be pride less and ego less even when you do good. All good ones from heart will get good sleep. What else you want. Bad people may have car house but they are always in some pressure. so be good to all people. Baba is always with you.
we reap in this birth what we have sown in previous births…those people who have done evil now would have done good in previous lifetimes and presently enjoy the punya. In next birth they will reap the punishment and misery for the paap they are doing in this birth. It is straightforward and simple and …….changeless law.
Thanq baba for helping to successfull surgery of my uncle. Tanq. Om sairam
Jai jai Sai Ram. 🙂
Please bless all your needy devotees and give them their fair share of happiness. We all love you Baba. ;((
baba please bless me with a job baba…please help me baba..please guide me baba…i need your help baba…
dont worry baba is with you…. soon you will get a job…. everything will be fine…:) may baba bless all… om sai ram…:)
Omsairam! Lord sainath thank you for everything, bless all your children with good health, happiness, prosperity & peace of mind.
Dear devotees please read below link ( blessed experience of Tarkhad family ) omsaisrisaijaijaisai!
baba… i love you and trust you a lot… please be with me always.. and help me to reach my dreams… Om sai ram
om sai ram
Very nice experiences and I'm sure He has answered the prayers of the 5th devotee by now 🙂
O Deva, I surrender my body & mine, pride & ego at Your Feet, bless me with a beautiful miracle please 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sure Sharmaji,Baba will Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om sai ram. Om sai shree sai jai jai sai. Baba pls bless me with a job…you know I need it urgently. Sai ram
He sai, he deva, please help my son baba….this is very important week for his career baba, please fulfill our wish baba…. please don't disappoint us baba.. we are at your lotus feet baba. please bless my son with good placement baba…daya karo kripa karo kshama karo he sairam…..
Please Baba give positive sign about my marriage with Sandeep..please knot with each Sai ram..hope one day my baba also listen my prayers..
may baba bless you om sai ram
om sai ram
For the devotee of 5th experience:
Om Sai Ram!!!
Please always remain the way you are and continue to do what you've been doing so far, irrespective of people cheating you. You and your family is a blessed one !!!
It's easy to say but very hard to follow, you've been doing it, please continue to do so and detach yourself with your good doings and assume its not you but baba made you do these actions.
Its very easy to embrace Ego, Envy, Desires, Jealousy, Lust and Pride and continue to suffer but very very difficult to embrace go things and to sustain it after embracing it.
Baba will not let it go waste, he is preparing for something BIG.
I take a bow and please accept my koti koti pranam, you are a blessed soul. May be you are the baba!!
very well said dear 5th devotee please continue the way you are may baba bless you om sai ram
Dear 5 th devotee, wat ever baba does to us it is good for us. U r daughter will be blessed with beautiful baby girl soon. We need to clear our past karma. Since we are devotees it is going in simple way. Do not worry for anything. Pray from your heart and always help others. That deeds only come with us wen we leave this body. May God bless you and your family
Oh deva, hm sb k pyare sai, hmare dulare sai.we luv u
Om Sai Meh Ma .. Meh Ma … Baba pls help n bless all your devotees … Deva pls forgive our mistakes .. Baba pls help n bless my daughter … Deva she is struggling .. She is working hard .. Prabhu only you can create quota for her .. for general class ppl .. Be with us always.. Thank you for d blessings coming on the way… Om Sai Ram
dear 5th devotee..i feel whole life I tried to do good for others and always got humiliated ,rejected and abused by others even from my own mother..things which others get easily I never get that..u can imagine mother who everybody says protects u,loves u and cares for u never did that for when m eraning all my family want is money from me that's all..forget about other people even my own blood doesn't care and used me..i always prayed to god and now I feel that prayers,fast,puja nothing can help u..u hv to suffer ur karma..there is no forgiveness no escape..wat u hv done in past u hv to bear it..whether u cry or u will b like that only…I lost all the hopes I m like I hv to suffer no one can protect me or save me..not even baba..even if he can..he wont bcz m unlucky..he doesn't care abt the ppl like me.
Don't get dejected. People have many problems in their life some are as critical as life n death problem. Comparing their problems we are in better position. Always pray God sincerly and see the miracle. Have faith and patience
Om shirdy vasaye vidhmaye
Sachinandaye dhimahi
Tanno sai pracho dayat…….
On Ganesh chaturthi, I saw dream where Saibaba was sitting and there was a big lamp. I think i even saw Ganeshji made of Turmeric but i am not really. But happy to have seen Saibaba in my dream:)
Om sai ram to all, m going to share my experience of the sai pooja which i did fr 5 days. Thr reason m mentioning it in d comment box is the experiences take a lot of time to published and i wanted my fellow devotees to know about this asap..this pooja is done for 5 days. You need 5 diyas, 1 dhoop or 2 incense sticks and 1 fruit. You can start this pooja either in morng or evening but u hv to perfrm it daily at d same time for 5 days..light 5 diyas nd 2 incense sticks or 1 dhoop in front of baba make a wish and then offer 1 fruit to baba once u r done distribute the fruit as prasad among ur family members..on d 5th day once u complete ths pooja tell 5 people about ths pooja..i did ths pooja fr a problem which ws bothering me too much i ws vry anxious and tensed but believe me on d 5th day itself baba solved my prblm i hv no wrds to explain baba's leela how he relieved me of my stress..may baba bless all
Thank you fr sharing ur experience
Plz clear my doubt,can I light same 5 diyas for 5 days.and can i tell about this puja through msg to anybody.And also can i tell about this puja,5 people among my family member,bcoz I dont hv any good friends and relatives.
Yes u can use the same diyas for 5 days and u can communicate abt it through msg and its perfectly ok to tell ur family members abt it bt jst remember u hv to do it ths on d 5th day after pooja not before that…may baba bless u through ths pooja. Plz do let all of us knw ur experience of ths pooja..jai sai ram
Yes,sure I wl share my experience,and thank u for ur reply
Thanks a lot. God bless you always
Om Sai Ram. Thank you baba for listening to me.
om sai ram love u baba
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai, Jaya Jaya Sai
Saima! Please bless us and keep us near your feet always. Please give us your divya darshan.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram. Love you a lot babaji…
Baba please bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all