Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Baba Job Search Miracle

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from US says: I have completed my Masters in USA and by Sai Baba’s grace got a job now after 10 months of long job search. I would regard this miracle as a turning point in my life and would like to share with all. I have been a Baba devotee since my 12th boards when I learnt about His holiness through website and according to me I had got excellent marks more than what I thought or deserved. Ever since I have read Sri Sai Satcharitra twice and visited Shirdi twice and was always thinking of Baba as a friend and was praying to Him to overcome my obstacles. I had unexpectedly kept arrears in my Undergraduate in 5th and 7th semester and had cleared in revaluation through Baba’s grace. When my last semester results came, I had already applied to my Masters and had done 2 papers very badly but by Baba’s Grace miraculously passed both papers. So far Baba aided me in various situations after testing me but the greatest miracle took place during my job search after Master’s in USA. I completed my Masters in USA in Electrical Engineering and was looking for job in USA in core field from Jan 2015. I suddenly realized I had distanced myself from Baba and was just applying, but nothing materialized and all I got was rejects and rejects.

From January to March 2015, I just applied blindly and forgot Baba and had all negative vibrations around me and with no result went into depression. I started separating myself from my family and didn’t apply but just whiled away time from March to April and went and spent time with friends for coming out from depression in California. There somewhat I did come out but still I was just living with no interest in life and I completely stopped speaking with family in India and just spoke with my Mother once in 4 days and was completely lost. In between these depressing days I thought of doing Vrat Pooja and started but could not focus much and ended not doing it well. I was again depressed with that and entered further depression. After 2 months of futile search in California my number of unemployment days further increased and I had to join a consultancy to block my Unemployment days and ended up reaching Texas to my aunt house. I didn’t want to enter IT but wanted core so couldn’t focus in IT too and ended wasting time from May to July just applying for core and not focusing in IT consultancy too and went further deep into depression and distancing myself from Baba and my family too. I spent many nights sleepless and crying and feeling useless.

Then with nothing going August came and I suddenly felt instead of focusing on Electronics, I thought I could modify my resume and apply for a combination of Hardware and software and then suddenly some positive changes began to happen in me and me still not thinking of Baba. From August 1st week started fresh and applied to positions with a combination of hardware and software and then started getting calls but just from recruiters and nothing much materialized, Some light hope came and some companies spoke positively and suddenly around 7 interviews were set up in a single week to end with rejects in all. By august end again I was hopeless and family became concerned about as I was maintaining very low profile and asked me to come to India or else do a new course in college to stay in USA. I spent 1 more week of sleeplessness and spine chilling fear. All these months at least spoke with my friends but in September drastically reduced that too. Days became weeks and weeks became months and I could never see the end of tunnel and almost 99 percent of my fellow students got placed in my batch of around 185. Then finally it Happened, I started thinking of Baba and spoke with Him and asked Him what more You want and regularly started praying Baba with tears from my eyes open heartedly since September 2nd week. This sudden devotion was Baba’s grace and He called me.

Then a day in September 2nd week, I called a staffing company for an opening I saw in internet and they called me for general screening and I had gone there but nothing much happened there, but I got a call from the same staffing company from a different branch stating that I had seen your resume in the database and told it looked impressive. This is where Baba’s Miracle started and she told she will send my resume to different openings and encouraged me and told I would get a job soon. A week passed but no change, but received regular calls from the recruiter who kept saying don’t give up keep trying and kept sending my resume’s to various openings across USA. She was an American and she kept calling me every second day and encouraged me and gave updates. It was not necessary in her part and recruiters I had approached myself never kept in touch but this call came from nowhere but was in touch regularly. This is Baba’s grace and September 3rd week she told an interview was set with an employer and I took the interview but it went mixed, but not bad. It took place on Tuesday and they told one more candidate has to be interviewed before decision and the other candidate was interviewed on Thursday and was rejected.

On Thursday I got news other person was rejected but told I am in hold. 4 days passed no improvement. I was a bit desperate and lost and was only thinking of Baba and stopped applying too. Somewhere everyone from my family told this job is for you, and my mind told it’s for me but still was hopeless. I asked a question to Baba in question and answers on Monday and I got a reply that “Don’t think useless thoughts and believe in Baba and rest will be done Tomorrow”. the next day it really happened, got a call from hiring manager and my 10 months unemployment period ended. It all was due to that miraculous phone call by Baba’s grace who kept encouraging me and sent my resume to various openings and by Baba’s grace got job. Ever since I was acquainted to Baba, I faced various tests before I got the miracle’s and fruit of success. Always believe in Baba, He will test you, give you sleepless nights but believe it or not will never leave you. I hope this story of mine will be an inspiration and hope to others and will take them a step close to Baba’s grace. It was due to Baba that I got a job in core field after 10 month search. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Shirdi Sai.

Real Help From Baba Shri Sai Only

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous devotee from Mauritius says: Jai Shri Sai Ram, our saviour Baba Shri Saimaa pulled me under His guidance when I lost taste in life. Sai Ram to all brothers and sisters of this wonderful world of Shri Sai’s unconditional love. My experience is mainly for the awareness of all and endless gratitude for the constant care of Baba Saimaa. It’s been 9 days ago, I felt some persisting pain from the upper end of right tight and scrotum. During bath I checked at that particular area and was at shock to find that there a well-developed round flesh formation. Pressing lightly caused an unbearable pain. I wonder how come I did not notice it at all during bath. I felt awkward as I am a shy type person who doesn’t like exposing the body or even wear sleeveless shirt at home. Thinking that I will have to get examined at that area, made me terrible uncomfortable. Immediately I begged Shri Saimaa for immediate cure to avoid going to the doctor. With firm faith in Baba Sai, I applied His sacred Udi by rubbing it at that area uttering Om Shri Sai Ram with faith and then went to sleep with confidence. Next day morning the pain was no more here and the formation has drastically diminished. I felt so damn peaceful and ever grateful to Saimaa for understanding everything so well as usual.

Another experience is, I am blessed to visit Shirdi again and it is indeed a heavenly experience. In the hotel while waking up, I felt so uneasiness at my left eye lid, there was an irritation and I felt it enlarged. So immediately taking Baba Saimaa’s Holy Name and applying sacred Udi continuously for 3 days, the pain subsided and it was back to normal. During the visit to Shirdi, I was blessed to receive more than 5 leaves of the holy Neem (Sweet taste) at the Gurusthan which I shared with fellow devotees and family. I met awesome Sai devotees from USA and Malaysia during the waiting for Kakad Aarti on Thursday morning. While going to Dwarkamai, the Pandit ji there gave a coconut which was next to the lively picture of Baba in sitting position with divine hands on railings. I felt indeed very much blessed and kept thanking Baba for all His unlimited love and incomparable kindness. Sri Sat Guru Saimaa is the best planner and having Darshan at Shirdi, recharges one’s vital forces and spirit to higher level. Wherever there is sincere love from anyone, Baba Saimaa is present there and where Baba is present, it is Shirdi only. Thank You so much! I adore You Baba Shri Saimaa.

Sai Helped Me Getting A Job

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Sister Vijaya from USA says: Hi all, I am Devote of Sai Baba since I got married, I was introduce to Sai Baba by Mother In Law, since then I was praying Baba like any other Gods, but don’t know when Baba pulled me towards Him, last few years I have been seeing His Miracles in my life, and I started reading Sai Satcharitra, with blessing of Baba I have many experiences, here I will share couple of them. I got married 16 years back, I have 11 year old son, we want to wait few years to have second baby, after 4 years we thought of having second baby but I never conceived and also I have Thyroid and POS, I visited doctors and they told me it will take time to get conceived as I have POS, they put me on medication for almost 5 years nothing happened then I left everything to Baba, but my son wanted a sibling and he was asking me every day when we will have second baby, as all his cousins had siblings, we thought of having going for other optional, but I decide to take a vacation before getting the other procure done, so I went to India.

Here the miracle comes I went to India to visit my In Law’s, from there I went to Shiridi and prayed for baby, then after with in a week I came back then came to know I was pregnant, which I didn’t take any medication or anything, just natural, Baba is there to prove that He can do anything, now I have 2 years old beautiful girl with Baba blessings. Another experience I was working but looking for better opportunity I was praying Baba to give me good job, so that I can be close to family as my other job was far I had to travel every leaving my kids at home with my in laws, which I wasn’t happy about it, finally Baba heard my prayers and gave me a job near to my house, trust in Baba, Baba can do anything, it takes time but you need Shradha and Saburi as Baba say’s If you believe Him with whole heartedly your wishes will come true, thank you all for reading such a long post Baba bless all, thank you Hetal ji for maintain such wonder full site, I read devotes experience before I go to bed every night.

Baba Protected My Wife And Daughter

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Hello Hetalji and team. Thank you for your service. Om Sai Ram. God Bless all. I have known Baba since childhood. My parents especially my mom has been a staunch devotee of our Sai. I believe I can write a book when it comes to the miracles Baba has shown on us and maybe one day I will with His blessings I would just like to use this platform to thank Baba from the bottom of my heart for keeping my wife and baby safe. She experienced severe stomach pain by sleeping for 3 hours on her back without moving a muscle during lunar eclipse. She is 16 weeks pregnant and being concerned about the pain. Next day we went for a check up to our gynaecologist. I took Baba’s Sai Satcharitra Book and Udi Packet) along with us to the clinic. Upon examining her, gynaecologist said she has to be admitted for a day as the reason for the pain is kidney stones. We were surprised how can one get kidney stones by sleeping without moving. He said that it must be a coincidence that while sleeping she experienced the pain. I had wholehearted faith nothing will go wrong as Baba was with us. My wife declined to be admitted and asked for an ultrasound to confirm. Ultrasound did not show any signs of stones, it was just a muscle pull and our baby is fine too. Thanks a lot Baba, please always protect, bless and take care of my family and all Your devotees. Shree Ganeshaya Namah Om Sai Ram Baba.

Thank You Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from Canada says: I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba. I have known Sai Baba for last 20 years. I remember hoping to his Temple whenever I could without knowing much about him. I started understanding Baba since last 10 years when my daughter was born and my friend introduced me to Him once again. I have experienced His presence many a times and I will share those experiences some other time with Baba’s grace. This is a very small experience which I want to share. I was not keeping well for past 4 -5 months and I had gone under depression. My manager at work was troubling me a lot and because of my personal problems and stress at work I got sick. I wanted to go to India to see my family and also visit Sai Baba. When I spoke to my manager for vacation, she refused it and then i had sent my question to Sai Baba through the link to ask questions and I got a reply that your vacation is approved by Sai Baba, go and ask your manager once more. I went to the manager again and by God’s (Sai Baba) grace, my vacation is approved and i am going to India. Thank You Baba again and please bless me that my trip to India is safe again. I don’t know if you allow me that I should be able to visit You. I have experienced Baba’s presence many a times and will share other experiences soon. Thank You Baba for everything. Please keep Your blessings on me always.

Sai Baba’s Endless Kripa On Me

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Hi Hetal ji, I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba from my childhood. Each and every happiest moment in my life was happened by the Grace of Baba. There is no life for me without Baba. My Sai is everything to me. Lots of thanks to you for maintaining this blog and give us a path to share our experiences with our beloved Baba. Here comes my experience, I am a married woman with a happy family. I have a daughter by Baba grace. I am trying for a second kid for long time. I had PCOD problem and I went through two surgeries. While I am about to start another treatment I prayed to my beloved Baba, that I should conceive within two months without taking any medicine. I used to take Udi everyday at this time and by Baba’s grace I was conceived without undergoing any treatment. I am praying Him every day to bless me with a baby boy and Baba fulfilled that wish too. Yesterday in my big scan I got to know that it was a boy. I am praying my Sai to keep His Kripa on us throughout our life and bless me and be with me throughout my life. Please bless me Baba to deliver a healthy baby boy normally. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Baba ye kaisa mazak khela hai apne? I left the house taking ur name and u rattled me to the core with a joke. Baba is my life and existence that meaningless to u? Do u not hear everytime i pray to u and chant ur name? Is my life a joke? Baba should i end my life? What do i liver for? What do i look forward to? Please Saima have mercy. U have completely taken him away. U have shut those doors. U have secluded me from everyone and left me to go about my work alone. Why Saima? How can a mother be so harsh? I admit that i was making a mistake but u had the power to stop me. Out of all of us who were involved, i was the only one who is ur child and u made me the reason that caused them so much hurt. Baba u know i don't hate her, i got over my hatred and i truly was doing everything possible for her betterment. Baba he and i could never have worked out and that was for his betterment and u know it. But the other one? Baba i love him, i gave him every second of my day, u could've avoided us ever having to cross paths na? Kyun khela ye khel Baba? Why are u testing me so much? I have lost the will to live. If i mean so little to u, then allow me to put an end to this pathetic meaningless existence but if u have any love for me, even the slightlest bit, then PLEASE BABA SAVE ME NOW. Please i have nobody but u. I will always love u, regardless of how much more things get worse. Om Sai Ram

    • Dear devote I can see you are in lot of pain.I can just say sometimes we can not see what good plan baba has.just wait for a while if the pain is worst then its time ur karmas r getting over and good time is very near.have truest everything happens for a reason which we get to know sooner or later.baba will open new door

  2. Om sai ram
    Deva plz ab aur parisha mat lo mere sai. Ab daya karo. Sai maa I am suffering from almost 5.5 years now plz deva bless me with happy life and wonderful life partner. I Keep Asking U Daily Ki Apne Mere Lie Kise Chuna HAI. Deva meri health thik kardo. Plz forgive me .
    Ap hi koi chamatkar kar sakte hai. Mere sai mere deva daya karo.
    Om sai jai sai jai jai sai
    Gurudev dutta

    • Sai is listening and waiting for your past karmas to get clear so that you can have wonderful future with good health and loads of love.Till then just hold baba hand and be happy with what all you are rt now blessed with

  3. O Deva, be with us at every step, in our every breath and in all our thoughts and actions please 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  4. Thank You Baba for showing me again, thru this website and beautiful messages here, the answers to my questions, calming me down and assuring me that things will happen as desired. Thank you Baba, for strengthening my faith in You. Dear first devotee, yes yours is indeed an inspiring story and gives me hope too. One thing is for sure, the amount of love that we have for Baba can never match up to His love for us. Thank you Sai, i will wait. I promise to submit my miracles on this site… May Sai Baba bless Hetalji and the entire team maintaining this website.

  5. Dear SAIBABA,please set me on the right path,first please please please change my beviour towards the best,make me a talented person in tailoring and please help me to get more and more orders to stitch.PLease make that change to happen in my life.I totally surrender everything at your feet.PLease shower your blessings.

  6. BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and plese be wit me.SAI BABA please bless me.OM SAI RAM

  7. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  8. om sai ram…Hetal ji,Is hope is sai site managed by you? I submitted a question long back but still i did not get a reply.why?
    kindly reply…om sai ram

  9. Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
    Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
    Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai

  10. om sai ram, om sai ram , om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram om sai ram, om sai ram om sai ram, om sai ram,om sai ram ,om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram,om sai ram, om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram , om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram.

  11. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂

  12. Please every one pray for me to get job.I gave my interview but it not went well at the time of interview my voice was shivering they asked me very simple question.I pray for long time I don't not why this happened to me.I am eating for this interview for long time .
    Deva please save me and blees me.I am not able to do any work please help me.

  13. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

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