Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Ravi Veera Raghavan from Russia says: My this post is regarding 18th October Baba’s 100th anniversary day Experience – Unscheduled stop at Railway Station and Further Transport Arrangement.
I Ravi Veera Raghavan, from Bengaluru (India) currently working in Omsk City, West Siberia, Russia and a devoted devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba, firstly would like to thank Hetalji and team for providing us all devotees with such a wonderful platform to share our experiences. No amount of praise is sufficient enough and we sincerely thank you and the team for such a brilliant work in maintaining this site for the devotees of Baba. May Baba’s grace continue to shower on you, your team and all followers of Baba.
Describing now the most amazing miracles I experienced on Baba’s 100th anniversary, is something astonishing and incredible which will stun many devotees reading this experience. I was traveling from Bengaluru to Feroke (Kerala) on the 17th October to be with my family before leaving for my new assignment in Russia. That afternoon I was informed by my wife before my travel that the government had announced strike on the 18th October throughout Kerala over the permission granted by supreme court for women to enter Sabarimalai shrine and that due to this bandh there would be no any sort of transport plying on the streets on that day.
Now describing the incident sequentially I experienced: The train which was to stop at Kozhikode station made an unscheduled stop at Feroke station just for 30 seconds to 1 minute and thus giving me sufficient time to get down with co-passengers helping me with the luggage and further surprise arrangements made by Sai Baba was waiting for me outside the station. As I exit the station my father in law’s regular auto driver who takes him for his dialysis thrice a week was on a scooter in front of the station and as soon as he saw me coming out of the station, volunteered to drop me home which was at about 5 minute’s ride. All these arrangements were made by Baba within minutes on a simple request I made to Him just before the train was about to approach Feroke station on its way to Kozhikode station.
On enquiry with the auto driver if he had come to receive someone at the station, he mentioned that he had just happened to come by. These arrangements of unscheduled stop at Feroke and auto driver’s presence at the station would not have been possible without His omnipresence. The miracle continued on the 19th October too. I was already feeling bad that I could not make it on the 18th October for the 100th anniversary celebrations and I had planned to get Baba’s darshan on the 19th October on the way home after shopping but since it was getting late and the traffic jam making me feel nausea, I had given up hope of going to Baba’s temple. But wonders of wonder happened the next moment, the reason for slow movement of the vehicles was for letting Baba’s palika coming against the traffic towards the direction of our car, thus giving me an opportunity to have Baba’s darshan. Usually under such situations I get irritated and agitated but this time for some reason throughout the roadblock, I was quiet without even knowing what I was going to experience. The above two miracles experienced, evidences that He is always listening to our needs and always ever ready to take control of the situation and do the needful arrangements without even letting us feel it and thereby taking care of us all through His eleven vachans.
Prior to these two wonderful experiences I have experienced many other miracles, but the above two events experienced on the 100th anniversary is something really very special. One other thing I would like to share and confess is prior to the above two miracles experienced, I struggled to complete in reading the Sai Satcharitra, but now I am able to read daily one chapter. This is helping me tremendously in my day to day activities.
I urge all the Sai devotees to read along with Sai Satcharitra, the following if possible, Shirdi Sai Baba 108 Ashtothram Mantra, Shirdi Sai Baba Kasht Nivaran Mantra, Shree Moola Beeja Mantrakshara sotra and the 11 Vachans of Baba. This whole takes around half an hour to forty five minutes and gives immense peace and guides you for the day. Om Sai, Shri Sai, Jai Jai Sai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Baba I don’t know how to start how to continue and how to end. Please guide me Baba. Om Sairam my Sai family. Thank you Hetal sister and team. I am weak in English, please edit where ever required. I would like to be anonymous.
Coming to my experience – few months back my grandparents passed away. Then some people (who we thought our own family) raised issues about the property left undivided. They asked my father to do things which were not legally acceptable and if accepted that would be burden to my family. So my father was not interested in such things and said them that he could not do it. They kept quiet for some time until all the rituals got over.
Few days later they again started asking my father few times; for which he disagreed every time. At last they scolded my father using bad language and cursing my father and my family. They even started to traduce us in front of our relatives and family friends and blaming my father without any fault on his side. When I asked my father about this he said – “Baba alone knows that we haven’t done anything wrong and if we are on the path of justice, Baba will surely be on our side and He will get us out of this critical situation. So don’t worry.”
For about 15 to 20 days later, my father got sick due to fissures and was on bed. We approached doctor and the treatment was started. It continued for one month. Every time it was getting better and coming back to the same position. His pain was unbearable that he could not sit even for half minute. He either had to stand or lay down on bed. He wasn’t able to stand for long time. At that time itself my mother also was not feeling well due to heavy bleeding for nearly 15 days during periods which made her very weak and tired. But by Baba’s grace she was able to do things.
We are two daughters, me and my sister should look after all the necessities. We both are still studying and my mother is a housewife, my father is the only person in our house to earn income. But from the time he is on the bed there is no income except from our house rentals. That was sufficient for our most basic necessities (there will not be any lack of food and clothing in the house of my devotees – Sai Baba). My mother used to read Sri Sai leelamrutham (written by Sri Ekkirala Bharadwaja master) and Sri Nampally Baba Jeevitha Charitam (Baba is the sixth avatar) aloud and my father used to listen them. Meanwhile my father called our Swami in our hometown and explained his condition. We then came to know that some kind of black magic was done on my father by those people (before I didn’t used to believe in that). It may look unreal and strange to many of you my friends but what happened with us and which changed our situation made me to accept. But this situation made our faith increase towards our beloved Baba. Before Baba answered me through Q & A site 1) you will meet a Saint. Surrender to protector. 2) Death will be avoided. Even though it was a very tough situation I was not afraid because I know Baba is there with us. He has been saving us in all the tough situations and He will save us in this position too. We started pooja for my father’s health and continued medicine. By Baba’s grace he recovered slowly and was out of danger.
For about 3 and half months of rest, he resumed his business and is in normal activities. He always expresses his gratitude towards Baba for saving his life. He always says it is only and only because of our Baba that he is alive. Baba when everybody left us alone You were the One Who was there with us. You were the only One Who looked after us. Baba from his childhood my father is fighting with his health issues but the determination and will power he has is Your gift. Please bless my father, mother and sister with good health. He said if his health cooperates with him then no issues for such a long journey and we would arrange a trip to Shirdi and have Your darshan. Baba it is Your kripa to take us to Shirdi. Please Baba please call us. Baba we are here because of Your grace. We are sailing on this ocean in Your boat. Please show us the right direction. Please provide us Shraddha and Saburi. I am waiting for Your blessings to share my own experience here with all our family members and I hope that day is close. Please bless and show Your grace on all Your devotees. Jai Sri Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am working as a Software Engineer.
I have been devotee of Sai for more than 6 years. There are many experiences that I have, starting from my first job I got due to Him and my Guru and many miracles till now.
Once I was to attend one office party at evening and somehow I went to a wrong address and all my colleagues had already reached the place. I was already late and everyone was waiting for me. There was Ola and Uber which showed me 20 minutes to reach. I prayed God that do not make me feel low in front of my colleagues by reaching late. Then suddenly an auto came and asked where I need to go. There was the driver and his friend. They told me they would make me reach the destination. I didn’t have much cash and they didn’t want paytm so they told they were fine with it. They helped me to reach the location and thankfully I had the exact cash and paid them.
In my current job I had less work and was into old technology. I prayed God so that I can change my company and change the technology I was working on. I started working hard by studying and giving interviews. Thankfully after 6 months I got selected in one company due to Baba’s grace. The interviewer was from the same state I belonged to. This gave me confidence. He did ask questions and I was able to answer them. He told he would recommend my name and I was able to clear second round of interview as well. Finally HR round was completed and I was happy that God helped me by making His plans to pass me in the interview. After one week I got mail to send the documents required. Next day I did send the documents from my laptop. And then after 1 day my laptop got some problem due to irregular handling and was not able to switch it on. I thanked Baba as the mail I received was on time so that I was able to send documents before my laptop got off.
I am waiting for the offer letter now. I know Baba will do everything good for me. I have started reading Sai Satcharitra again. But while reading I got one thought that I have read the book many times with same stories and if I could get to read few new leelas of Baba it would have been good for me. Then next day in youtube I saw stories from devotees that were recorded few years ago. I was filled with happiness by listening to those stories. Then I read few more stories in quora and then finally came across this blog which has thousands of stories(as I thought in quora and youtube less number of stories were there so Baba let me found this blog) Thanks God I know You will help me find solution to all problems and You have been there with me like a pillar when no one else stood by me. I can feel the presence of Baba every day. It was missing from few years due to my negligence. But I have started going Sai temple everyday which is there in front of my PG. I hope God will lead me to the right path and make me always remember Him through His leelas. I would suggest all the devotees to make Baba part of their life. He would surely answer all prayers with Shraddha and Saburi in you.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Hello everyone. I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba from Rajasthan. I am thankful to Hetalji for giving us this precious platform.
Two experiences that recently happened: First one is, I wear a Sai pendant which was thrown off accidentally. I tried on many places but I was unable to find it due to which I was very worried. Meanwhile I prayed to Sai Baba to please get my pendant and that I would post my experience here. To the next minute I found my pendant in my clothes only. I was very surprised and it was all Baba’s blessings.
Next experience is about my mom as she was going to temple like daily routine. On the way she fell down accidentally but Sai Baba saved her from any major injury. Sai Baba saved my mumma. Thank You is a very small word in front of Baba’s blessings. Please I beg You Sai Baba, always shower Your blessings on everyone. You are our life. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Ireland says: Namaskarams to all the Sai devotees.
Coming to the experience, Sai has saved my dad from an accident. My dad was traveling in his friend’s car when a car from behind had hit very hard. Though my dad was sitting at the back seat, he was not hurt at all. This was just pure Sai’s miracle. Thank You Sai for saving my dad. Please accept our love and affection. We are indebted to You. Om Sairam. Baba bless everyone.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am from Punjab.
I had always listened about Sai Baba miracles. In 2016, I was suffering from asthma diseases. Then I came across this site and getting inspired I started visiting Baba’s temple. Then what with Baba’s grace I got completely cured. Thank You so much Baba. Jai Sairam.
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Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam…bless my father with good health and forgive our sins.
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa .Cure my mothers pain sai pa. Help me baba. Take care of my grandparents saipa… Bless us to visit shree dwaraka balaji swami soon ayyappa sairakshak saisaranam ..
Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om sai ram
Gurudev Dattatreya!!
Please Bless All With Sadbudhi
Please Don't Let Any Kind Soul Suffer
Guide And Help All
Please Sai Help
Om Sai Ram