Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Babaji Relieved Me Of My Tensions

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Namaste Hetalji, team members and dear Sai Family. I am a regular reader of this blog. I want to share a few more experiences of our merciful Baba which I promised to share to our loving Baba.

1) Baba made sure of my comfort during the exam schedule – I had two exams each of two hours with a reporting time of one hour on the same day. The centre for both the exams was the same but there was a gap of two and a half hours between both the exams. The exam centre was quite far from my home so I couldn’t even go back for some rest during this gap. Also there was no facility of shade or sitting area at the centre. I was in a fix about how I would manage in this hot summer with two shifts. But why should we worry when our Baba is there for us?

I prayed to Babaji for a smooth schedule and luckily one of my friends works nearby that centre and resides near my home. Somehow the schedule was arranged so beautifully that I didn’t face a single discomfort or tension. She picked me up for the morning shift (as she too had office hours from 9 to 2 pm), dropped me at the centre, and wrote my first shift. She picked me up again from the centre and I spent a two and a half hour gap at her AC office. We had lunch together and by the end of her office timing, it was my time for the second shift. She dropped me back to the centre and left for her home and my father picked me up at the end of the session. Baba so beautifully executed His plan for this ignorant child!

Also on the exam day when I opened Sai Satcharitra randomly for Baba’s guidance for the day, I got the chapter where Baba ensured travel arrangement for Bapugir Buva. My eyes specifically fell on these lines “Chinta mat karo, tumhara sab prabandh ho jayega(Don’t worry, all your arrangements would be made).” I was then and there sure that my Baba had already arranged everything for me and was relieved of tension. Om Sairam!

2) Again a few days later I had an exam and the centre was even far than the previous centre I mentioned. It was a two hour journey to and fro from my home. Problem was that this time both my father and brother were out of station. I again prayed to our loving Baba, went alone for my paper, reached and gave the exam successfully and returned home. Baba through His loving guidance and careful watch helped this child to give her exam properly. Om Sairam!

3) My medical test results came normal – Since one and a half year, I was noticing little enlargement on the left side of my neck. I was afraid that I might have any thyroid disorder. I consulted the doctor and he too confirmed the enlargement and wrote an ultrasound, cbc and thyroid test. He asked me for certain symptoms which I totally lacked, neither pain nor any discomfort; nothing. I went for my tests and results came the same day. TSH was normal, haemoglobin level was little low and small colloidal nodules were detected in the neck. When I showed reports to the doctor, he said that there was nothing to worry and no medications were required. I was relieved a lot. Also the results were already given on the same day but the doctor didn’t give my diagnosis online even after several pursuits. Due to Covid I didn’t want to visit the crowded clinic again. Baba again came to my rescue and after requests I got my diagnosis on Thursday next week.

I am sharing this experience because I had promised Baba that if I got my report normal then I will share this with my Sai Family. Thank You Baba for protecting me. Om Sairam!

4) Baba relieved me of my pain – Today I was feeling weak and pain in legs and abdomen as I was about to have my periods. I never have these pains but I don’t know since 3 months I am facing such pain repeatedly. I prayed Baba, chanted “Om Shri Sai Aarogyakshedaaye Namaha” and ate a pinch of Udi. My loving Baba relieved me of my pain within five minutes. Baba, bless everyone with love, happiness and prosperity. Please protect everyone with Your loving grace during this pandemic. May Baba bless everyone. Om Sairam!

Why Fear When Sai Maa Is Here

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! Koti Koti Pranam Baba. Thank you team for the beautiful platform and all devotees for sharing Baba’s experiences. In my last post I shared a few experiences and how Baba saved my phone from a hot liquid container. Thank You so much Baba. Now that sound problem is also resolved automatically without taking it to the shop.

Two days back, it was 4th October Thursday. Suddenly in the evening my body temperature increased and I was feeling fever. Somehow I managed to finish my prayer. Always I read Sai Satcharitra chapter wise but that day one thought came to my mind that I will randomly open a page. When I opened it landed on the 18-19th chapter. In the last paragraph, it was written how Baba saved Radhakrishnan Mai from fever. I felt Baba’s blessings that time which multiplied my faith. I was confident that Baba would surely cure. It so happened. I applied Udi and chanted Baba’s name. Next morning I was totally fine. What a miracle, I cannot express fully.

Thank You Baba. Please save this World also Baba. We always need You. Om Shree Sai Nathay Namah. Jay Shree Sairam.

Baba Cured The Pain In My Mother’s Body

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been an ardent devotee of Sai for the last 16 years. I would like to tell all the devotees that wholeheartedly pray Baba. Pray Him with full devotion and I can vouch He will always protect us. Even when we are going through bad times of our karmas, Baba’s protection will always take care of us.

I would like to share my experience that my mom was going through bad body pain and was feeling pretty tired. I chanted Om Sai Rakshak Sarnam 108 times and believe me the power of the mantra is immense. My mother started feeling good and slowly the pain got relieved.

My second experience is about my daughter experiencing pain in leg and joints. My wife was tensed and worried. I wholeheartedly started chanting Om Sai Rakshak Sarnam and believe me that even she felt good. Thanks a ton Baba for showering Your blessings on us. Bow to Sri Sai peace be to all.

Baba Jaan And All Gods Helped Me Again

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Europe says: Sairam to all devotees. As I promised some weeks ago I am posting my experience. Some weeks ago at my work place we found out that a girl tested Covid19 positive. We were all afraid as in our warehouse we are so many there that it could affect all of us. I prayed that if we all stay fine and no one there tests Covid positive including me then I would post this experience. Baba saved us and we were all fine.

This year because of this pandemic we could not go to India and Shirdi to be with our Dear Baba Jaan. Baba Please help us all and protect us from bad things and bad people. Since last October I have been struggling in my relationship. Need Your blessings and forgive me if I have made mistakes. I ask the team to upload a picture from my side based on my experience so that I can find some answers in my life. Sairam to all. Ganpati Bappa Morya!

Sai’s Grace

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Few days back I had posted here about my husband succeeding in giving the samples that he had committed to a client though due to lockdown it was tough, but Baba ultimately arranged everything in no time. With that post I had also prayed that if they confirm the order with us then I would post about it also here. The same happened as of now we got an order of another 1000 pieces. Hope they like our work, quality and service so that in future also they confirm the orders with us. Thank You Baba. Jai Sairam!

Sai Kripa

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small Sai devotee. I pray to Babaji to wash away my sins and make my heart clean and pure. I was having throat pain all of sudden. Since it is pandemic time I was scared. I prayed to Babaji to please cure, and as always Babaji never disappoints. My pain was fine in 2-3 days. To thank Babaji I donated a few grains.

Sai bless me that I should chant Your name till my last breath. Om Sairam.

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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Jai Sai Ram,please give me visa Saibaba today and also my mother health should be fine and all her results should be normal.Bow to your lotus feet.

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