Happy New Year with Warmful Wishes from Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Prayer to Lord Sai Baba
Sai grant us this year a wider view,
So we see others’ faults through the eyes of You;
Teach us to judge not with hasty tongue,
Neither the adult … nor the young.
Give us patience and grace to endure
And a stronger faith so we feel secure;
And instead of remembering, help us forget
The irritations that caused us to fret.
Freely forgiving for some offense
And finding each day a rich recompense,
In offering a friendly, helping hand
And trying in all ways to understand,
That all of us whoever we are …
Are trying to reach an unreachable star
For the great and small …
the good and bad,
The young and old … the sad and glad,
Are asking today; Is life worth living?
And the answer is only in loving and giving;
For only Love can make man kind
And Kindness of Heart brings Peace of Mind,
And by giving love we can start this year
To lift the clouds of hate and fear.
I received a mail from Sai brother Sukant who wants to share his views as produced below:
Sairam Hetalji,
This is for all my Saibandhus all over the world. By the blessings of BABA I, wanted to share my thoughts in your blog on the value of Goodness that we all should lead, despite unfavourable circumstances covering us all around. I, was able to write only and only because of the inspiration of our beloved Sainath. Please, do share these with every one in our Sai family. May Sainath Bless every one with Peace, prosperity and happiness.
Starting this year by breaking the Rules on your “Not Possible List Chart”. To succeed its so very important to break the rules. Leave, past the Blind Man’s buff of being too judgmental. As the saying goes. The experience around us is just the mere refection of the Attitude of our minds.
Let the New Year Bring Goodness in all of us: Goodness in the form of being good to people of any kind.
Goodness in the form of giving that helping hand when someone is desperately in need of it.
Goodness in the form of removing the distinction of our status, to embrace our own fellow beings.
Goodness in the form of respect which we give others and not hoping anything in return.
Goodness in the form of modesty which will always remind us that, what we have today will not be there tomorrow.
Goodness in the form of generosity to give our best wishes to those whom we even dislike.
Goodness in the form of forgiveness, to forgive and let go those who didn’t value us for the persons we are.
Goodness in the form of loving our loved ones who had been with us all the time when we actually needed them the most.
Goodness in the form of being true to ourselves, so that we don’t feel ashamed of who we are and what we are.
Goodness in the form of being moral, so that may whatever the circumstances be, we continue to remain Rock Steady.
Goodness in the form of being honest even though we see ourselves surrounded by thieves and dishonest people.
Goodness in the form of doing our level best of what little we can do for others.
Goodness in the form of being a plodder and never never never ever give up for the dreams that we wanna achieve, how ever difficult it may be.
Having such goodness, is just absolutely free of cost in this expensive world and can be distributed and multiplied all around us, which will just result in more Goodness. While, it will be most surprising that such goodness already resides in us which can break the bowels of the inhuman which is ruling us in today’s era.
May the Goodness with in us bring a New Beginning from this Year and set the world free of its slavery to terrorism, violence, hatred, jealousy and differentiation, which has made us fall to the level of beasts. All what is so critical is to change ourselves to the path of Goodness, instead of pointing fingers on others. Change, in ourselves will bring the change in the world by itself.
Wishing you and your families a Wonderful, Peaceful, Joyous, Glorious and above all a Year Full of Goodness…..2 0 1 2…..
Om Sai Ram,
Your Humble Brother
Finally the wait is over. From days long you were finding a notification bar for announcing the release of an e-book. Today, on this New Year Night we the team of Devoteee Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba are pleased to share with our dear Sai Reader an e-book “Unleash Sai’s Blessings” for the first time on this blog. While we take the liberty not to disclose the contents of the book, we request you directly to hit the button below to download the e-book and let us know your views in the comment box below as you all do round the year.

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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram,wishing a very happy new year to entire team and thank u for providing this book for download.May Baba bless everyone with his choicest blessings.
thanks Hetal! Wishing you and the other contributors a very happy new year 2012 with Sai's blessings!-Sameera.
Dear Hetal ji and entire team,
Wishing you all a Happy prosperous New Year – 2011.
Really a very Inspirational prayer.
Happy New Year Hetalji
Om Sai Ram
Dear Hetal Ji and team
Happy New year to you and ur team. By Bless of our beloved sai baba u all do the best work in the world. May baba give more interest, energy and blessing all of u and ur family. Hope this year more devotee experince will be posted.
jai Sainath.
JAI SAIRAM Hetalji and your team,
Wonderful Experiences.
Thanks a lot for sharing your and your team experiences.
happy new year
happy and prosperous new year
om sai ram
Wish You All A Very Very Very Happy New Year with Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings
Thank You very much Hetal, Anil, Rana and All the Team For the e book and congratulations for Your Hard Work
Shirdi Sai baba be with You and Everybody
Om Sai Ram Wishing a very happy & prosperous new year to all
Dear Sai ki diwani Hetal ji,
i went through all of your experiences and believe me i had tears in my eyes from yesterday. When i was going through brother Rana gill ji's experience of meeting Sai Ram's life form and Your experience in Shirdi with brother rana ji,believe me, i was feeling that i am blessed and our baba wanted me to go through these divine experiences. I was in front of sai ma's photo(which we pray) and tears rolled out relentlessly.tears rolling out automatically and was not stopping. I forgot the whole world and it was just sai ram and me. i thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing such awesome divine experiences. today i feel so blessed reading them. Om Sai Namo Namah..Shri Sai Namo Namah…Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah…Sadguru Sai Namo Namah..
Om Sai Ram
Dear Hetal,
All the experiences of you and your team are truly magnanimous….I wish every one in your team a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2012 ….May Baba bless u with health,wealth,happiness (all worldly and spiritual) increasing the treasure of shraddha and saburi in our hearts and minds.
Jai Sai Ram !!!
Thank you so much and god bless you for all of your kind work.
yes, dear SISTER HETAL jee, May our SAINATH fill all our lives with peace of mind, happiness, loving friends, loving family people and good health, BABA JEE, may we never go diverted in our lives and relish the goodness of SAINATH JEE, please helps us achieve all this, BABA JEE,
Wonderful e-book! Thanks Hetal ji, Rana ji and Anil ji for this great work.. Have a great new year ahead and may Baba's blessings be with all of us.
Dear Hetal di
I just came to know about the e-book today itself. May be it's a bit too late, but for all good things u must wait….My fav' colour is pink too and was glad to read about the story of the pink dress and anklet(my name being Payel)too.
mujhe sarkari naukri dila do bus aur jivan me khisiyan dal do om sai ram
Sairam Hetal ji and friends….i am not able to download the book….can someone please send this book on my email id: abhikshabansal@yahoo.com
Would be really grateful…Thanking you in advance….
please someone e-mail methis bookto my e-mail address saisoorya27@gmail.com please.Heipme readthis saileela ,i will be eternally grateful to you- chiranjeevi
Om Sai Namo Namah,Sri Sai Namo namah,Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah,Sadhguru sai namo namah..
BaBa i did lots of mistakes in my life,please forgive me, as you know i prayed for last 2 months that i am very much depressed because of my girl,she was with me for last 2 years and suddenly she is avoiding me and i dont know the reason, but from her end their parents are saying some reasons for that i ask sorry to them also but still they are all not at all believing me and they are saying we are not interested on u to give my daughter. That girl also not at all speaking with me. am very much depressed.i am in fasting for 9 weeks for u to bring back my girl,because of my depression my mom also got admitted in hospital as you know everything.please for my mother sake please bring back my girl.i want to marry my nandhini soon,please baba i want you to play your miracle in my life.i have full hope on u.please help me.persons could not help me and am cornered please help me baba..am waiting for your presence and your help.Her name is Nandhni ,she is working in a MNC in chennai and she is my life so please give my nandhini back to me baba..Love u so much baba.
Sai Ram..
With Love
Ramanathan ;-(
Dear Hetalji,
Om Sai Ram,
Baba pl forgive me and pl set me and my childrens
Pls make me some pls mail me e book sprohit.tiwary2@gmail.com. Om sai ram jaijai sai ram
Ye to download hi ni ho rha plz upload it on Google drive archive. org or any other such site please
Hi. I am unable to download. Can you please help.
Baba please baba do something to get my scholarship please baba baba I need that baba please please please… Baba baba