A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences – Part 179

In today’s post, few more experiences are shared.

My Seraphic Sai Baba

Sai Sister Payel Ji from India says: Om Sai Hetal Ji, it is a great work that you are doing. May Sai Baba bless you. I am Payel from West Bengal, India. This is my first experience in this blog. Please do not disclose my e-mail id.

I am a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba since four years and have innumerable instances where I have felt His presence. I also owe my job to my Sai. I am sharing a recent experience of mine. I was going through a very tough phase and it was really hard to carry on. I prayed to Baba to give me strength to face my troubles. All of a sudden, I came across this blog and reading devotee’s experiences did boost up my confidence and faith. I also came to know about Sai Satcharitra and started reading the PDF version. It really helped me to banish my depression. I wanted a hard copy of the book. Visiting Baba’s temple also gives immense peace, but unfortunately, we don’t have a temple of Baba where I live.

I am a lecturer by profession and was to take my students for an educational tour to Hyderabad. We reached Hyderabad on 19.02.12. We planned to visit the Birla temple in Hyderabad and the visit was due on 21.02.12. Somehow, the plan got postponed and the visit happened on 23.02.12 (Thursday). I did not know that there is an idol of Baba in that temple. I am unable to express how I felt, once I saw Baba’s idol in the temple. Indeed, the best feelings are those that have no words to express them. There is a book shop in the temple and I searched for Sai Satcharitra in the shop, but I didn’t find the book. Just then, a gentleman came upto me saying that he was to visit Shirdi the next day and could send me a copy of the holy book. I was almost speechless, who else could have send him to me? Another curious thing happened while I was returning from Hyderabad at the end of our tour. I was in the train and was taking afternoon nap and suddenly I felt as if someone sent me a message in my brain that my cell phone is about to ring. It is usually hard to hear phone ringing in all the noises in the train. The very next moment, my cell did ring and it was the same gentleman calling, who had offered me to send Sai Satcharitra. He was asking for my address. I got the book within a week. I believe Baba will fulfill my wish very soon.

Om Sai


Sai Saved My Love

Sai Sister Saswati Ji from India says: I would like to share my experience with all the Sai Sisters and Brothers that I am in love with a guy since last 2 years. We both are working together in a same private company. After 1-2 months conversation, I have an intension that he wants to propose me, but that time he told me he likes me very much. But after telling some truth of his life, he will propose me. Then slowly he told me that his parents both are handicapped (deaf and dumb) and he wants to tell me the truth at first and next he proposed to me and wants to listen my answer. I was feeling really very blessed that one guy having this kind of parents. He is so good in nature, so mature in thinking, so much caring and loving. He wants to marry me, but some kind of bad circumstances and refusal from my parents; I was very depressed that time. That time, environment was like I am in the middle of the ocean (between my parent and love). I don’t know what to do. I am like a state that I want to commit suicide also. In every night, I was praying Him, crying in front of Him and want His blessings, miracles. After 1.5 years, one day suddenly my mom asked me do you want to marry that boy only. I said yes. After that everything became normal and now we are a happy couple and blessed couple. I want to marry after 1 year. I want your love and blessings. Sairam

Baba Issued My Passport

Sai Brother Jeevan Ji from India says: Hello Sai Devotees, my name is Jeevan. I am from Andhra Pradesh. I will share my experience about how Baba Naamjap and Dhyaan gave me a success.

Actually I am 22 years old. But my relationship with Baba is since 6 years. I experienced a lot of Sai Mahimas. I recently completed my B.Tech. in 2011 and I planned for my M.S. in Germany. I applied for my passport in 2010. I didn’t receive it in the entire 2011. So I wasted one year waiting for it. I waited till yesterday (i.e., 1-Mar-2012). It’s been two years almost. Yesterday night, I was very angry with Baba that why should a devotee wait for this much time, where many bad people or others are getting it very easily. So after my supper, I went into Dhyaan seeing Baba’s face and doing His Naamjap for a long time. I felt asleep doing so. And the very next day, I got my passport. Wow, I am very lucky that He is with me and He is doing things for me. Today I decided to put some coconuts into Dhuni and show my gratitude. I love Baba and He is always with me. I pray to Him and He will come to us at no time. Jai Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Om Sai Ram.

    Baba we love you a lot. Please be with us always and shower your grace on us always.

    Love you lots and thanks for everything.

    Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

  2. Om Sai Ram, Sai wants us to learn Saburi ,and then with His blessings we get material and spiritual happiness.With his grace alone can we have faith in Him.

    May Sai Bless All of us

  3. Sincere prayers will always be answered is proved in all three experiences. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Thank you all for sharing such a wonderful experiences.

    Payel ji.. U are so lucky Baba himself sent Sai Satcharitra to you from shirdi. Awesome experience.

    Saraswatiji.. Do not worry, Baba is there with you, your shraddha and saburi will fulfill your wish!

    Jeevan ji..Delay in getting your passport must be for some good reason.. U will realize it soon. God bless u and Good luck for your higher studies.

    !Om Sai Ram!

  5. Hi Saswati ji,

    u r lucky that baba listened to ur prayers.M also in love wid a guy but his parents r not accepting me bcoz i m from different religion.I m praying to baba from 6 years and still waiting for baba's ashirwaad.plz baba maine saburi se kaam liya hai par ab itni bhi dair mat lagao plz.answer my prayers baba.

  6. dear payel,

    i too stay in kolkata west bengal and am a devotee of sai.initially i too had a problem locating a sai mandir as there arent many in kolkata.however i managed to find a really beautiful sai mandir in madhyamgram.not many people however other than the locals know about it,and il be glad to help you with directions if you need them.feel free to message me if you want to know.my number is 9830359062..

    om sai ram

  7. Very nice experiences! Payel Ji, it is wonderful that you got a hard copy of the Sai Satcharitra book, and it must have been Baba who sent that man to give you a copy of the book as you wished for. Saswati Ji, it is due to Baba's grace that you will be able to marry that boy and Baba must have also helped to change your mother's mind. Jeevan Ji, it is wonderful that you finally got your passport. Sometimes Baba tests us by making us wait or giving us difficult situations, but we need not worry, Baba is there with us and will guide us, and we should just have faith in our dear and loving Baba that he will make everything alright. Om Sai Ram!


  9. Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower your choicest blessings on our little family and give my family a long healthy life, filled with wellness, good health, happiness, joy, laughter, ability, knowledge, love, devotion, faith, courage, strength, goodness, positivity, peace and happiness of prosperity. Baba today I invite you to come home and be with us. Its our anniversary and I request you to make a sumangali always. Please protect my husband and Baba I sincerely request you to guard him and fulfil his wishes, he works super hard and deserves all happiness. Please give me strength to fulfil his desires and sacrifice my own desires for him. You have sent him for me and I cant thank you enough. Please be there for him and keep him good at all times. Baba I ask your protection for my husband and children. Please guard them like a parent, guide, mentor and Guru. Baba please take care of elder in his work and wellness. Protect him Baba as he drives and rides. Baba please keep him in good positive attitude. Baba Please take care of younger and please show us way for his surgery. Baba guard his company and help him complete his education. I surrender to you Baba. Please do take care of the ceremony today to happen in the best possible happy way so all guests are happy and content. Atithi devo Bhava – please do come home Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏

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