Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Sai Devotee Sai Saran from India says: I am from India. I am ever grateful to Hetalji for bridging the gap between Sai Baba and His devotees through this website. I would like to share my recent and first experience.
We are in deep financial problems from the past 3 years. Baba will never let His children be in trouble. Sai showered His blessings by providing a job to my father. Whenever, His children are suffering, He comes to their rescue. The same came true in my life. Baba provided some more assistance by providing another opportunity. The opportunity is – Some colleges are required to have a minimum number of teachers with the requisite qualification as per government rules. If the numbers of teachers are not there, then the college is required to face severe problems (Penalties). So, college management asks for the certificates of teachers working in schools so that the college can have minimum staff during inspection period. This is because a teacher can work in only one college for a year. That’s why they ask certificates from school teachers.
Last day, my father received the opportunity through one of his friends and he also gave advance money. We all are happy. My father went to the college for providing certificates, the management told that they will not accept the certificates by saying that they are duplicate (Colour Xerox). Actually, the certificates are original but very old one. This is because my father completed P.G 26 years back and the certificates doesn’t have hologram sticker. My father called us and informed the matter. He also added that we shall return the advance money. We are very much upset. This is because of two reasons
1. Financial problems — We thought at least some of our problems would be settled.
2. Giving back of money received – This is never happened to us. We are very much sentimental about giving back laxmi (money).
But my mother never gave up hope and said that we shall wait till the meeting is completed. Because, Sai is there to look after our worries. She had a very strong belief on Baba. Can fate dare to turn down the opportunity given by Baba? No, not at all. I can strongly tell that no worries and sufferings will pain you, when Sai Baba is with you. This is because Sai never lets His child down. Suddenly my father called and said that when he requested the management once again, they accepted certificates and we didn’t return the advance money and they also promised to give the balance amount and certificates within 10 days. After a Week, they returned certificates and gave the balance money. The balance amount given by the college is Rs.2000 more than what is expected. We are very much happy.
Lastly, I can strongly say that if you have faith in Sai Baba then He will bless you in one or other way. Baba, Please bless me to clear my exams and I wish I could be able to share my other experiences (relating to study) after my results. Thank You Sai Baba for providing everything I needed.
Akhilanda Koti Brahmanda Nayaka RajadhiRaja Yogi Raja Samardha Sadhguru Sri Satchidananda Sainath Maharaj ki jai.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, I am a 36 years old, unmarried woman from India. I had lost my parents at a very early stage of my life. Being only daughter and without any support from my relatives I am facing the tough phase of my life. From four years I am under shade of Baba’s blessing and have been to Shirdi thrice by Baba’s grace. I have witnessed many miracles and feel Baba’s presence everywhere.
Two years ago I faced problem related to my house. The flat my father had bought was not freehold. The procedure for freehold required lot of money. As I was facing financial crunch at that time so I was forced to sell my flat. But as it was not freehold so disposing it off was also not that easy. When the property is not freehold and lease has also expired bank refrains from giving loan too. In such a situation it is difficult to find buyers. However by Baba’s grace one gentleman bought my flat and gave me full money in advance and registry was done next day itself. Another problem which aroused was that I had to buy my house immediately with the same amount. As it was difficult for me to buy another house in my hometown as my budget was less so I bought house in another city by Baba’s grace. My father’s friend helped me in this case. Miracle here was that I had selected a house and came with my father’s friend for final talk. But the agent was busy with some other registry and was late. My uncle was fuming with anger. At last they came down from agent office and asked me to buy house in my hometown only. Throughout I was praying to Baba to help me as I desperately wanted to buy the house. I had already disposed off the flat and now the new owner wanted to shift so he had clearly told me to vacate the flat soon. We had already started moving. I was trying to convince my uncle but all in vain. Just then agent’s car halted right in front of us. I was happy to see him back. After small arguments we all went to see the house. Token money was given instantly and in a week’s time I was able to buy the house. Thank You Baba I need Your blessings always. Anantkoti Brahmand Nayak Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: A big Sai BABA Devote from a long time! I have been praying to Sai ma since my childhood days! Once I had gone to my uncle’s house and just happened to draw Sai Baba’s Picture, this was when I was in 7th std and they had kept this photo in the pooja room and did the pooja, I also did not know about this, but my uncle told me one day, I was very, very happy, never thought that they will pray Baba which I had drawn. I have to tell you all one experience:
I had waited for one important document to do a closure of a business and for this business I was waiting for almost 9 months, it was very crucial, I started reading Sai Satcharitra and I thought that I will receive this document on Thursday Baba day, I was under tremendous pressure and I had no hope to get it before Friday, but just prayed to Baba, miracles of miracle I received the document on Wednesday itself and did all the formalities to close the business. I had to share this experience long back, sorry Baba to post it so late. This Business closure has happened, but I still have to get my payments and a couple of trainings needs to be completed, I just pray Baba to be with me and get all the required things done smoothly, the first training was really good and got a good name from the client. I also humbly request all the devotees to pray for me, as this has been a business after a couple of years for me.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Namaskar everyone. Thank you Hetalji for providing us this opportunity, to share our experiences of Sri Sai Baba. Please don’t publish my name and email id. I am 19. This is my first experience to share. Let me tell you my experience.
I like Baba from my childhood but I was not a devotee of Baba. But Baba never leaves his children in sorrow so He picked me as His devotee. Now I love Baba. He is my everything. I read Sri Satcharitra once. Now I am doing second Saptah by Baba’s grace. I also started Navaguruwar vrat. First week completed. Now, coming to the miracle. Today my father scolded me as he was in tension. I felt like dying as I was already depressed for other problem, then I was browsing through the net to see my Baba. At that time my dad came and spoke very nicely with me. This may be small to you but for me it is really great. Even our parents may ignore us but Baba never does it. I love You Baba. Please be with me like this forever and bless all Your children. So have faith in Baba. He will never leave our hands. Now I am waiting for His answer to my prayer about my exam. I know my heavenly father Baba will make it for me. I will be posting the miracles; my Baba does in my life after somedays. Satchitananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki jai.

Anonymous Sai Devote from Canada says: I am a female in living in Canada for past 15 years. I am Sai devotee and feel His presence in my life every day. Jai Sai Ram – I want to thank Baba and share my story with all you friends. I had a ultrasound of Kidney and the report was not conclusive and somewhat suggested the Kidney cancer. I was referred for MRI. I was waiting for my MRI report and had an appointment with doctor on 29th. I am a Sai bhakt, I had made a resolution that I will finish Sai Satcharitra before this date and unfortunately I did not. When I went to see the doctor on 29th, he said that he has not received the report from the hospital and my next appointment was scheduled for 4th. I remembered that I did not finish my Sai Satcharitra. I finished the book on 4th, right before I went to see the doctor for my MRI Report. With Sai’s blessing the report was good, no issues. I truly believe that this miracle happened because of Sai’s blessings. May Sai shower His blessing on all the devotees and may all your wishes come true.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from UAE says: I’ve written my recent experience with Sai Ram, We all friends had planned for farewell dinner next week, and we were happy about it. But suddenly my face got allergy because of using a new cream. I was sad and it irritated me too much, it was same for three days, there was only another three days for farewell dinner. I prayed Baba to remove this allergy and make my face as before. Then same exactly on the day (day before yesterday) of dinner my face was nice without allergy. I knew its Baba’s grace and miracle. I love You Baba.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sairam,om sairam, om sairam, om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam, om sairam, om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam, om sairam.
pls help me in getting job..pls save my life saimaa..jaisairam.
Om Sairam
Happy Sai Baba's Day to All! Om Sai Namo Namha! Sri Sai Namo Namha! Jaya Jaya Sai Namo Namaha! Sadguru Sai Namo Namaha! God Bless Everyone and plant good thoughts in All beings!
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless our family with good health and be with us deva forever
jai Sainath
I can't believe my eyes sainath still yet 9Thursday vrat miracle done by sai appa kindlyness please shower your blessings on me I started vrat this Thursday is 4 th Thursday to me see sainath's miracle today I do pooja to my sainath with 108 golden flowers still I cannot believe with my eyes about that really wonders of wonders thanks is the very small word to show my gratitude to my sainath please shower your divine blessings on me like this always my sainath my sai appa you are my mother you are my father you are my guru you are my friend you are my god you are my everything my sainath sai baba ki jaiho!
Happy Baba's Day to all Devotees.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Deva, thank you for everything, please bless me with a baby.. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Om Sai Ram (p) (p) (p)
O Deva, Thank You for accepting us and allowing us to be at Your Feet. Thank You O Sadguru for showing us the right path and helping us walk it. Thank You for all the love and happiness You bless us with O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba yesterday i forgot to charge the laptop and my husband got so mad on me. He said Im a piece and item infrint of kids. I know this is my karma. He never agrees his mistakes. He was arguing in whats wrong in those words. Why i should cry for that. If i say the same thing what will happen BABA. only u and me knows that. Though he does mistakes he never agrees n he wants me to be happy. I should not cry feel bad for anything. Im not a toy Baba. How can he expects me to be haapy after saying hurting me. He said so much to me in these 15 years. He says he cant control his anger so i should not take to heart. Baba sorry for not respectinv my father. I know im facing this for that reason only. Please forgive me Baba. Im unable to take such words Baba. He says im creating scenes infront if kids by crying and kids will think he us bad. Baba they r growing cant they understand who is what. There is no need to teach. My 13yr old son felt very bad for me Baba. He sais im useless. Yes Baba im useless thats why im still alive inspite of hearin all these things. Im useless i cant even die Baba as i hv kids n parents. I know im useless Baba. What can i do now Baba? Im facing all these because of hurting my father all the time. I know i have to face this until i die. Sorry Baba
Hi, Don't think about your karma and you are facing this because of hurting your father. I have never hurt my dad.. he is our precious thing and he is always in my thoughts in everything i do. But i still suffered of my husband and family hurting with their words. What should I think? You are thinking that you have hurt your father but you might have also made him happy in different ways. So don't think like that. Your husband will realize one day. If not, Baba should help him to realize. Angry people should be seen as disabled because they are unable to do something. Would you be mad about disabled people? Treat him in a good way for him to realize. If not, its his karma and not yours.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om SaiRam bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
om sai ram.
|| Aum Sai rakshaka sharanam ||
Jai Sai Ram _/_
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
Sainath – please bless my family and help resolve the multiple problems – I have written all of them and placed on your lotus feet. Bless us Baba! Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajaadhiraj Yogiraj Sri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai !!
Om Sairam. Thank you Deva for saving me from the embarrassment. Please help and guide us always.Please bless all at all times. Thank you.
I don't know but my faith is shaking on Sai. I feel he doesn't listen. 😭 I don't know what should I do…
Om Sai
Baba. Kripa Karo, pls bless me with a baby please Deva
jai sai ram………babaji meri bhool ki saja meri maa, baba ko mat do..plz do miracle in my life……As you know everything about me…apne meri harbat sunli hai.plz do miracle for me..