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Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Baba’s Blessing In Travel And Property Renting

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I have been a devotee of Sri Sai Baba for the past 30 years. Now I live in the USA with my family. Namaskaras to Hetalji and the team members who are maintaining this website. Team I feel blessed to read the experiences of other devotees which helps me keep up my faith in Sri Sai Baba and seek His blessings. You are doing a wonderful service. I am praying for your safety and also that by the grace of our Sai Baba everyone is safe.

I have submitted experiences previously which got published and feel blessed. I have been planning to submit a few random experiences for a few months but have been postponing it. These experiences truly show how Baba responded and showed that He is listening to my prayers and responding.

Experience #1 Denver trip, Wife’s Health: In summer of 2019 our family made a week vacation plan to visit Denver, Colorado. Denver is at a higher elevation, compared to Ohio. Reading up on trip advisor and other internet sites, we learned that some folks may experience headaches due to low air pressure. We took our small medical tote bag with tylenol etc. We went to Colorado Springs where they have a mountain called Pikes peak, which is about 14,000 feet in altitude. I and my kids visited the top, but my wife stayed back about half way through as she was feeling uncomfortable.

Overall we had a great trip and on our return day my wife was not feeling well and started to feel light headed and nausea feeling as we reached the airport. She was complaining she may not be able to travel. If we missed the flight it would be difficult for us to get outbound flights as it was peak season and also the hotels were full. I started to pray to our Sai, that she has to feel better, and do not remember if I gave her some Udi. I usually have a small packet of Udi in my wallet. But I do remember placing my hand on her forehead and praying our Sai to take away her headache and feel better so that we can fly out as planned. We got her some coffee in the airport and had made her sit calmly. I was praying to Sai and taking His name constantly and prayed that I will post an experience if my wife feels better and if we could leave Denver as planned. Within about half an hour my wife said that she was feeling better and confident that she could fly. I feel this as our Baba’s blessing. I feel Sri Sai Baba puts us to test to confirm our faith and see if we remember Him. Baba I am posting this experience after about 9 months. Please excuse me, bless our family and all Your devotes.

Experience #2 Rental Property: I own a small office space and the only factor I considered while buying it was that it was in a good location, but it has given me a headache since the beginning. This office space is part of an association, and I did not do my due diligence before purchasing it about the association fee and the common expenses etc. The association president owned about 60% of the space and he was dictating all the terms about the monthly association fee etc. which were too high. I had two tenants renting 1 room each and after paying utilities and taxes I was losing $800 per month due to the high association fee. My office space and other buildings had open spaces for rent, and the cleaning crew talked to the potential tenants and showed the open spaces owned by the president and tried to rent his spaces. My only way not to incur losses and meet my expenses was to be able to rent all my open spaces. It was almost two years and all my reserve money was down the drain. I prayed to our Sai, and took up 9 Thursday vrat. After the 3rd or 4th Thursday, I had someone to rent part of my first floor, which helped to meet some expenses. I thanked our Sai Baba for blessing me with being able to rent out the space.

After a few months one of the tenants left and around the same time, the next door building in the office complex was bought by a realtor. This was by the end of the 9th Thursday. I felt this was a blessing by Baba in disguise, as this realtor knew the in and out of association dealings and threatened the President to sue him if we did not reduce the association fee. Finally the association fee was lowered by half. I am still hoping by Sai Baba’s blessing I would be able to rent some more space and meet my overall expenses for the property.

We are currently building a new house, and working with subcontractors has been a nightmare, especially with Covid. I am sincerely praying our Sri Sai Baba to bless on the construction tasks to proceed smoothly and swiftly without any delays, and plan to post some experiences I have been blessed during this phase. With Sri Sai Baba’s blessing I see a change in my kids’ behaviour. Baba, please bless my kids to focus on their academics also. Finally my request to all devotees is to have faith in Sri Sai and I am praying Sri Sai to make our faith in Him stronger and for Him to bless all His devotees. Loka Samasta Sukhinobhavanthu. Om Sai, Sri Sai, Jai Jai Sai!

Baba Recovered My Lost Money

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba eager to pen down my experience that happened a few minutes before. I would like to thank Hetalji and all the people maintaining this divine platform to share miracles.

Coming to the experience, today (26th August) I was searching a popular shopping app to buy a gift for my cousin. Simultaneously, I remembered that 5 days ago I received a gift voucher from my company worth 1000 for the project well done. I thought of using this amount to adjust the final purchase bill. However I usually use my mother’s email ID in this app. I asked my mom whether she has the email so that I can copy the code in the app to get the amount. Unfortunately yesterday she had deleted the mail even from the trash folder. I was so heartbroken as it was the prize amount and it was there in her mail until yesterday. I was a little bit annoyed with her, but she consoled me saying that she will pay the amount to me. It was not the amount that I was worried about, but it was the reward that was given. I tried getting the code by asking the customer care, they tried to help me to the maximum but all efforts ended up in vain.

Then I prayed to Baba immediately that I will post the experience here and will buy something for Him using part of the money and apologized for my behaviour. I googled how to get lost mails but all the forum posts gave a negative answer that it cannot be retrieved. However I gave a final try by directly going to mailbox customer care and follow the steps mentioned. In a few minutes all the mail items that were deleted in the last 30 days were retrieved. This is the miracle of our Sai Baba and the power of writing in this forum. I was able to get back my reward money. Baba thanks is merely a 6 letter word which is not enough to pay our gratitude.

Baba please save my job as there are many redesign changes happening in my company. The house I live in is on EMI and is mainly dependent on my salary. If there is no income we will be stranded in life. Please help Sai. I have taken a vow which I will post in this forum in detail once my job is saved. Please help my mom get her salary from her company. It has been really long since she was paid. I know I am asking for so many things from You but it is You Sai to Whom we can ask rightfully like a child to its parents. Please save this world and bring us back to normal life. Save everyone. Om Sairam!

Experience At My College

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Have anyone heard this? “We get a chance to pray and do poojas to Him only if God Himself wishes!”

I am a devotee from Chennai. First of all I am not a devotee; I don’t even say His name not because I don’t like Him but as usually I don’t believe in God. I don’t have much trust in prayers. But one fine day everything had changed. At first my mom gave me Udi, holy water and Baba band to tie which was brought from Shirdi by my grandmother. Usually I don’t like to wear any God/Goddess band on hand or neck but my mom forced me to wear it. But I didn’t even touch it and she scolded me but I didn’t mind. She herself put Udi on my forehead.

After a few days in my college there was a model practical examination. A week before an exam my HOD asked me to submit our record notebooks. He was a very rude person and if he found a single mistake he would just tear and throw away the record. According to the roll no we all placed the record. He entered in and checked every diagram. We had a high BP tension and so I was looking at him. As I said before he started throwing away students’ records just for a silly mistake. We were at high tension because if he found any mistake then we have to buy a new record and start from the first which we had written for 6 months. It was quite difficult.

Numbers were going on and only 2 were before my number. Suddenly my friend who was sitting next to me who is a devotee of Sai Baba held my hand tightly and asked me to say Sairam. She always used to say Sairam for everything. Happy, sad, crying, alone or whatever she says Sairam. She is the girl before me so the next one was my record. She held my hand tightly and asked me to say Sairam. She didn’t ask me like this before. Suddenly I experienced some vibe on her hand and so I said Sairam. We both were holding hands together. What a surprise he didn’t do anything in our notebook. Yes he just saw and kept aside. We were safe finally. After our number the next girl itself was caught. On that day I realised about Baba’s power.

After that I went home and I said everything to mom and myself tied Baba’s band on my hand. I tied it in 2014 and it has been 6 years. Still I’m wearing it. Once I missed it on my college ground but I found it back. I’m blessed and lucky that He made me His devotee. I’m the one who ignored Him but He never punished me for that instead He showed His love and made me addicted to Him.

Baba Calmed My Anxiety And Worries

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Thank you admin and team for maintaining this blog. For the past few days I was worried and very anxious as I did not know what to do. I prayed to my Baba to calm me down. Then I kept myself busy in the office and was doing chores. I did not sit idle. Within a few hours I was calm. Thank You Baba for taking care of me. There is Baba’s saying don’t sit idle, get up work and chant Om Sairam; which I did.

I worry about everything and everyone in the world and that is the reason why I get anxiety. I should follow Baba’s advice, surrender to Him all my worries and forget them and chant Baba’s name and get busy. I have faith and hope that Baba will take away my anxiety and worries forever and everyone will be happy. Baba, please keep all my family friends, relatives and Your devotees healthy, happy and peaceful. Jai Jai Sai Om Sai. Love You Baba.

Sai Helped

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I had to do an online recharge and for it I used my new debit card. The transaction failed as I had not activated it. On talking to the relationship manager I came to know the reason. I was told that I needed to go to one of the same bank’s ATMs and swipe it to activate it. I was not in a position or mood to go out immediately. Then I prayed to Baba for help with a promise to post on this divine site. Wonder was that I got a SMS from the bank stating that my debit card had been activated as per my request. I was very happy. I did the online recharge and was very happy. I immediately called my relationship manager but could not connect to her. I don’t know if she did it or not? But she had said clearly that I needed to go to the ATM then how it all happened? Baba’s ways are different. I know definitely Baba must have guided her to some way to activate it without me going out. Thank You Baba. Jai Sairam!

Baba My Everything

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi I’m a small and tiny devotee of Baba. Baba, please help me in clearing EA which is my long time wish. Please help me to get through this. I have to become an enrolled agent soon. I am waiting for it. I have other interests as well which You know. Pencil art, interior designing and calligraphy, please help me to achieve these as well. Bless my family. We have to go abroad and be settled. Help me in that as well. I’m waiting for Your miracles Baba. Need Your blessings. Be with me all the time. I will post once my wishes are fulfilled. It’s not a barter system. Don’t take me wrong Baba. Be with me till my last, last breath.

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  1. Hey mere malik saibaba mein bilkul naadan hu nahi jaanti tujse kya maangu tu jo mere liye uchit samjhe wahi de de or mujhe wo shakti bhagti or buddhi pradan karo mein jaha rahu jaise rahu khush rahu mujme koy gun nahi koy bhagti nahi mere karm swarthpoorn rahe honge mujme koy acchie nahi muj jaise papi ke liye tere charno ke sivae koy aut nahi raham ker or mujhe apni sharan mein lele taki mein teri ho jau or tu mera ho jae .aao sab milker sadguru sai ki stuti kre or jeevan safal banae bolo sacchidanand sadguru sainath maharaj ki jai

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