Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Don’t disclose my identity, you can mention anonymous Baba devotee. I want to share my experience regarding my husband getting a job offer. Previously I shared many Baba Leela in my life regarding my job, marriage and delivery.
My husband is working in a software company and he works very hard. He got good feedback from all clients but because of several policies and quota, he was kept on hold for his promotion for a long time for almost four years. He felt disappointed. I suggested to him to switch his job, but he refused as he worked on many projects and all clients also gave good feedback. His manager was also trying very hard for his promotion in the next cycle. He was working in the same company for around seven years but he didn’t get a promotion. Management has some of the other reasons like he traveled to the client location, he is not eligible for promotion in the current cycle. Because of all this, my husband also started worrying about his career. I asked him to think about changing his job.
On Vijayadashami 2019 I went to Baba temple and prayed for my husband’s career. I started 9 Thursday vrat also for his carrier. My husband changed his thought and started preparing for interviews. I was praying Baba to show him a good opportunity. I had a dream as Baba giving offer letter to my husband, but I am requesting Baba this is not I expected, please bless him with a good opportunity. After that, he cleared one interview and got the offer letter. He resigned the current organization and decided to join the new company. But I was not happy with the company and offer as it was a similar organization as his previous company. I didn’t tell my husband but I was continuously praying Baba to please give him a good opportunity. My husband stopped attending interviews as he already got one offer and decided to join.
He was about to join a new company, Only 20 days were left. He was just checking his emails and showed me that still he was getting calls for the interview. Then I saw one email about an interview call from one company. I had heard that its a very good company. I requested my husband to send a resume. On the same day, he got call for telephonic round and he cleared. They called to attend the second round Interview. My husband went there and almost 200 members came for the same job profile. My husband is technically good but he doesn’t have domain knowledge which the company is expecting from the candidate. With Baba’s blessings, he completed all rounds of interview. The next day Company HR informed that he got selected but as per their policy background check and releasing offer letter will take time, maybe one to three months of time.
Meanwhile, my husband got call from company (previous offer) and requested him to change his joining date – either prepone to 15 days or postpone to 2 months as they will have freeze in December and January they will not have projects and policy is to postpone the joining dates of new candidates if any one joining after November 15th.
My husband decided to prepone his joining date and go with his previous offer as he didn’t receive the offer letter and was not sure as background verification may take more time and so was not sure when the other company would release the letter.
I asked him to explain his situation to other HR and request her to see the possibility of getting an offer letter and joining date as early as possible. He explained to HR and requested her possibility of joining early because he has to join the company in 15 days and he won’t switch once he joined as that’s not good for his career and company too.
But my husband was also interested in other company offer and he checked with his friends and knew that its a very good company. We both went to Baba temple. My husband felt tensed even though he had cleared the interview and didn’t know if he should wait for the offer or go with the current offer as they had clearly informed either join in 15 days or postpone for 2 months of joining date.
Next day My husband received offer letter from other company and immediately they started the back ground verification. My husband informed to company HR (1st offer). She clearly communicated the second offer was very good and the company was also good. It was my husband’s decision to join and wished him all the best for his career. My husband felt very happy as he was very much positive about the decision.
Other company completed background verification in one week, and my husband joined the company exactly 2 working days before which other company had mentioned the joining date.
In this process, I and my husband got very tense until he joined the company. I was continuously praying Baba to help the process happen fast, even my husband’s friends communicated till then this company background verification would be taking 1 to 3 months and that it was really surprising them that they completed background verification within 5 working days and asked the candidate to join.
My husband joined the company on Thursday, and he has completed six months. As I informed he is technically sound but he doesn’t have the domain knowledge which company required, He is learning the domain knowledge now.
All these years we had many financial problems and my husband’s salary was very less. I always prayed Baba to show the right path. With Baba’s blessings, my husband got good job opportunity. I am very sorry Baba for posting Your miracle very late. Please bless us, we are always Your kids. Show us the right path and help us to reach our goals without any hurdles.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Risha from India says: My post is about my recent experience regarding health. I am Baba’s child. Baba has been protecting me in every aspect of my life.
Jai Gurudev everyone. I know it is tough time for all of us amidst this pandemic. I am a student staying alone in a different state far from my home because of the current pandemic situation. I became very depressed being all by myself during this time as our final year Dental exam is due anytime in near future for which I can’t travel back to home. I have allergic problem since I was small. From the last few days my sinusitis has again appeared and I have a little cough and my ears are blocked completely because of this. As the symptoms of Covid are also cough I was a little afraid and being all alone I started to panic that what if I may have caught the virus. But it is not possible as since the last 2 and half months I didn’t step out of my flat. But since last two days my ears are completely blocked and some pain has started in my ear region for which my body temperatture was also slightly elevated as it is an infection. I became more depressed and just praying to Baba to help me. Suddenly I had an instinct of opening my Sai Satcharitra and read a random lesson from it. Closing my eye I just opened a chapter and when I opened my eye to read it, I was astonished as the chapter title was “One who climbs up steps of mosque has no strives” chapter no 38. Tears came down my eyes.
The chapter tells how Baba cured a child who had an incurable disease and Baba suggested that Udi be applied on the affected part of the child’s body and how he became healthy in a week. There it was also written how Dr. Pille whom Baba referred to as Bhau out of love had an ulcer for which he would die but Baba cured it saying Allah is the granter of results of all and He also protects all, thinking like this always remember Him.
There was also written an incident where Shama’s brother’s wife developed plague and had fever. When Shama went to take permission from Baba to visit them Baba instructed him to first send them the Udi and then visit them in the morning. In the meantime Sham’s brother applied the Udi on his wife’s glands and let her drink some mixed with water. Immediately her fever came down and she slept soundly. The next morning when Shama visited them, he was astonished to see her making tea. On enquiring he found out that it was due to Udi that she had taken the previous night.
There were other incidents in the chapter where an Irani girl was cured by Udi who used to faint every hour, then how a man suffering from stone got cured by Udi and how a lady from Bombay ‘Kayasta bhau’ got cured of her delivery pain from Udi.
It was just an indication from Baba for me that I should take the Udi I have with water in order to get cured of my ailment. I did the same and I am feeling much better at this moment. I hope that I would be completely cured in a few days by taking Baba’s Udi. We are lucky to have Baba in our life. He cares for the smallest needs in our life. I didn’t even share with my parents about my ill health as they would be tensed but Baba even told me how to get cured from it and that shows that He is always present with me. I love You Baba.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am small devotee of Baba from USA. I am from Pennsylvania, USA. I would like to thank you Hetalji and team for doing excellent work by maintaining this modern Sai Satcharitra. It certainly gives a hope to many people. I would like to share my last night experience.
Experience: Due to Baba’s blessing I am 4 months pregnant. Recently I visited Shirdi during my India trip in January. I prayed wholeheartedly to bless me to conceive a baby without any medical treatment. I have been through two IVFs which failed in last two years and trying to conceive since last five years. After my Shirdi visit, we were planning to go for third round of IVF and I keep praying Baba to do some miracle and that I don’t have to go to IVF. And Baba did listen to my prayers. I came in January from India and in February I conceived without any medical help. That was nothing but Baba’s miracle only.
My Journey of becoming a mother has started and first 4 months went really good. Since last two days I experienced the pain in my below stomach and severe back pain started. I could not sleep properly. I felt like dying, that how painful it became.
Yesterday night, I did some hot pad treatment for my back. It relieved me for half an hour. I mixed Udi with water and drank that water. I prayed Baba to please give me courage to bear this pain or take away my pain. I woke up 3-4 times at night to go to bathroom and when I came to bed again felt that pain. Then I kept praying Baba that if the pain goes away by morning then I will post this experience. Then I had a good sleep. Still woke up with some lower stomach pain but back pain was 70% gone. The two things I can’t bear in my life is headache and back pain. I am always afraid of getting these two.
In normal days, I always take advil and go to sleep when it happens. But due to being pregnant, I cannot take those medicines. When I usually have back pain, I do yoga stretches for back pain relief and it goes away in couple of days. So while pregnant, I am limited to do yoga stretches too. But I tried that before going to bed yesterday. And another problem I am facing is gastric problem. Then I decided to quit spicy and fried food for couple days. So I had khichadi for dinner but still I got gassy pain at night. But Baba is so merciful. I woke up with good energy today. Thank You Baba for giving me courage to bear this pain and I know You will take away this pain completely. I cannot imagine my life without You. Om Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: Jai Sairam! Hello, I live in Canada and would like to remain anonymous and would like to share my experience. First and foremost a big ‘Thanks’ to Hetalji and her team for creating this and helping us devotees to share their experience and revive the faith of people who are in dilemma. Everyday I read this blog and find it very encouraging.
I was introduced to Baba by my aunt and sister-in- law in 2010. My aunt gifted me Sai Satcharitra, since then I have read It many times and even finished reading the book in one week but never saw any miracles. I have been going through a very bad time for almost 25 years. I have done 9 Gurvar Vrat and even given up my favourite food but was not successful in having my wish fulfilled. I have cried many a times in front of Baba and asked why He has not accepted me as His child. Still I keep reading the book and have faith that Baba will bless me with abundant joy and fill life with happiness and help me achieve my goals in life.
Last night my phone conked off and I tried everything and tried seeking help online but the phone would not start and it remained on restore mode and also the hardware was not recognized. I tried downloading software to my computer but it would not start. Every time I read on the blog that people’s phone started after applying Udi.
Morning too I tried and after bath applied Udi to my phone and sought Baba’s help to start the phone as that was the only mode of communication for me. I restarted my phone and computer and Lo! the phone started and i-tunes recognized my phone and whole reset was done. I am very thankful to Baba for helping me and showing me this miracle.
I was so happy that it started. It was all Baba’s Blessing and this was a miracle which I wanted to see it happening. Now I am sure by Baba’s grace and blessing that He will wipe every tear that I have shed and also help me in achieving my goals and fulfilling my parents’ wishes.
It is only Saburi and Shraddha that will help us cross this ‘Maya Ocean.’ Baba holding our hands and guiding us and saying that He will never leave His children when they need Him.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I have been Baba’s disciple for the past 26 years and I am blessed. My life time experience of Sai leela has been wonderful. He has been guiding me by holding my little finger for the past 26 years like a father holding the finger of his little child who has just learnt walking.
In the past 26 years, I have experienced so many leelas of Baba and I am amazed on how generous and kind He has been to me. I have been going through the worst time of my life for the past one year with respect to my health. I have got several tests done and Baba made sure that I had no health issues and I have follow up tests that need to be done in the upcoming week and I am sure that my Baba will pull me through this only to get happiness and happy news. All this mental tension I am going through. I am sure what I am going through is only because of my past karma and definitely I think I have suffered enough and will not be subject to any illness that will ruin my life.
He has shown me so many miracles just in this year, big and small, was praying that my spouse should not get a break from his job and that was done. I was praying about refinancing about house and that was done. I was praying for my visa issues and those too were addressed. I am praying for one big thing which is my health and I am praying that there should not be any bad news. I am scared to death but at the same time my confidence in Baba is at the same level as my fear. I am sure that He will pull me through this as well. I will be back with another post about how Baba has given me good news after the tests and I am saying this because I am His disciple and He is my Mother, Father, Teacher and God. He will take care of me for sure like He always did.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My son’s school had asked to do online payment for buying books and collect the same from school. They had provided all the necessary details very well like the links, date and time for each of them. But unfortunately I had missed those messages. In between I saw the message but still forgot to do the payment on the given date at given time. Then suddenly after few days when we were supposed to collect the books I was reminded on the same day by Baba. I felt very irresponsible and guilty. I tried making the online payment it was not accepting. I asked for Baba’s help. He showed me another way of doing payment through net banking. Surprisingly it got accepted. I had promised Baba to post if it was successful. Then came another challenge of collecting the books as I have just delivered a small baby and telling my husband at last minute would only lead to uncertainty. This problem was also solved by Baba. He gave me an idea to send the pic of online payment receipt to my friend (whose son is also in my son’s classroom). She agreed and she got the books from school on my behalf. She also said that she would give them to me as she was going to pass by from my home. Such is our Baba Who cares for His children so much. Thank You so much Baba. Jai Sairam.
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Do it for 5 consecutive days and may start from any day.
Offer flowers fruits per wish.
Light 5 lamps and performa sai Pooja however you wish.
Pray, sing aarti, 108 namavali and anything spiritual you can read.
Then tell to ppl about this Pooja.
Important: do it with love and faith.
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa. Show us some path baba
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Forgive us our faults and help us become better and successful humans O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam