Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Baba My Saviour

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Baba, please fulfil my only wish for life. Sairam all! Hi Hetalji, I was just impressed by this blog and your work behind this. I wish this blog should be like this forever just making everyone strong by the experiences shared through this blog. I am a 22 year old girl, just completed my studies last year and preparing for competitive exams. I am a deep devotee of Baba and if any small thing happens to me, I just think that Baba had done that to me. To be frank, I hadn’t believed in God at the start. I used to just pray to Baba for my small wishes to be fulfilled and if that happened then I would do this. My prayers were of this type at the start. But my Baba, He fulfilled my every single small wish. Then I realised that Baba is always there with me to help. He blessed me many times by showing His presence. I will share those experiences for sure on the experience page.

That was 2019 January, I was in the final year of my B.Tech. Then my love came to me. Actually, he is my best friend from the first year itself. I treated him as my best friend but he already was in love with me. But he never forced me or never made me uncomfortable by expressing his feelings towards me. He honestly waited for me. Finally, he proposed to me in January, 2019. I felt so happy to invite him into my life as my life partner. From then, we were very happy with our love towards each other. He used to treat me as his mother; he cared for me as if I am a child. Such a great love I got from him. I used to think that I was damn so lucky to have his love, his company with me and I wished that should be forever with me. But suddenly we got some disturbances in our love life. Suddenly, one day, he said that this relationship should be ended. I was shocked to hear that and begged him a lot not to do that. But, he said that some situations were making him do that. Whatever might be the situations, our relationship shouldn’t end here. I can say one thing, he still loves me but he is not expressing it towards me thinking that if he showed the same love towards me, then if anything goes wrong it would be so horrible for both of us to bear it. He wants me to be happy in my life and for my happiness he is being away from me. I think this could be a very rare situation that no one should face. I don’t know what he was thinking in his mind, but all I can say is, I will be happy in my life if he is with me forever and I am damn sure.

It’s been five months that we are away from our love. It’s really horrible for me to bear all my feelings towards him just in my heart. I am in a great fear that this distance between us will be forever. I am begging Baba to please remove this distance between us and reunite us and make us stay together life long without any disturbances. Baba, I know You are listening to my prayers and I am sure that all my prayers will definitely be answered by You. I am just following Your two valuable words – “Shraddha” and “Saburi”. Please reunite me with my loved person and make us get married with each other and be happy in our life. He is everything to me Baba, You know that. Baba this is my only wish for life and you know that Baba. I have full faith in You Baba that You will definitely answer my prayer. Baba knows everything and He keeps on watching everything. He is always just by our side. Whoever keeps faith in Baba and prays Him with full love; He will surely make their prayers come true through His kind blessings. Bless me Baba and make my lifetime wish to come true. Om Sairam.

Baba Blessed Me To Get A Car

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: My post is about how Baba blessed me to get a Jaguar car immediately after Thursday’s Pooja. I am Sri from the USA. I am a Sai Baba devotee for the past few years. Baba did show His blessing and I posted few but none got posted.

I always dreamt of getting a luxury car but my financial position was not allowing me and my family members also didn’t want me to invest more. When I went on a drive in my friend’s car or saw my friends driving luxury cars this desire of me always popped up.

Last year around August this desire was strong and flashes were always coming. I was doing a group prayan near my house with a small group of Sai devotees. I used to go to their house every Thursday and we did pooja and read 1 chapter. Before that Thursday, I went to local showrooms in my place. I like Jaguar and that dealer was responding well. He told me there was one colour and one model for my budget as they were more higher end versions.

On Thursday, when I went to Sai Pooja I asked Baba to show me the right place, right car and good deal, money etc. if He feels that I took the right decision and I need to get a car now. Suddenly next day i.e. Friday my mind told me to call the dealers in other states and one dealer replied to me to come on Friday evening itself to see the car. None of my family members were willing to do it. I went to my pooja room, prayed Baba and started to go there. When I reached there, the sales person was not that good but at least approachable and he showed me a few models. I asked him for finance but they told me I get finance because of my visa status in the USA. I felt a bit dejected but again I prayed to Baba. Then suddenly they told me that I could buy it and that they would reduce the amount. Then by getting some help from my friends the next day I booked the car. I wanted black but there was a red car and finally that was only having all the facilities I wanted. I thought maybe Baba wanted me to get red and got my car. Thank You so much Baba.

I am suffering from hand pain recently, Baba please cure it. I couldn’t see my love for a few months and now please make that person come to see me. Jai Sairam. My love’s name also starts with Sai so I don’t forget my Sai anytime. Please show me a good house within a month to buy next to my love’s place. Whenever I call my love’s name, I feel Sai is in their form. Thank You Sai Baba.

Thank You Baba

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee says: Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha. Bow to Sree Sai, peace be to all. I am 54 years old. I got Baba’s Drishtanth when I was 14 years. I have such a lot of experiences and yet experiencing many. One of such experiences would like to share.

My husband met with a road traffic accident in 2010 and had a head injury. He was in a coma for a week and hospitalized for a month. It was 23rd Jan 2010, Saturday evening; he was returning back from work on a two wheeler and met with an accident on the main highway. Two passersby stopped their vehicle, put him on their vehicle and took him to Fortis hospital, Mulund. They told the police that they would take care. One of them called me and informed me. It was evening and heavy traffic. It took us three hours to reach the hospital, though it was just 45 minutes. Doctor was known to me and explained to keep my fingers crossed and that all was in the hands of God.

It was late night and my brother-in-laws told me to return back home and that they would be in the hospital. Though with a heavy heart came back home, went off to sleep (could not). It was 2 am and the dog (stray) began to cry and I thought things had come to an end. Believe me, again my Saviour- Baba, gave me a Drishtant, could see my husband lying on his lap and Baba caressing his head and telling me Don’t worry, he is resting, will be back to you same as before.Believe me every Wednesday there would be complications and Thursdays he would be fine. He came back home, though the doctor said that he may forget the past, not recognize people and he would be like a new baby to do everything in bed. Yes, the doctor was partially correct.
Believe me my Vaitheswaran- My Baba, gave him all his memories and he is fit as any normal human being. Even today writing this my eyes are full of water. He is my Matah, Pitah, Guru and Deyvam.

Sai Miracle

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Subhashini from India says: Om Sairam to all the Sai devotees. My name is Subhashini from Hyderabad. Pranam Hetalji. This is the third time that I am posting my experience on this blog. There is no limit to the happiness I get while reading and sharing our dear Sai Baba’s miracles. I could only see the first experience posted; the second experience did not get posted. I am not sure if it went through or not as I submitted it through the phone.

I have been a Sai devotee from 1998 and feel blessed to get His blessings and witness the day to day miracles that happen in my life by Baba. Coming to my recent experience; off late we have been facing a lot of health issues at home and back to back problems. We have wanted to perform Ganesha Homam and Satyanaryanan Vratam. We had checked with Swamy and fixed the date of Puja. It was close to 10 days of my period and I didn’t want to take any medicine as I had taken recently during Diwali time and I was not sure if I should be taking it or not.

I requested Baba to help us in performing the Puja without any obstacles and here we go. We were able to perform the puja without any obstacles and attained complete satisfaction. I promised Baba that I would post this miracle immediately and I was able to do it with His blessings. I am yet to share a few more miracles and by Baba’s grace hoping I will do it without delay. Thank You Baba for all Your mercy and blessings on us. Om Sairam.

You Are Mine Sai

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Sai’s Daughter, His little Chidiya. (Sai’s little sparrow) To me, Sai Baba is everything to me. He is mere(my) Sai Baba. Hetalji and her team are angels of Sai Baba helping us to reach Him. Thank you for your goodness.

Every day my beloved Deva is showing His presence in one or other way. I never ever want to forget Him even for a minute and He assures me that will not happen from His side also. I really, really love him a lot. This is my very tiny experience yet I have promised Deva that I will express my gratitude for His mercy and so here it is.

I keep my things always at their proper place and very rarely change them. Once I wanted my jade bracelet and earrings. I opened drawers and searched for it. It has to be there but it was not there. How strange! Again and again I searched but no luck. Then I remembered this blog and so many people’s experiences and requested my Deva to please help me find and that I will also write it here to let everyone know His kindness. Believe me within a few minutes I found them. So my dear Sai devotees just pray for His blessings and you will never be disappointed. Deva be with me, my family, and all who come to You. Bless everyone forever and ever want to be Your little sparrow. Deva, mere Sai krupa karo (my Sai shower Your grace).

Sai Helped Me Again

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UAE says: I am a small female devotee from Dubai. Great thanks to Hetalji and her team for the wonderful work.

Coming to my experience: My son is studying in the USA. After Graduation international students have to apply for an opt card to work or to do an internship in the USA. My son also applied. I started doing 9 Guruvar fasts and one day my husband asked a question in question answer book of Sai. Answer was, “today he will get a job” and really the same day he got an internship in a very good company. But he has to wait for an opt card.

I was praying Sai day and night to get him that card as the Internship Company had mailed him to join. With Sai’s grace before completing 9 Guruvar fasting, he received an OPT card and joined the date asked by the Company for internship. I had promised Sai to post this experience. He joined this month.

Sai please bless my family always. Please Baba bless my son and guide him to do masters or job in future and accordingly always help him in future. One more request Baba, I am still waiting to receive a job offer. You know Sai what situation I am going through. Please help me get a good job. Please Baba You know everything.

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  1. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  2. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  3. Baba please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba and we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa make. Cure saips

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