Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a 33 year old woman from India. I have been a Sai devotee since 2015.
Today I am feeling very low as I had a fight with my husband regarding some not so big issue. But the real issue which I have been feeling since the time we got married (ours is an arranged marriage by Baba’s grace) is his affinity for consuming alcohol or smoking.
We had fights on this innumerable times. I tried in every way but he just indulges in alcohol. Three to four times a week he consumes hard liquor. It’s very hard for me to have this kind of environment at home.
Yesterday I said to him, “I wish to fast for 9 days for the coming Chaitra Navratri, so would request you to support me by not drinking alcohol and no non vegetarian food. He readily agreed for the no non veg thing but he said couldn’t leave alcohol. This just broke my heart and I started feeling that he doesn’t care for me at all and then our fight began.
I was very heart broken. He is asleep beside me after consuming alcohol even today. I just started talking to Baba and then saw my mobile and saw Hetalji’s post on Facebook that this website was celebrating 13 years. I started to read a few experiences and then I felt like writing one, seeking Baba’s help although I wasn’t sure as it was a request to Baba rather than an experience yet. Still I went ahead with submitting the experience but due to some error the page stopped working and I had to kill the page and then I saw a prayer request that I could also do this. Then this little miracle of Baba made me submit my first prayer request.
It seems impossible to me that He will leave alcohol in near future but for Baba nothing is impossible. Oh my dear Sai Baba, You know my condition please help me Baba. Please let my husband leave alcohol of any kind and smoke anything for always altogether. My wedding anniversary is next week and I seek this gift from You and no one else. You will have to make him leave alcohol and smoking.
Also I request all devotees to please pray for me for the same. Thank you to all my dear brothers and sisters who are reading. May Sai bless us all. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a staunch devotee of Baba since 2006 (approximately, I don’t remember the exact year). Baba has always protected me and my family from all the evils. I want to narrate a few of my experiences here.
1) One day suddenly at night I started coughing and I was coughing continuously. I was tense as I also had recently travelled. So all the negative thoughts came in my mind and I thought I got infected by Corona. I immediately prayed to Baba to cure my cough so that I could sleep peacefully. I took Baba’s Udi mixed with water and also took a vow that if my coughing reduced then I would post here. After some time it was totally fine. Thank You Sai.
2) I was going back to my husband from my home and I had prayed Baba that I should not get infected to Corona in this entire journey and it should be safe as I was travelling alone. I also took a vow that after reaching the top, if I didn’t fall sick for an entire week and if everything was fine then I would post here. Thank You Baba for saving me this time as well.
3) I fear thunder and lightning a lot. Today we had heavy rain and severe thunderstorms. I was alone at my house, so I got very, very scared and I was continuously doing Baba’s Nama Jaap. Then I told Baba that if the thunder and lightning reduced then I would surely post my experience along with the other experiences for which I had vowed earlier but did not fulfil them. Immediately after that, the thunder and lightning reduced. Thank You Sai for always blessing me and listening to me. Baba, forgive me for posting late.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee from a small village in Karnataka.
Baba Realizes Karma: I joined Mahaparayan three months back and it’s my first experience. Recently my sister’s wedding was planned. Before that I was preparing for wedding dresses. One day I found South_Indian_fashionwear (please report this account and make people aware about this) on Instagram. I ordered a Rs. 6500 worth dress. It’s been a week and I still didn’t get any information.
One Thursday morning I called, texted them. I didn’t get any response. Then I found that it was a fake, scam account. I was so frustrated. Money was so important to our family in that situation. I had lost my very first job in my life due to Covid-19. It had been six months. That day I completed my allotted Mahaparayan two chapters in the evening and went for Baba’s Darshan. At the very first step into the temple, I realized that loosing my money is cleansing the old karma.
One year ago I stayed in PG when I got my first job there. I forgot to pay first month rent which was 7k and continued payment from the second month. Owner also forgot to ask. Later I remembered but I didn’t pay. So due to that I lost my money today. That day I found that karma reverted back and I thus lost money. I didn’t have money for shopping but after a few days’ miracle happened and I got 20k of my own RD money on which I had lost hopes previously. I got my money back one or the other way. I thank Baba for everything and now I got my second job with Baba’s blessings after waiting for six months. Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Sunita Nair from India says: Om Sri Sairam! I am a Devotee of Sai Baba, please keep me anonymous, I am from Mumbai and always feel blessed to be at Baba’s feet.
Thank you Hetalji and the entire team for creating such a wonderful platform where we can express Baba’s blessings in our life.
My Experiences: For the last few days I had a bloating problem, due to that I used to feel very tired and could not eat properly, nor could I go to the doctor due to the pandemic. My brother and sister-in-law then suggested some medicine. I had the medicine and every day I used to apply Udi on my forehead and also have It with water and prayed to Baba. Today I am perfectly fine with Baba’s blessings.
Thank You Baba and sorry for posting my experience late. Baba is always there to bless me and my family.
Sai Devotee,
Sunita Nair
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a Sai Baba devotee since 2002. I live in Noida. I follow Him and offer my prayers to Baba daily.
Baba has His own ways of giving hints to His devotees about the future problems which might occur. My husband was suffering from severe stomach pains once in a while. Baba directed me to a doctor on time who diagnosed my husband with a bacterial infection which if left untreated could become a serious issue in future. Before his diagnosis whenever my husband had stomach pain, I used to apply Udi on his stomach followed by giving him salt water which gave him instant relief. The night when his pain started, Baba during the course of the day, directed me to a youtube channel where the ingredients for instant relief in stomach pain was explained wherein I got the idea of giving him salt water came to my mind. The same night when my husband’s stomach pain started, the content of the said video clicked me and I instantly gave him salt water to drink. Now I understand why Baba directed me to that video. I am grateful to Baba for helping my husband during pain and for standing with our family forever. Please forgive me Baba for all my mistakes. Jai Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks Hetalji for maintaining this blog where many of my experiences were published. Baba postponed my foreign language exams as I prayed indefinitely. Thanks is a small word to offer You. He helped me to complete my 9 Guruvar vrat successfully and I have faith that He will bless me with my wishes soon. Please help and protect my mom and everyone in this world Sai. Jai Sairam!
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Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes protect my father baba cure us quickly we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Praying for you, Baba will help
Omsairam..i love you..thanksfor whatever you have blessed us with..
OmSaiRam, OmSaiRakshaksharanam, Baba please be with me and our family. Cure mom's headache. Leaving everything at your lotus feet. You are our saviour. OmArogyakshemadaya Nama.
@Dear First Devotee,
Special prayers for you, as am aware of environment at house if husband is not ready to quit the habits.
no peaceful family or life..
Praying Baba will make "Impossible to Possible" by helping you and others in the same situation..
@Prayers to all others too.. good experience.
Blessed to be part of Sai Divine Leela's.. Omsairam
Sai Baba ♥️
Om Sai Ram …. i prayed that he helps me in getting the right people to work and I would post here… thank you Sai Baba
SAI maa, Please help us . Please let all the test results come normal. I know you will fulfill your words , i trust you, you can never be wrong . Please reduce pain and illness of my mother. Please bless my parents and me and all the people. OM sairam !
Omsairam 🙏. Baba please protect the persons I have prayed for. Esp one person is unnecessarily undergoing a lot of hate. Please help him to be very successful and happy after all the hardships he has faced. Bless them to be happy.
Om sai ram❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏