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Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Miracle Of Sai Baba

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from New Zealand
says: Om Sairam. Hello everyone. I have been a staunch devotee of Sai Baba. I am from New Zealand. Please keep my name and email-id anonymous. I have experienced many miracles of Sai Baba. Keep faith and patience on Sai Baba, His words are never untrue. Miracles do happen by blessings of Sai Baba.

In the 1st week of January I visited Baba’s temple. But before going to the temple I requested Baba to show some miracle when I come to His darshan. It was already 8:15 pm. The pujari asked us to stay back for the Shej aarti and so we did stay back and had a blissful aarti.

I was really happy to attend the aarti. After the aarti was finished we were about to leave. As it was already 9:00 pm the devotees left after aarti. As we know the pujari very well he asked us to stay back for few minutes and surprisingly he gave us the prasadam which was offered to God during aarti. The prasadam consisted of semiya payasam(sweet), fried rice, chapathi, spinach dal(made with lentils) and double beans curry. I was really amazed and surprised and felt so happy that Baba showed His miracle by giving prasadam to us.
Trust Him completely He will never leave our hands.

Coming to my next experience, one night after having my dinner I was about to sleep. Suddenly I felt some kind of pain on my right shoulder and back. Within few minutes I couldn’t move my body or neither could I sleep. I had terrible pain and couldn’t bear it. The whole night I had problem to sleep. I was praying Baba to reduce the pain. My husband applied Udi. But still the pain was unbearable. The next day morning I could still feel the pain and I thought it will subside by the end of the day. My friend called me casually to wish me for the New Year. And I told her about the problem I was going through since last night. She immediately asked me to see a chiropractor who was available on weekends. I requested her to come along with me. My friend is none other than Sai Baba. She immediately took me to the chiropractor along with my husband. I couldn’t move my head either. It became worse.

After seeing the chiropractor, I could feel some relief from pain. I was continuously praying Baba to get me out of this problem without any further issue. For the rest of the day I could still feel the pain but was much better than the last night. The next day the pain had completely vanished. I was really surprised that did I really have the pain. I was completely alright. It was all because of Baba. Thanks Baba for relieving me from the pain.

Baba, please help my dad from the problem he is facing. Its Thursday I have trust in You. Show him some miracle. We are planning for a baby. With Your blessings kindly bless us with a child. And Baba bless my husband and jiju (brother-in-law) with a permanent jobs. Baba I have left everything at Your lotus feet regarding my job as well. I trust You. Om Sai Samarth. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam.

Baba Saved Us From An Impossible Situation

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Baba Helped my family from an very difficult situation. My uncle took 10 lacks from my dad without asking him 10 years ago. My dad was asking him to return the money as we were in need. We wanted to buy a house and went to a contractor and took a loan at the bank. But the contractor company collapsed and he couldn’t start the work. The bank started to ask us to pay back the loan.

We were in a very difficult situation. My uncle didn’t pay attention to our situation and started to avoid us. Not only him but he spread bad image of our family to all family members and they all started avoiding us. I was deeply saddened but I had total confidence to Baba. My parents are really soft and generous. They always help everyone in need. But when they were in a difficult situation they all turned their backs. It was so sad but we didn’t do anything wrong I always asked my parents not to feel sad. We are under Baba’s Protection; He will take care of us and Reveal the truth to everybody.

Nobody understood our situation. My uncle has helped us many times in the past and my parent’s respecting all this didn’t fight for money. But he spoke so harshly. I prayed Baba to Help and save us from this situation. We were patient for 10 years. To repay Bank loan my dad wanted to sell our old plot but Government wanted to buy the plot at a low rate. We were locked. By Baba’s Grace my uncle gave back our money without arguing. Government bought our plot at a good rate. We were able to pay back the loan. By Baba’s Grace our family members realize the truth and started speaking with us. Always Pray Him and don’t Forget Baba. He Is Always with us guiding and protecting us. Thank You Baba for Being with us and protecting us. Koti Koti Namaskaaram Baba. We will always be at Your feet Baba. We Love You Baba. Be always With Us. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam.

Sai’s Miracles At My Work Place

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi this is a small devotee of Sai.
I have posted my struggles earlier and Baba gave me the courage to overcome all. I was trembling in my personal and official life. I prayed Baba to save me. After few months being jobless, I was offered a reputable designation in a big organization. I thanked Baba every moment for the offer. I put all my efforts in my workplace, surrendering myself to Baba. In Q & A site, He gave me the answer of being selected amongst thousands. Yes Indeed, I was selected among many talented colleagues for a higher level project. I always had an instinct of Baba guiding me. Thank You so much Baba. At times I wonder am I completely surrendering myself to Baba, as my thoughts wander about personal problems every time. Baba, guide me to have You in my thoughts each and every time. You have never let me down until now. And You know my current crisis in personal life, I am completely into Your holy feet. Your blessings are all that makes me live every day. Om Sairam.

Baba Is Always With Me

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi I am small devotee of Baba from India.
First of all I would like to say a BIG SORRY to Baba because I keep postponing the narration of His experiences. I have a habit of asking Baba either through chits or through Q/A website. Recently I got an alliance; I liked that guy very much. I prayed Baba only if He feels that he was suitable for me then He should take it forward; else to please remove him from my mind. When I asked Baba about this, always I used to get NO kind of answers and at the end that alliance did not go well. Now at my work, these days, I am feeling very stressful. Please help me to get out of this situation. Recently my mobile got switched-off and did not turn on. I prayed Baba if it works then I will post my experience. I get answers from Him in some or the other form when I ask for. Baba, please get me married soon. Please send an alliance that suits me. Please.

Laptop Repaired By Baba

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all the Sai devotees.
Some months ago my laptop screen started showing black line. The length of line started increasing. After some days it was all over the screen. I searched on internet and it was written that it has to be replaced and there is no possibility of repair. I was so disappointed. I started praying to Baba to make it fine but then forgot about it. After some months when I used it the line started to disappear and within one month the screen was all clear. This is such a sweet and big miracle of Baba. I am so thankful to You Saima.

Also two days back one of my friend’s laptop crashed and he had to do very important office work on it. We sincerely prayed to Baba and as always He saved us from disappointing the client. He made the laptop work on its own without repair. He always helps His devotees. Please bless all of us. We love You. Om Sairam.

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Sai Baba Answers Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi All, I’m from Hyderabad, India. I’m one of the countless devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba.
Om Sairam. I work for an IT company and we have developed software for internal recruitment purpose with the help of a developer. For the last 3 days, that software has been not working well and my manager was back of me blaming for the non-functionality of the software. I prayed our Deva to help me in this and promised that I would share this experience as soon as soon as the software started working normal. By the grace of our Deva, it has started functioning well and here I’m sharing my experience as per my promise. Deva please bless all with healthy life. Om Sairam, Om Sairam.

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  1. Dearest Baba please cure mum. Please give my sibling peace and faith to know that the cancer will never return and let the scan be clear. Please let the hair grow back. Please cure R and me of our issues. Please take care of my family and relatives and friends. Will you bless us all with faith and courage and patience please. Shower your grace on us Babai. Forgive me for my harsh and unkind words I am so sorry please forgive me and my family. Thank you for being with us always always. Om Sai Ram.

  2. om sri sai ram
    please forgive me. i did not forget you. i was upset appa.
    please bless us with hale, healthy n beautiful baby. amma i know i didnt do some work which i promised. i will definitely follow appa. please bless us all. please keep my brother n sis in law happy. the misunderstanding should go away.
    please baba . please bless everyone
    om sri sai ram
    allah malik

  3. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima,please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba.please don't let them suffer from bp and diabetes Sai pa.make me the study well saipa.take care of my grandparents baba.make us visit shree dwaraka Balaji swami soon ayyappa sairakshakk saisaranam.we are at the verge please help baba

  4. Baba thank you so much for saving my father from great mishappening,thank you for making my application submit..really every darkness is evading me again.and this time I feel like it will disappear with my death only.all is in your hands only baba.pleasr show my father some path

  5. To the lady with toxic mother(Nirgu Sai on 21.6.19 experience). Sai won’t let this situation go on forever. He won’t allow her to drain you of your positivity, he’ll give you the strength to deal with her until she is out of your life. Hang on there. Dearest Father please help this lady and her siblings. Give them the strength of mind and faith to get through this period. Om Sai Ram.

  6. om sai ram today is my daughters birthday.please bless her with long with her.sai baba bless my with us

  7. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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