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Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Kari from USA says: Hi Hetalji I love your blog. Keep up the good work. I want other Sai devotees to experience power of faith in Saibaba. Please add my experience to your blog with these picture (which are real and not photo-shopped) and please feel free to correct any grammar mistakes.
I would like to share wonderful leela of Sai baba. I came across Sai baba first time when I visited my friend 3-4 years ago and I happen to notice Sai baba’s photo and various statues. I did ask my mom about it but I was not told about Him in detail or anything. (We do not pray to Sai Baba at home we believe in Krishna). Last year I went to India and my cousin took me to Sai Baba’s temple. (I’m ignorant person – hope Sai Baba forgives me. Since I didn’t know anything about Sai Baba I assumed that He was human and people pray to Him and I don’t prefer praying to human. BUT I didn’t know He was Holy Spirit, which I just learned about it later when i read Sai Satcharitra.) One day I was looking for something online and ended up reading one of the Sai Baba’s magazine. After reading it I was more interested in knowing about Sai Baba and ended up reading few Samarpan magazine. I cried after reading each and every heartwarming Sai Baba’s leela. One of the devotee had mentioned about Sai Satcharitra, it was my first time hearing about it and I decided to read it. I also found link to Sai Baba Samadhi live Darshan website Darshan Time 4 A M. To 23.15 P.M.(IST) and I would play it while I would read Sai Satcharitra. Deep down in my heart I wanted to experience the miracle of Sai Baba’s leela myself. I live in USA and as time difference Live darshan would cut off at 12:30 pm here after night Arti of Sai Baba. Now this miracle is amazing to me and I feel loved and blessed by Sai baba, Who gave me darshan for two days. Even though it was live darshan and cuts off at 12:30pm in USA I was able to view His picture from the live cam in India and could hear Sai Baba’s song. While I was reading Sai Satcharitra. (I felt like I was reading it in His presence). I’m ever so grateful since Sai Baba gave me darshan. I took picture of this miracle and want to share with millions of Sai Baba devotees. I’m hoping that Sai Baba did forgive me for my ignorance. Thank you Sai Baba for steering me towards You and I’m planning to be better person. Jai Sai Nath Baba.
Here you can see in first picture that was Sai Baba’s leela I was able to see Him live and you can see the time on bottom that I was watching live for six hours. Then I had opened other window because I know morning darshan opens up at 4:00 am in India. You can see that in second window Sai Baba is being waken up from His nap with utthapan (Kakad) arti. First time when I witnessed leela was shocked how could live cam be still working, so I asked Sai Baba if He gives me darshan again I would share His leela with the world. I witnessed same miracle again you can see right picture that shows Baba’s darshan and I had opened other window when utthapan arti was taking place in India. Thank you Sai baba. I have turned into true Sai Baba believer. I want to witness more Sai baba’s leela. Jai Sai Nath (Click on individual pictures for larger view)
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com
Sai Sai Sai
om sai ram…sai baba ki jai
amazing …om sai ram
om sai ram