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Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Baba’s Ways Are Unique

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji, I wish to share my second submission to this divine blog. Hope it gets published too! Thank you from the bottom of my heart that you published my earlier experience. Please keep my name and email id anonymous. Thank you.

First experience: My happiness knew no bounds when I read my first experience on this site. I was wondering that maybe it wasn’t good enough to have gotten published or maybe it was lost in so many more meaningful experiences of the other Sai bhaktas! But just a day or two ago, a thought struck me that only when Baba wants you to write, you can and only when He wants it to be published, it will! Like in the Sai Satcharitra, Hemadpant says that Sai gave different duties to different devotees. He was given the duty of writing Sai’s leelas. I thought that maybe Baba didn’t want me to write. I was so excited that night when I emailed my experience and was waiting for it to get published.

Today is the 1st of August and I came across my experience which was published on the 15th of June. Baba’s leelas are great! When I started to think that my experience wasn’t important enough to be shared and I started having self-doubt, I suddenly came across it. I do not know how I missed reading the experiences shared by the devotees on the 15th of June. I feel as though Baba has forgiven me once again and blessed me. He taught me ‘Saburi’ and self-worth through this.
I have a few more experiences to share.

I had a dream, and, in my dream, I saw Baba. This was maybe sometime in the month of January or February this year. I remember the dream vividly. I go to a temple and I see three figurines of Baba – one where Baba is sitting and the other two where He is standing. All were big, nice, white marble idols of Baba, way bigger than me. I looked like a little kid there. All the figurines are lying close to each other and I am looking at the standing Baba figurine, completely awestruck! Suddenly, one of the standing Baba figurines moves and Baba’s arm embraces me just like a father saying to his daughter, ‘I’m there, don’t be afraid.’ Baba did not say anything to me; He just looked at me, embraced me and smiled. It was as though He was reassuring me that don’t worry everything will be fine. My daughter’s board exams were around the corner and I was stressed as any normal mother would be. Possibly that was Baba’s way of just letting me know that don’t fear I’m here!

Second experience: When I dropped my daughter for her chemistry exam, she was a bit nervous. I was driving back home after dropping her and I told Baba to please ensure that her exam goes well. And if that happens, then show me a sign before I reach home. Our house is not very far from her school and on the way, I saw an auto with Sai Ram written on it. It was as though Baba had only sent it for me. She got good marks in that paper with Baba’s grace. Thank You Sai Maa. I have no words to thank You Deva.

Third experience: I wanted to be a part of the MahaParayan group but had no idea how to go about it. Only when Baba thought that I was ready, I could register for the same. Now I was waiting to be a part of the MP group. A thought occurred to me that I wish my group number would add up to number 9 which is also my birthday number. And lo! I am a part of MP-5085N1. We started the MahaParayan on the 30th of July. It’s unimaginable how Baba functions. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. He has His ways. I am truly blessed to be a Baba devotee.

Please shower Your blessings on everyone Baba. Please protect everyone from this pandemic and please take this deadly virus away from this beautiful planet so that all of us can live happily and normally Baba.

How can I end this without thanking Hetalji and team for this wonderful platform where we can share and read the leelas of Baba. May He always bless you all. Bow to Shri Sai. Peace be to all.

Sai Gives Strength

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from New Zealand says: I am really blessed to be part of this divine Satcharitra group. Sai gives strength to everyone. Sai You are our Father, Mother, Brother, Sister and everything to us. Sai, You know that we are looking for houses and by Your blessings we had finalized for one of the properties, but still waiting for the response from our current landlord. Sai, I know this is Your leela to test our faith and patience. Sai, today my husband is going to talk to them to finalize it. Sai, gives us strength and makes our landlord understand our situation. Sai makes them find good tenants as well. Sai, whatever You give us is for our happiness. I have complete trust in You. You give us the best. Om Sairam.

Sai You know that my parents are going to visit my sibling and their family. Sai You know what they are going through. Sai gives them strength to sort out the things peacefully without any tension. Sai You know my parents are going through a lot of stress due to this. Financially we are facing a lot of difficulties but still You are making things get sorted out. Sai You know that financially even we are facing some difficult times as well as my siblings too. Sai gives us strength. Feel so bad for my parents. I want them to be happy. Have left everything at Your lotus feet Sai. Om Sairam.

Sai You know that our mama has not talked to us for three months. We don’t know the exact reason. Sai please make him talk to us. It’s really hurting. We really are not able to understand why he stopped talking to us. Make him realize that life is too short. Sai You know everything and make things go in a smooth way. Sai be by their side and take care of their health. Om Sairam.

Sai, our friend is hospitalized once again. I am feeling really bad for that person. Sai, make him healthy and normal like before. Make his surgery successful. Give their family strength to overcome these hurdles.

Sai, bless me with a job that gives me satisfaction. Sai You know about me. I have complete trust in You. You will give me the best. This delay for my career is also for a purpose and You know what is right and when is the right time to give me the job.

Sai, bless everyone with a good and happy life. Make everyone realize that whatever difficulties or hurdles they are facing is just a phase of life. It’s not going to last forever.

Please fellow devotees have complete faith and trust in Sai. He never fails and puts you down in any situation. Sai Baba experiences websites and a mere Sai serial has brought a lot of changes in my life. Sai You are showing Your presence in our day to day life. Sai You are my strength and You are my life.

Om Sairam!

Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam

Om Sai Arogyakshemadhaya Namaha

Om Sai Teerthaya Namaha

Baba Is Always With Me

Sai Baba Answers | Shirdi Sai Baba Grace Blessings | Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela | Sai Baba's Help | Real Experiences of Shirdi Sai Baba | Sai Baba Quotes | Sai Baba Pictures |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai! Sairam everyone. May Baba’s grace be on all of us. I am married and live in US with my two daughters. My husband and I don’t have any relationship. I live with him just for the sake of my daughter. Baba is the one Who is always with me showing the right way during the toughest of the toughest situations in my life.

Baba blessed me with a good job when my husband left me and kids for some time and went to India. Without Baba’s guidance I wouldn’t have survived. Now he is back but doesn’t take care of us. Now my sincere and humble prayers to Baba is to bless us with a good home. Please Baba walk with me through the process of home buying and bless us.

Recently both my daughters had to go to school for in person testing given the situation I was scared to send but Baba took care of them and was with them all the time and they did their exam well and came back. Thank You so much Baba for everything. Please be our Saviour and Protector always. Sri Sai Rakshaka Saranam.

Sai Helped In Covid Vaccination

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam. Thank you SaiYugNetwork for this wonderful platform. Don’t know what power this site has that when I desire certain things and promise to share here, it happens.

I always thought or doubted the vaccination. Baba protected me almost last year from the pandemic. My husband got it booked through his friend and we got ourselves vaccinated. By Baba’s grace we did not have any problem or trouble; neither in getting vaccinated nor after getting it. Only the left arm was a bit heavy or painful where the vaccine was injected. It was bearable. While going for the vaccine I was a bit scared but remembered Baba and felt relieved. It was my second day of periods and on the way I came to know that it is better if we take it after periods. I felt since everything was booked and Baba was there I would go ahead. I got vaccinated and did not have any major trouble. My abdomen and waist were paining but that was due to the periods as usual. So do not wait and go ahead for vaccination. It would be easy for Baba too as He has billions of His devotees to take care. Thank You Baba. Baba please help my father-in-law with the second dose and my mom to get her first dose of vaccine as they seem to be unavailable at the present moment. Why worry when You are there. I leave it to You for their vaccination. Thanks for my mother-in-law’s and dad’s vaccination (both doses) successfully. Jai Sai! Om Sairam!

Baba Always Looks After You

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am Baba’s daughter. I have experienced so many miracles. He is my everything.

With all that is going on in the world I was worried about getting my mom her vaccine. We all are at four different places. So I was praying to Baba please let me get appointments for everyone. It wasn’t easy but only because of Baba’s grace she got her vaccine done. We three also could get it only because of Baba.

Baba You have blessed me with so much. Without You I am lost. A day doesn’t go by that I haven’t called You for help.

You know it has been a very difficult journey but You have been holding my hand all throughout. Baba only You can heal him and get us out of this misery. Baba anything is possible with You by our side. You are our Saviour. Please Baba make him better. My heart hurts day and night. But I have faith in You and that’s my only hope. I will always be indebted to You Baba. Love You Baba. Anant Koti Bramhand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogiraj Parabramha Shri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai

Baba – The Saviour

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a Sai devotee staying in the US with my husband and kid. My baby is a blessing from Baba. Thank you Hetalji for giving this platform to share our beautiful miracles with Baba. Now coming to my experience, my three years old was complaining of pain in his private parts sometimes so I got scared and gave Baba’s Udi and prayed Baba to make him normal. Next day he seemed not to complain anymore.

Thank You Baba for listening to me every time I call Baba. Sorry for my mistakes and Thank You for everything Baba.

I had told Baba that I will share this and I am so happy sharing this with you all. Please keep showering Your merciful blessings upon me and my family Baba. Please cure my health issue as well Baba. I know You are listening to my prayers. I am in complete surrender to You my Baba.

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Articles: 3388


  1. OmSaiRam, OmSaiRakshaksharanam. Baba help me in recovering. Save all from this pandemic..You are our saviour.

  2. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and save him baba please protect him from the virus,make us and my grandmother recover quickly baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  3. SAIRAM. BABA please take away all our sons worries & problems,& please keep him &his family at your feet always.Also please cure my husbands leg shovling please make him healthy, OM SAI RAKSHAK CHARANAM.OM SAIRAM.

  4. Om Sai Ram! Sai Ma please show us the ways. My wife wants to plan second child and I am already 40. We have been postponing it as our financial status is not that great. Being in Australia on 485 visa we are literally facing difficulties. Sai Ma please guide us and bless us what to do and when to do. With nothing working out I feel like crying with my helpless. Please Ma listen to my prayers. I know it is all due to by bad Karma, but I believe that with your blessing my karmas will be clean. Let me lead a happy and peaceful life. Om sai ram

  5. Om Sairam,Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam, On Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam

  6. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  7. appa please take my depression away, i am so grateful for this life. please accept my fasting. i owe you my life appa. please take my body pain and give me happiness. i cannot enjoy evey min of my life due to depression. please appa show your blessings on me. please forgive my sins appa.
    om sri sai ram
    allah malik

  8. appa please take care of everyone. please take care of the kids. everyone are exposed only u can protect us. please appa. Pls protect everyone with your shield. please accept my fasting appa.
    please forgive my sins.
    om sri sai ram
    allah malik

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