Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am a female devotee of Sai Baba. I have been a silent reader of this blog around 9-10 months. I thank You so much Baba for showing me this website which gives me contentment. Reading this blog has become my routine. I would thank the admin members from my bottom of the heart for maintaining such a divine website of Baba which really helps me to boost my Patience and Faith and also to make my wandering mind to stay fixed on Baba and of course to all devotees who are sharing Your experiences with Baba. I came to know about Baba through a distant relative of mine whose family was devotees of Baba. During this time I was stressed out as I was looking for admissions for my PG course in 2009. I have written entrance examinations of two reputed universities to do my master degree. I was staying with my aunt [father’s sister] and she took me to many Temples and finally to this Aunty’s house. It happened to visit their home and when I entered their home there was a marble Idol of Baba in the front hall itself. From that I was able to identify they were devoted to Baba. But at that moment I didn’t realize what was meant to be ‘Devoted’ and what was meant to have ‘Faith’. Then we were chitchatting for a while and that aunty asked about my career plans and then after a while took me, my mom and my aunt to a nearby Sai Mandir. It was a beautiful place with all tress and natural flora surrounding the shrine. Normally I prefer temples with less crowd and silence [No offence]. This place was especially suited for my mind. It was a pleasant experience and unforgettable which I could not explain by words but some sort of divine vibrancy I felt.
Apart from Shirdi Sai Baba shrine, there was also place for other Gods Vinayakar, Murugar, Dhattatreya, Ramar sitai hanuman, Perumal, Navagraha. I was so curious to know about the Dhuni [sacred fire Baba], Tulsi plant, Dwarkamai, 11 sayings of Baba, a meditation hall. Later only I became to know all those were mimics of the original [Present in Shirdi] which was all explained by that aunty to us since it was the first time for me and my mom. But still my curious mind wanted to know about Him more. Finally when we were about to leave their home she gave me thamboolam with a book named Sai Satcharitra. My mom and other aunt who came were given with blouse-bit and coconuts. I was so glad that I was presented with a book which was about Baba as I was curious to know about Him. For unknown reasons I started believing Him [Previously I used to pray and had so much faith in Lord Shiva] and I started reading Sai Satcharitra daily reading one chapter per day after having my bath and breakfast in the morning and also praying inside for favourable exam results. Every day, the Parayan increased my faith. There was two instances in Sai Satcharitra where one person qualifies for medical exam and the other person who did a group study with others also cleared the exam. I felt it as a positive sign as well. Then even before I completed the Parayan [reading], I got my results. I certainly know it was because of Baba only because previously my UG [Under graduation] admission was not that smooth and there was many issues with it. I switched colleges in a short span.
Coming to my PG entrance results, initially I got favourable reply from one of the institute to which I immediately also got through admission. I still was doing my Parayan. Then before my joining date I got a letter from other university as well which I did not even expect as it was tough and competitive as well. I did not have a second thought, as we have paid the fees and got the admit card as well. I prayed Baba as and took the first one as Baba’s blessing and proceeded with the course and successfully completed my masters as well which did not happen in my UG. I am not comparing my UG and PG but there is a huge difference and positive happening only after my Baba came into my life. It’s not just that, my personality in terms of moral values and as a person I became to grow and started having new perspective of life day by day. I used to pray got only for needs and then after I started seeing through Him and wanted to see through His vision. Well there a lot of many experiences and teaching learnt from my Guide. I am unable to share everything in one blog. So I would continue posting my experiences and guidance with my Teacher, Father, Friend and philosopher, Baba whenever He instructs me to do.
I want to finally conclude with this instance. Whenever I was reading this blog, I had a thought that I should pen down many things before I post and it was getting delayed somehow or other. But all of a sudden this day when was I reading couples of experiences of today’s blog, the submit your experience page opened in the new tab page somehow. The same thing also happened yesterday also. Hence I started typing. There was something on my mind to post initially and after a while He made my ideas change and started writing my first experience which I didn’t plan. I love His way of doing things. I love You so much Baba. There are many hard and rough phases in our life. Please help us to be patient and have faith in You as always. Due to materialistic way of life our minds wanders many times. Help us to snap back show us the reality, that You are everything and all pervading. Well I shouldn’t say this as You will surely do without asking. Bless me and all Your devotees to follow Your path. Sadguru Sai Ram Ki Jai!

Sai Brother Venkatesh from India says: Jai Sai Ram Dear Hetal ji, as a Sai Devotee you are doing an excellent service to the society by providing this blog as a platform to all the Sai Devotees to share their experiences and I am sure this great work of you would certainly attract blessings of our Lord Sai. Let me sincerely compliment and thank you for the same. With all humility, let me introduce as Venkatesh, a teacher from Bangalore. I am truly moved and felt emotional too while reading many of the experiences of our Sai devotees. Probably to call myself a devotee of Sri Sai Ram, it would be little too much. So, I consider myself purified to say that I am too tiny a dust particle at the holy feet of Sai Devotees and the Lord Sai Himself. How I am pulled into the aura of the Lord Sai, I really do not know but it is only His grace showered on me about two and a half or three years ago. Of course, I had been to Shirdi about 14 to 15 years ago as my office colleague from Bombay took me over to Shirdi. Now, in the recent 3 years span, I along with my family had the blessings of Lord Sai to visit His abode at Shirdi twice. Now, coming to share a few of my heartfelt experiences, I feel blessed to share them with the Sai family.
First Experience is, We bought a small silver idol of Lord Sai to worship in our Pooja room. Before placing in the Pooja room, we went to Sai Mandir in BTM layout, Bengaluru to get the Idol kept at Sai’s feet and then bring. While going to Sai Mandir, I was thinking to myself that it would be nice if we can do Abhishekam to our new Idol and then keep in the Pooja room. But, I personally do not know the actual rituals with mantras of performing Abhishekam. I just thought let it be as Lord Sai pleases. But for our pleasant surprise, when we entered the Sai Mandir at around 6.30/6.45 pm and when we were about to hand over the Idol, the priest was just to start the Abhishekam for the Temple’s Sai Idol. He just collected our Sai Idol, kept it besides the Temple Idol and performed the Abhishekam to both and then handed over with the Prasadam. You can imagine, I felt speechless and now I do not have words to explain my feelings I went through. I sincerely feel that we were truly blessed with this happening. Our dear Sai certainly knows what goes through our minds and what we really need. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sri Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Samartha Sai Natheshwar Maharaj Ki Jai. Jai Sai Ram.
My next experience again underlines that our beloved Sai is always there with us. I was going through Sri Sai Satcharitra for the first time in the small Pooja room at my home. I just completed the last chapter of Satcharitra and said Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha. A flower kept at the feet of our Sai photo fell down from the top indicating Prasadam. I truly felt humbled for the kindness of Sai Maharaj and I do express Koti Koti Pranams (salutations) at His Holy Feet. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sri Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Samartha Sai Natheshwar Maharaj Ki Jai. Jai Sai Ram.
I do serve as a teacher in a private Educational institution in Bangalore. Due to general recession and mushrooming of many educational institutions, student admissions were poor and were going down the hill in the past 2-3 years. I was truly worried and concerned as student admissions will determine the very survival of the department. I started praying our beloved Sai seeking for His blessings that at least 60 students would get admitted this time (September 2015). I went through the question and answer pertaining to my above problem through for seeking answers from Sri Sai Baba and sincerely followed the advice given. It is pure kindness of Dayamayi Sri Sai that a total of 64 students got admitted and our Sai Baba really heard our prayers and saved us. This experience of mine has certainly strengthened the faith in my beloved Sai Ram. I once again pray that all the wishes of His devotees come true and His blessings be showered on all the Sai Devotees in plenty and let our minds be still and unwavering at the Holy Feet of Lord Sai with total Shraddha and Saburi. I sincerely pray that Sai Namasamaran happen in our minds always throughout our lives during day and night and let His blessings save us from all the hurdles and take us beyond this Bhavsagar. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sri Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Samartha Sai Natheshwar Maharaj Ki Jai. Jai Sai Ram.

Sai Sister Lizi from India says: Hello Hetal ji, Thank you for giving all devotees a chance to share their experiences so that firm faith and devotion remains among us. I am a simple lady with small wishes. I got married two years back and since then our life has seen many ups and downs and during these times, it was only my Sai Baba who kept on pushing me to be strong and have full faith in Him. I became His devotee in 2009 and since then there has been no looking back. Somewhere I heard that if a devotee sees Sai in other Gods too, then he/she is a true Sai devotee. And yes, in that respect I consider myself lucky to be a true Sai devotee. There have been numerous experiences of mine with Sai Baba. Sometimes He has fulfilled smallest of my wishes and sometimes, He took a rigorous test to confirm my faith in Him. I will share my recent experience with my Sai Baba. I am working in a PSU currently and my husband is into IT. 9 months back, I was asked by my senior boss to work in Bangalore. That time, my husband was on bench and was continuously applying everywhere for jobs. I had to refuse the Bangalore offer then, as I had to support my husband here. My boss had told me that you may ask your husband to start applying in Bangalore, we will see what we can do and he did not force me for anything after that.
Meanwhile, my husband got a temporary job here itself after so much of tension and we were happy about it. He had been applying for various jobs in Bangalore too as somewhere deep in our mind, we wished to settle there. Luckily four months back, all of a sudden he got a good job opportunity in Bangalore and we then decided to take the call. I asked him to join the Bangalore company as I was quite sure that I will be getting a transfer to Bangalore because in PSU there is a facility that ladies can get transfer based on their request. I again went to my senior boss telling confidently that now I am ready to work in Bangalore as my husband shifted their based on his suggestion. He suddenly told that there is no vacancy now and that I can’t be transferred in near future. He simply denied. I had put a written application too but all got rejected. I got completely devastated. I kept on asking Sai that if my transfer was not possible, then why did He send the Bangalore opportunity. Every day I used to ask on the question and answer site and I used to get positive replies. Once I got an answer that your work will be done within three weeks. I waited patiently for three weeks but nothing happened. I started the ‘Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat’. Being alone for so many months made me depressed completely. Some days I used to think that Sai is doing everything for our own good only. The very next moment, I used to fight with Sai. I also thought that Sai has never left me alone so this time too He can never leave me. There was not a single day when I never cried.
My husband started feeling alone in the new place. Our parents were in complete tension. My father started searching for high level contacts so that my transfer could be done but nothing was happening. I promised Sai that I will stop putting Kajal on my eyes, stop eating chocolates and chicken which are my favourites till I get to stay along with my husband. And today during my ninth week of Vrat, I received my transfer order. I do not know how to react. It is all due to Sai’s Leela. Now I can again stay with my husband. I am so happy. I used to read devotees’ experiences and through every experience, my faith on Sai just increased. Sai has done a lot for me. In return, I couldn’t do anything for Him. I just take His name and pray Him. Just after our marriage also, me and my husband couldn’t stay together for 5 months. Then also after praying to Sai, a miracle took place and my husband came to my place. And this time too there was a separation for 4 months. So, in total it was a separation of complete 9 months which also portrays the 9 forms of Bhakti to Sai Baba. I just pray to my Baba that please keep blessing us every time. If any untoward situation comes, then please support us in every way. Thank you for reading my long experience. But I just wanted to convey that Sai takes test of His devotees in whichever way He can but it is only us who can with His support pass those tests, have firm faith along with patience and only then success can be achieved. Jai Sai Ram.

Sai Brother Sikkander from Dubai says: Om Sai Ram to all and I want to thank hetal ji for the most wonderful platform you have set for all devotees. My relation with Baba started in 2013 and with His Grace, i visited Shiridi twice so far and hope to go there many more times to see my Lord, my Guru, my Father, my Mother and my Best Friend. I have had numerous experiences of Baba blessing me. I am undergoing a very tough period in my life, however I have no fear as I know for a fact that Baba is always around me. I made several promises to Baba including the Nava Guruvar Vrat but unfortunately I could not keep up my promise to Baba. It is He who transformed me into a good human being considering how mean and rude I was at one stage of my life. I always make it a point to do Pooja at home before leaving for work in the morning and also in the evening after work regardless of the time I come back, I was feeling very sick today and under lot of stress for all the reasons that I tell Him daily. I have always told Baba to appear in my dream once and tell me that I am safe with Him but all in vain, today however I really felt His presence while doing my evening Pooja at home, I was crying out loud to Baba to help me and my family. After the Pooja, I decided to read a chapter from Sai Satcharitra, this is where He heard me, i opened the book from where I left reading, I see His Picture blessing me with His palm right on my head. I just could not believe my eyes and burst out crying. All my stress vanished and I am happy son today. He is our saviour, while our duty is to have complete faith and belief in Him and He will carry us a cross the worldly ocean. Bless us Baba. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raj Para Brahma Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai! Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi, I thank the organisers for publishing this. I was not a Baba devotee initially but I kept hearing about His Miracles and I was slowly drawn to Him. He chooses when He wants us to become His devotee. Om Sai Ram. My experience with Baba is so much as He is there In every little thing in my life. One notable experience is when my area was flooded with continuous rains and we were all stranded at home with no means to go out. Then rain stopped just for two days and exactly that day my grandpa fell ill and he had to be hospitalised. He got back home after two days and again rain started and we were all locked inside our houses due to four feet water around. It’s like Baba stopped the rains and cleared the water just to help my grandpa get the required medical attention. Thank You Baba for helping us every minute. The only thing which is bothering me now is about an alliance my parents found for me. The guy and I like each other and really respect each other’s families. Due to some reasons his side has not given their consent yet. My parents waited and then moved on but I want this to happen. The guy is trying to talk in his side. It’s been three months now. Each time I ask Baba, He gives me a positive reply. I am waiting with faith and patience. Baba please make this happen soon. Please give me this blessing. All of you please keep me in your prayers. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hello everybody, I am Baba’s devotee since many years and Baba has always blessed me. Because of me even my husband became a devotee of Baba. I am so grateful to Baba for bringing my husband under His shadow. Thank you hetal ji for giving us such a wonderful platform to increase our faith in Baba. My husband is a dental surgeon. He always does his work with honesty and sincerity. Once he was doing an NRI’s full mouth treatment. Due to the negligence of lab, the teeth did not fit properly in his mouth and the patient had to go out of India within few days. So my husband was very stressed. The lab could not correct it on time. I prayed Baba to solve the problem so as to make my husband’s faith in You stronger. Baba did a miracle, my husband had no option but to give order to some other lab and they did it perfectly within a day. I’m so glad Baba helped us at that time when my husband was so helpless. His blood pressure was high and he was not feeling well, was irritated but could not do anything as there was no time for correction. Love You Baba. Now please bless us with a child soon so I can come to Shirdi with my baby and husband for Your blessings again.
Prayer for Today: Prayer Request For Job – Anonymous Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
PLease bless me with a good job SAI.Please.Total surrender at your feet.OMSAIRAM
O Deva, be with us as we begin a new week and let all our sincere endeavours be successful by Your Grace 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
recently any body is going to shirdi???
sai samarth, sai samarth, sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth ,sai samarth ,sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth , sai samarth
Sai Sai
om sai ram
ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Om sai ram dear baba sai bless 4th devotee girl married to guy she wants agree all the guy family to marry to you're devotee Sai ram.sai baba all loves you all need you bless all of them peace to of them bless more faith n patience.omsairam.
Thank you for praying for me…the alliance…that is the boy s family has not agreed yet…today marks the ninth month of this tough phase and I saw my experience being published and your prayer here which makes me understand that baba is right next to me and that I need not sure God will hear my prayers and bless me and get me married to this boy….
I sincerely pray that good things happen to you,dear devotee….it takes a kind heart to pray for others. ..baba pls bless this person with success and happiness
Dear devotee….take this long nine months this way (i just felt i must write this, all Baba's wish) maybe the time was not good for both of you. Baba is making u wait so that the bad phase goes away. And we never know His ways. Am sure things will go the way you two are praying for. Till then hold on to His feet…
Om Sai Ram
I will also pray for u
Sai maa will definitely bless u. Lots of love.
Om sai ram
Gurudev datta ☺
Baba will bless you
may BABA bless you 4th devotee n fulfill your wish .. OM SAI RAM
may BABA bless you too Rohit and fulfill your wish too .. OM SAI RAM
Om Sai Ram
Om sai ram… 4th devotee regarding girl's alliance… Even I'm facing the same issue now.. I'm not able to completely move on like my family… Being a girl I understand her condition.. Mine it is about 3 months.. Please help us sai… 🙁 om sai ram….
Om sai ram.. Even I'm experiencing same phase.. Still boy's side they haven't agreed… Pls God help us..
Baba I never want to ask you that give me job as baba I really feel the seva I got devotion you gave me is biggest baba please give me strength that I can face this world I also want to work but you know what I want my own real sister taunted me today for my job she hurted me so much by saying go and work with maid of our house dear devotees please tell it is good
Om sai ram _ / _
Om sai ram _ / _
Om of my father and brother.i love them very much but i talk in a angry tone.baba help me to talk sweet and soft words.only love can change things nothing else.take special care of sivabalan,give him his anandhi.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
OM sai ram.
Om Sai Ram 🙂
OMSAIRAM.For many many years i have been ur child,since my known age or days.But right from birth you are definitely taking care of me.I want to achieve highest possible/very great ambitions to be reached/my life has to have a great meaning.Thats is how i want my life to be SAI.Total surrender to you SAI.
Om Sai Ram
Sai Ma help my son to remove the confusion in his mind about future and bless him with a job which he loves to do and a an arranged marriage
Thank you Baba for showering me with all Your love and taking care of me.
Om Sairam,
Baba thank you for guiding us, guarding us, and protecting us. Baba thank you for helping us and taking care of everything. Yesterday, my sister wasn't feeling well. I applied udi to her forehead and she is much better today and has relief. Baba thank you for everything that you do for us. Baba please bless my parents, sisters, myself and our families with health, happiness and long life. Baba please always keep us at Your Lotus Feet. Baba Koti Koti pranams at your Lotus Feet. Baba please forgive us for all our sins and mistakes that we may have done knowingly or unknonwingly. Baba thank you for everything. Baba we need your help, please help us and Baba please always be with us and take care of everything.
Jai Sairam
Om Sairam,
Baba thank you for guiding us, guarding us, and protecting us. Baba thank you for everything that you do for us. Yesterday, my sister was not feeling well. I applied udi to her forehead and today she had relief. Baba thank you for everything that you do for us. Baba please forgive all our sins and mistakes that we may have done knowingly or unknowingly. Baba please bless my parents, my sisters, myself and our families with health, happiness and long life. Baba thank you for everything that you do for us. Baba please help us Baba, we need your help. Please forgive us for all our mistakes. Baba please always keep us at Your Lotus Feet. Baba Koti Koti Pranams at you Lotus Feet. Baba please always keep Your Hand on our heads and shower us with your grace. Baba thank you for everything that you do for us.
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Deva bless my son to clear his exam
Sai Mere !! please bless me with a normal and healthy babay. Om Sai Ram
OM SAI MEHMA MEHMA… BABA agar maine kuch acche karm kiye hai toh unka fal usse do aur usse uski manzil tak pahuchao BABA … kaam hote hote last main atak jata hai BABA pls uski help karo aur muze iss tension se mukt karo .. OM SAI RAM
Anant koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parbrahm shri sachidanand sadguru SAINATH MAHARAJ ki jai … OM SAI RAM
Baba, thank you for everytthing. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all