Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

I am With You

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Namaste! Let me narrate about Baba rather than introducing myself. Om Sairam! I bow to the divine feet of Baba. He is our guide, our mentor. We are privileged to walk under His guidance. I want to narrate one of my experiences which happened in 2014.

I worked in a night shift and was facing huge mental torture. My days were filled with heavy snores and nights full of darkness. My only ray of hope was Baba. I used to visit Baba’s shrine every Thursday right after my night shift got over which was 6 am in the morning but I did not ask anything to Him. I used to come home take bath and do my regular pooja. I did everything to get rid of the night shift and get a good opportunity which would make my life more meaningful but everything went in vain.

I had a habit of reading experiences of devotees on a page started by Hetal Patilji before going to bed. One fine day while I was trying to sleep after reading the experiences I heard a voice right inside my eardrum saying “I am with you.” I was stunned, opened my eyes wide, and saw everywhere found none. It was Baba trying to give hope to a person who was so short-sighted and forgot the greatness of the divine Guru.

After that incident, I started doing Nine Sai Guruvar vrat without any wish because I knew He will take care. My son was conceived during the vrat. He is a divine child having the light of Baba on his face. Then my life took a huge turn. One fine day I was lying down when my phone rang. I picked up and heard a voice that he was calling from so and so organization and if I was interested in working with them. My happiness knew no bounds as the opportunity which I was looking for came searching for me and it was a call from the biggest company in this world. I went for the interview and need not say that I was selected for the same by the grace of Baba.

I urge each and every devotee to have firm faith in Baba. Devotion should always be free from too many wishes. We should be humble in our devotion. Donate to get what you are worth of.

Oh divine Sadguru, Oh merciful Baba guide us to always walk on the righteous path. You are the One under Whom I find solace and happiness. Thank You for everything Baba.

Yours truly,


Got Pregnant With Baba’s Blessings

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Vidya Vijayan from the USA says: Om Sairam! I have been a member of the Mahaparayan group since December 2019. I became an ardent devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba after my marriage. My husband and mother-in-law inspired me to follow this path. It is for my visa interview that we went to Chennai and the evening of interview day I and my husband visited Shirdi Sai Baba temple (I for the very first time visited Baba’s shrine)in Chennai and prayed for the successful completion of visa proceedings without any hassle. After coming to the United States my husband led me to the nearby temple where every Thursday, Baba’s Arati and Sai Bhajans are taken place. We used to visit every Thursday until the recent lockdown and temple closure. These Bhajans and satsangs really made to know Baba deeper.

My mother-in-law suggested I read Sai Satcharitra every day (like one chapter per day). This made me even more attached to Sai Baba. I have been yearning to get pregnant and have a child at these times. Every month I get desperate by not being able to be pregnant till January. But I strongly believed in Baba and submitted my prayers for a baby to Baba. In February I decided to do Namaspatah for my husband. I was able to complete that. After that, I did another Namasaptaah for my sister. But I always kept my wish for a child in my inner heart. In the meantime, I had a dream in night’s sleep that Baba came to my home and holding my arms tightly that everything is going to be okay and that strong holding of hand was a reassurance for me from Baba that He is answering my prayers. I was planning to do next Namasaptah for me to get pregnant. But surprisingly even before doing that third Namasapatah my inner desire for a baby. By March 3rd, I got to know that I am pregnant. Baba granted my wish; the greatest blessing I could ever get! For me, Baba is my father. Baba is always with us. Jai Sairam!

Baba Is Always There Wherever You Are

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: I would like to remain anonymous. I am basically from the US and have been Baba’s bhakt for almost 10 years.

I was not feeling well after the COVID lockdown. I had a severe throbbing headache and also consulted a doctor through virtual call but nothing worked out. I was praying that if I can get an appointment with a good doctor and suddenly they started considering new patients and I got an appointment with a good doctor. She explained that it would be because of sinus and stress together and prescribed some medicine but it took time for me to recover.

I understood that only Baba can help me. So I started and drinking Udi water daily. The throbbing pain came down drastically. Thanks to Baba. I had also asked Baba in the question answer site and He had asked me to donate chillum both the time when asked and I did it and I prayed Baba to give a sign that He accepted it. Wonders of wonders Baba came to my dream that day and gave me a packet of Udi. I was so, so happy. Baba always proved that He is with us all the time wherever we are. We just need to have Shraddha and Saburi.

Baba please keep Your blessings on me all the time like this and please save all of this COVID thing. Love You Sai. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam!

Baba’s Leela

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from India. Om Sairam! I connected with Baba in 2009. Baba helped me a lot. With Baba’s blessings, I got a government job. When I went to interview by bus; on that bus there was Baba’s photo. When I deposited my TA form there was also a Baba’s frame. I cleared all the steps and got a government job. Baba is always with us.

Another experience: My sister-in-law (devrani) did not talk with me and I felt uncomfortable. Don’t know why she did not talk with me? I prayed Baba to please help as I did not want any argument with her and to please maintain good relations. I vowed to Baba that if she would talk with me then I will share my experience and lo she talked with me. Thank You Sai Maa! Please help me to conceive. Om Sairam!

Baba Helped In My Son’s Admission

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: This incident dates back to 2017. I was very worried about my son’s admission in a good school. I was very confused about the selection keeping in mind the criteria for the distance from home to school. Then finally Baba guided me through chits. He also gave His guidance through a dream to confirm my faith. To support the dream I came across a picture message and everything happened as per the dream, chits, and picture message. Really Baba is great. Although getting admission was tough as I was applying for L.K.G and not nursery or pre-nursery. With respect to very limited seats and the reputation of that school, Baba made the impossible as possible showing His presence multiple times beyond our intellect. Thank You, Baba. Love You. Sorry for the late posting. Please trust in Baba He will answer all your prayers. Have faith and patience.

Baba Helped Me At Work

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello, I am a tiny devotee from Hyderabad, India. I am a software engineer by profession. Recently I have shifted company and then this pandemic started. We were given work from home. Since I was new to this project, my work was always getting delayed. But many times Baba came to rescue me. Yesterday there was an issue at work and I pleaded Baba to solve this before my TL questioned me. And today morning I connected with one of my colleagues and found a solution to it. Baba always shows results in mysterious ways. I promised Baba that if the issue gets solved then I will post this experience. Thank You, Baba. Please be with me forever Baba.

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