In today’s post, Sai’s Daughter has shared few of her experiences with Lord Sai Baba.
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Jai Sai Ganesha.
Om Sai Ram Hetal Ji. Many thanks for the wonderful service you are rendering in the form of this blog. It gives us all so much of positive hope and increases our faith manifold in our Gurudeva. Here are a few of my recent experiences. Request you to please publish them. Please mention me as ‘Sai’s Daughter’ and keep my email id and name anonymous. Thank you so much.

I had undergone root canal treatment a few months back and had spent a good amount of money on it. Everything was fine and the tooth pain was completely gone and I was comfortable. My dentist is also a Baba devotee and it was by Baba’s grace that treatment was pain free and successful and the expense was also with in my budget. Then lately I felt like there was a small gap in between the treated tooth and the adjacent one and I was worried if it would cause any issues and if I would need some further treatment , which would call for some more expenses and painful procedures. I prayed Baba that it should not be anything major. And by Baba’s grace the dentist on examination said that the gap is expected, which they leave after every root canal treatment and I can just keep it clean by regular brushing and by using floss. I was so relieved. Baba saved me from painful treatment and extra expenses. The dentist has also suggested some general tooth treatment for another two teeth, which he says may develop cavities in future. I feel Baba is warning me and wants me to get it treated well ahead of time to avoid more pain and cost. I would get it done soon.
My Fiancé was facing some difficulties at his workplace and it was making him feel sad and restless. Some weird issues were coming in between and he was not able to complete his work in a proper manner in time and his performance was getting affected. He believes in God, but he is not Baba’s devotee. So all this while, I was praying Baba to help him to get all the issues resolved soon. In the meantime he told me that his seat number ended in 13 and that made him feel bad thinking it was not a good place to be seated in. After this, within some days his cubicle got changed and he told me his new seat number. When we added the digits the sum was 9. I was thrilled as 9 is Baba’s favourite number. And to our delight all his pending issues got resolved as soon as he moved into his new seat and by Baba’s grace things are going on well at his work place. I just pray Baba to make my fiancé His Devotee. So that he too comes to know about Baba’s grace and His boundless love and mercy. I am planning to get a Baba’s calendar for my fiancé for him to keep at his seat in his office. I pray to Baba to help me get one of His calendars soon.
My Mother works as a central government employee and recently she found out about some salary discrepancy in her office where a very junior employee was getting a much higher pay. She decided to take it up with her senior officers and asked Baba’s permission to go ahead. Baba too said yes and so we wrote a few applications and submitted them with the higher officials. Quite a few times the applications were rejected saying nothing could be done. But though we were getting disheartened, still we knew that Baba will get us justice and He only knew the right time to do so. And my Mother kept pursuing the matter in her office. It so happened that one Sunday I was participating in the ‘Hundi Money’ (Treasury) counting activity in Sai Baba’s temple here near my house. That was the first time I was able to take part in the counting activity and I was doing it with great enthusiasm and I was thanking Baba for having blessed me with the opportunity to take part in the activity. I was singing His Bhajans and doing the counting and other Devotees were also joining in the singing. And within an hour, my Mother messaged me saying her salary discrepancy issue got resolved in her office and her salary got hiked and all the arrears would be paid. I was ecstatic and was overwhelmed with joy. I called up my Mom and we thanked Baba immensely. Actually the issue had got resolved late in the week itself, but my Mom was waiting to tell me after she got the revised salary. But it was Baba’s Leela and inspiration that made my Mom to change her mind and convey me the good news about her salary revision when I was doing Baba’s money counting in the temple. How wonderfully well Baba times everything. We were spellbound with this marvelous Leela of Baba and we cannot thank Him enough.
Here is another Leela of Baba in which He extended monetary help to me as He had previously indicated to me in one of the Questions that I had asked Him. I had resigned my job and was serving the notice period. As a part of my joining bonus in the company, I had received a sum of 25,000 and since I was quitting the company before 2 years, as per the rules that amount was supposed to be recovered from my last month’s salary. Now, my wedding is fixed to be in July and so there are a lot of expenses happening. Hence, I was praying Baba to prevent this money from getting deducted from my salary by doing some miracle. In the meantime, I also requested my new employer to bear this 25,000 and add it to my package as a joining bonus so that I do not have to be the one paying it back to my old employer. I made this request on a Thursday. (I usually try to do important things or start new things on a Thursday, after Baba took me into his fold). My new employer agreed to pay me 50,000 and I was happy. I was still greedy and did not want the Rs 25,000 to be deducted in my old company’s last month’s salary. However, it so happened that in the final settlement bill that I got on my last day in my old company, I saw that they had deducted Rs 25,000 from my projected salary which is yet to be credited. I was a little sad but took it to be Baba’s wish. But wonder of wonders, when I got the offer letter from my new employer, the joining bonus figure mentioned there is Rs 1,00,000 instead of Rs 50,000 as communicated orally to me earlier. I was thrilled. Baba paid me twice more than the amount I was praying Him for two time of Rs 25,000. What a miracle! Because the company HR was quite reluctant to get me any joining bonus, since I was joining them after a two month long notice period in my old company. They said they would pay me joining bonus only if I join them in one month which was not possible. Somehow they had agreed for Rs 50,000. But Baba only changed the figures to Rs 1,00,000 in the offer letter and no one mentioned it too. Thanks a lot Baba and am indebted to You. I am eagerly waiting to get the amount with my first salary here in my new company. I know it will be credited fine without any issues. I just pray to Baba to help me here, so that I can perform really well and deliver above my manager’s expectations. I need your Blessings Baba. I have shared about Baba’s Leela on how He helped me to find my new job, which is a dream come true for me, and that got published on the same day as I joined my company. That was so wonderful and I was touched by Baba’s thoughtfulness and love. The experience posted on Monday, 21.5.2012 ‘Baba gave me my dream job‘ (the last one on that day’s blog) is mine. I actually joined my new job on Monday and my experience regarding Baba’s gift of my new job was posted exactly on the same day. What a miracle! I was supposed to join on Thursday, 17.5.2012, but it got postponed to Monday. I wondered why, but now I know. All is Baba’s plan. And since I was free on the Thursday (i.e 17th May 2012), I could do the milk boiling ceremony on our new house that my fiancé has taken, where we will be staying after our marriage, which is on the 9th of July. I was glad that we could do the milk boiling on a Thursday. How wonderfully Baba plans everything. He knows the right time for everything and all we need to have is strong faith and lots of patience. I know you are always there with all of us.
Finally I would like to thank Hetal Ji. You are doing wonderful service Hetal Ji and Baba will bless you and your family immensely. I would like to thank Baba for all His kind love and mercy He has been showering on us. Our life is incomplete without Him. Baba, please bless us to be always on the right path in life and make us do good deeds, so as to deserve Your grace. We love You a lot and we surrender at Your lotus feet. May Baba bless us all always.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Pls baba help ne find the job it's been 3 years looking for it I. I don't know when is going to fulfill my dream. I still believe baba and reading sai satcharitra everyday and doing 9 vhrat he is been with me forever I know there is some reson for this long so pls everybody pray for me om sai namah
While we are in bhakti mode, tension associated with responsibility subsides.Neuro-chemical benefits of relaxation are achieved and mental performance improves.
Shraddha is basic source of all blessings.
Have Shraddha(Bhakti)in Sai…
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Baba plans everything accordingly and just at the right time..bowing to the feet of the greatest saint ever..
Jai Sai Ram,
Sister Baba always keeps his word and fulfills what ever little we ask him. Some times, he gives us more than we ask for.
Great Experience and Great Faith on Baba.
Please continue and Baba will always walk with you.
Allah Mallik.
Servant of Baba.
Om Sai Ram
Nice experience. May baba shower his everlasting love and blessings on all his devotees.
Dear Sai sister you are so fortunate as getting Baba's blessings every time & everywhere.
Om Sai Ram.
such a nice experience. baba bless us always.
jai sai ram!
om sai naathaye namah
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Nice experience Sai Sisterji, Thanks for sharing it.. Wish you a happy married life
Om sai ram, baba plzzzzzz meri bhi vinati suniye baba……………..koi chamatkar kijiye baba…..hetalji aap kehti haina ki baba sabko sunte hai to plzzzzzz baba ko boliye na meri bhi sunege….plzzzzzzzzzzzz….om sai ram,om sai ram,om sairam,om sai ram
Sai leelas amazing baba never leave us alone
Very nice experiences! Baba chooses the right time for everything in our lives to happen (like how he made sure your Mom got her salary increase at the correct time and also how Baba changed your start date so you could perform the milk pooja). Baba will call your fiance at the right time. It is nice how Baba also arranged for some extra money for you when your expenses were getting more. Baba plans everything so nicely for us, we should just have Faith and Patience and Baba's plan for us will be wonderful. Om Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram.
Thanks to all for their best wishes.. am sure Baba will make my husband his devotee soon. I know i have to hold on with a little more patience and my Baba will show his wonderful Leela. I know he is working in the background, i trust you Deva and solely depend on you. Please help me tide through these testing times. Love you a lot.
Thank you Baba for all your grace. You are our dearest. Lots of love to you .
Please bless all your children.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Jai SAi Ram
Thanks for sharing experience dear. Please baba give us shradha and saburi so that we can wait for the right time to happen for right things. We all love you baba, please forgive us if we do or think anything wrong in our everyday life. Please baba be with us. We are nothing without you. We all love u and need u.
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Thank you sai baba for returning my husband back to me. Please help my husband mentally and physically as well. Thank you without you Sai Baba I'm nothing. Stay and bless my husband and I with happy and healthy marriage. OM SAI RAM! OM SAI RAM! OM SAI RAM! OM SAI RAM! OM SAI RAM! OM SAI RAM! OM SAI RAM! OM SAI RAM! OM SAI RAM!!! Help all your devotee with happy and healthy life. Love you Baba