Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Devotee from India says: This is an experience which seems to be common for anyone who reads it but for me it’s a life time experience as it has changed my attitude and character a lot, from unethical to ethical, from bad to good, from ignorance to maturity. I was having a problem, which many people were having – Misunderstanding the belief in God as praying to Him but not surrendering yourself to Him. I was a kind of person, who is greedy, money minded and see everything as money and quantify the relationships through money. I used to believe that temple worshipping is waste of time and we can pray God from anywhere and feel that i can use that time productively for generating money and used to scold my wife (I was recently married at that time) and insulted her that every time she asks me to come to temple.
With my greediness, i got associated with a person, who is also like me and perhaps more greedy than me and a rich kid born with silver spoon in his mouth. We both started a business on a partnership basis, where he invested money and i invested my skill, time and efforts and need to run the business. The profits are to be shared on an equal basis and i will not be having any salary for working. I have put my efforts day and night and the business flourished and money started to flow in and the reputation was great. I did not maintain the accounts of the business and it was maintained by his wife and she has opened two accounts in the name of business – One having single signing authority of my partner and the other one having joint signing authority by myself and my partner. Majority of the collections from the business were deposited in the account having single signing authority and a meagre amount is in the joint account. Every time, when i ask my partner that i need to withdraw money, he will say that funds are insufficient and we have cash flow crunch but used to transfer 30,000 to 40,000 per month to my savings account and that used to fulfil my needs as my wife was also working.
One fine day, my wife became pregnant and doctor advised her to take care as she is weak and i asked her to quit her job and take proper care and it went well and she has quit her job and after a month, that 30,000 was not sufficient and i asked my partner to transfer 60,000 per month for which he said that is impossible and there are no funds. I discussed with my wife and started computing the collections and expenses vaguely and came to know that something fishy was happening and i started asking him for the reasons and he stated some silly reason and he started taking multiple contracts using this business and sidelined me in everything where he and his wife used to do the operations for other business. I realised my mistake of association with a bad person and searched for an employment and got an employment in good company and said him that i will be leaving. He could not digest that and said that he invested 50,00,000 in the business and asked me to repay the same and go out of business but literally he would have invested 10,00,000 and the business has generated 10 times more than that. I said to him that i need not pay anything and left for the new employment.
He filed a Sec. 420 compliant against me stating that i have cheated him for 50,00,000 and bribed the police nicely and he has good influence on the political side too and the police tortured me a lot and myself and my pregnant wife was very much disturbed. Police used to call me everyday for enquiry and make me sit in the station for full day and this affected my employment too but i borrowed some reasons stating health issues, from the office. The police was so adamant and arrogant, and never used to listen to me and my partner used to threaten me to pay that 50,00,000 or leave the city and he purchased my advocate too and my advocate did not turn up as and when i need him. I was completely blank and decided to leave the city and go to some place and start a new life again from the square 1 and at that moment, all my greediness, attitude and arrogance flashed before me and felt pity on me and surrendered to Baba (My wife is a staunch devotee of Baba) and said sorry to Him for everything what i did and realised my mistakes and took a firm decision to change the way i look at people and things and surrendered myself completely before Him.
Miracle has started, one of my wife’s uncle’s friend referred an advocate who is a devotee of Baba and is a very good knowledgeable high court advocate. Even he was tried for purchase by my partner and offered him 50,000 but he simply rejected the offer and fought a lot for me with the police and made the case so simple and just with a signature of mine in partnership termination agreement, the issue got settled and he took just 15,000 to deal with this and in this also 10,000 was given to police. Who saved me? Whether Baba sent that advocate? Is it my wife’s sincere prayers? Is it my realisation? Is it some force which is beyond imagination? I don’t know the answer but i know one thing that when you start surrendering your ego self to Him, He will take care of you. Now i am very happy with 2 kids – one boy and one girl and now i started taking care of my parents and spend time with my wife and my career is also good and in that company i rose to a good position with decent pay and thanks a ton to my father Sai Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: My introduction to this blog is that Baba has chosen me as His devotee because i am no one to chant His Name or see Him in any form without His wish. I am 26 years old student studying in Delhi. I have been knowing Baba since November 2015, before that i have no clue about Him except His name, i didn’t even know that whether He is dead or alive or Him as God. Om Sai Ram, this moment is really a blessing of Sai because i always tell Sai that Baba i also want to share my experience about You but i don’t know what are the technicalities involved in this blog as i am bad in technically terms. Since last six months i have been willing to share something on this blog but i always thought i can never do it because i don’t know how to submit experiences. Now i understand that those who are following this blog and those who are involved in continuation of this blog are always in Baba’s mind even if we feel that Baba is not listening us, but believe me without Baba’s wish we can’t follow this blog and nobody can read even a single line of this blog and nobody can submit experience without Baba’s wish.
I opened this page and suddenly coming in my mind to write something about my love, my Guru on Guru Purnima as it is itself a huge blessing of Baba on me, on all devotees who will read this and members involved in this services. May Baba bless Hetal ji a lot and fulfils all her wishes. This is my first post. Even i have typed my two miracle stories before but i have to delete it each time because i am writing here since 11:30 in the morning to 5 in the evening. I am typing various miracles that i have felt and then deleting them again and again. Because somewhere i am feeling that instead of writing miracles Baba wants me to first write some boost messages for those who are aggrieved by some pain in life or who are waiting for Baba’s miracle to take place instantly. I am feeling as if Baba wanted me to write for that devotee who is waiting for Baba to show His presence and Baba is giving me this opportunity to write His message on behalf of Him.
Devotees please don’t lose your patience and please believe that Baba is really there to help you. Just have some patience and understand that if something is not happening as per your wish doesn’t mean Baba doesn’t listen to you but He will gift you your desire at the perfect time. We just have to wait till He plans for us but that doesn’t mean that He is not working. I myself have gone through so much pain and there comes a point where you have no option in life, where you hate your life, where you are blank, where you believe there is no Hod, noting is working but please believe that Baba may test you till your last breadth but before even thing turns black He stands with hope, a better plan for you. He will made you helpless but the another moment if you call Him with full love, He will come up with double hope in life. I understood that when you are very near to your blessings by Baba you will loose yourself, your patience, your faith, your Guru and before everything ends completely Baba shows His presence.
After every night and darkness there comes a bright day. He just expects us to be a honest lover of Him because He is working on your problem but if you will lose your faith in the middle if you will not believe Him then why will He work if His child has no faith in Him. He just wants patience till your perfect time comes. He just wants Shradda and Saburi in return. I can’t explain depression and pain that i faced but now i understood that may be Baba wanted to drag me to Him so i had to go through all unpredictable happening of life. We are no one to give our hands in Deva’s hand, He has taken our hands in His hand, then why fear when He has chosen us. He will surely fulfil our wish. We just have to be honest in our work, good in our thinking and behaviour and if can’t help other let’s not insult others and leave everything on Him. He will manage everything. But please remember Baba may give you late but He will definitely give you what you desire.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai children. I am 28 year girl. I am working as software engineer in IT sector Bangalore. This is my first Post in this blog. First of all i would like to thank Hetal ji and team for this wonderful site where all Sai children can share there experience and get more and more faith on my Sai Maa. I had many experience in my day to day life. I am going to pen down few important experience here by my Sai Maa blessings.
Baba came to my life in 2015, till that I know Baba and was visiting Baba as like other God’s. I was suffering from personal problem, that time Baba came to my life. Still i am facing that problem hoping that Baba will defiantly help me to solve that problem and lead happy life as I wish and full fill all my desires. My younger sister was searching job after completing her BE graduation. One year she struggled and decided to join any company whether it’s big or small. That time she started Nav Guruvar Vrat. She completed 3rd week Vrat and she got call from one company (MNC), she attended with Baba blessings. Interview went well and next Thursday (4Th Vrat) she got a call that she cleared the interview. On 5th Vrat Thursday, she got offer letter. More to this Baba gave her joining date on Thursday only. It’s all my Sai Maa blessings. Baba is there with her in each and every steps in her life. She is happily working in that (MNC) with Sai Maa blessings.
I was working in one Start-up company that company got closed suddenly without any job security. I was at home more than 3 months without job in hands. I attended many interviews but did not clear 1st round itself. I thought i am lost i can’t get any job now. Then started Sai Satcharitra Parayan and completed in 7 days and was praying Sai Maa continuously to give me one good job. One day got a call from consultancy person, he told me to attend one interview, I just neglected first time. Again he called me and told don’t miss this opportunity. I went to that office without any preparation and no hopes that I will clear that interview. When I entered to that Office I saw big Sai Maa Frame in blessing position. I was so happy by seeing that Photo. Then i came to know Sai Baba only called me here to give me a job. I don’t know How I cleared all rounds (more than 3 rounds) in interview, without my knowledge Baba only answered all questions and gave me this job. My Baba only called me to attend this interview, thank You Sai Maa, love You so much.
Still many more experience are there to share. Baba is blessing me and my family. Please Baba full fill my one big issue which I am suffering from more than 2.5 years. You know that how i am suffering please You should help me and resolve that. Please Baba bless all Your devotees and full fill every ones wishes, give every one good health. Please Baba hold Your children hands and make them to walk in write path and give them good and happy life. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raj Parabrahma Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram. I am a Sai Baba devotee from India. First of all I want to thank Hetal ji from the core of my heart for providing us such a platform where the Sai devotees can share their experiences and read other’s experiences and feel good and optimistic who are seeking for Baba’s blessings. I heard many stories about Baba when I was very young from my aunt who used to live in Bhusawal, Maharashtra. I started feeling very good and nice about Shree Sai Baba, When I was in my teens my hands used to join automatically in front of Baba’s Picture and I used to look for His Pictures everywhere. The day i could see Baba’s Picture it used to be a very good day for me. Gradually and eventually Baba became an integral part of my life. I feel I am Baba’s blessed child I am lucky that Baba is there in my life. Baba has always showed His presence and love to me. I am thankful for that. I have felt Baba’s blessings many times, I am sharing an experience here.
My elder son wanted to do his masters from US, by the grace of Lord Sai he got admission in a well known university of US. After completing his course he started applying for jobs in different companies. He got interview calls and appeared for the same, but somehow he did not get any job offer. Almost all his friends got settled one after one, but my son was still waiting for a call. This made me worried and scared. I started Nava Guruvar Vrat and prayed to Baba for his job. Months passed but nothing happened. But I knew Baba will definitely hear my prayers and do something very good for my son. I kept on telling my son to have faith and patience on Baba and keep applying, his time will come. I continued my Vrat.
Then after few months on one Thursday my son called me and said that he had a telephonic interview and it went very well. The interviewer has given some very positive hints, hearing this we all were very happy and pleased but some where we were little apprehensive as we were now waiting for the written call letter. I had full faith on my Sai Maa. I kept on praying and requesting Baba to help my son. Next Thursday my son messaged that he has got the call letter from the company. We all thanked Baba for blessing my son with a job. Baba is great and kind, My Baba loves His devotees, He never leaves His devotee’s prayers unheard. Baba thank You so much for being there with me and my family. Thank You so much for Your love and blessings. I want to tell all the devotees that always have faith and patience Baba is there He will surely help all His devotees. Om Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram. Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Brother Prateek from India says: Om Sai Ram, Firstly, I wanted to thank Hetal ji and everyone who are working directly or indirectly in maintaining this blog. Sai Baba blesses you all. This is my 3rd experience – the other 2 experiences were published on 13th April, 2017 and on 11th July, 2015. I am penning down this experience on the auspicious day of Guru Purnima. I wanted to thank Sai Baba for His blessings on my younger brother. Thank You Sai Baba for allowing my brother to pursue MBA course and giving admission to my brother in MBA college, You only know how difficult it was. His college is commencing from 11th July, 2017. Please help him and guide him. Baba, please shower Your blessings on everyone, forgive our mistakes and please guide us to follow Your footprints. We are Your kids. Also, help us to follow Shraddha and Saburi principals. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Brother Aman from India says: I am a ardent devotee of our beloved Shirdi Sai Baba. I am from Kharagpur but working as professional in Haryana. I have promised Sai Baba that i will post my experience as soon as possible. As i am a professional so i have lots of pressure for achieving target in the month of March. So our project were pending from long time as papers are not totally correct. But due to compulsion, i have to dispose off both those project. I have no other option. Moreover there was pressure from my manager for that. Finally due to pressure, i dispose off those project but i had fear in my mind that auditor will surely point out my mistake. So i prayed to Sai Baba that please our auditing should go smoothly and by the grace of my Guru, auditor could not find the mistake and i am really thankful and place myself at the Lotus Feet of my Guru. Om Sri Sai Ram Ji.
Prayers for Today: Baba Will Definitely Get My Love Back To Me – Anonymous Sai Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Love You O Deva 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram_/_
om sai ram baba please help me nd all ur devotees
Om Sai Ram.. I Love you so much baba.. thank you so much baba.. is the site where u can write "sairam" online.. Please visit through this sai ram
Om Sai ram to all!
To all the Sai devotes. Make Sai happy by doing five day pooja. This is a simply and powerful pooja that every one can do to fullfill your wishes. Please follow the procedure as below:
1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
5. Offer one fruit to baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting sai sai sai or any other mantra that you like..
7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of Baba for his blessings.
8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people.
Thank you!
Om Jai Sai ram blessings!
i have completed my 5 days pooja and i request you to please post it as i have not much people to tell and its best platform to tell
thank you
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
SAI RAM. Thank you so much 2nd devotee,I felt as if BABA was talking to me when I read your experience,only y'day I asked BABA please talk to me I have no one to help me as I too have been praying to BABA for a certain issue for past so many yrs & age is also creeping up. My anxiety & depression is killing me & now reading your exp;; gave me a little hope,BABA please give us your blessing. JAI SAIRAM.
@2nd devotee: excellent and clear explanation about our baba deeds . Well explained
My dear Husband,
Wishing you a wonderful happy birthday..
Babas blessing to us and to Amma & Appa..
Congrats for your career growth/promotion..
Wishing Success to you always..
Love you Rajan.. loving you ever..
Om Sai Ram
Plz help me I should be already pregnant by now please give me positive pregnancy test within 2 days plz plz plz plz help me baba sainatha