Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Ritwik from India says: Sai Sai : This is Ritwik Sai Gajendra, Baba’s kid Who is the Mother of mothers! Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai…!
These experiences are about our Saimaa coming to our rescue whenever needed even before calling Him and being un-swerved in faith, no matter what life threw at you!
The First experience is about my daughter having a cough and cold a week back during this Covid pandemic. Though I was sure that it was a simple cough and cold, it was not getting subsided but was getting worse to the extent that the KG student wasn’t even able to sleep, because as and when she was lying down to sleep, her cough used to become prominent.
It was heart tearing at times as we knew that approaching a doctor wasn’t much feasible, that too in our vicinity! But the very next moment, she kept praying to Baba and kept applying Udi to her forehead, throat and kept giving it mixed with water.
The high tide of this cough and cold continued for 4-5 days and then suddenly, one night, while I was about to complete a chapter from Shri Sai Satcharitra, a thought came to me of reciting Lord Shri Sai Kashta Nivarana Mantra twice. I often do that for a baby girl residing above our floor whenever I hear her crying like anything in the midst of night. [Give to receive without expecting to receive.]
And then did one more recital similarly. I also prayed and vowed to do posting and sharing Baba’s leelas with all His kids!
Baba has also been blessing us a lot by appearing in my dreams quite frequently with all of your blessings! And every dream had a teaching.
Would also request and recommend all His kids to be brave and confident during these Covid times and not to focus much on it while definitely be taking necessary preventions, also like sprinkling Udi water or wheat flour mixed with Udi on the border of your homes, societies, feeding jaggery and wheat to cows, reciting Sai Sai and Sai Gayatri Mantra, Also, Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam, Om Shri Sai Aarogyakshema daya Namha, And Mahamrityunjay Mahamantra, all for 9 times. Once practised, you may complete all of them within 10 minutes but would get the energy for 24 hours and even beyond!
Also, learn to endure during these times with families, take to namjaap but don’t react so as to hurt or get your point across. He will take care! He knows when?
As we all know Baba says, “Why fear when I am here?”
Second experience is about my daughter’s online classes : Her school was conducting half an hour online classes for KG students but my internet was getting through and I even missed a session owing to poor connectivity. While I asked my team to perform a due diligence, we found out that the concerned app utilizes more space than other similar nature apps. We wrote to the Principal and the Admission Coordinator and suggested some viable options, and then with Baba’s grace, we got to connect even via using hotspot, definitely, after reciting the Lord Shri Sai Baba Kashta Nivarana Mantra and applying Udi to the mobile!
Third experience is about the remote control of the AC at our place. Though summers are pleasant this time, thanks to the obvious, we just tried our AC remote and it was not functioning, we tried changing battery and all but still the same results. And we were particularly not in favour of calling an electrician (with all due respect) to our home owing to the current situation. But then with Baba’s inspiration, visited a shopping complex about 4-5 miles away and tried at the shops facing the main road but to no avail.
Then suddenly, Baba inspired me to visit shops located inside the complex as well which one wouldn’t try otherwise as the adjacent shops other than the front row shops were also closed, leaving alone the shops located inside.
Yes, you are thinking right! As somebody was guiding me inside (Who else), I started following a very particular track inside the complex (am not still well versed with the shopping complex) and then met our Bhole Baba in the form a calendar (the Omnipresent Omniscient Shirdi Sansthan Idol Picture)outside a small electric services shop!
He guided me to a shop diagonally opposite to it (these 2 were the only open shops in those rows) and finally the remote control got repaired at a decent charge whereas at one point we were even told to buy a new remote or to get the AC itself inspected!
His leelas are His leelas! Once you get His guidance, give your brain to the nearest dustbin as He has your heart and soul, You and Him are the same so you will have His brain, learn to surrender first!
Fourth and last Experience from this post is about my mobile’s network services (lot of appliances experiences you see : Had earlier posted an experience on Doctor of doctors, this very well seem to be Engineer of engineers but since He is light years of light years above these petty synonyms, have marked this post as Mother of mothers!) Got over-billed (15 times of the normal monthly bill) by my network provider, have yet to receive my corrected bill, but got my internet and outgoing barred which is now resumed yet again by His grace (submitting this experience, today on my parents’ marriage anniversary, from mobile).
This gave me an opportunity to be more humble, more self-reliant, connect with the family (near and distant) more and was a sweet and memorable experience amidst lockdown!
Every cloud has a silver lining! You will see it only when you see clouds first, hence accept with confidence on Baba, every such dark clouds and keep giving your best and let our Sai Mommy do the rest!
“Why fear when I am here?”
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am just a human who tries to place Baba always in my heart and mind. Dear devotees, I am just a small devotee of Baba. In 2014/15 I had a relationship issue. So I was so depressed. Somehow somewhere I got to know about Baba and His 3 Thursday vrat. I bought a book from a local shop and started doing the vrat. I was doing it but I could not do it properly. And being so frustrated I kind of started being fed up with Baba. I was ignorant about the Sai Satcharitra, all the miracles Baba did, and all life stories of Baba. I thought not to pray to Him anymore. But who are we to decide what to do or what not to do. It’s the Almighty Who decides.
Again life took such a turn that I had to take shelter of Baba again. I have started doing 7 Guruvaar Vrat of Baba. I am trying my best to do all necessary things for vrat. I have faith in Baba. But till now I have never seen Him in my dream as I always request Him for this. I had not witnessed any miracles of Baba yet. But one thing happened.
One night while sleeping I thought in my mind that I will see Baba in green vastra tomorrow. I am a member of Shirdi Sai Baba whatsapp group and receive all updates from Shirdi along with photos and 4 aratis. When I woke up the next morning I saw Baba in green clothes in whatsapp group in a photo from Kakkad arati. Again the same night I slept in a hope to see Baba tomorrow in red clothes. That also came true. And one more time I wished for white clothes and that also came true the next morning. I felt very happy. I thought maybe Baba is accepting me as a son of Him. I do 4 arati everyday. I have downloaded arati songs of all 3. Except Night shej arati I play from youtube. Every night at 9pm when I go for arati, that shej arati song always appears as the first video of youtube but in day time it never comes ever.
Baba I have started this vrat with a great hope upon You and this sankalp of vrat of mine is kind of impossible one. But only an Almighty can make it possible. Baba please help me. Things also have started happening as per I wished. Thank You Baba. I will post again when that sankalp will be fulfilled completely. I love You my Sai. Om Sri SaiSankaray Namo Namo. Om Namah Shivay. Jay Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Kenya says: Hi everyone. I’m a small devotee of our Baba from Kenya. Thank you Hetalji and team for this site.
I had misplaced my ID card and driving license one day and I remember checking in my bag for a few days but I didn’t find it. I was getting worried because if I lost them it would bring many issues and I would not be able to drive also or do anything. On top of that my dad would get very angry at me. So I prayed to Baba that please help me find them and when I checked in my bag again I found both my ID and license. Thank You Sai.
Another experience: Yesterday my mum was not feeling well and she had Kidney stones previously and so she was very worried that she would have to undergo surgery again. I prayed to Sai that please make the pain go and make her feel better and she did. But Baba again today it has started and she is not feeling well, Sai please make sure it is not anything major. Please make sure it is something minor and it gets sorted with medicines.
Sai thank You so much for everything You have given us. Thank You for helping me in the situation I was really worried about before which You know about. Baba You know my fears and things I am worried about, please help me. Please always keep him safe and healthy and everyone else that I care about. Om Sairam please end this virus soon. Nothing is impossible for You Sai. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee for more than 15 years. I would like to mention that the experiences shared by devotees makes me stay positive everyday. I believe faith can move mountains. Hence faith in Baba is the most important aspect of our life. We all are lucky to have Baba’s blessings on us.
Coming to my experience I would like to mention that my wife always has pain when she gets up in the morning. Almost every day I pray to Baba to cure her and after sometime she feels good. Few days back she was feeling very restless as pain was very disturbing. I invoked Baba’s name and chanting Om Sai Rakshak Sarnam I prayed from the bottom of my heart to cure her. I chanted 108 times and had promised to post once she gets cured. Sorry I am late in posting but as promised I am doing it without any delay. Bow to Sri Sai peace be to all.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from South Africa says: My post is about how Baba answered my prayers/request. Om Sairam! I’m a member of MP 4215. I want to share my personal experience of Baba’s miracle.
My son had broken my TV by accident. My TV was very expensive so I was hurt and upset. I was scared that our insurance might not pay because a child threw something at it. I prayed to Baba to please let our insurance pay for it and that I will put it on the group. Today our insurance called and told us that they are willing to pay for the TV. It’s by Baba’s grace. Baba is listening to us. Just have faith because I kept the faith when I prayed. I knew Baba wouldn’t let me down.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: One night I had an important work to do and all of sudden the electricity went off. My kids were also not able to sleep because the inverter was also not working. Then I prayed Baba for making the electricity come and promised to post the leela here. For some time it did not come and after I had given up my hopes immediately the electricity was back. Baba wanted to instil patience also in me. Dear devotees please don’t lose hope. Baba is working on our problems; all we need to work on is our patience level. Thank You Baba. Jai Sairam.
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Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa cure him baba cure everuyone we arw atthe verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Sai will this darkmess leave me only by my death..These thoughts will never leave me… Baba you hoped you to change me… I know i am nothing for you hai na sai
Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.